Commit 732d8334 authored by BO ZHANG's avatar BO ZHANG 🏀
Browse files

added photometry routine from Hu Zou

parent 9978aeeb
# author Hu Zou
# v1.1.2 first version of csst photometry pipeline based on sextractor
# v1.2.0 change weight and flag names due to the CSST naming
# add FLAGS_ISO to remove flagged objects in PSFEx
# v1.2.1 change gain to exposure time
# add options of output images
# change catalog columns to the defined L2 data format
# change config directory
# v1.2.2 add pick_psfstars, select PSF stars
# add photometry types: PSF or MODEL
# v1.2.3 add computing time
# v1.2.4 bug in pick_psfstars with missing max_elp
# from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals)
import argparse
import os
import sys
import time
import astropy.units as u
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from astropy import table
from astropy import wcs as awcs
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from import fits
from astropy.table import Table
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
import magfluxconvert as magf
import stats
import system
prog_dir = sys.path[0]
config_path = os.path.join(prog_dir, 'config/')
__version__ = "1.2.3"
def fits_center(head):
nx = head['NAXIS1']
ny = head['NAXIS2']
wcs = awcs.WCS(head)
ra, dec = wcs.all_pix2world(nx / 2.0, ny / 2.0, 1)
return ra, dec
def valid_coordinates(coordinates, size=None):
convert tuple, list or np.ndarray of cooridinates to a 2d ndarray
and check the coordinates within an image size
coordinates: 2d array for coordinates
size: size of an image
coord: reshape coordinates
indcoord: index of coordinates in a size range
if isinstance(coordinates, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
coord = np.atleast_2d(coordinates)
if coord.shape[0] != 2 and coord.shape[1] != 2:
raise ValueError("coordinates should have at least one axis with 2 elements")
if coord.shape[1] != 2 and coord.shape[0] == 2:
coord = coord.transpose()
raise TypeError("coordinates should be list or array of (x,y) pixel positions")
if size is None:
return coord
if len(size) != 2:
raise ValueError("size should have 2 elements")
nx, ny = size
x = coord[:, 0]
y = coord[:, 1]
indcoord = np.arange(coord.shape[0])
good = (x >= 0.5) & (x < nx + 0.5) & (y >= 0.5) & (y < ny + 0.5)
if np.any(good):
indcoord = indcoord[good]
raise ValueError('coordinates are not in the image range')
return coord, indcoord
def closest_match(coord1, coord2, min_dist=1.0):
find closest pairs between two sets of coordinates
coord1: coordinates to be matched
coord2: coordinates matched to
min_dist: separation tolerance
output: idx1,idx2
idx1: matched index for coord1
idx2: matched index for coord2
coord1 = valid_coordinates(coord1)
coord2 = valid_coordinates(coord2)
n1 = len(coord1)
n2 = len(coord2)
index1 = []
index2 = []
x2 = coord2[:, 0]
y2 = coord2[:, 1]
for i in range(n1):
ix1, iy1 = coord1[i]
index = np.where((np.abs(x2 - ix1) < min_dist) & (np.abs(y2 - iy1) < min_dist))[0]
nmatch = len(index)
if nmatch < 1:
if nmatch > 1:
x2tmp = x2[index];
y2tmp = y2[index]
dist = ((x2tmp - ix1) ** 2 + (y2tmp - iy1) ** 2)
indsort = np.argsort(dist)
return index1, index2
# def get_psf1(fitsfile, outdir=None, psf_size=71, degree=3, variability=0.3, fwhm_range=[1.5, 20.0], max_elp=0.3,
# sampling=0, nthread=1, min_sn=20, detect_thresh=5.0, detect_minarea=3):
# """
# get PSF profile for a specified image
# fitsfile: input image
# outdir: output directory
# psf_size: size of the PSF image
# degree: order of spatially varied PSF
# variablility: allowed FWHM variability
# fwhm_range: FWHM range of selected stars
# max_elp: max (A-B)/(A+B) for selected stars
# sampling: sampling step in pixels (0 = Auto)
# nthread: number of threads to get PSF
# min_sn: minimum S/N for souces
# detect_thresh: threshold for detections
# detect_minarea: min pixel area for detections
# """
# fitsname, _ = os.path.splitext(fitsfile)
# if outdir is not None:
# if not os.path.exists(outdir):
# os.mkdir(outdir)
# _, rootname = os.path.split(fitsname)
# fitsname = os.path.join(outdir, rootname)
# if not system.cmd_exists('sex') or not system.cmd_exists('psfex'):
# raise OSError('No sex or psfex SHELL command found! Please install')
# sexfile = os.path.join(config_path, '')
# covfile = os.path.join(config_path, 'gauss_4.0_7x7.conv')
# nnwfile = os.path.join(config_path, 'default.nnw')
# parfile = os.path.join(config_path, 'csst_psfex.param')
# pexfile = os.path.join(config_path, 'csst.psfex')
# psffile = fitsname + '_psf.fits'
# # head=fits.getheader(fitsfile)
# # date=head['date-obs']
# # ccd=head['ccd_no']
# # flagfile,weightfile=get_flagweight(date,ccd)
# rootname, _ = os.path.splitext(fitsfile)
# indpos = str.rfind(rootname, '_img')
# flagfile = rootname[:indpos] + '_flg.fits'
# weightfile = rootname[:indpos] + '_wht.fits'
# head = fits.getheader(fitsfile, 0)
# gain = head['exptime']
# command = 'sex ' + fitsfile + ' -c ' + sexfile + ' -CATALOG_NAME ' + psffile + ' -FILTER_NAME ' + covfile + \
# ' -STARNNW_NAME ' + nnwfile + ' -PARAMETERS_NAME ' + parfile + ' -WEIGHT_IMAGE ' + weightfile + \
# ' -FLAG_IMAGE ' + flagfile + ' -NTHREADS ' + str(nthread) + ' -DETECT_MINAREA ' + str(detect_minarea) + \
# ' -DETECT_THRESH ' + str(detect_thresh) + ' -GAIN ' + str(gain)
# print(command)
# os.system(command)
# command = 'psfex ' + psffile + ' -c ' + pexfile + ' -PSF_SIZE ' + str(psf_size) + ',' + str(
# degree) + ' -SAMPLE_VARIABILITY ' + str(variability) + ' -SAMPLE_FWHMRANGE ' + str(fwhm_range[0]) + ',' + str(
# fwhm_range[1]) + ' -PSF_SAMPLING ' + str(sampling) + ' -XML_NAME ' + xmlfile + ' -SAMPLE_MAXELLIP ' + str(
# max_elp) + ' -NTHREADS ' + str(nthread) + ' -SAMPLE_MINSN ' + str(min_sn)
# print(command)
# os.system(command)
def pick_psfstars(psffile, remove_polution=False, min_nstar=10, max_nstar=1500, class_star=0.7, match_dist=3.0,
min_separation=20, min_sn=20, max_elp=0.3):
pick PSF stars (remove PSF stars with neighbour objects, limit maximum number of stars
psffile, catalog used for selecting PSF stars
remove_polution: wether to remove objects with pollution from nearby objects
min_nstar: mininum stars for constructing PSF model
max_nstar: maximum stars for constructing PSF model
max_elp: maximum ellpticity
class_star: class threshhold for PSF stars
match_dist: matching distance for checking polution in coordinates pixel
min_separation: minimum separation between objects in pixels
# read catalog and keep coordinates
hdulist =, mode='update')
cat = hdulist[2].data
if len(cat) < min_nstar:
return False
if remove_polution:
print("select isolate stars...")
coord = np.array((cat['XWIN_IMAGE'], cat['YWIN_IMAGE'])).transpose()
coord1 = coord.copy()
index1, index2 = closest_match(coord, coord1, min_dist=match_dist)
index1 = np.array(index1)
mask = np.array([len(ind) == 1 for ind in index2])
index = index1[mask]
if len(index) >= min_nstar:
cat = cat[index]
if len(cat) > max_nstar:
print('stars in the catalog, needed:', len(cat), max_nstar)
mask = (cat['flags'] == 0) & (cat['CLASS_STAR'] > class_star) & (cat['ELLIPTICITY'] < max_elp) & (
cat['SNR_WIN'] > min_sn)
if mask.sum() >= min_nstar:
cat = cat[mask]
if len(cat) > max_nstar:
indsort = np.argsort(cat['flux_aper'])
cat = cat[indsort[-max_nstar:]]
hdulist[2].data = cat
print('isolated stars:', len(index))
return True
# if save_starpos:
# f=open(fitsname+'-psfxy.txt','w')
# for i in range(len(cat)):
# f.write('%7.2f %7.2f\n' % (cat['XWIN_IMAGE'][i],cat['YWIN_IMAGE'][i]))
# f.close()
def get_psf(fitsfile, outdir=None, psf_size=101, degree=2, variability=0.3, fwhm_range=[2.0, 20.0], max_elp=0.3,
sampling=0, min_sn=20.0, detect_thresh=5.0, detect_minarea=5, seeing=0.15, pixel_scale=0.075,
filter_name='gauss_4.0_7x7.conv', phot_aper=10.0, back_size='400,400', check_plots=False, nthread=1, **kwd):
# ,save_starpos=False
get PSF profile for a specified image
fitsfile: input image
outdir: output directory
psf_size: size of the PSF image
degree: order of spatially varied PSF
variablility: allowed FWHM variability
fwhm_range: FWHM range of selected stars
max_elp: max (A-B)/(A+B) for selected stars
sampling: sampling step in pixels (0 = Auto)
min_sn: minimum S/N for souces
detect_thresh: threshold for detections
detect_minarea: min pixel area for detections
seeing: PSF fwhm in arcsec
pixel_scale: pixel scale in arcsec
filter_name: convolve kernel file
phot_aper: aperture used for photometry
back_size: background grid size
check_plots: output the check plots
nthread: number of threads to get PSF
**kwd: keywords for PICK_PSFSTARS
if not system.cmd_exists('sex') or not system.cmd_exists('psfex'):
raise OSError('No sex or psfex SHELL command found! Please install')
rootname, _ = os.path.splitext(fitsfile)
indpos = str.rfind(rootname, '_img')
flagfile = rootname[:indpos] + '_flg.fits'
weightfile = rootname[:indpos] + '_wht.fits'
head = fits.getheader(fitsfile, 0)
gain = head['exptime']
saturate = 50000.0 / gain
# fitsname,_=os.path.splitext(fitsfile)
if outdir is not None:
_, filename = os.path.split(rootname[:indpos])
fitsname = os.path.join(outdir, filename)
sexfile = os.path.join(config_path, '')
covfile = os.path.join(config_path, filter_name)
nnwfile = os.path.join(config_path, 'default.nnw')
parfile = os.path.join(config_path, 'csst_psfex.param')
pexfile = os.path.join(config_path, 'csst.psfex')
psffile = fitsname + '_psf.fits'
command = 'sex ' + fitsfile + ' -c ' + sexfile + ' -CATALOG_NAME ' + psffile + ' -PARAMETERS_NAME ' + parfile + ' -DETECT_MINAREA ' + str(
detect_minarea) + ' -DETECT_THRESH ' + str(
detect_thresh) + ' -FILTER_NAME ' + covfile + ' -WEIGHT_IMAGE ' + weightfile + ' -FLAG_IMAGE ' + flagfile + ' -PHOT_APERTURES ' + str(
phot_aper) + ' -GAIN ' + str(gain) + ' -PIXEL_SCALE ' + str(pixel_scale) + ' -SEEING_FWHM ' + str(
seeing) + ' -SATUR_LEVEL ' + str(
saturate) + ' -STARNNW_NAME ' + nnwfile + ' -BACK_SIZE ' + back_size + ' -NTHREADS ' + str(nthread)
pickflag = pick_psfstars(psffile, min_sn=20, **kwd)
if pickflag is False:
if os.path.isfile(psffile): os.remove(psffile)
return False
if not check_plots:
command = 'psfex ' + psffile + ' -c ' + pexfile + ' -PSF_SIZE ' + str(psf_size) + ',' + str(
psf_size) + ' -SAMPLE_MINSN ' + str(
degree) + ' -SAMPLE_VARIABILITY ' + str(variability) + ' -SAMPLE_FWHMRANGE ' + str(
fwhm_range[0]) + ',' + str(fwhm_range[1]) + ' -PSF_SAMPLING ' + str(sampling) + ' -SAMPLE_MAXELLIP ' + str(
max_elp) + ' -NTHREADS ' + str(nthread)
checknames = fitsname + '_psffwhm.png,' + fitsname + '_psfelp.png'
command = 'psfex ' + psffile + ' -c ' + pexfile + ' -PSF_SIZE ' + str(psf_size) + ',' + str(
psf_size) + ' -SAMPLE_MINSN ' + str(min_sn) + ' -PSFVAR_DEGREES ' + str(
degree) + ' -SAMPLE_VARIABILITY ' + str(variability) + ' -SAMPLE_FWHMRANGE ' + str(
fwhm_range[0]) + ',' + str(fwhm_range[1]) + ' -PSF_SAMPLING ' + str(sampling) + ' -SAMPLE_MAXELLIP ' + str(
max_elp) + ' -NTHREADS ' + str(
return True
def photometry(fitsfile, outdir=None, detect_thresh=1.0, analysis_thresh=1.0, clean='Y', nthread=1, head_zpt=None,
checkfiles=['sky', 'seg', 'res', 'mod'], aper_cor=True, seeing=0.15, pixel_scale=0.075,
perform aperture and model photometry
fitsfile: input image
outdir: output directory
detect_thresh: detecting threshold
analysis_thresh: analysis threshold
clean: clean the detections
nthread: number of threads
head_zpt: flux zeropoint
aper_cor: wether do aperture correction
seeing: in arcsec FWHM
pixel_scale: pixel scale in arcsec
phot_type: providing the photometry type, if psf, only perform aperture + psf photometry; if model, perform aperture+psf+model photometry
checkfiles: check types
res: -MODEL
mod: MODEL
fitsname, _ = os.path.splitext(fitsfile)
indpos = str.rfind(fitsname, '_img')
fitsname = fitsname[:indpos]
if outdir is not None:
if not os.path.exists(outdir):
_, rootname = os.path.split(fitsname)
fitsname = os.path.join(outdir, rootname)
sexfile = os.path.join(config_path, '')
covfile = os.path.join(config_path, 'default.conv')
nnwfile = os.path.join(config_path, 'default.nnw')
if phot_type == "psf":
parfile = os.path.join(config_path, 'csst_psfphot.params')
parfile = os.path.join(config_path, 'csst_modphot.params')
psffile = fitsname + '_psf.fits'
head = fits.getheader(fitsfile, 0)
head1 = fits.getheader(fitsfile, 1)
if 'CCDZP' not in head1:
print("No zeropoint in the header")
return False
# date=head['date-obs']
# ccd=head['ccd_no']
# get flag and weight images
# flagfile,weightfile=get_flagweght(date,ccd)
rootname, _ = os.path.splitext(fitsfile)
indpos = str.rfind(rootname, '_img')
flagfile = rootname[:indpos] + '_flg.fits'
weightfile = rootname[:indpos] + '_wht.fits'
gain = head['exptime']
types = {'sky': 'BACKGROUND', 'seg': 'SEGMENTATION', 'mod': 'MODELS', 'res': '-MODELS'}
catfile = fitsname + '_fluxadu.fits'
if checkfiles is None:
checktype = "NONE"
checknames = "check.fits"
ntypes = len(checkfiles)
keys = types.keys()
checktype = "'"
checknames = "'"
for i in range(ntypes):
ikey = checkfiles[i]
checktype += types[ikey] + " "
checknames += fitsname + "_" + ikey + ".fits "
checktype += "'"
checknames += "'"
# checknames='"'+fitsname+'-bkg.fits '+fitsname+'-submodel.fits '+fitsname+'-model.fits '+fitsname+'-subpsf.fits '+fitsname+'-psf.fits '+'"'
command = 'sex ' + fitsfile + ' -c ' + sexfile + ' -CATALOG_NAME ' + catfile + ' -FILTER_NAME ' + covfile + ' -STARNNW_NAME ' + nnwfile + ' -DETECT_THRESH ' + str(
detect_thresh) + ' -ANALYSIS_THRESH ' + str(
analysis_thresh) + ' -CLEAN ' + clean + ' -WEIGHT_IMAGE ' + weightfile + ' -FLAG_IMAGE ' + flagfile + ' -PIXEL_SCALE ' + str(
pixel_scale) + ' -SEEING_FWHM ' + str(seeing) + ' -GAIN ' + str(
gain) + ' -PARAMETERS_NAME ' + parfile + ' -CHECKIMAGE_TYPE ' + checktype + ' -CHECKIMAGE_NAME ' + checknames + ' -PSF_NAME ' + psffile + ' -NTHREADS ' + str(
fluxadu =
# calibrate flux and aperture corrections
fluxcalib = calibrate_fluxadu(fluxadu, head1, head_zpt=head_zpt)
# plotname=fitsname
plotname = None
# aperture corrections
if fluxcalib is not False: # and aper_cor is True:
fluxcor = magnitude_correction(fluxcalib, head1, elp_lim=0.5, sigma=2.5, plot_name=plotname, magerr_lim=0.1,
sig_limit=0.08, aper_size=[3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13, 16, 20, 25, 30, 40],
aper_ref=5, class_lim=0.5)
corfile = fitsname + '_cat.fits'
fluxcor.write(corfile, format='fits', overwrite=True)
ind_head1 = head1.index('NAXIS2') + 1
ind_head = head.index('NEXTEND') + 1
f =, mode='update')
f[0].header.extend([ind_head:], bottom=True)
f[1].header.extend([ind_head1:], bottom=True)
if os.path.isfile(catfile):
def calibrate_fluxadu(fluxadu, head, head_zpt=None):
# F in nanomaggy = f in adu * 10**((c-22.5)/(-2.5)) where c is zeropoint
fluxcalib = Table(fluxadu.copy())
if head_zpt is not None:
c = head_zpt
if 'CCDZP' not in head or head['CCDZP'] <= 0:
return False
c = head['CCDZP']
# calibrate flux and errors
fluxkeys = ['FLUX_' + ikey for ikey in keys]
fluxerrkeys = ['FLUXERR_' + ikey for ikey in keys]
nkeys = len(keys)
colnames = fluxadu.colnames
for i in range(nkeys):
if fluxkeys[i] not in colnames: continue
print("calibrate " + fluxkeys[i])
flux = fluxadu[fluxkeys[i]]
cflux = np.zeros_like(flux)
cflux = flux * 10.0 ** ((c - 22.5) / (-2.5))
fluxcalib[fluxkeys[i]] = cflux
if i < 7:
flux_error = fluxadu[fluxerrkeys[i]]
cflux_error = np.zeros_like(flux)
cflux_error = flux_error * 10.0 ** ((c - 22.5) / (-2.5))
fluxcalib[fluxerrkeys[i]] = cflux_error
return fluxcalib
def magnitude_correction(fluxcalib, head, plot_name=None, magerr_lim=0.05, elp_lim=0.3, sigma=3.0, iters=None,
sig_limit=0.1, aper_size=[3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13, 16, 20, 25, 30, 40], aper_ref=6,
class_lim=0.5, min_nstar=5):
correction for aperture and model magnitudes
low_errlim = 0.005
fluxcor = fluxcalib.copy()
elp = fluxcalib['ELLIPTICITY']
flux = fluxcalib['FLUX_AUTO']
fluxerr = fluxcalib['FLUXERR_AUTO']
radius = fluxcalib['FLUX_RADIUS']
automag, automagerr = magf.fluxerr2magerr(flux, fluxerr)
tmpmask = (automagerr < low_errlim) & (automagerr > 0)
automagerr[tmpmask] = low_errlim
mask_auto = (fluxcalib['FLAGS'] == 0) & (elp < elp_lim) & (automagerr < magerr_lim) & (automagerr > 0) & (
automag < 90.0) & (radius > 1.0) & (fluxcalib['CLASS_STAR'] > class_lim)
print('aperture correction for aperture magnitudes ...')
apersize = np.array(aper_size)
naper = len(apersize)
nobj = len(fluxcalib)
aperstr = ''
for iaper in apersize:
aperstr += str(iaper) + ','
head["apersize"] = (aperstr, 'aperture radii in pixels')
indref = np.argmin(np.abs(apersize - aper_ref))
flux = fluxcalib['FLUX_APER']
fluxerr = fluxcalib['FLUXERR_APER']
apermag, apermagerr = magf.fluxerr2magerr(flux, fluxerr)
apmag8 = apermag[:, indref]
apmag8err = apermagerr[:, indref]
tmpmask = (apmag8err > 0) & (apmag8err < low_errlim)
apmag8err[tmpmask] = low_errlim
mask = mask_auto & (apmag8 > 0.0) & (apmag8 < 90.0) & (apmag8err < magerr_lim) & (apmag8err > 0)
for i in range(naper):
mask = mask & (apermag[:, i] < 90.0) & (apermag[:, i] > 0.0) & (apermagerr[:, i] < magerr_lim) & (
apermagerr[:, i] > 0)
aperflag = True
apercor = np.zeros(naper)
apercor_std = np.zeros(naper)
nstar_aper = 0
if mask.sum() < min_nstar:
aperflag = False
print('not enough stars to do aperture magnitude correction')
print('isolated stars: ', mask.sum())
magdiff = -np.transpose(apermag[mask, :].transpose() - apmag8[mask])
diff_masked = stats.sigmaclip_limitsig(magdiff, sigma=sigma, maxiters=iters, axis=0)
mask1 = mask
mask = np.logical_not(np.any(diff_masked.mask, axis=1))
nstar_aper = mask.sum()
diff_masked = diff_masked[mask]
for i in range(naper):
weighterr = np.sqrt(apmag8err[mask1][mask] ** 2 + apermagerr[:, i][mask1][mask] ** 2)
cor, _, corerr = stats.weighted_mean(diff_masked[:, i], weighterr, weight_square=False)
corerr /= np.sqrt(nstar_aper)
apercor[i] = cor
apercor_std[i] = corerr
# apercor=np.median(diff_masked,axis=0)
# apercor_std=np.std(diff_masked,axis=0)/np.sqrt(nstar_aper)
print('aperture correction using stars:', nstar_aper)
print(np.array([apercor, apercor_std]).transpose())
if plot_name is not None:
plt.figure(figsize=(9, 6))
xsize = apersize.reshape(1, naper).repeat(len(magdiff), axis=0)
plt.plot(xsize, magdiff, 'k.', markersize=1.0)
xsize = apersize.reshape(1, naper).repeat(len(diff_masked), axis=0)
plt.plot(xsize, diff_masked, 'b.', markersize=1.0)
plt.plot(apersize, apercor, 'r*')
plt.plot(apersize, apercor, 'r-')
plt.xlabel('radius (pixels)')
plt.ylabel('Mag_REF - Mag')
plt.xlim([0, 43])
plt.ylim([min(apercor) - 2, max(apercor) + 2])
plt.title('aperture correction for aperture magnitudes')
plt.savefig(plot_name + '-APERcor.png', format='png')
head['ns_aper'] = (nstar_aper, 'number of stars used in aperture correction')
for i in np.arange(naper):
cf = apercor[i]
# ce=apercor_std[i]
ce = 0.0
head['apcor' + str(i)] = (cf, 'mag correction for aperture #{}'.format(i))
head['aperr' + str(i)] = (ce, 'mag correction error for aperture #{}'.format(i))
ff = fluxcalib['FLUX_APER'][:, i]
fe = fluxcalib['FLUXERR_APER'][:, i]
ff1 = ff * 10.0 ** (-cf / 2.5)
fe1 = np.sqrt(10.0 ** (-2 * cf / 2.5) * fe ** 2 + ff ** 2 * 10.0 ** (-2 * cf / 2.5) * np.log(
10.0) ** 2 / 2.5 ** 2 * ce ** 2)
fluxcor['FLUX_APER'][:, i] = ff1
fluxcor['FLUXERR_APER'][:, i] = fe1
mag, magerr = magf.fluxerr2magerr(ff1, fe1)
apermag[:, i] = mag
apermagerr[:, i] = magerr
mag_col = Table.Column(apermag, 'MAG_APER')
magerr_col = Table.Column(apermagerr, 'MAGERR_APER')
fluxcor.add_column(magerr_col, fluxcor.index_column('FLUXERR_APER') + 1)
fluxcor.add_column(mag_col, fluxcor.index_column('FLUXERR_APER') + 1)
# automatic magnitude correction
# mag correction for kron mag
print('correct for kron magnitudes ...')
# mask=mask_auto #automag<90.0
# if aperflag:
if True:
mask = (fluxcor['FLAGS'] == 0) # & (elp < elp_lim)
k = fluxcor['KRON_RADIUS']
A = fluxcor['A_IMAGE']
E = fluxcor['ELLIPTICITY']
B = A * (1.0 - E)
# B=fluxcor['B_IMAGE']
kronr = k * np.sqrt(A * B)
ipt = UnivariateSpline(apersize, apercor, k=3, s=0)
cf = ipt(kronr)
ff = fluxcor['FLUX_AUTO']
fe = fluxcor['FLUXERR_AUTO']
ff1 = ff * 10.0 ** (-cf / 2.5)
fluxcor['FLUX_AUTO'] = ff1
mag, magerr = magf.fluxerr2magerr(ff1, fe)
mag_col = Table.Column(mag, 'MAG_AUTO')
magerr_col = Table.Column(magerr, 'MAGERR_AUTO')
fluxcor.add_column(magerr_col, fluxcor.index_column('FLUXERR_AUTO') + 1)
fluxcor.add_column(mag_col, fluxcor.index_column('FLUXERR_AUTO') + 1)
print('total kron sources:', mask.sum())
if plot_name is not None:
plt.figure(figsize=(9, 6))
plt.plot(kronr[mask], apmag8[mask] - automag[mask], 'kx')
plt.plot(apersize, apercor, 'g--')
rr = np.linspace(0, 43, 100)
plt.plot(rr, ipt(rr), 'r-')
plt.xlabel('radius (pixels)')
plt.ylabel('Mag_REF - Mag')
plt.xlim([0, 43])
plt.ylim([min(apercor) - 2, max(apercor) + 2])
plt.title('aperture correction for automatic magnitudes')
plt.savefig(plot_name + '-AUTOcor.png', format='png')
# other flux/mag correction
print('other flux/mag correction: HYBRID PSF MODEL SPHEROID DISK ...')
fluxkeys = ['FLUX_' + ikey for ikey in keys]
fluxerrkeys = ['FLUXERR_' + ikey for ikey in keys]
magkeys = keys.copy()
for i, ikey in enumerate(keys):
if i < 5:
magkeys[i] = 'MAG_' + ikey
magkeys[i] = 'MU_' + ikey
magerrkeys = ['MAGERR_' + ikey for ikey in keys]
corkeys = ['HYBCOR', 'PSFCOR', 'MODCOR']
corerrkeys = ['HYBERR', 'PSFERR', 'MODERR']
nkeys = len(keys)
colnames = fluxcalib.colnames
for i in range(nkeys):
if fluxkeys[i] not in colnames: continue
print('correct ' + fluxkeys[i])
flux = fluxcalib[fluxkeys[i]]
if i < 5:
fluxerr = fluxcalib[fluxerrkeys[i]]
fluxerr = np.zeros_like(flux)
if i < 3:
kmag, kmagerr = magf.fluxerr2magerr(flux, fluxerr)
tmpmask = (kmagerr < low_errlim) & (kmagerr > 0)
kmagerr[tmpmask] = low_errlim
mask = mask_auto & (kmag < 90.0) & (apmag8 > 0) & (apmag8 < 90.0) & (kmag > 0) & (kmagerr > 0) & (
kmagerr < magerr_lim) & (apmag8err > 0) & (apmag8err < magerr_lim) & (
np.abs(kmag - apmag8) < 0.5)
corflag = True
if mask.sum() < min_nstar:
print('not enough stars to correct ' + magkeys[i])
cor = 0.0;
corerr = 0.0;
nstar_cor = 0
corflag = False
print('isolated stars for ' + magkeys[i] + ':', mask.sum())
magdiff = apmag8[mask] - kmag[mask]
diff_masked = stats.sigmaclip_limitsig(magdiff, sigma=sigma, maxiters=iters, sig_limit=sig_limit)
mask1 = np.logical_not(diff_masked.mask)
nstar_cor = mask1.sum()
diff_masked = magdiff[mask1]
weighterr = np.sqrt(kmagerr[mask][mask1] ** 2 + apmag8err[mask][mask1] ** 2)
cor, _, corerr = stats.weighted_mean(diff_masked, weighterr, weight_square=False)
corerr /= np.sqrt(nstar_cor)
print('correction using stars:', nstar_cor)
print([cor, corerr])
head['ns_' + keys[i]] = (nstar_cor, 'number of stars used in ' + keys[i] + ' correction')
head[corkeys[i]] = (cor, 'mag correction for ' + keys[i])
head[corerrkeys[i]] = (corerr, 'mag correction error')
cf = cor
ce = corerr
ff = flux
fe = fluxerr
ff1 = ff * 10.0 ** (-cf / 2.5)
fe1 = np.sqrt(10.0 ** (-2 * cf / 2.5) * fe ** 2 + ff ** 2 * 10.0 ** (-2 * cf / 2.5) * np.log(
10.0) ** 2 / 2.5 ** 2 * ce ** 2)
fluxcor[fluxkeys[i]] = ff1
if i < 5:
fluxcor[fluxerrkeys[i]] = fe1
mag, magerr = magf.fluxerr2magerr(ff1, fe1)
mag_col = Table.Column(mag, magkeys[i])
if i < 5:
magerr_col = Table.Column(magerr, magerrkeys[i])
fluxcor.add_column(magerr_col, fluxcor.index_column(fluxerrkeys[i]) + 1)
fluxcor.add_column(mag_col, fluxcor.index_column(fluxerrkeys[i]) + 1)
fluxcor.add_column(mag_col, fluxcor.index_column(fluxkeys[i]) + 1)
if corflag and plot_name is not None and i < 3:
plt.figure(figsize=(9, 6))
plt.plot(apmag8, apmag8 - kmag, 'kx')
plt.plot(apmag8[mask], magdiff, 'bx')
plt.plot(apmag8[mask][mask1], magdiff[mask1], 'r.')
plt.plot([14, 25], [cor, cor], 'g')
plt.ylabel('Mag_REF-Mag_' + keys[i])
plt.xlim([14, 25])
plt.ylim([cor - 0.5, cor + 0.5])
plt.title('aperture correction for ' + keys[i] + ' magnitudes')
plt.savefig(plot_name + '-' + keys[i] + 'cor.png', format='png')
# add model magnitude and best magnitude
# print('calculating the model and best magnitudes ...')
# chi2psf=fluxcalib['CHI2_PSF']
# chi2mod=fluxcalib['CHI2_MODEL']
# nobj=len(fluxcor)
# best_flux=np.zeros(nobj)
# best_fluxerr=np.zeros(nobj)
# best_mag=np.zeros(nobj)
# best_magerr=np.zeros(nobj)
# best_type=np.repeat(0,nobj)
# mask=chi2psf < chi2mod
# best_mag[mask]=fluxcor['MAG_PSF'][mask]
# best_magerr[mask]=fluxcor['MAGERR_PSF'][mask]
# best_flux[mask]=fluxcor['FLUX_PSF'][mask]
# best_fluxerr[mask]=fluxcor['FLUXERR_PSF'][mask]
# best_mag[~mask]=fluxcor['MAG_MODEL'][~mask]
# best_magerr[~mask]=fluxcor['MAGERR_MODEL'][~mask]
# best_flux[~mask]=fluxcor['FLUX_MODEL'][~mask]
# best_fluxerr[~mask]=fluxcor['FLUXERR_MODEL'][~mask]
# best_type[~mask]=1
# bf_col=Table.Column(best_flux,'FLUX_CHI2MIN')
# bferr_col=Table.Column(best_fluxerr,'FLUXERR_CHI2MIN')
# bm_col=Table.Column(best_mag,'MAG_CHI2MIN')
# bmerr_col=Table.Column(best_magerr,'MAGERR_CHI2MIN')
# btype_col=Table.Column(best_type,'TYPE_CHI2MIN')
# fluxcor.add_columns([bf_col,bferr_col,bm_col,bmerr_col,btype_col])
return fluxcor
def rename_columns(cat, keys, rkeys):
for i in range(len(keys)):
cat.rename_column(keys[i], rkeys[i])
def rename_catalog():
keys = ['', '']
def match_sdss(sexcat, sdsscat, outcat=None):
sex =, format='fits')
sdss =, format='fits')
rasex = np.asarray(sex['ALPHAWIN_J2000'])
decsex = np.asarray(sex['DELTAWIN_J2000'])
rasdss = np.asarray(sdss['ra'])
decsdss = np.asarray(sdss['dec'])
sexcoord = SkyCoord(rasex, decsex, frame="icrs", unit='deg')
sdsscoord = SkyCoord(rasdss, decsdss, frame="icrs", unit='deg')
idxsdss, idxsex, sep2d, dist3d = sexcoord.search_around_sky(sdsscoord, 1.0 * u.arcsec)
if len(idxsex) == 0:
return None
filters = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z']
types = ['deV', 'exp', 'aper', 'petro', 'model', 'psf', 'cmodel']
for ifilt in filters:
if 'devFluxIvar_' + ifilt in sdss.colnames:
sdss.rename_column('devFluxIvar_' + ifilt, 'deVFluxIvar_' + ifilt)
for itype in types:
fkey = itype + 'Flux_' + ifilt
ferrkey = itype + 'FluxIvar_' + ifilt
mkey = itype + 'Mag_' + ifilt
merrkey = itype + 'MagErr_' + ifilt
if itype == 'aper':
fkey = itype + 'Flux7_' + ifilt
ferrkey = itype + 'Flux7Ivar_' + ifilt
mkey = itype + 'Mag7_' + ifilt
merrkey = itype + 'Mag7Err_' + ifilt
flux = sdss[fkey]
fluxerr = np.sqrt(1.0 / sdss[ferrkey])
mag, magerr = magf.fluxerr2magerr(flux, fluxerr)
sdss[fkey] = mag
sdss[ferrkey] = magerr
sdss.rename_column(fkey, mkey)
sdss.rename_column(ferrkey, merrkey)
keys = sdss.colnames
rkeys = ['sdss_' + ikey for ikey in keys]
rename_columns(sdss, keys, rkeys)
number = Table.Column(np.zeros(len(sdss)).astype('int'), 'NUMBER')
number[idxsdss] = sex['NUMBER'][idxsex]
sexsdss = table.join(sex, sdss, join_type='left')
sexsdss = sexsdss.filled(fill_value=0)
if outcat: sexsdss.write(outcat, format='fits', overwrite=True)
return sexsdss
def match_ps1(sexcat, ps1cat, outcat=None):
sex =, format='fits')
ps1 = ps1cat
if isinstance(ps1cat, str):
ps1 =, format='fits')
if 'flags' in ps1.colnames:
rasex = np.asarray(sex['ALPHAWIN_J2000'])
decsex = np.asarray(sex['DELTAWIN_J2000'])
raps1 = np.asarray(ps1['RA'])
decps1 = np.asarray(ps1['DEC'])
sexcoord = SkyCoord(rasex, decsex, frame="icrs", unit='deg')
ps1coord = SkyCoord(raps1, decps1, frame="icrs", unit='deg')
idxps1, idxsex, sep2d, dist3d = sexcoord.search_around_sky(ps1coord, 1.0 * u.arcsec)
if len(idxsex) == 0:
return None
keys = ps1.colnames
rkeys = ['ps_' + ikey for ikey in keys]
rename_columns(ps1, keys, rkeys)
number = Table.Column(np.zeros(len(ps1)).astype('int'), 'NUMBER')
number[idxps1] = sex['NUMBER'][idxsex]
sexps1 = table.join(sex, ps1, join_type='left')
sexps1 = sexps1.filled(fill_value=0)
if outcat: sexps1.write(outcat, format='fits', overwrite=True)
return sexps1
def do_phot(fitsfile, outdir=None, stage=None, ):
get PSF and do photometry
ifits: fits image
outdir: output directory
stage: psf or phot to run only get_psf or photometry
fitsname, _ = os.path.splitext(fitsfile)
indpos = str.rfind(fitsname, '_img')
fitsname = fitsname[:indpos]
if outdir is not None:
if not os.path.exists(outdir):
_, rootname = os.path.split(fitsname)
fitsname = os.path.join(outdir, rootname)
# get psfex
time0 = time.time()
psffile = fitsname + '_psf.fits'
catfile = fitsname + '_cat.fits'
time1 = time0
if (stage is None or stage == 'psf') and (not os.path.isfile(psffile)):
# get_psf(fitsfile,outdir=outdir,psf_size=71,degree=3,variability=0.3,fwhm_range=[1.5,20.0],max_elp=0.3,sampling=0,min_sn=10.0,detect_thresh=5.0,detect_minarea=5,back_size='400,400',check_plots=False,nthread=0,remove_polution=True,min_nstar=15,max_nstar=1500,class_star=0.7,match_dist=3.0,min_separation=20)
get_psf(fitsfile, outdir=outdir, psf_size=71, degree=3, variability=0.3, fwhm_range=[1.5, 20.0], max_elp=0.3,
sampling=0, min_sn=5.0, detect_thresh=5.0, detect_minarea=5, back_size='400,400', check_plots=False,
nthread=0, remove_polution=True, min_nstar=9, max_nstar=1500, class_star=0.7, match_dist=3.0,
time1 = time.time()
psftime = time1 - time0
time2 = time1
if stage is None or stage == 'phot':
if not os.path.isfile(psffile):
print("PSF file not exist!")
photometry(fitsfile, outdir=outdir, detect_thresh=1.0, analysis_thresh=1.0, clean='Y', head_zpt=None,
checkfiles=['sky', 'seg'], nthread=0, phot_type='model')
time2 = time.time()
phottime = time2 - time1
if os.path.isfile(catfile):
f =, mode='update')
if 'psftime' in vars().keys():
f[1].header['PSFTIME'] = (psftime, 'seconds')
f[1].header['PHOTTIME'] = (phottime, 'seconds')
print('Total time for ' + fitsfile + ': ', time2 - time0)
def phot_main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Photometric pipeline for CSST automatic, aperture, PSF and model photometry.',
parser.add_argument('fits', metavar='FITS', type=str, nargs='*',
help='Calibrated CSST images to. @filelist to read from file.')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--outdir', type=str, help='output directory; default same as the input fits image',
parser.add_argument('-s', '--stage', type=str, help='stage in the photometry (psf,phot)', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + __version__)
args = parser.parse_args()
# get list of fits, psfs, flags or weights
fitslist = args.fits
nfits = len(fitslist)
stage = args.stage
outdir = args.outdir
# print help if no parameters provided
if nfits == 0:
# do photometry
for i, ifits in enumerate(fitslist):
start = time.time()
# check file exist
if not os.path.isfile(ifits):
do_phot(ifits, outdir=outdir, stage=stage)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# author zouhu
import numpy as np
def fluxerr2magerr(flux, fluxerr, asinh=False, filter='u', zp=22.5):
convert flux and flux error to mag and mag error (in pogson or asinh form)
flux, fluxerr in nanamaggie
return mag and magerr
flux = np.array(flux)
fluxerr = np.array(fluxerr)
# f0=1.0e9
f0 = 10 ** (zp / 2.5)
nn = flux.size
mag = np.array(np.ones_like(flux) * 99.0)
magerr = np.array(np.ones_like(flux) * 99.0)
if not asinh:
mask = flux > 0
if mask.any():
mag[mask] = -2.5 * np.log10(flux[mask] / f0)
magerr[mask] = 2.5 / np.log(10.0) * fluxerr[mask] / flux[mask]
bs = {'u': 1.4e-10, 'g': 0.9e-10, 'r': 1.2e-10, 'i': 1.8e-10, 'z': 7.4e-10}
b = bs[filter]
mag = -(2.5 / np.log(10.0)) * (np.arcsinh((flux / f0) / (2.0 * b)) + np.log(b))
magerr = 2.5 / np.log(10.0) * (fluxerr / f0) / (2.0 * b) / np.sqrt(1.0 + ((flux / f0) / (2.0 * b)) ** 2)
return mag, magerr
def magerr2fluxerr(mag, magerr, asinh=False, filter='u', zp=22.5):
convert mag and mag error to flux and flux error (in pogson or asinh form)
mag,magerr ndarray
flux, fluxerr in nanamaggie
# f0=1.0e9
f0 = 10 ** (zp / 2.5)
if not asinh:
flux = 10.0 ** (mag / (-2.5)) * f0
fluxerr = flux * magerr * np.log(10.0) / 2.5
bs = {'u': 1.4e-10, 'g': 0.9e-10, 'r': 1.2e-10, 'i': 1.8e-10, 'z': 7.4e-10}
b = bs[filter]
flux = np.sinh(mag / (-2.5 / np.log(10.0)) - np.log(b)) * 2.0 * b * f0
fluxerr = magerr * np.log(10.0) / 2.5 * (2.0 * b) * np.sqrt(1.0 + ((flux / f0) / (2.0 * b)) ** 2) * f0
return flux, fluxerr
def asinhpogson(mag1, magerr1, asinh2pogson=False, filter='u', zp=22.5):
convert magnitude form between asinh and pogson
flux, fluxerr = magerr2fluxerr(mag1, magerr1, asinh=asinh2pogson, filter=filter, zp=zp)
mag2, magerr2 = fluxerr2magerr(flux, fluxerr, asinh=(not asinh2pogson), filter=filter, zp=zp)
return mag2, magerr2
how to use csst photometry pipeline
Package dependencies: latest versions of "SExtrator" and "PSFEx"
1. python3.8 csst_image -o output_path
2. use the API in a pipeline
from csst_photometry import do_phot
import os
import time
import numpy as np
from csst_photometry import do_phot
ccds = np.arange(6, 26, 1)
indir = '/line17/zouhu/csst/simulation_new'
outdir = '/line17/zouhu/csst/simulation_new/cat_tan/'
for i in range(len(ccds)):
iccdstr = '%2.2d' % ccds[i]
start = time.time()
ifits = os.path.join(indir, 'MSC_MS_210525121500_100000001_' + iccdstr + '_img.fits')
if not os.path.isfile(ifits): continue
do_phot(ifits, outdir=outdir, stage="phot")
# author zouhu
import astropy.stats as ast
import numpy as np
def rebin_image(a, shape, fun=np.sum):
ashape = a.shape
if a.shape[0] != shape[0] or a.shape[1] != shape[1]:
sh = shape[0], a.shape[0] // shape[0], shape[1], a.shape[1] / shape[1]
return fun(fun(a.reshape(sh), -1), 1)
return a
def sigmaclip_limitsig(data, error=None, sig_limit=None, **kwd):
data = np.array(data)
mdata = ast.sigma_clip(data, **kwd)
if sig_limit is not None:
while (True):
med =
sig =
if sig < sig_limit: break
index = - med))
mdata.mask[index] = True
return mdata
def bin_stats(x, y=None, minbin=None, maxbin=None, nbin=30, bins=None, **kwd):
if minbin is None: minbin = np.min(x)
if maxbin is None: maxbin = np.max(x)
if nbin is None: nbin = 30
if bins is None: bins = np.linspace(minbin, maxbin, nbin + 1)
if y is None: y = x
nbin = len(bins)
yy = np.zeros((5, nbin - 1))
for i in range(nbin - 1):
yy[0, i] = (bins[i] + bins[i + 1]) / 2.0
mask = (x >= bins[i]) & (x < bins[i + 1])
yy[4, i] = mask.sum()
if mask.any():
ymask = sigmaclip_limitsig(y[mask], **kwd)
yy[1, i] =
yy[2, i] =
yy[3, i] = ymask.mask.sum()
return yy
def binnum_stats(x, y, minbin=None, maxbin=None, binnum=None, binedges=None, **kwd):
x = np.array(x)
y = np.array(y)
nx = len(x)
if len(y) != nx: raise ValueError("y should have same size of x")
index = np.argsort(x)
x = x[index]
y = y[index]
if minbin is None: minbin = np.min(x)
if maxbin is None: maxbin = np.max(x)
mask = (x >= minbin) & (x <= maxbin)
x = x[mask];
y = y[mask]
nx = len(x)
if binnum is None: binnum = nx // 10
binedges = [x[0]]
yy = []
count = 0
while (True):
count += 1
ind0 = (count - 1) * binnum
if ind0 >= nx: break
ind1 = count * binnum
if ind1 > nx: ind1 = nx
binedges.append(x[ind1 - 1])
ibin = (binedges[count] + binedges[count - 1]) / 2.0
slc = slice(ind0, ind1)
ymask = sigmaclip_limitsig(y[slc], **kwd)
yy.append([ibin,,, (~ymask.mask).sum()])
return np.array(yy)
def int2inf(data):
# get integer towards positive/negative infinite
data = np.array(data)
intdata = np.floor(data)
mask = data > 0
intdata[mask] = np.ceil(data[mask])
return intdata
def valid_coordinates(coordinates, size=None):
convert tuple, list or np.ndarray of cooridinates to a 2d ndarray
and check the coordinates within an image size
coordinates: 2d array for coordinates
size: size of an image
coord: reshape coordinates
indcoord: index of coordinates in a size range
if isinstance(coordinates, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
coord = np.atleast_2d(coordinates)
if coord.shape[0] != 2 and coord.shape[1] != 2:
raise ValueError("coordinates should have at least one axis with 2 elements")
if coord.shape[1] != 2 and coord.shape[0] == 2:
coord = coord.transpose()
raise TypeError("coordinates should be list or array of (x,y) pixel positions")
if size is None:
return coord
if len(size) != 2:
raise ValueError("size should have 2 elements")
nx, ny = size
x = coord[:, 0]
y = coord[:, 1]
indcoord = np.arange(coord.shape[0])
good = (x >= 0.5) & (x < nx + 0.5) & (y >= 0.5) & (y < ny + 0.5)
if np.any(good):
indcoord = indcoord[good]
raise ValueError('coordinates are not in the image range')
return coord, indcoord
def closest_match(coord1, coord2, min_dist=1.0):
find closest pairs between two sets of coordinates
coord1: coordinates to be matched
coord2: coordinates matched to
min_dist: separation tolerance
output: idx1,idx2
idx1: matched index for coord1
idx2: matched index for coord2
coord1 = valid_coordinates(coord1)
coord2 = valid_coordinates(coord2)
n1 = len(coord1)
n2 = len(coord2)
index1 = []
index2 = []
x2 = coord2[:, 0]
y2 = coord2[:, 1]
for i in range(n1):
ix1, iy1 = coord1[i]
index = np.where((np.abs(x2 - ix1) < min_dist) & (np.abs(y2 - iy1) < min_dist))[0]
nmatch = len(index)
if nmatch < 1:
if nmatch > 1:
x2tmp = x2[index];
y2tmp = y2[index]
dist = ((x2tmp - ix1) ** 2 + (y2tmp - iy1) ** 2)
indsort = np.argsort(dist)
return index1, index2
def weighted_mean(x, sigmax, weight_square=True):
Calculate the mean and estimated errors for a set of data points
This routine is adapted from Program 5-1, XFIT, from "Data Reduction
and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences", p. 76, by Philip R.
Bevington, McGraw Hill. This routine computes the weighted mean using
Instrumental weights (w=1/sigma^2).
x - Array of data points
sigmax - array of standard deviations for data points
weight_square - if True, weight is invariance, else the reciprocal of the error
xmean - weighted mean
sigmam - standard deviation of mean
stdm - standard deviation of data
x = np.atleast_1d(x).copy()
sigmax = np.atleast_1d(sigmax).copy()
if len(x) == 1:
xmean = x
sigmam = sigmax
stdm = sigmax
weight = 1.0 / sigmax ** 2
weight1 = weight
if not weight_square: weight1 = 1.0 / sigmax
wsum = weight.sum()
xmean = (weight1 * x).sum() / weight1.sum()
sigmam = np.sqrt(1.0 / wsum)
stdm = np.sqrt(np.sum((x - xmean) ** 2) / len(x))
return xmean, sigmam, stdm
import random as rd
import subprocess
import sys
from multiprocessing import Process, Manager, Pool
def execute_thread(nobj, nthread, fun_thread, args):
threads = []
if nthread > nobj:
nthread = nobj
step = nobj // nthread
nrest = nobj % nthread
index_threads = [0]
for i in range(nthread):
if i < nrest:
inext = index_threads[i] + step + 1
inext = index_threads[i] + step
manager = Manager()
dict_manage = manager.dict()
args = list(args)
for i in range(nthread):
index_slc = slice(index_threads[i], index_threads[i + 1])
t = Process(target=fun_thread, args=args)
for i in range(nthread):
for i in range(nthread):
return dict_manage
def pool_nthread(fun_thread, nthread, args, rand_index=False, rand_seed=None, **kwd):
create multiprocessing pool and run
if nthread <= 0: nthread = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
nargs = len(args)
if len(args) <= 0: raise ValueError("args should have at least one elements")
nrow = len(args[0])
rangeii = range(nrow)
if rand_index:
rangeii = rd.sample(rangeii, nrow)
pool = Pool(nthread)
res = {}
for ii in rangeii:
argv = [iargv[ii] for iargv in args]
res[ii] = pool.apply_async(fun_thread, argv, kwd)
return res
def cmd_exists(cmd):
check wether a shell command exists
return"type " + cmd, shell=True,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) == 0
def progressbar(count, total, bar_length=10, barchar='#', prefix='[', suffix=']', numshow=False, onlypercent=False,
percent = float(count) / total
if len(barchar) > 1:
barchar = '#'
bar = barchar * int(round(percent * bar_length))
spaces = ' ' * (bar_length - len(bar))
percent = percent * 100
perc = "%3.1f%%" % percent
progbar = prefix + bar + spaces + suffix + perc
if numshow:
numperc = "%d/%d" % (count, total)
progbar = prefix + bar + suffix + numperc
if onlynum:
numperc = "%d/%d" % (count, total)
progbar = prefix + numperc + suffix
if onlypercent:
progbar = prefix + perc + suffix
progbar = "\r" + progbar
if count == total:
progbar = progbar + '\n'
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