# # The curves are extracted from the hyper-z program [Bolzonella et al., 2000, A&A, 363, 476] and includes : LMC_Fitzpatrick.dat MW_Allen.dat MW_seaton.dat SMC_prevot.dat SB_calzetti.dat and a modified version of the Calzetti law including contribution from the 2175A bump as proposed by Massaroti et al., 2001, A&A, 380 SB_calzetti_mod.dat The extinction curve are expressed in k(lambda[A]) vs lambda[A] therefore applying a E(B-V) means that flux_attenuated=flux_intrinsic * 10^[-0.4*k(l)*E(B-V)] # # The atmospheric extinction curves for other purposes There are also atmospheric extinctions from La Silla (ESO) and CTIO extinc_eso.dat (extinction from ETC /ESO) extinc_ctio.dat