import galsim import os, sys import numpy as np import astropy.constants as cons from astropy.table import Table from scipy import interpolate from ObservationSim.MockObject._util import integrate_sed_bandpass, getNormFactorForSpecWithABMAG, getObservedSED, getABMAG, tag_sed from ObservationSim.MockObject.MockObject import MockObject class Star(MockObject): def __init__(self, param): super().__init__(param) def unload_SED(self): """(Test) free up SED memory """ del self.sed # def load_SED(self, survey_type, normFilter=None, target_filt=None, sed_lib=None, sed_path=None): # if survey_type == "photometric": # norm_thr_rang_ids = normFilter['SENSITIVITY'] > 0.001 # # spec_lambda =, path=f"/SED/wave_{self.model_tag}") # # spec_flux =, path=f"/SED/{self.sed_type}") # # wave, flux = spec_lambda['col0'].data, spec_flux['col0'].data # _, wave, flux = tag_sed( # h5file=sed_lib, # model_tag=self.param['model_tag'], # teff=self.param['teff'], # logg=self.param['logg'], # feh=self.param['feh']) # flux_photon = flux * (wave / (cons.h.value * cons.c.value)) * 1e-13 # sed_photon = Table(np.array([wave, flux_photon]).T, names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX')) # # Get scaling factor for SED # sedNormFactor = getNormFactorForSpecWithABMAG(ABMag=self.param['mag_use_normal'], # spectrum=sed_photon, # norm_thr=normFilter, # sWave=np.floor(normFilter[norm_thr_rang_ids][0][0]), # eWave=np.ceil(normFilter[norm_thr_rang_ids][-1][0])) # sed_photon = np.array([sed_photon['WAVELENGTH'], sed_photon['FLUX']*sedNormFactor]).T # # Convert to galsim.SED object # spec = galsim.LookupTable(x=np.array(sed_photon[:, 0]), f=np.array(sed_photon[:, 1]), interpolant='nearest') # self.sed = galsim.SED(spec, wave_type='A', flux_type='1', fast=False) # # Get magnitude # interFlux = integrate_sed_bandpass(sed=self.sed, bandpass=target_filt.bandpass_full) # self.param['mag_%s'%target_filt.filter_type] = getABMAG( # interFlux=interFlux, # bandpass=target_filt.bandpass_full) # # print('mag_use_normal = ', self.param['mag_use_normal']) # # print('mag_%s = '%target_filt.filter_type, self.param['mag_%s'%target_filt.filter_type]) # elif survey_type == "spectroscopic": # # self.sedPhotons(sed_path=sed_path) # self.sedPhotons(sed_lib=sed_lib) # def sedPhotons(self, sed_path=None, sed_lib=None): # # spec_lambda =, path=f"/SED/wave_{self.model_tag}") # # spec_flux =, path=f"/SED/{self.sed_type}") # _, w_orig, f_orig = tag_sed( # h5file=sed_lib, # model_tag=self.param['model_tag'], # teff=self.param['teff'], # logg=self.param['logg'], # feh=self.param['feh']) # # spec_data = {} # # f_orig = spec_flux["col0"].data # # w_orig = spec_lambda["col0"].data # speci = interpolate.interp1d(w_orig, f_orig) # lamb = np.arange(2500, 10001 + 0.5, 0.5) # y = speci(lamb) # # erg/s/cm2/A --> photo/s/m2/A # all_sed = y * lamb / (cons.h.value * cons.c.value) * 1e-13 # self.sed = Table(np.array([lamb, all_sed]).T, names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX')) def getGSObj(self, psf, g1=0, g2=0, flux=None, filt=None, tel=None, exptime=150.): if flux == None: flux = self.getElectronFluxFilt(filt, tel, exptime) # star = galsim.Gaussian(sigma=1.e-8, flux=1.) star = galsim.DeltaFunction() star = star.withFlux(flux) final = galsim.Convolve(psf, star) return final def getGSObj_multiband(self, tel, psf_list, bandpass_list, filt, nphotons_tot=None, g1=0, g2=0, exptime=150.): if len(psf_list) != len(bandpass_list): raise ValueError("!!!The number of PSF profiles and the number of bandpasses must be equal.") objs = [] if nphotons_tot == None: nphotons_tot = self.getElectronFluxFilt(filt, tel, exptime) try: full = integrate_sed_bandpass(sed=self.sed, bandpass=filt.bandpass_full) except Exception as e: print(e) return -1 for i in range(len(bandpass_list)): bandpass = bandpass_list[i] try: sub = integrate_sed_bandpass(sed=self.sed, bandpass=bandpass) except Exception as e: print(e) return -1 ratio = sub/full if not (ratio == -1 or (ratio != ratio)): nphotons = ratio * nphotons_tot else: return -1 star = galsim.DeltaFunction() star = star.withFlux(nphotons) star = galsim.Convolve(psf, star) objs.append(star) final = galsim.Sum(objs) return final