import sys from itertools import islice import numpy as np #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import #from import loadmat #import xlrd from scipy import ndimage #from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline import scipy.spatial as spatial #from astropy.modeling.models import Ellipse2D #from astropy.coordinates import Angle #import matplotlib.patches as mpatches import ctypes #import galsim ###定义PSF像素的全局坐标### def psfPixelLayout(nrows, ncols, cenPosRow, cenPosCol, pixSizeInMicrons=5.0): """ convert psf pixels to physical position Parameters: nrows, ncols (int, int): psf sampling with [nrows, ncols]. cenPosRow, cenPosCol (float, float): A physical position of the chief ray for a given psf. pixSizeInMicrons (float-optional): The pixel size in microns from the psf sampling. Returns: psfPixelPos (numpy.array-float): [posx, posy] in mm for [irow, icol] Notes: 1. show positions on ccd, but not position on image only [+/- dy] """ psfPixelPos = np.zeros([2, nrows, ncols]) if nrows % 2 != 0: sys.exit() if ncols % 2 != 0: sys.exit() cenPix_row = nrows/2 + 1 #中心主光线对应pixle [由长光定义] cenPix_col = ncols/2 + 1 for irow in range(nrows): for icol in range(ncols): delta_row = ((irow + 1) - cenPix_row)*pixSizeInMicrons*1e-3 delta_col = ((icol + 1) - cenPix_col)*pixSizeInMicrons*1e-3 psfPixelPos[0, irow, icol] = cenPosCol + delta_col psfPixelPos[1, irow, icol] = cenPosRow - delta_row #note-1:in CCD全局坐标 return psfPixelPos ###查找最大pixel位置### def findMaxPix(img): """ get the pixel position of the maximum-value Parameters: img (numpy.array-float): image Returns: imgMaxPix_x, imgMaxPix_y (int, int): pixel position in columns & rows """ maxIndx = np.argmax(img) maxIndx = np.unravel_index(maxIndx, np.array(img).shape) imgMaxPix_x = maxIndx[1] imgMaxPix_y = maxIndx[0] return imgMaxPix_x, imgMaxPix_y ###查找neighbors位置### def findNeighbors(tx, ty, px, py, dr=0.1, dn=1, OnlyDistance=True): """ find nearest neighbors by 2D-KDTree Parameters: tx, ty (float, float): a given position px, py (numpy.array, numpy.array): position data for tree dr (float-optional): distance dn (int-optional): nearest-N OnlyDistance (bool-optional): only use distance to find neighbors. Default: True Returns: dataq (numpy.array): index """ datax = px datay = py tree = spatial.KDTree(list(zip(datax.ravel(), datay.ravel()))) dataq=[] rr = dr if OnlyDistance == True: dataq = tree.query_ball_point([tx, ty], rr) if OnlyDistance == False: while len(dataq) < dn: dataq = tree.query_ball_point([tx, ty], rr) rr += dr dd = np.hypot(datax[dataq]-tx, datay[dataq]-ty) ddSortindx = np.argsort(dd) dataq = np.array(dataq)[ddSortindx[0:dn]] return dataq ###查找neighbors位置-hoclist### def hocBuild(partx, party, nhocx, nhocy, dhocx, dhocy): if np.max(partx) > nhocx*dhocx: print('ERROR') sys.exit() if np.max(party) > nhocy*dhocy: print('ERROR') sys.exit() npart = partx.size hoclist= np.zeros(npart, dtype=np.int32)-1 hoc = np.zeros([nhocy, nhocx], dtype=np.int32)-1 for ipart in range(npart): ix = int(partx[ipart]/dhocx) iy = int(party[ipart]/dhocy) hoclist[ipart] = hoc[iy, ix] hoc[iy, ix] = ipart return hoc, hoclist def hocFind(px, py, dhocx, dhocy, hoc, hoclist): ix = int(px/dhocx) iy = int(py/dhocy) neigh=[] it = hoc[iy, ix] while it != -1: neigh.append(it) it = hoclist[it] return neigh def findNeighbors_hoclist(px, py, tx=None,ty=None, dn=4, hoc=None, hoclist=None): nhocy = nhocx = 20 pxMin = np.min(px) pxMax = np.max(px) pyMin = np.min(py) pyMax = np.max(py) dhocx = (pxMax - pxMin)/(nhocx-1) dhocy = (pyMax - pyMin)/(nhocy-1) partx = px - pxMin +dhocx/2 party = py - pyMin +dhocy/2 if hoc is None: hoc, hoclist = hocBuild(partx, party, nhocx, nhocy, dhocx, dhocy) return hoc, hoclist if hoc is not None: tx = tx - pxMin +dhocx/2 ty = ty - pyMin +dhocy/2 itx = int(tx/dhocx) ity = int(ty/dhocy) ps = [-1, 0, 1] neigh=[] for ii in range(3): for jj in range(3): ix = itx + ps[ii] iy = ity + ps[jj] if ix < 0: continue if iy < 0: continue if ix > nhocx-1: continue if iy > nhocy-1: continue #neightt = myUtil.hocFind(ppx, ppy, dhocx, dhocy, hoc, hoclist) it = hoc[iy, ix] while it != -1: neigh.append(it) it = hoclist[it] #neigh.append(neightt) #ll = [i for k in neigh for i in k] if dn != -1: ptx = np.array(partx[neigh]) pty = np.array(party[neigh]) dd = np.hypot(ptx-tx, pty-ty) idx = np.argsort(dd) neigh= np.array(neigh)[idx[0:dn]] return neigh ###PSF中心对齐### def psfCentering(img, apSizeInArcsec=0.5, psfSampleSizeInMicrons=5, focalLengthInMeters=28, CenteringMode=1): """ centering psf within an aperture Parameters: img (numpy.array): image apSizeInArcsec (float-optional): aperture size in arcseconds. psfSampleSizeInMicrons (float-optional): psf pixel size in microns. focalLengthInMeters (float-optional): csst focal length im meters. CenteringMode (int-optional): how to center psf images Returns: imgT (numpy.array) """ if CenteringMode == 1: imgMaxPix_x, imgMaxPix_y = findMaxPix(img) if CenteringMode == 2: y,x = ndimage.center_of_mass(img) #y-rows, x-cols imgMaxPix_x = int(x) imgMaxPix_y = int(y) apSizeInMicrons = np.deg2rad(apSizeInArcsec/3600.)*focalLengthInMeters*1e6 apSizeInPix = apSizeInMicrons/psfSampleSizeInMicrons apSizeInPix = imgT = np.zeros_like(img) ngy, ngx = img.shape cy = int(ngy/2) cx = int(ngx/2) imgT[cy-apSizeInPix:cy+apSizeInPix+1, cx-apSizeInPix:cx+apSizeInPix+1] = \ img[imgMaxPix_y-apSizeInPix:imgMaxPix_y+apSizeInPix+1, imgMaxPix_x-apSizeInPix:imgMaxPix_x+apSizeInPix+1] return imgT ###插值对齐-fft### def psfCentering_FFT(image): """ centering psf within an aperture by FFT """ ny, nx = image.shape py, px = ndimage.center_of_mass(image) dx = (px - nx/2) dy = (py - ny/2) k=np.zeros((nx,ny,2),dtype=float) fg=np.fft.fft2(image) ge =np.zeros_like(fg) inx = int(nx/2) jny = int(ny/2) #prepare for the phase multiply matrix #left bottom for i in range(inx+1): for j in range(jny+1): k[i][j][0]=i; k[i][j][1]=j; #top right for i in range(inx-1): for j in range(jny-1): k[i+inx+1][j+jny+1][0]=(-(nx/2-1)+i) k[i+inx+1][j+jny+1][1]=(-(ny/2-1)+j) #bottom right for i in range(inx+1): for j in range(jny-1): k[i][j+jny+1][0]=i k[i][j+jny+1][1]=(-(ny/2-1)+j) #top left for i in range(inx-1): for j in range(int(jny+1)): k[i+inx+1][j][0]=(-(nx/2-1)+i) k[i+inx+1][j][1]=j for i in range(nx): for j in range(ny): ge[i][j]=fg[i][j]*np.exp(2.*np.pi*(dx*k[i][j][0]/nx+dy*k[i][j][1]/ny)*1j) get=np.fft.ifft2(ge).real return(get) ###图像叠加### def psfStack(*psfMat): """ stacked image from the different psfs Parameters: *psfMat (numpy.array): the different psfs for stacking Returns: img (numpy.array): image """ nn = len(psfMat) img = np.zeros_like(psfMat[0]) for ii in range(nn): img += psfMat[ii]/np.sum(psfMat[ii]) img /= np.sum(img) return img ###计算PSF椭率-接口### def psfSizeCalculator(psfMat, psfSampleSize=5, CalcPSFcenter=True, SigRange=True, TailorScheme=2): """ calculate psf size & ellipticity Parameters: psfMat (numpy.array): image psfSampleSize (float-optional): psf size in microns. CalcPSFcenter (bool-optional): whether calculate psf center. Default: True SigRange (bool-optional): whether use psf tailor. Default: False TailorScheme (int-optional): which method for psf tailor. Default: 1 Returns: cenX, cenY (float, float): the pixel position of the mass center sz (float): psf size e1, e2 (float, float): psf ellipticity REE80 (float): radius of REE80 in arcseconds """ psfSampleSize = psfSampleSize*1e-3 #mm REE80 = -1.0 ##encircling 80% energy if SigRange is True: if TailorScheme == 1: psfMat = imSigRange(psfMat, fraction=0.80) psfInfo['psfMat'] = psfMat #set on/off if TailorScheme == 2: #img = psfTailor(psfMat, apSizeInArcsec=0.5) imgX, REE80 = psfEncircle(psfMat) #psfMat = img REE80 = REE80[0] if CalcPSFcenter is True: img = psfMat/np.sum(psfMat) y,x = ndimage.center_of_mass(img) #y-rows, x-cols cenX = x cenY = y if CalcPSFcenter is False: cenPix_X = psfMat.shape[1]/2 #90 cenPix_Y = psfMat.shape[0]/2 #90 cenX = cenPix_X + psfInfo['centroid_x']/psfSampleSize cenY = cenPix_Y - psfInfo['centroid_y']/psfSampleSize pixSize = 1 sz, e1, e2 = psfSecondMoments(psfMat, cenX, cenY, pixSize=pixSize) return cenX, cenY, sz, e1, e2, REE80 ###计算PSF椭率### def psfSecondMoments(psfMat, cenX, cenY, pixSize=1): """ estimate the psf ellipticity by the second moment of surface brightness Parameters: psfMat (numpy.array-float): image cenX, cenY (float, float): pixel position of the psf center pixSize (float-optional): pixel size Returns: sz (float): psf size e1, e2 (float, float): psf ellipticity """ apr = 0.5 #arcsec, 0.5角秒内测量 fl = 28. #meters pxs = 5.0 #microns apr = np.deg2rad(apr/3600.)*fl*1e6 apr = apr/pxs apr = I = psfMat ncol = I.shape[1] nrow = I.shape[0] w = 0.0 w11 = 0.0 w12 = 0.0 w22 = 0.0 for icol in range(ncol): for jrow in range(nrow): x = icol*pixSize - cenX y = jrow*pixSize - cenY rr = np.sqrt(x*x + y*y) wgt= 0.0 if rr <= apr: wgt = 1.0 w += I[jrow, icol]*wgt w11 += x*x*I[jrow, icol]*wgt w12 += x*y*I[jrow, icol]*wgt w22 += y*y*I[jrow, icol]*wgt w11 /= w w12 /= w w22 /= w sz = w11 + w22 e1 = (w11 - w22)/sz e2 = 2.0*w12/sz return sz, e1, e2 ###计算REE80### def psfEncircle(img, fraction=0.8, psfSampleSizeInMicrons=5, focalLengthInMeters=28): """ psf tailor within a given percentage. Parameters: img (numpy.array-float): image fraction (float-optional): a percentage for psf tailor. psfSampleSizeInMicrons (float-optional): psf pixel size in microns. focalLengthInMeters (float-optional): csst focal length im meters. Returns: img*wgt (numpy.array-float): image REE80 (float): radius of REE80 in arcseconds. """ #imgMaxPix_x, imgMaxPix_y = findMaxPix(img) y,x = ndimage.center_of_mass(img) #y-rows, x-cols imgMaxPix_x = int(x) imgMaxPix_y = int(y) im1 = img.copy() im1size = im1.shape dis = np.zeros_like(img) for irow in range(im1size[0]): for icol in range(im1size[1]): dx = icol - imgMaxPix_x dy = irow - imgMaxPix_y dis[irow, icol] = np.hypot(dx, dy) nn = im1size[1]*im1size[0] disX = dis.reshape(nn) disXsortId = np.argsort(disX) imgX = img.reshape(nn) imgY = imgX[disXsortId] psfFrac = np.cumsum(imgY)/np.sum(imgY) ind = np.where(psfFrac > fraction)[0][0] wgt = np.ones_like(dis) wgt[np.where(dis > dis[np.where(img == imgY[ind])])] = 0 REE80 = np.rad2deg(dis[np.where(img == imgY[ind])]*psfSampleSizeInMicrons*1e-6/focalLengthInMeters)*3600 return img*wgt, REE80 ###图像能量百分比查找### def imSigRange(img, fraction=0.80): """ extract the image within x-percent (DISCARD) Parameters: img (numpy.array-float): image fraction (float-optional): a percentage Returns: im1 (numpy.array-float): image """ im1 = img.copy() im1size = im1.shape im2 = np.sort(im1.reshape(im1size[0]*im1size[1])) im2 = im2[::-1] im3 = np.cumsum(im2)/np.sum(im2) loc = np.where(im3 > fraction) #print(im3[loc[0][0]], im2[loc[0][0]]) im1[np.where(im1 <= im2[loc[0][0]])]=0 return im1 ###孔径内图像裁剪### def psfTailor(img, apSizeInArcsec=0.5, psfSampleSizeInMicrons=5, focalLengthInMeters=28): """ psf tailor within a given aperture size Parameters: img (numpy.array-float): image apSizeInArcsec (float-optional): aperture size in arcseconds. psfSampleSizeInMicrons (float-optional): psf pixel size in microns. focalLengthInMeters (float-optional): csst focal length im meters. Returns: imgT (numpy.array-float): image """ #imgMaxPix_x, imgMaxPix_y = findMaxPix(img) y,x = ndimage.center_of_mass(img) #y-rows, x-cols imgMaxPix_x = int(x) imgMaxPix_y = int(y) apSizeInMicrons = np.deg2rad(apSizeInArcsec/3600.)*focalLengthInMeters*1e6 apSizeInPix = apSizeInMicrons/psfSampleSizeInMicrons apSizeInPix = imgT = np.zeros_like(img) imgT[imgMaxPix_y-apSizeInPix:imgMaxPix_y+apSizeInPix+1, imgMaxPix_x-apSizeInPix:imgMaxPix_x+apSizeInPix+1] = \ img[imgMaxPix_y-apSizeInPix:imgMaxPix_y+apSizeInPix+1, imgMaxPix_x-apSizeInPix:imgMaxPix_x+apSizeInPix+1] return imgT ###centroid with a window### def centroidWgt(img, nt=160): #libCentroid = ctypes.CDLL('/public/home/weichengliang/lnData/CSST_new_framwork/csstPSF/libCentroid/') # CDLL加载库 libCentroid = ctypes.CDLL('./libCentroid/') # CDLL加载库 libCentroid.centroidWgt.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float), ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)] libCentroid.imSplint.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float), ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double), ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float)] imx = img/np.sum(img) ny, nx = imx.shape #imx centroid nn = nx*ny arr = (ctypes.c_float*nn)() arr[:] = imx.reshape(nn) para = (ctypes.c_double*10)() libCentroid.centroidWgt(arr, ny, nx, para) imx_cy = para[3] #irow imx_cx = para[4] #icol #imx -> imy nxt=nyt=nt nn=nxt*nyt yat = (ctypes.c_float*nn)() libCentroid.imSplint(arr, ny, nx, para, nxt, nyt, yat) imy = np.array(yat[:]).reshape([nxt, nyt]) return imy, imx_cx, imx_cy ''' def psfCentering_wgt(ipsfMat, psf_image_x, psf_image_y, psfSampleSizeInMicrons=5.0): img, cx, cy = centroidWgt(ipsfMat, nt=160) nrows, ncols = ipsfMat.shape cyt = (cy + nrows/2)*psfSampleSizeInMicrons*1e-3 +psf_image_y cxt = (cx + ncols/2)*psfSampleSizeInMicrons*1e-3 +psf_image_x return img, cxt, cyt '''