Commit 32b7fdec authored by BO ZHANG's avatar BO ZHANG 🏀
Browse files

tweaks - fixed path

parent ea79711f
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ from astropy.wcs import WCS
from .. import PACKAGE_PATH
from ..core.processor import CsstProcessor
path_config = PACKAGE_PATH + "/msc/astrometry_config/"
CONFIG_PATH = PACKAGE_PATH + "/msc/pos_calib_config/"
class CsstProcMscPositionCalibration(CsstProcessor):
......@@ -88,10 +88,10 @@ class CsstProcMscPositionCalibration(CsstProcessor):
The photometric catalog, with position and flux, e.g.,MSC_210304093000_0000000_06_img.acat
fn = fn_list
config_sextractor = path_config + ""
config_sextractor = CONFIG_PATH + ""
sex_comd1 = 'sex -c ' + config_sextractor + ' '
sex_comd2 = fn + ' -CATALOG_NAME ' + fn[0:-5] + '.acat'
sex_comd3 = ' -PARAMETERS_NAME ' + path_config + 'csst_realtime.param' + ' -FILTER_NAME ' + path_config + 'csst_realtime.conv' + ' -STARNNW_NAME ' + path_config + 'csst_realtime.nnw'
sex_comd3 = ' -PARAMETERS_NAME ' + CONFIG_PATH + 'csst_realtime.param' + ' -FILTER_NAME ' + CONFIG_PATH + 'csst_realtime.conv' + ' -STARNNW_NAME ' + CONFIG_PATH + 'csst_realtime.nnw'
sex_comd = sex_comd1 + sex_comd2 + sex_comd3
p = Popen(sex_comd, shell=True)
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ class CsstProcMscPositionCalibration(CsstProcessor):
Image header updated with WCS keywords, MSC_210304093000_0000000.acat.head.
image_prefix = (img_list[0][0].header)['FILENAME'][0:-7]
config_scamp = path_config + "default2.scamp"
config_scamp = CONFIG_PATH + "default2.scamp"
scamp_comd = 'scamp ' + image_prefix + '.acat.fits -ASTREFCAT_NAME= ' + '\
-c ' + config_scamp
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