Commit 0b2605c1 authored by xin's avatar xin
Browse files

add saturation information

parent bd690d1b
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ from . import Config
class SpecGenerator(object):
def __init__(self,sedFn = 'a.txt', grating = 'GI', beam = 'A', aper = 2.0, xcenter = 5000,ycenter = 5000, p_size = 0.074, psf = None, skybg = 0.3, dark = 0.02, readout = 5, t = 150, expNum = 1, config = None):
def __init__(self,sedFn = 'a.txt', grating = 'GI', beam = 'A', aper = 2.0, xcenter = 5000,ycenter = 5000, p_size = 0.074, psf = None, skybg = 0.3, dark = 0.02, readout = 5, t = 150, expNum = 1, config = None, saturation = 90000):
self.sedFile = sedFn
self.grating = grating
self.beam = beam
......@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ class SpecGenerator(object):
self.t = t
self.expNum = expNum
self.config = config
self.saturation = saturation
......@@ -115,15 +116,15 @@ class SpecGenerator(object):
thp_i = interpolate.interp1d(thp['WAVELENGTH'], thp['SENSITIVITY'])
Aimg_orig = spec_orders[self.beam][0]
Aimg = Aimg_orig
Aimg_ = Aimg_orig
Aimg = Aimg + (self.skybg + self.dark)*self.t*self.expNum
Aimg_ = Aimg_ + (self.skybg + self.dark)*self.t*self.expNum
Aimg = np.random.poisson(Aimg)
Aimg_ = np.random.poisson(Aimg_)
for i in np.arange(self.expNum):
Aimg = self.addReadoutNois(img = Aimg, readout = self.readout)
Aimg_ = self.addReadoutNois(img = Aimg_, readout = self.readout)
Aimg = Aimg - (self.skybg + self.dark)*self.t*self.expNum
Aimg = Aimg_ - (self.skybg + self.dark)*self.t*self.expNum
wave_pix = spec_orders[self.beam][5]
......@@ -160,18 +161,20 @@ class SpecGenerator(object):
bRange = self.config.bandRanges[self.grating]
wave_flux = np.zeros(wave_pix.shape[0])
err_flux = np.zeros(wave_pix.shape[0])
specRangeImg = []
for i in np.arange(1, wave_pix.shape[0] - 1):
w = wave_pix[i]
if (bRange[0] <= w <= bRange[1]):
thp_w = thp_i(w)
deltW = (w - wave_pix[i - 1]) / 2 + (wave_pix[i + 1] - w) / 2
deltW = np.abs(w - wave_pix[i - 1]) / 2 + np.abs(wave_pix[i + 1] - w) / 2
f = spec_pix[wave_pos[0] - 1 + i]
f = f / self.t / thp_w / deltW /self.expNum
err = err2_pix[wave_pos[0] - 1 + i]
# err = err/ t / deltW
err = np.sqrt(err)/ self.t / deltW/ thp_w /self.expNum
# err = err / thp_w
specRangeImg.append(wave_pos[0] - 1 + i)
f = 0
err = 0
......@@ -179,6 +182,17 @@ class SpecGenerator(object):
wave_flux[i] = f
err_flux[i] = err
Aimg_cal = Aimg_[y_cent_pos-y_range:y_cent_pos+y_range+1, specRangeImg]
ids = Aimg_cal > self.saturation
#1. saturation pixel number, 2. total pixel number, 3 saturation ratio, 4.flux ratio in photo aperture
saturePix = [0,0,0, 0]
saturePix[0] = Aimg_cal[ids].shape[0]
saturePix[1] = Aimg_cal.shape[0]*Aimg_cal.shape[1]
saturePix[2] = saturePix[0]/saturePix[1]
saturePix[3] = fluxRatio
idx = (wave_pix >= bRange[0]-100)
idx1 = (wave_pix[idx] <= bRange[1]+100)
......@@ -194,7 +208,7 @@ class SpecGenerator(object):
# plt.legend([self.sedFile])
# # plt.plot(wave_pix[idx][idx1], wave_flux[idx][idx1])
return specTab, Aimg, stamp.array, fluxRatio
return specTab, Aimg, stamp.array, saturePix
def generateSpec1dforStar(self,limitfluxratio = 0.8):
......@@ -223,15 +237,15 @@ class SpecGenerator(object):
thp_i = interpolate.interp1d(thp['WAVELENGTH'], thp['SENSITIVITY'])
Aimg_orig = spec_orders[self.beam][0]
Aimg = Aimg_orig
Aimg_ = Aimg_orig
Aimg = Aimg + (self.skybg + self.dark)*self.t*self.expNum
Aimg_ = Aimg_ + (self.skybg + self.dark)*self.t*self.expNum
Aimg = np.random.poisson(Aimg)
Aimg_ = np.random.poisson(Aimg_)
for i in np.arange(self.expNum):
Aimg = self.addReadoutNois(img = Aimg, readout = self.readout)
Aimg_ = self.addReadoutNois(img = Aimg_, readout = self.readout)
Aimg = Aimg - (self.skybg + self.dark)*self.t*self.expNum
Aimg = Aimg_ - (self.skybg + self.dark)*self.t*self.expNum
wave_pix = spec_orders[self.beam][5]
......@@ -268,17 +282,21 @@ class SpecGenerator(object):
bRange = self.config.bandRanges[self.grating]
wave_flux = np.zeros(wave_pix.shape[0])
err_flux = np.zeros(wave_pix.shape[0])
specRangeImg = []
for i in np.arange(1, wave_pix.shape[0] - 1):
w = wave_pix[i]
if (bRange[0] <= w <= bRange[1]):
thp_w = thp_i(w)
deltW = (w - wave_pix[i - 1]) / 2 + (wave_pix[i + 1] - w) / 2
deltW = np.abs(w - wave_pix[i - 1]) / 2 + np.abs(wave_pix[i + 1] - w) / 2
f = spec_pix[wave_pos[0] - 1 + i]
f = f / self.t / thp_w / deltW /self.expNum
err = err2_pix[wave_pos[0] - 1 + i]
# err = err/ t / deltW
err = np.sqrt(err)/ self.t / deltW/ thp_w /self.expNum
specRangeImg.append(wave_pos[0] - 1 + i)
# err = err / thp_w
f = 0
......@@ -287,6 +305,17 @@ class SpecGenerator(object):
wave_flux[i] = f
err_flux[i] = err
Aimg_cal = Aimg_[y_cent_pos-y_range:y_cent_pos+y_range+1, specRangeImg]
ids = Aimg_cal > self.saturation
#1. saturation pixel number, 2. total pixel number, 3 saturation ratio, 4.flux ratio in photo aperture
saturePix = [0,0,0,0]
saturePix[0] = Aimg_cal[ids].shape[0]
saturePix[1] = Aimg_cal.shape[0]*Aimg_cal.shape[1]
saturePix[2] = saturePix[0]/saturePix[1]
saturePix[3] = fluxRatio
idx = (wave_pix >= bRange[0]-100)
idx1 = (wave_pix[idx] <= bRange[1]+100)
......@@ -302,7 +331,7 @@ class SpecGenerator(object):
# plt.legend([self.sedFile])
# # plt.plot(wave_pix[idx][idx1], wave_flux[idx][idx1])
return specTab, Aimg, stamp.array, fluxRatio
return specTab, Aimg, stamp.array, saturePix
def addReadoutNois(self, img = None, readout = 5):
for i in range(img.shape[0]):
......@@ -305,11 +305,11 @@ class Example(QMainWindow):
self.lbl11 = QLabel(self)
self.lbl11.move(20, 550)
self.lbl11.move(20, 545)
self.lbl11.setText('output directory')
self.btn = QPushButton("Output", self)
self.btn.move(120, 550)
self.btn.move(120, 545)
# self.lbl12 = QLabel(self)
......@@ -317,12 +317,24 @@ class Example(QMainWindow):
self.lbl_line1 = QLabel(self)
self.lbl_line1.move(20, 580)
self.lbl_line1.setText('----------Calculation Information------------')
self.outinfo = QLineEdit(self)
# self.gsnText.setPlaceholderText('Sersic n')
self.outinfo.setText(' ')
self.outinfo.resize(300, 40)
self.lbl_line1 = QLabel(self)
self.lbl_line1.move(20, 640)
self.simBt = QPushButton('Begin Sim', self)
self.simBt.move(20, 610)
self.simBt.move(20, 650)
......@@ -403,18 +415,19 @@ class Example(QMainWindow):
psf = galsim.Gaussian(fwhm=fwhm)
specG = SpecGenerator(sedFn = sedFn, grating = grating, beam = beam, aper = 2.0, xcenter = 2000,ycenter = 5000, p_size = p_size, psf = psf, skybg = skybg, dark = dark, readout = readout, t = t, expNum = expNum,config = config)
if self.cb1.isChecked() == True:
specTab, specImg, img, fluxRa=specG.generateSpec1dforStar()
specTab, specImg, img, sutPix=specG.generateSpec1dforStar(limitfluxratio = 0.8)
g_sn = float(self.gsnText.text())
g_re = float(self.greText.text())
g_pa = float(self.gpaText.text())
g_q = float(self.gqText.text())
specTab, specImg, img, fluxRa=specG.generateSpec1dforGal(s_n = g_sn, re = g_re, pa = g_pa,q_ell = g_q,limitfluxratio=0.9)
specTab, specImg, img, sutPix=specG.generateSpec1dforGal(s_n = g_sn, re = g_re, pa = g_pa,q_ell = g_q,limitfluxratio=0.8)
self.outinfo.setText('saturation: 90000 e- , saturation pixel number: %d, total pixel number: %d, saturation ratio: %f'%(sutPix[0],sutPix[1],sutPix[2]))
# self.outinfo.adjustSize()
spec_orig = np.loadtxt(sedFn)
self.fig.add_line(specTab['WAVELENGTH'],specTab['FLUX']/fluxRa, spec_orig[:,0], spec_orig[:,1],specImg, grating)
self.fig.add_line(specTab['WAVELENGTH'],specTab['FLUX']/sutPix[3], spec_orig[:,0], spec_orig[:,1],specImg, grating)
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
sedFn = dataDir + 'sed/sed_44575.txt'
psf = galsim.Gaussian(fwhm=0.39)
specG = SpecGenerator(sedFn = sedFn, grating = 'GI', beam = 'A', aper = 2.0, xcenter = 2000,ycenter = 5000, p_size = 0.074, psf = psf, skybg = 0.3, dark = 0.02, readout = 5, t = 150, expNum = 1,config = config)
specTab, specImg, img, fluxRa=specG.generateSpec1dforStar()
specTab, specImg, img, satPix=specG.generateSpec1dforStar()
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