Commit f7995079 authored by xin's avatar xin
Browse files

in add output rotation angle

parent d0a5deb4
......@@ -193,17 +193,29 @@ def getSelectPointingList(center = [60,-40], radius = 2):
return p_result
def findPointingbyChipID(chipID = 8, ra = 60., dec = -40.):
chipID (int, optional): Chip ID.
ra (_type_, optional): Chip center ra.
dec (_type_, optional): Chip center dec.
_type_: [ra, dec, rotation angle]
chip_center = [ra, dec]
p_list = getSelectPointingList(center = chip_center)
pchip = Chip(chipID)
p_num = p_list.shape[0]
min_d = 1000000000
max_value = 1000000000
min_d = max_value
r_ra = ra
r_dec = dec
r_rot = 0.
for i in np.arange(0,p_num,1):
ra_n = p_list[i,0]
dec_n = p_list[i,1]
......@@ -222,8 +234,12 @@ def findPointingbyChipID(chipID = 8, ra = 60., dec = -40.):
min_d = d
r_ra = ra_n
r_dec = dec_n
r_rot = rot.deg
if min_d == max_value:
print("RA:%f,Dec:%f不在指向范围内,请于巡天规划序列比对!!!!!"%(ra, dec))
return galsim.CelestialCoord(ra=r_ra*galsim.degrees,dec=r_dec*galsim.degrees)
return [r_ra, r_dec , r_rot]
......@@ -231,7 +247,7 @@ def findPointingbyChipID(chipID = 8, ra = 60., dec = -40.):
if __name__ == "__main__":
pointing = findPointingbyChipID()
pointing = findPointingbyChipID(chipID = 8, ra = 60., dec = -40.)
# chipID = 8
# pchip = Chip(chipID)
......@@ -277,10 +277,11 @@ def producePointingList3(out = '' , center = [60,-40], radius = 5, survey_file =
if __name__ == "__main__":
isRealSurvey = True
survey_file = 'skyMapOrSurveyList/E17.5_b17.5_beta_11.6_opt_transtime_1_CMG_1_dp_2_0.25_da_10_Texp_1.5_DEC60_500_0.1_800_1000_+5deg.dat'
outFileName = 'pointing_test_NGP_1..dat'
radi = 1.2
outFileName = 'pointing_test_NGP_246.5_40_1.dat'
radi = 1.3
center_pos = [192.8595, 27.1283]
# center_pos = [192.8595, 27.1283]
center_pos = [246.5, 40]
if isRealSurvey:
producePointingList3(out = outFileName,center = center_pos, radius = radi, survey_file = survey_file)
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