Commit 97440c42 authored by BO ZHANG's avatar BO ZHANG 🏀
Browse files

updated naming module

parent e9ac5235
......@@ -65,44 +65,36 @@ class CsstMscNamingRules:
def glob_dir(dir_raw, ver_sim="C5"):
def glob_dir(dir_l0, ver_sim="C5"):
""" glob files in L0 data directory """
if ver_sim == "C3":
pattern = os.path.join(dir_raw, "MSC_MS_*_raw.fits")
pattern = os.path.join(dir_l0, "MSC_MS_*_raw.fits")
elif ver_sim == "C5.1":
pattern = os.path.join(dir_raw, "CSST_MSC_MS_SCI_*.fits")
pattern = os.path.join(dir_l0, "CSST_MSC_MS_SCI_*.fits")
fps = glob.glob(pattern)
fps = [os.path.basename(fp) for fp in fps]
return fps
def pc_combined_image(self, ccd_id):
if self.ver_sim == "C3":
return ""
def pc_scamp_coord(self):
""" SCAMP coord """
return "scamp_coord.txt"
def l1_final_output_image(self, ccd_id):
def l0_cat(self, ccd_id=6):
""" the L0 cat file path"""
if self.ver_sim == "C3":
fn = "MSC_{}_{:07d}_{:02d}.cat".format(
self._exp_start, self._exp_id-100000000, ccd_id)
fn = "{}_{}_{:07d}_{:02d}.cat".format(
self._instrument, self._exp_start, self._exp_id-100000000, ccd_id)
elif self.ver_sim == "C5.1":
fn = "MSC_{}_chip_{:02d}_filt_{}.cat".format(
self._exp_id-90000000, ccd_id, CCD_FILTER_MAPPING[ccd_id])
fn = "{}_{}_chip_{:02d}_filt_{}.cat".format(
self._instrument, self._exp_id-90000000, ccd_id, CCD_FILTER_MAPPING[ccd_id])
return os.path.join(self.dir_l0, fn)
def l0_log(self, ccd_id=6):
""" L0 log file path """
if self.ver_sim == "C5.1":
fn = "MSC_{}_chip_{:02d}_filt_{}.log".format(
self._exp_id - 90000000, ccd_id, CCD_FILTER_MAPPING[ccd_id])
fn = "{}_{}_chip_{:02d}_filt_{}.log".format(
self._instrument, self._exp_id - 90000000, ccd_id, CCD_FILTER_MAPPING[ccd_id])
return os.path.join(self.dir_l0, fn)
def l0_sci(self, ccd_id=6):
""" L0 image file path """
if self.ver_sim == "C3":
fn = "{}_{}_{}_{}_{:02d}_raw.fits".format(
self._instrument, self._survey, self._exp_start, self._exp_id, ccd_id)
......@@ -113,6 +105,7 @@ class CsstMscNamingRules:
return os.path.join(self.dir_l0, fn)
def l0_crs(self, ccd_id=6):
""" L0 cosmic ray file path """
if self.ver_sim == "C3":
fn = "{}_CRS_{}_{}_{:02d}_raw.fits".format(
self._instrument, self._exp_start, self._exp_id, ccd_id)
......@@ -122,26 +115,78 @@ class CsstMscNamingRules:
self._exp_start, self._exp_stop, self._exp_id, ccd_id)
return os.path.join(self.dir_l0, fn)
def l1_sci(self, ccd_id=6):
if self.ver_sim == "C3":
fn = "{}_{}_{}_{:02d}_L1.fits".format(
self._instrument, self._survey, self._exp_start, self._exp_id, ccd_id)
elif self.ver_sim == "C5.1":
fn = "{}_{}_{}_SCI_{}_{}_{}_{:02d}_L1.fits".format(
self._telescope, self._instrument, self._survey,
self._exp_start, self._exp_stop, self._exp_id, ccd_id)
return os.path.join(self.dir_l1, fn)
# def l1_sci(self, ccd_id=6):
# if self.ver_sim == "C3":
# fn = "{}_{}_{}_{:02d}_L1.fits".format(
# self._instrument, self._survey, self._exp_start, self._exp_id, ccd_id)
# elif self.ver_sim == "C5.1":
# fn = "{}_{}_{}_SCI_{}_{}_{}_{:02d}_L1.fits".format(
# self._telescope, self._instrument, self._survey,
# self._exp_start, self._exp_stop, self._exp_id, ccd_id)
# return os.path.join(self.dir_l1, fn)
def l1_sci(self, ccd_id=6, suffix="img_whead", ext="fits"):
""" generate L1 file path
{"img", "wht", "flg", "img_L1", "wht_L1", "flg_L1", "whead"}
{"fits", "acat", "rcat"}
L1 file path
def l0_aux(self, ccd_id=6, suffix="img"):
if self.ver_sim == "C3":
fn = "{}_{}_{}_{:02d}_{}.fits".format(
fn = "{}_{}_{}_{:02d}_{}.{}".format(
self._instrument, self._survey,
self._exp_start, self._exp_id, ccd_id, suffix)
self._exp_start, self._exp_id, ccd_id, suffix, ext)
elif self.ver_sim == "C5.1":
fn = "{}_{}_{}_SCI_{}_{}_{}_{:02d}_{}.fits".format(
fn = "{}_{}_{}_SCI_{}_{}_{}_{:02d}_{}.{}".format(
self._telescope, self._instrument, self._survey,
self._exp_start, self._exp_stop, self._exp_id, ccd_id, suffix)
return os.path.join(self.dir_l0, fn)
self._exp_start, self._exp_stop, self._exp_id, ccd_id, suffix, ext)
return os.path.join(self.dir_l1, fn)
def pc_combined_image(self):
""" combined image """
return os.path.join(self.dir_l1, "combined_image.fits")
def pc_combined_cat(self):
""" combined catalog """
return os.path.join(self.dir_l1, "combined_cat.fits")
def pc_ref_cat(self):
""" reference catalog """
return os.path.join(self.dir_l1, "")
def pc_check_fits(self):
""" check fits """
return os.path.join(self.dir_l1, "check.fits")
def pc_combined_head(self):
""" combined head """
return os.path.join(self.dir_l1, "combined_cat.head")
def pc_combined_head_fits(self):
""" combined head (converted to) fits """
return os.path.join(self.dir_l1, "combined_cat.head.fits")
def pc_scamp_coord(self):
""" SCAMP coord """
return os.path.join(self.dir_l1, "scamp_coord.txt")
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