Commit fb1989e6 authored by Zhang Xin's avatar Zhang Xin
Browse files

add the function produce 1d sim spec by input image and sed

parent 21eea211
......@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
Author: zx
Date: 2021-04-08 13:49:35
LastEditTime: 2023-02-24 00:57:20
LastEditors: xin
LastEditTime: 2024-08-28 16:45:32
LastEditors: Zhang Xin
Description: In User Settings Edit
FilePath: /undefined/Users/zhangxin/Work/SlitlessSim/sls_lit_demo/
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import time
import mpi4py.MPI as MPI
import os,sys
import photutils
from . import Config
......@@ -424,6 +425,205 @@ class SpecGenerator(object):
# # plt.plot(wave_pix[idx][idx1], wave_flux[idx][idx1])
return specTab, Aimg, stamp.array, saturePix
def generateSpec1dforInputImg(self, img = None,img_pixel_scale = 0.06, limitfluxratio=0.9,deltLamb = 0.01, pixel_size = 0.074):
specConfile = self.config.conFiles[self.grating]
throughput_f = self.config.senFisle[self.grating] + self.config.orderIDs[self.beam] + '.fits'
sed = self.generateSEDfromFiles(self.sedFile,2500,10000,deltLamb)
x_nominal = int(np.floor(self.xcenter + 0.5))
y_nominal = int(np.floor(self.ycenter + 0.5))
dx = self.xcenter - x_nominal+0.5
dy = self.ycenter - y_nominal+0.5
offset = galsim.PositionD(dx, dy)
if img is None:
print("ERROR: input Image Error")
img = img/img.sum()
gal_img = galsim.ImageF(img, scale=img_pixel_scale)
gsp = galsim.GSParams(folding_threshold=folding_threshold)
gal = galsim.InterpolatedImage(gal_img, gsparams=gsp)
# if g_order in ['C','D','E']:
# add_psf = galsim.Gaussian(sigma=contam_order_sigma[g_order], flux=1.0)
# self.psf = galsim.Convolve(self.psf, add_psf)
wcs_in = galsim.PixelScale(img_pixel_scale)
wcs = galsim.PixelScale(pixel_size)
gal = wcs.toWorld(wcs_in.toImage(gal))
# print(skybg)
# print(specConfile)
# print(throughput_f)
# plt.figure()
# plt.plot(sed['WAVELENGTH'], sed['FLUX'])
# gal = galsim.Sersic(s_n, half_light_radius=re)
# gal_pa = pa * galsim.degrees
# gal_ell = gal.shear(q=q_ell, beta=gal_pa)
conv_gal = galsim.Convolve([gal,self.psf])
stamp = conv_gal.drawImage(wcs=galsim.PixelScale(self.p_size), offset=offset)*self.t*self.expNum*math.pi*(self.aper/2)*(self.aper/2)
t_center = photutils.centroids.centroid_1dg(stamp.array)
origin_star = [y_nominal - ( - stamp.ymin),
x_nominal - ( - stamp.xmin)]
origin_star = [y_nominal - ( - stamp.ymin),
x_nominal - ( - stamp.xmin)]
sdp = SpecDisperser.SpecDisperser(orig_img=stamp, xcenter=x_nominal,
ycenter=y_nominal, origin=origin_star,
isAlongY=0, deltLamb = deltLamb/2.)
spec_orders = sdp.compute_spec_orders()
thp =
thp_i = interpolate.interp1d(thp['WAVELENGTH'], thp['SENSITIVITY'])
Aimg_orig = spec_orders[self.beam][0]
Aimg_ = Aimg_orig
Aimg_ = Aimg_ + (self.skybg + self.dark)*self.t*self.expNum
Aimg_ = np.random.poisson(Aimg_)
for i in np.arange(self.expNum):
Aimg_ = self.addReadoutNois(img = Aimg_, readout = self.readout)
Aimg = Aimg_ - (self.skybg + self.dark)*self.t*self.expNum
wave_pix = spec_orders[self.beam][5]
wave_pos = spec_orders[self.beam][3]
sh = Aimg.shape
spec_pix = np.zeros(sh[1])
err2_pix = np.zeros(sh[1])
# print(spec_orders[beamOrder][4])
# print(sh)
# plt.figure()
# plt.imshow(Aimg)
y_cent_pos = int(np.round(np.mean(wave_pos_y)))
tFlux = np.sum(spec_orders[self.beam][0])
# print(tFlux)
fluxRatio = 0
for i in range(int(sh[0]/2)):
pFlux = np.sum(spec_orders[self.beam][0][y_cent_pos-i:y_cent_pos+i+1])
fluxRatio = pFlux/tFlux
if fluxRatio>limitfluxratio:
f1 = spec_orders[self.beam][0][y_cent_pos-i:y_cent_pos+i+1].sum(0)
f2 = spec_orders[self.beam][0].sum(0)
ratio_vec = np.zeros_like(f1)
nozero_flag = f2 != 0
ratio_vec[nozero_flag] = f1[nozero_flag]/f2[nozero_flag]
# ratio_vec = spec_orders[self.beam][0][y_cent_pos-i:y_cent_pos+i+1].sum(0)/spec_orders[self.beam][0].sum(0)
y_range = i
# print(y_range, fluxRatio)
y_len_pix = 2 * y_range + 1
for i in range(sh[1]):
spec_pix[i] = sum(Aimg[y_cent_pos-y_range:y_cent_pos+y_range+1, i])
err2_pix[i] = sum(Aimg_orig[y_cent_pos-y_range:y_cent_pos+y_range+1, i]) + (self.skybg + self.dark)*self.t * y_len_pix * self.expNum + self.readout*self.readout * y_len_pix * self.expNum
bRange = self.config.bandRanges[self.grating]
wave_flux = np.zeros(wave_pix.shape[0])
err_flux = np.zeros(wave_pix.shape[0])
specRangeImg = []
true_center = + galsim.PositionD(self.xcenter-x_nominal, self.ycenter-y_nominal)
wavePos_x = true_center.x + wave_pos - wave_pos[0]
wavePos_x_interp = np.arange(int(wavePos_x[0]), int(wavePos_x[-1]))
lam_trace = np.interp(wavePos_x_interp,wavePos_x,wave_pix)
wave_flux = np.zeros(lam_trace.shape[0])
err_flux = np.zeros(lam_trace.shape[0])
for i in np.arange(1, lam_trace.shape[0] - 1):
w = lam_trace[i]
if (bRange[0] <= w <= bRange[1]):
thp_w = thp_i(w)
deltW = np.abs(w - lam_trace[i - 1]) / 2 + np.abs(lam_trace[i + 1] - w) / 2
f = spec_pix[wave2pix_pos]
f_ratio = ratio_vec[wave2pix_pos]
if f_ratio==0:
f = f / self.t / thp_w / deltW /self.expNum/f_ratio
err = err2_pix[wave2pix_pos]
# err = err/ t / deltW
err = np.sqrt(err)/ self.t / deltW/ thp_w /self.expNum/f_ratio
# err = err / thp_w
f = 0
err = 0
wave_flux[i] = f
err_flux[i] = err
Aimg_cal = Aimg_[y_cent_pos-y_range:y_cent_pos+y_range+1, specRangeImg]
ids = Aimg_cal > self.saturation
#1. saturation pixel number, 2. total pixel number, 3 saturation ratio, 4.flux ratio in photo aperture,5.max value,6.min value
saturePix = np.zeros(6)
saturePix[0] = Aimg_cal[ids].shape[0]
saturePix[1] = Aimg_cal.shape[0]*Aimg_cal.shape[1]
saturePix[2] = saturePix[0]/saturePix[1]
saturePix[3] = 1
saturePix[4] = np.amax(Aimg_cal)
saturePix[5] = np.amin(Aimg_cal)
idx = (lam_trace >= bRange[0]-100)
idx1 = (lam_trace[idx] <= bRange[1]+100)
w_select = lam_trace[idx][idx1]
f_select = wave_flux[idx][idx1]
e_select = err_flux[idx][idx1]
lam_index = np.argsort(w_select)
specTab = Table(np.array([w_select[lam_index], f_select[lam_index], e_select[lam_index]]).T,names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX','ERR'))
# spec_orig = np.loadtxt(sedFile)
# plt.figure()
# plt.plot(spec_orig[:,0], spec_orig[:,1])
# plt.figure()
# plt.errorbar(wave_pix[idx][idx1], wave_flux[idx][idx1],err_flux[idx][idx1])
# plt.legend([self.sedFile])
# # plt.plot(wave_pix[idx][idx1], wave_flux[idx][idx1])
return specTab, Aimg, stamp.array, saturePix
def addReadoutNois(self, img = None, readout = 5):
Author: xin
Date: 2022-08-18 23:13:26
LastEditors: xin
LastEditTime: 2023-02-24 01:05:33
LastEditors: Zhang Xin
LastEditTime: 2024-08-28 16:50:24
FilePath: /undefined/Users/zhangxin/Work/SlitlessSim/sls_1d_sim/sls_1d_gitlab/sls_1d_spec/example/
Description: 这是默认设置,请设置`customMade`, 打开koroFileHeader查看配置 进行设置:
......@@ -23,12 +23,21 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
config = Config(dataDir = dataDir)
sedFn = dataDir + 'sed/sed_44575.txt'
psf = galsim.Gaussian(fwhm=0.39)
specG = SpecGenerator(sedFn = sedFn, grating = 'GI', beam = 'A', aper = 2.0, xcenter = 2000.,ycenter = 5000., p_size = 0.074, psf = psf, skybg = 0.3, dark = 0.02, readout = 5, t = 150., expNum = 1,config = config)
specTab, specImg, img, satPix=specG.generateSpec1dforStar()
# galaxy sersic model
# specG = SpecGenerator(sedFn = sedFn, grating = 'GI', beam = 'A', aper = 2.0, xcenter = 2000.,ycenter = 5000., p_size = 0.074, psf = psf, skybg = 0.3, dark = 0.02, readout = 5, t = 150., expNum = 1,config = config)
# specTab, specImg, img, satPix=specG.generateSpec1dforStar()
# specG = SpecGenerator(sedFn = sedFn, grating = 'GI', beam = 'A', aper = 2.0, xcenter = 2000.,ycenter = 5000, p_size = 0.074, psf = psf, skybg = 0.3, dark = 0.02, readout = 5, t = 150., expNum = 1,config = config)
# specTab, specImg, img, satPix=specG.generateSpec1dforGal(s_n = 1.0, re = 0.5, pa = 90,q_ell = 1.0,limitfluxratio=0.8)
# galaxy input image
galfn = dataDir + "galImg/gal2.fits"
galimg = fits.getdata(galfn)
specG = SpecGenerator(sedFn = sedFn, grating = 'GV', beam = 'A', aper = 2.0, xcenter = 2000.,ycenter = 5000., p_size = 0.074, psf = psf, skybg = 0.3, dark = 0.02, readout = 5, t = 1500., expNum = 1,config = config)
specTab, specImg, img, satPix=specG.generateSpec1dforInputImg(img = galimg,img_pixel_scale = 0.06, limitfluxratio=0.9,deltLamb = 0.01, pixel_size = 0.074)
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