Commit 5b7bab9d authored by Zhang Xin's avatar Zhang Xin
Browse files


parent 8f5f5a9b
0.000055 spec/fm25k2odfnew.fits
0.00017 spec/fm20k2odfnew.fits
0.00055 spec/fm15k2odfnew.fits
0.00173 spec/fm10k2odfnew.fits
0.00546 spec/fm05k2odfnew.fits
0.01706 spec/fp00k2odfnew.fits
0.02677 spec/fp02k2odfnew.fits
0.05202 spec/fp05k2odfnew.fits
File added
/* code for finding the spec for each of the star */
/* within the catalogue */
/* compilation: */
/* gcc -g -O0 -Wall -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/cfitsio -L/lib64 -lcfitsio -lm main.c -o main */
/* usage: */
/* code/main file.par cat.list spec/Ext_odonnell94_R3.1_CK04W.fits */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fitsio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "utils.c"
// #include "csst_spec_interp.h"
//#include <stdio.h>
//#include <stdlib.h>
//#include <math.h>
#define MAXSTRLEN 200
//#define G_const 6.67384E-8
#define lgG log10(6.67384E-8)
#define lgMsun log10(1.9891E33)
#define lgExp log10(exp(1.))
#define twolgpc2cm 2.*log10(3.086e+18)
struct SPECLIB
float Z;
char name[MAXSTRLEN];
int nspec;
int nwv;
float *logts;
float *UniqueLogts;
int *iLogts;
int NULogts;
float *loggs;
float *UniqueLoggs;
int *iLoggs;
int NULoggs;
float *wvs;
float **specs;
struct STAR
float logte;
float logg;
//float logL;
float Mass;
float Av;
float mu0;
float Z;
//float mbolmag;
void replace(char * o_string, char * s_string, char * r_string);
void SortedUniqueElements(float in_array[], float out_array[], int size, int *NU);
int interp1D (float x, float *v, int *n, int nmax);
float locateitin1Dtab (float x, float *v, int n, int *i1, int *i2,
int flagrange, int flaglimits, int flaglog);
float locateitin1Dtab(float, float *, int, int *, int *, int, int, int);
void printerror(int);
int loadSpecLibs(char *, char *);
void loadExts(char *);
void interpSingleStar(struct STAR, float *, float *);
int NZ=0,NWV=0;
struct SPECLIB *speclibs=NULL;
float *Exts=NULL;
//float *outspec=NULL;
void printerror( int status)
/* Print out cfitsio error messages and exit program */
if (status)
fits_report_error(stderr, status); /* print error report */
exit( status ); /* terminate the program, returning error status */
int loadSpecLibs(char *file_par, char *specDir)
fitsfile *fp_spec;
FILE *fp_par;
char tmpstr[MAXSTRLEN];
int iZ,icol,imod,iwv, nspec_table, itable, icol_start, ispec, Nbyte=4;
int status=0,nfound,hdutype,nullval,anynulls;
long naxes[2];
//load the spec libs
fscanf(fp_par, "%d", &NZ);
printf("%d different metallicity tables of spec lib\n",NZ);
fgets(tmpstr, MAXSTRLEN, fp_par);
speclibs=malloc(sizeof(struct SPECLIB)*NZ);
for (iZ=0; iZ<NZ; iZ++)
fscanf(fp_par, "%f %s", &speclibs[iZ].Z, speclibs[iZ].name);
printf("loading spec file: %s\n",speclibs[iZ].name);
fgets(tmpstr, MAXSTRLEN, fp_par);
char tmpName[MAXSTRLEN] = "";
strcat(tmpName, specDir);
strcat(tmpName, speclibs[iZ].name);
if (fits_open_file(&fp_spec, tmpName, READONLY, &status)) printerror(status);
if (fits_movabs_hdu(fp_spec, 2, &hdutype, &status)) printerror(status);
if (fits_read_keys_lng(fp_spec, "NAXIS", 1, 2, naxes, &nfound, &status)) printerror(status);
printf("first table of each metallicity: naxes[0:1]: %ld, %ld\n", naxes[0], naxes[1]);
fits_read_col(fp_spec, TFLOAT, icol, 1, 1, naxes[1], &nullval, speclibs[iZ].logts, &anynulls, &status);
for (imod=0; imod<speclibs[iZ].nspec; imod++) speclibs[iZ].logts[imod]=log10(speclibs[iZ].logts[imod]);
fits_read_col(fp_spec, TFLOAT, icol+1, 1, 1, naxes[1], &nullval, speclibs[iZ].loggs, &anynulls, &status);
SortedUniqueElements(speclibs[iZ].logts, speclibs[iZ].UniqueLogts, speclibs[iZ].nspec, &speclibs[iZ].NULogts);
//printf("%d unique Teff grid points of spec lib\n", speclibs[iZ].NULogts);
for (imod=0; imod<speclibs[iZ].nspec; imod++)
for (speclibs[iZ].iLogts[imod]=0;
if (speclibs[iZ].logts[imod]==speclibs[iZ].UniqueLogts[speclibs[iZ].iLogts[imod]])
SortedUniqueElements(speclibs[iZ].loggs, speclibs[iZ].UniqueLoggs, speclibs[iZ].nspec, &speclibs[iZ].NULoggs);
//printf("%d unique logg grid points of spec lib\n", speclibs[iZ].NULoggs);
for (imod=0; imod<speclibs[iZ].nspec; imod++)
for (speclibs[iZ].iLoggs[imod]=0;
if (speclibs[iZ].loggs[imod]==speclibs[iZ].UniqueLoggs[speclibs[iZ].iLoggs[imod]])
//printf("speclibs[iZ].iLoggs[imod]: %d\n",speclibs[iZ].iLoggs[imod]);
speclibs[iZ].specs=(float **) malloc(sizeof(float *)*speclibs[iZ].nspec);
printf("nspec_table=%d\n", nspec_table);
for (itable=0; itable<nspec_table; itable++)
printf("itable=%d\n", itable);
if (fits_movabs_hdu(fp_spec, 3+itable, &hdutype, &status)) printerror(status);
//if (fits_read_keys_lng(fp_spec, "NAXIS", 1, 2, naxes, &nfound, &status)) printerror(status);
if (fits_read_keys_lng(fp_spec, "NAXIS", 1, 2, naxes, &nfound, &status)) printerror(status);
printf("naxes[0:1]=%ld, %ld\n", naxes[0]/Nbyte, naxes[1]);
if (itable==0)
//fits_read_col(fp_spec, TFLOAT, icol, 1, 1, speclibs[iZ].nwv, &nullval, speclibs[iZ].wvs, &anynulls, &status);
fits_read_col(fp_spec, TFLOAT, 1, 1, 1, speclibs[iZ].nwv, &nullval, speclibs[iZ].wvs, &anynulls, &status);
printf("wavelengths: speclibs[iZ].nwv, speclibs[iZ].wvs[0], speclibs[iZ].wvs[speclibs[iZ].nwv-1]: %d %f %f\n",
speclibs[iZ].nwv, speclibs[iZ].wvs[0], speclibs[iZ].wvs[speclibs[iZ].nwv-1]);
//printf("nspecs: %d\n",speclibs[iZ].nspec);
//if (iZ>1) { fits_close_file(fp_spec, &status); continue;}
//for (icol=icol_start; icol<speclibs[iZ].nspec+2; icol++)
//for (icol=icol_start; icol<naxes[0]/4+1; icol++)
for (icol=icol_start; icol<naxes[0]/Nbyte+1; icol++)
//if (ispec==speclibs[iZ].nspec) break;
speclibs[iZ].specs[ispec] = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*speclibs[iZ].nwv);
//printf("add: %d",malloc(sizeof(float)*speclibs[iZ].nwv));
fits_read_col(fp_spec, TFLOAT, icol, 1, 1, speclibs[iZ].nwv,
&nullval, speclibs[iZ].specs[ispec], &anynulls, &status);
//printf("%f %f\n",speclibs[iZ].specs[icol-2][0],speclibs[iZ].specs[icol-2][speclibs[iZ].nwv-1]);
for (iwv=0; iwv < speclibs[iZ].nwv; iwv++)
//speclibs[iZ].specs[icol-2][iwv] = (speclibs[iZ].specs[icol-2][iwv] < 1E-32) ?
// -32 : log10(speclibs[iZ].specs[icol-2][iwv]);
speclibs[iZ].specs[ispec][iwv] = (speclibs[iZ].specs[ispec][iwv] < 1E-20) ?
-20 : log10(speclibs[iZ].specs[ispec][iwv]);
printf("ispec=%d, nspec=%d\n",ispec, speclibs[iZ].nspec);
fits_close_file(fp_spec, &status);
NWV=speclibs[0].nwv; //NWV set here and only here
//printf("Done loading spec lib files: %d\n",speclibs[0].nwv);
return NWV;
void loadExts(char *file_ext)
int status=0,hdutype,nullval,anynulls;
fitsfile *fp_ext;
//float *Exts=NULL;
printf("file_ext name is %s\n", file_ext);
if (fits_open_file(&fp_ext, file_ext, READONLY, &status)) printerror(status);
if (fits_movabs_hdu(fp_ext, 2, &hdutype, &status)) printerror(status);
fits_read_col(fp_ext, TFLOAT, 2, 1, 1, NWV, &nullval, Exts, &anynulls, &status);
printf("Exts[500], Exts[509]: %f %f\n", Exts[500], Exts[509]);
fits_close_file(fp_ext, &status);
void interpSingleStar(struct STAR star, float *outspec, float *outspecWave)
int iZ,iZsub,iZup,imod;
int it1, it2, ig1, ig2;
float ftsub, ftup, fgsub, fgup;
int iwv;
float specsub[NWV], specup[NWV];
float wht, totalwht, Zwht;
//printf("%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f \n",star.Av,star.logg,star.logte, star.Mass, star.mu0, star.Z);
//find the two Zs comprise the star
iZsub=-99; iZup=-99;
if (star.Z<speclibs[0].Z)
iZsub=0; iZup=0;
else if (star.Z>speclibs[NZ-1].Z)
for (iZ=1;iZ<NZ;iZ++)
if (star.Z<speclibs[iZ].Z)
iZsub=iZ-1; iZup=iZ; break;
//interp within each Z speclib
for (iwv=0; iwv < NWV; iwv++) specsub[iwv]=0.;
ftsub = locateitin1Dtab (star.logte, speclibs[iZsub].UniqueLogts,
speclibs[iZsub].NULogts, &it1, &it2, 0, 0, 0);
fgsub = locateitin1Dtab (star.logg, speclibs[iZsub].UniqueLoggs,
speclibs[iZsub].NULoggs, &ig1, &ig2, 0, 0, 0);
//printf("sub: it1=%d, it2=%d\n", it1, it2);
//printf("sub: ig1=%d, ig2=%d\n", ig1, ig2);
for (imod=0; imod < speclibs[iZsub].nspec; imod++)
if ( (speclibs[iZsub].iLogts[imod] == it1 || speclibs[iZsub].iLogts[imod] == it2) &&
(speclibs[iZsub].iLoggs[imod] == ig1 || speclibs[iZsub].iLoggs[imod] == ig2) )
wht = (speclibs[iZsub].iLogts[imod] == it1 ? ftsub : 1.-ftsub) *
(speclibs[iZsub].iLoggs[imod] == ig1 ? fgsub : 1.-fgsub);
totalwht += wht;
for (iwv=0; iwv < speclibs[iZsub].nwv; iwv++)
specsub[iwv] += wht * speclibs[iZsub].specs[imod][iwv];
if (totalwht <= 0.) {printf("zero total weight, quit!"); abort();}
for (iwv=0; iwv < NWV; iwv++) specsub[iwv] /= totalwht;
//printf("up-1: it1=%d, it2=%d\n", it1, it2);
//printf("up-1: ig1=%d, ig2=%d\n", ig1, ig2);
for (iwv=0; iwv < NWV; iwv++) specup[iwv]=0.;
ftup = locateitin1Dtab (star.logte, speclibs[iZup].UniqueLogts,
speclibs[iZup].NULogts, &it1, &it2, 0, 0, 0);
//printf("up0: it1=%d, it2=%d\n", it1, it2);
fgup = locateitin1Dtab (star.logg, speclibs[iZup].UniqueLoggs,
speclibs[iZup].NULoggs, &ig1, &ig2, 0, 0, 0);
//printf("up1: it1=%d, it2=%d\n", it1, it2);
//printf("up1: ig1=%d, ig2=%d\n", ig1, ig2);
for (imod=0; imod < speclibs[iZup].nspec; imod++)
if ( (speclibs[iZup].iLogts[imod] == it1 || speclibs[iZup].iLogts[imod] == it2) &&
(speclibs[iZup].iLoggs[imod] == ig1 || speclibs[iZup].iLoggs[imod] == ig2) )
wht = (speclibs[iZup].iLogts[imod] == it1 ? ftup : 1.-ftup) *
(speclibs[iZup].iLoggs[imod] == ig1 ? fgup : 1.-fgup);
totalwht += wht;
for (iwv=0; iwv < speclibs[iZup].nwv; iwv++)
specup[iwv] += wht * speclibs[iZup].specs[imod][iwv];
if (totalwht <= 0.) abort();
for (iwv=0; iwv < speclibs[iZup].nwv; iwv++) specup[iwv] /= totalwht;
Zwht = iZsub == iZup ? 0. : (star.Z - speclibs[iZsub].Z)/(speclibs[iZup].Z - speclibs[iZsub].Z);
for (iwv=0; iwv < speclibs[iZsub].nwv; iwv++) //assuming same wv grids
outspec[iwv] = specsub[iwv] * Zwht + specup[iwv] * (1.-Zwht);
//correct for distance and extinction
for (iwv=0; iwv < speclibs[iZsub].nwv; iwv++)
outspec[iwv] = outspec[iwv] + lgG + log10(star.Mass) + lgMsun
- star.logg - 0.4*(star.mu0 + 5) - twolgpc2cm;
outspec[iwv] = outspec[iwv] - lgExp * Exts[iwv] * star.Av;
for (iwv=0; iwv < speclibs[iZsub].nwv; iwv++)
outspecWave[iwv] = speclibs[iZsub].wvs[iwv];
Author: xin
Date: 2021-08-31 14:58:40
LastEditors: xin
LastEditTime: 2022-11-21 16:09:25
FilePath: /src/Users/zhangxin/Work/SlitlessSim/sed/produceSED_bycatfile/
Description: 这是默认设置,请设置`customMade`, 打开koroFileHeader查看配置 进行设置:
from tkinter.font import names
from pylab import *
import h5py as h5
from astropy.table import Table
from scipy import interpolate
import astropy.constants as cons
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline, UnivariateSpline, interp1d
# import healpy as hp
# from datatable import dt,f
import numpy as np
from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
import os
import math
def lyman_forest(wavelen, flux, z):
Compute the Lyman forest mean absorption of an input spectrum,
according to D_A and D_B evolution from Madau (1995).
The waveeln and flux are in observed frame
if z<=0:
flux0 = flux
nw = 200
istep = np.linspace(0,nw-1,nw)
w1a, w2a = 1050.0*(1.0+z), 1170.0*(1.0+z)
w1b, w2b = 920.0*(1.0+z), 1015.0*(1.0+z)
wstepa = (w2a-w1a)/float(nw)
wstepb = (w2b-w1b)/float(nw)
wtempa = w1a + istep*wstepa
ptaua = np.exp(-3.6e-03*(wtempa/1216.0)**3.46)
wtempb = w1b + istep*wstepb
ptaub = np.exp(-1.7e-3*(wtempb/1026.0)**3.46\
da = (1.0/(120.0*(1.0+z)))*np.trapz(ptaua, wtempa)
db = (1.0/(95.0*(1.0+z)))*np.trapz(ptaub, wtempb)
if da>1.0: da=1.0
if db>1.0: db=1.0
if da<0.0: da=0.0
if db<0.0: db=0.0
flux0 = flux.copy()
id0 = wavelen<=1026.0*(1.0+z)
id1 = np.logical_and(wavelen<1216.0*(1.0+z),wavelen>=1026.0*(1.0+z))
flux0[id0] = db*flux[id0]
flux0[id1] = da*flux[id1]
return flux0
def __red(alan,al0,ga,c1,c2,c3,c4):
fun1 = lambda x: c3/(((x-(al0**2/x))**2)+ga*ga)
fun2 = lambda x,cc: cc*(0.539*((x-5.9)**2)+0.0564*((x-5.9)**3))
fun = lambda x,cc: c1+c2*x+fun1(x)+fun2(x,cc)
ala = alan*1.0e-04 #wavelength in microns
p = 1.0/ala
if np.size(p)>1:
p1, p2 = p[p>=5.9], p[p<5.9]
ff = np.append(fun(p1,c4), fun(p2,0.0))
elif np.size(p)==1:
if p<5.9: c4 = 0.0
ff = fun(p, c4)
return ff
def reddening(sw, sf, av=0.0, model=0):
calculate the intrinsic extinction of a given template
sw: array
sf: array
av: float or array
model: int
Five models will be used:
1: Allen (1976) for the Milky Way
2: Seaton (1979) fit by Fitzpatrick (1986) for the Milky Way
3: Fitzpatrick (1986) for the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC)
4: Prevot et al (1984) and Bouchet (1985) for the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC)
5: Calzetti et al (2000) for starburst galaxies
6: Reddy et al (2015) for star forming galaxies
reddening-corrected flux or observed flux
if model==0 or av==0.0:
elif model==1: # Allen (1976) for the Milky Way
lambda0 = np.array([1000, 1110, 1250, 1430, 1670, \
2000, 2220, 2500, 2850, 3330, \
3650, 4000, 4400, 5000, 5530, \
6700, 9000, 10000, 20000, 100000], dtype=float)
kR = np.array([4.20, 3.70, 3.30, 3.00, 2.70, \
2.80, 2.90, 2.30, 1.97, 1.69, \
1.58, 1.45, 1.32, 1.13, 1.00, \
0.74, 0.46, 0.38, 0.11, 0.00],dtype=float)
ext0 = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(lambda0, kR, k=1)
A_lambda = av*ext0(sw)
A_lambda[A_lambda<0.0] = 0.0
flux = sf*10**(-0.4*A_lambda)
elif model==2: # Seaton (1979) fit by Fitzpatrick (1986) for the Milky Way
al0, ga, c1, c2, c3, c4 = 4.595, 1.051, -0.38, 0.74, 3.96, 0.26
ff11 = __red(1100.0,al0,ga,c1,c2,c3,c4)
ff12 = __red(1200.0,al0,ga,c1,c2,c3,c4)
lambda0 = np.array([3650, 4000, 4400, 5000, 5530, \
6700, 9000, 10000, 20000, 100000], dtype=float)
kR = np.array([1.58, 1.45, 1.32, 1.13, 1.00, \
0.74, 0.46, 0.38, 0.11, 0.00],dtype=float)
fun = interp1d(lambda0, kR, kind='linear')
sw0 = sw[sw<1200.0]
A_lambda0 = (ff11+(sw0-1100.0)*slope)/Rv+1.0
sw1 = sw[np.logical_and(sw>=1200.0, sw<=3650.0)]
ff = __red(sw1,al0,ga,c1,c2,c3,c4)
A_lambda1 = ff/Rv+1.0
sw2 = sw[np.logical_and(sw>3650.0, sw<=100000.0)]
A_lambda2 = fun(sw2)
A_lambda3 = sw[sw>100000.0]*0.0
A_lambda = av*np.hstack([A_lambda0,A_lambda1,A_lambda2,A_lambda3])
A_lambda[A_lambda<0.0] = 0.0
flux = sf*10**(-0.4*A_lambda)
elif model==3: # Fitzpatrick (1986) for the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC)
al0, ga, c1, c2, c3, c4 = 4.608, 0.994, -0.69, 0.89, 2.55, 0.50
ff11 = __red(1100.0,al0,ga,c1,c2,c3,c4)
ff12 = __red(1200.0,al0,ga,c1,c2,c3,c4)
lambda0 = np.array([3330, 3650, 4000, 4400, 5000, 5530, \
6700, 9000, 10000, 20000, 100000], dtype=float)
kR = np.array([1.682, 1.58, 1.45, 1.32, 1.13, 1.00, \
0.74, 0.46, 0.38, 0.11, 0.00],dtype=float)
fun = interp1d(lambda0, kR, kind='linear')
sw0 = sw[sw<1200.0]
A_lambda0 = (ff11+(sw0-1100.0)*slope)/Rv+1.0
sw1 = sw[np.logical_and(sw>=1200.0, sw<=3330.0)]
ff = __red(sw1,al0,ga,c1,c2,c3,c4)
A_lambda1 = ff/Rv+1.0
sw2 = sw[np.logical_and(sw>3330.0, sw<=100000.0)]
A_lambda2 = fun(sw2)
A_lambda3 = sw[sw>100000.0]*0.0
A_lambda = av*np.hstack([A_lambda0,A_lambda1,A_lambda2,A_lambda3])
A_lambda[A_lambda<0.0] = 0.0
flux = sf*10**(-0.4*A_lambda)
elif model==4: # Prevot et al (1984) and Bouchet (1985) for the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC)
Rv = 2.72
lambda0 = np.array([1275, 1330, 1385, 1435, 1490, 1545, \
1595, 1647, 1700, 1755, 1810, 1860, \
1910, 2000, 2115, 2220, 2335, 2445, \
2550, 2665, 2778, 2890, 2995, 3105, \
3704, 4255, 5291, 12500, 16500, 22000], dtype=float)
kR = np.array([13.54, 12.52, 11.51, 10.80, 9.84, 9.28, \
9.06, 8.49, 8.01, 7.71, 7.17, 6.90, 6.76, \
6.38, 5.85, 5.30, 4.53, 4.24, 3.91, 3.49, \
3.15, 3.00, 2.65, 2.29, 1.81, 1.00, 0.00, \
-2.02, -2.36, -2.47],dtype=float)
kR = kR/Rv+1.0
ext0 = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(lambda0, kR, k=1)
A_lambda = av*ext0(sw)
A_lambda[A_lambda<0.0] = 0.0
flux = sf*10**(-0.4*A_lambda)
elif model==5: # Calzetti et al (2000) for starburst galaxies
Rv = 4.05
sw = sw*1.0e-04 #wavelength in microns
fun1 = lambda x: 2.659*(-2.156+1.509/x-0.198/x**2+0.011/x**3)+Rv
fun2 = lambda x: 2.659*(-1.857+1.040/x)+Rv
ff11, ff12 = fun1(0.11), fun1(0.12)
ff99, ff100 = fun2(2.19), fun2(2.2)
sw0 = sw[sw<0.12]
sw1 = sw[np.logical_and(sw>=0.12, sw<=0.63)]
sw2 = sw[np.logical_and(sw>0.63, sw<=2.2)]
sw3 = sw[sw>2.2]
k_lambda0 = ff11+(sw0-0.11)*slope1
k_lambda1, k_lambda2 = fun1(sw1), fun2(sw2)
k_lambda3 = ff99+(sw3-2.19)*slope2
A_lambda = av*np.hstack([k_lambda0,k_lambda1,k_lambda2,k_lambda3])/Rv
A_lambda[A_lambda<0.0] = 0.0
flux = sf*10**(-0.4*A_lambda)
elif model==6: # Reddy et al (2015) for satr forming galaxies
Rv = 2.505
sw = sw*1.0e-04
fun1 = lambda x: -5.726+4.004/x-0.525/x**2+0.029/x**3+Rv
fun2 = lambda x: -2.672-0.010/x+1.532/x**2-0.412/x**3+Rv
ff11, ff12 = fun1(0.14), fun1(0.15)
ff99, ff100 = fun2(2.84), fun2(2.85)
sw0 = sw[sw<0.15]
sw1 = sw[np.logical_and(sw>=0.15, sw<0.60)]
sw2 = sw[np.logical_and(sw>=0.60, sw<2.85)]
sw3 = sw[sw>=2.85]
k_lambda0 = ff11+(sw0-0.14)*slope1
k_lambda1, k_lambda2 = fun1(sw1), fun2(sw2)
k_lambda3 = ff99+(sw3-2.84)*slope2
A_lambda = av*np.hstack([k_lambda0,k_lambda1,k_lambda2,k_lambda3])/Rv
A_lambda[A_lambda<0.0] = 0.0
flux = sf*10**(-0.4*A_lambda)
print("!!! Please select a proper reddening model")
return flux
def getObservedSED(sedCat, redshift=0.0, av=0.0, redden=0):
z = redshift + 1.0
sw, sf = sedCat[:,0], sedCat[:,1]
# reddening
sf = reddening(sw, sf, av=av, model=redden)
sw, sf = sw*z, sf/z
# lyman forest correction
sf = lyman_forest(sw, sf, redshift)
isedObs = (sw.copy(), sf.copy())
return isedObs
def getSEDData(sedDir='',sedType = 0):
sedListF = open(sedDir + 'galaxy.list')
sedIter = 1
while sedIter<=sedType:
l = sedListF.readline()
sedIter +=1
sedfn = l.split()[0]
sedData = loadtxt(sedDir + sedfn)
return sedData
def tag_sed(starSpecfile, model_tag, teff=5000, logg=2, feh=0):
h5file = h5.File(starSpecfile,'r')
model_tag_str = model_tag.decode("utf-8").strip()
teff_grid = np.unique(h5file["teff"][model_tag_str])
logg_grid = np.unique(h5file["logg"][model_tag_str])
feh_grid = np.unique(h5file["feh"][model_tag_str])
close_teff = teff_grid[np.argmin(np.abs(teff_grid - teff))]
close_logg = logg_grid[np.argmin(np.abs(logg_grid - logg))]
if model_tag_str == "koester" or model_tag_str == "MC":
close_feh = 99
close_feh = feh_grid[np.argmin(np.abs(feh_grid - feh))]
path = model_tag_str + f"_teff_{close_teff:.1f}_logg_{close_logg:.2f}_feh_{close_feh:.1f}"
wave = np.array(h5file["wave"][model_tag_str][()]).ravel()
flux = np.array(h5file["sed"][path][()]).ravel()
return path, wave, flux
def getABMagAverageVal(ABmag=20.,norm_thr=None, sWave=6840, eWave=8250):
norm_thr: astropy.table, 2 colum, 'WAVELENGTH', 'SENSITIVITY'
the integerate flux of AB magnitude in the norm_thr(the throughtput of band), photos s-1 m-2 A-1
inverseLambda = norm_thr['SENSITIVITY']/norm_thr['WAVELENGTH']
norm_thr_i = interpolate.interp1d(norm_thr['WAVELENGTH'], inverseLambda)
x = np.linspace(sWave,eWave, int(eWave)-int(sWave)+1)
y = norm_thr_i(x)
AverageLamdaInverse = np.trapz(y,x)/(eWave-sWave)
norm = 54798696332.52474 * pow(10.0, -0.4 * ABmag) * AverageLamdaInverse
# print('AverageLamdaInverse = ', AverageLamdaInverse)
# print('norm = ', norm)
return norm
def getNormFactorForSpecWithABMAG(ABMag=20., spectrum=None, norm_thr=None, sWave=6840, eWave=8250):
Use AB magnitude system (zero point, fv = 3631 janskys) in the normal band(norm_thr) normalize the spectrum by inpute ABMag
spectrum: astropy.table, 2 colum, 'WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'
norm_thr: astropy.table, 2 colum, 'WAVELENGTH', 'SENSITIVITY'
sWave: the start of norm_thr
eWave: the end of norm_thr
the normalization factor flux of AB system(fix a band and magnitude ) /the flux of inpute spectrum(fix a band)
spectrumi = interpolate.interp1d(spectrum['WAVELENGTH'], spectrum['FLUX'])
norm_thri = interpolate.interp1d(norm_thr['WAVELENGTH'], norm_thr['SENSITIVITY'])
x = np.linspace(sWave,eWave, int(eWave)-int(sWave)+1)
y_spec = spectrumi(x)
y_thr = norm_thri(x)
y = y_spec*y_thr
specAve = np.trapz(y,x)/(eWave-sWave)
norm = getABMagAverageVal(ABmag=ABMag, norm_thr=norm_thr, sWave=sWave, eWave=eWave)
if specAve == 0:
return 0
# print('specAve = ', specAve)
return norm / specAve
def getABMAG(spec, bandpass_fn, sw=None, ew = None, bpass_type = 'fits'):
if bpass_type == 'fits':
throughtput =
th_dat = np.loadtxt(bandpass_fn)
throughtput = Table(th_dat, names=['WAVELENGTH','SENSITIVITY'])
if sw is None or ew is None:
thr_ids = throughtput['SENSITIVITY'] > 0.01
sWave = np.floor(throughtput[thr_ids][0][0])
eWave = np.ceil(throughtput[thr_ids][-1][0])
eWave = ew
if throughtput['WAVELENGTH'][0]>sWave:
if throughtput['WAVELENGTH'][-1]<eWave:
# print('in getABMAG', sWave, eWave)
spectrumi = interpolate.interp1d(spec['WAVELENGTH'], spec['FLUX'])
thri = interpolate.interp1d(throughtput['WAVELENGTH'],throughtput['SENSITIVITY'])
x = np.linspace(sWave,eWave, (int(eWave)-int(sWave)+1))
y_spec = spectrumi(x)*thri(x)
interFlux = np.trapz(y_spec, x)
ABMAG_zero = getABMagAverageVal(
flux_ave = interFlux / (eWave-sWave)
ABMAG_spec = -2.5 * np.log10(flux_ave/ABMAG_zero)
return ABMAG_spec
def getABMAGANDErr(spec, bandpass_fn, readout = 5, sky = 0.2, dark = 0.02, t = 150, aper = 2, frame = 1, noisepix_num = 22, flux_ratio = 1.0):
throughtput =
thr_ids = throughtput['SENSITIVITY'] > 0.01
sWave = np.floor(throughtput[thr_ids][0][0])
eWave = np.ceil(throughtput[thr_ids][-1][0])
# sWave=2000
# eWave = 18000
# print('in getABMAG', sWave, eWave)
spectrumi = interpolate.interp1d(spec['WAVELENGTH'], spec['FLUX'])
thri = interpolate.interp1d(throughtput['WAVELENGTH'],throughtput['SENSITIVITY'])
x = np.linspace(sWave,eWave, (int(eWave)-int(sWave)+1))
y_spec = spectrumi(x)*thri(x)
interFlux = np.trapz(y_spec, x)
ABMAG_zero = getABMagAverageVal(
flux_ave = interFlux / (eWave-sWave)
ABMAG_spec = -2.5 * np.log10(flux_ave/ABMAG_zero)
totalFlux = interFlux * t * frame * math.pi*(aper*aper/4.)
noise_var = totalFlux*flux_ratio + (sky + dark) * t * frame * noisepix_num + readout * readout * noisepix_num * frame
mag_err = 1.087*(noise_var/(totalFlux*flux_ratio))
return ABMAG_spec, mag_err
def getAveEnerge(spec, bandpass_fn):
throughtput =
thr_ids = throughtput['SENSITIVITY'] > 0.01
sWave = np.floor(throughtput[thr_ids][0][0])
eWave = np.ceil(throughtput[thr_ids][-1][0])
# sWave=2000
# eWave = 18000
# print('in getABMAG', sWave, eWave)
spectrumi = interpolate.interp1d(spec['WAVELENGTH'], spec['FLUX'])
thri = interpolate.interp1d(throughtput['WAVELENGTH'],throughtput['SENSITIVITY'])
x = np.linspace(sWave,eWave, (int(eWave)-int(sWave)+1))
y_spec = spectrumi(x)
interFlux = np.trapz(y_spec, x)
return interFlux/(eWave-sWave)
def produceSourceSED(sedSoureType = 0,mag_norm = 24.0, norm_filter_thr_fn= 'g.fits',gal_sed_lib_dir = 'Galaxy/', z=0.1, av = 0.1, redden = 0, gal_sedType =1,star_sed_lib_fn='SpecLib.hdf5', lib_tag = 'phoe',teff = 5000, logg = 2, feh = 0):
if sedSoureType == 0:
tag = lib_tag.encode('UTF-8')
_, wave, flux = tag_sed(star_sed_lib_fn, tag, teff=teff, logg=logg, feh=feh)
elif sedSoureType==1:
sedData = getSEDData(gal_sed_lib_dir, sedType = gal_sedType)
sed_data = getObservedSED(
wave = sed_data[0]
flux = sed_data[1]
speci = interpolate.interp1d(wave, flux)
lamb = np.arange(2000, 18001 + 0.5, 0.5)
y = speci(lamb)
# erg/s/cm2/A --> photo/s/m2/A
all_sed = y * lamb / (cons.h.value * cons.c.value) * 1e-13
orig_spec_phot = Table(np.array([lamb, all_sed]).T, names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'))
normThr =
# orig_spec = Table(np.array([wave,flux]).T, names=(['WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX']))
norm_thr_rang_ids = normThr['SENSITIVITY'] > 0.001
sedNormFactor = getNormFactorForSpecWithABMAG(ABMag=mag_norm, spectrum=orig_spec_phot,
norm_spec = Table(Table(np.array([wave,flux*sedNormFactor]).T, names=(['WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'])))
norm_spec_phot = Table(Table(np.array([lamb,all_sed*sedNormFactor]).T, names=(['WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'])))
return norm_spec, norm_spec_phot
def produceNormSED_photon(inputSED = None,mag_norm = 24.0, norm_filter_thr_fn= 'g.fits',ws = 2000, we = 18000):
wave = inputSED['WAVELENGTH']
flux = inputSED['FLUX']
speci = interpolate.interp1d(wave, flux)
lamb = np.arange(ws, we + 0.5, 0.5)
y = speci(lamb)
# erg/s/cm2/A --> photo/s/m2/A
all_sed = y * lamb / (cons.h.value * cons.c.value) * 1e-13
orig_spec_phot = Table(np.array([lamb, all_sed]).T, names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'))
normThr =
# orig_spec = Table(np.array([wave,flux]).T, names=(['WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX']))
norm_thr_rang_ids = normThr['SENSITIVITY'] > 0.001
sedNormFactor = getNormFactorForSpecWithABMAG(ABMag=mag_norm, spectrum=orig_spec_phot,
norm_spec_phot = Table(Table(np.array([lamb,all_sed*sedNormFactor]).T, names=(['WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'])))
return norm_spec_phot
def calculatCSSTMAG_ERR(spec = None, throughput_dir = '/Users/zhangxin/Work/SlitlessSim/sed/produceSED_bycatfile/data/throughputs/CSST/', t = 150,frame = 1, noisepix_num = 22, flux_ratio = 1.0):
fil = ['nuv','u','g','r','i','z','y']
skybg = {'nuv': 0.00261,'u':0.01823,'g':0.15897,'r':0.20705,'i':0.21433,'z':0.12658,'y':0.037}
resMag = {}
for fi in fil:
mag,err = getABMAGANDErr(spec, throughput_dir+fi+'.Throughput.fits', readout = 5, sky = skybg[fi], dark = 0.02, t = t, aper = 2, frame = frame, noisepix_num = noisepix_num, flux_ratio = flux_ratio)
resMag[fi] = [mag,err]
return resMag
def calculatCSSTMAG(spec = None, throughput_dir = '/Users/zhangxin/Work/SlitlessSim/sed/produceSED_bycatfile/data/throughputs/CSST/',ws = None, we = None, filelist = None, band_instr = 'CSST'):
fil = ['nuv','u','g','r','i','z','y']
if filelist is not None:
fil = filelist
resMag = {}
for fi in fil:
if band_instr == 'CSST':
mag = getABMAG(spec, throughput_dir+fi+'.Throughput.fits',sw = ws, ew = we, bpass_type = 'fits')
mag = getABMAG(spec, throughput_dir+fi+'.dat',sw = ws, ew = we, bpass_type = 'dat')
resMag[fi] = mag
return resMag
def calculatCSSTFilEnergy(spec = None, throughput_dir = '/Users/zhangxin/Work/SlitlessSim/sed/produceSED_bycatfile/data/throughputs/CSST/'):
fil = ['nuv','u','g','r','i','z','y']
resMag = {}
for fi in fil:
ene = getAveEnerge(spec, throughput_dir+fi+'.Throughput.fits')
resMag[fi] = ene
return resMag
def produceGalSED_C6( gal_id_s = '03593100052300144566', gal_z = 1.6927,mag_norm = -99, norm_filter_thr_fn= 'g.fits',galaxy_cat_dir = "/Volumes/EAGET/C6_data/inputData/Catalog_C6_20221212/cat2CSSTSim_bundle/",sedlib_dir = "/Volumes/EAGET/C6_data/inputData/Catalog_C6_20221212/sedlibs/"):
healPix_id = int(gal_id_s[0:6])
galcat_file = galaxy_cat_dir + "galaxies_C6_bundle" + gal_id_s[6:12] + '.h5'
g_id = int(gal_id_s[12:])
gals_cat = h5.File(galcat_file, 'r')['galaxies']
coeff = gals_cat[str(healPix_id)]['coeff'][:][g_id]
pcs = h5.File(os.path.join(sedlib_dir, "pcs.h5"), "r")
lamb = h5.File(os.path.join(sedlib_dir, "lamb.h5"), "r")
lamb_gal = lamb['lamb'][()]
pcs = pcs['pcs'][()]
cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=67.66, Om0=0.3111)
if gal_z != 0:
factor = 10**(-.4 * cosmo.distmod(gal_z).value)
flux = np.matmul(pcs, coeff) * factor
flux[flux < 0] = 0.
sedcat = np.vstack((lamb_gal, flux)).T
sed_data = getObservedSED(
wave, flux = sed_data[0], sed_data[1]
speci = interpolate.interp1d(wave, flux)
lamb = np.arange(2000, 11001 + 0.5, 0.5)
y = speci(lamb)
# erg/s/cm2/A --> photo/s/m2/A
all_sed = y * lamb / (cons.h.value * cons.c.value) * 1e-13
orig_spec_phot = Table(np.array([lamb, all_sed]).T, names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'))
if mag_norm != -99:
normThr =
# orig_spec = Table(np.array([wave,flux]).T, names=(['WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX']))
norm_thr_rang_ids = normThr['SENSITIVITY'] > 0.001
sedNormFactor = getNormFactorForSpecWithABMAG(ABMag=mag_norm, spectrum=orig_spec_phot,
norm_spec = Table(Table(np.array([wave,flux*sedNormFactor]).T, names=(['WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'])))
norm_spec_phot = Table(Table(np.array([lamb,all_sed*sedNormFactor]).T, names=(['WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'])))
return norm_spec, norm_spec_phot
# fileDir = os.getcwd()
# #normlization filter star
# # star_norm_fn = '/Users/zhangxin/Work/SlitlessSim/sed/produceSED_bycatfile/data/throughputs/SDSS/SLOAN_SDSS.g.fits'
# star_norm_fn = os.path.join(fileDir, "data/throughputs/SDSS/SLOAN_SDSS.g.fits")
# #恒星模板库
# star_sed_lib = "/Volumes/ExtremeSSD/SimData/Catalog_20210126/SpecLib.hdf5"
# #输入参数,星等,得到两个光谱,spec是能量,spec_p是光子
# spec, spec_photo = produceSourceSED(sedSoureType = 0,mag_norm = 20., norm_filter_thr_fn = star_norm_fn, star_sed_lib_fn=star_sed_lib, lib_tag = 'MM',teff = 3800., logg = 0. , feh = -1.)
# #星系星表文件
# galaxy_cat_dir = "/Volumes/EAGET/C6_data/inputData/Catalog_C6_20221212/cat2CSSTSim_bundle/"
# #星系光谱模板,PCA
# sedlib_dir = "/Volumes/EAGET/C6_data/inputData/Catalog_C6_20221212/sedlibs/"
# #normlization filter galaxy
# # gal_norm_fn = '/Users/zhangxin/Work/SlitlessSim/sed/produceSED_bycatfile/data/throughputs/LSST/lsst_throuput_g.fits'
# gal_norm_fn = os.path.join(fileDir, "data/throughputs/LSST/lsst_throuput_g.fits")
# gal_spec, gal_spec_photo = produceGalSED_C6(gal_id_s = '03490800052300010462', gal_z = 0.3764,mag_norm = -99, norm_filter_thr_fn= gal_norm_fn)
#根据上面计算的光谱计算csst星等,噪声不需要就不用管了,t, frame, noisepix_num, flux_ratio,都是为了估计噪声
# mags = calculatCSSTMAG_ERR(spec = spec_photo,throughput_dir = '/Users/zhangxin/Work/SlitlessSim/sed/produceSED_bycatfile/data/throughputs/CSST/', t = 150,frame = 2, noisepix_num = 22, flux_ratio = 1.0)
# # #打印csst星等
# for k in list(mags.keys()):
# print(k, mags[k][0])
# gal_norm_fn = '/Users/zhangxin/Work/SlitlessSim/sed/produceSED_bycatfile/data/throughputs/LSST/lsst_throuput_g.fits'
# gal_sed_dir = "/Volumes/Extreme SSD/SimData/Templates/Galaxy/"
# # spec1, spec1_p = produceSourceSED(sedSoureType = 1,mag_norm = 22.075, norm_filter_thr_fn= gal_norm_fn,gal_sed_lib_dir = gal_sed_dir, z=0.1, av = 0.1, redden = 0)
# spec1, spec1_p = produceSourceSED(sedSoureType = 1,mag_norm = 22.075, norm_filter_thr_fn= gal_norm_fn,gal_sed_lib_dir = gal_sed_dir, z=0.35, av = 0.35, redden = 3.0000,gal_sedType=22)
# fil = ['nuv','u','g','r','i','z','y']
# throughput_dir = '/Users/zhangxin/Work/SlitlessSim/sed/produceSED_bycatfile/data/throughputs/CSST/'
# for fi in fil:
# throughput_fn = throughput_dir + fi + '.throughput.fits'
# mag = getABMAG(spec_p, throughput_dir+fi+'.Throughput.fits')
# print(fi,mag)
Author: Zhang Xin
Date: 2024-01-02 13:34:39
LastEditors: Zhang Xin
LastEditTime: 2024-03-25 13:51:33
FilePath: /csst-simulation/Users/zhangxin/Work/SlitlessSim/CSST_SIM/Star_spec/csst_spec_interp_clean/code/
Description: 这是默认设置,请设置`customMade`, 打开koroFileHeader查看配置 进行设置:
# cc -fPIC -shared main_singlestar.c -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/cfitsio -lcfitsio -lm -o test.dylib
import os
import numpy as np
from import fits
import ctypes
from astropy.table import Table
import produceSED
# from ctypes import *
# struct STAR
# {
# float logte;
# float logg;
# //float logL;
# float Mass;
# float Av;
# float mu0;
# float Z;
# //float mbolmag;
# };
class Star(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
('Av', ctypes.c_float),
('mu0', ctypes.c_float),
('Z', ctypes.c_float)]
d = ctypes.CDLL(os.path.join(topdir,code_name))
d.loadSpecLibs.argtypes=[ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
#nwv = d.loadSpecLibs(str.encode(os.path.join(topdir,'file_CK04.par')),str.encode(topdir))
nwv = d.loadSpecLibs(str.encode(os.path.join(topdir,'file_BT-Settl_CSST_wl1000-24000_R1000.par')),str.encode(topdir))
print("Done loading Exts")
spec = (ctypes.c_float*nwv)()
wave = (ctypes.c_float*nwv)()
d.interpSingleStar.argtypes=[ctypes.Structure, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float)]
#example for a single star
#s=Star(3.620752, 4.701155, 0.599979, 0.067540, 11.200001, 0.008501)
s=Star(3.9739766, 8.108173, 0.6525841, 0.077022046, 9.05, 0.024376422)
#s=Star(3.9739766, 4.99, 0.6525841, 0.077022046, 9.05, 0.024376422)
d.interpSingleStar(s, spec)
spec_ = spec[:]
from astropy.table import Table
catalogFn = "/nfsdata/nfsdata/share/CSSTsimInputCat_TH/C9_RA300_DECm60.fits"
cat =
filters = ['nuv','u','g','r','i','z','y']
res = {}
nrows = len(cat)
for fi in filters:
res[fi] = np.zeros(nrows)
for fi in filters_other:
res[fi] = np.zeros(nrows)
from mpi4py import MPI
rank = comm.Get_rank()
rank_size = comm.Get_size()
print("------------------",rank_size, rank)
iterNum = 0
for star in cat:
if iterNum%10000==0:
if iterNum > 1:
iterNum = iterNum + 1
if iterNum % rank_size != rank:
iterNum = iterNum + 1
specTable = np.zeros([nwv,2])
s=Star(star['mwmsc_logte'], star['mwmsc_logg'], 1., star['mwmsc_av'], star['mwmsc_mu0'], star['mwmsc_z'])
#print("star[logTe], star[logg], star[Mass], star[Av], star[mu0], star[Z]: ", star['logTe'], star['logg'], star['Mass'], star['Av'], star['mu0'], star['Z'])
d.interpSingleStar(s, spec, wave)
specTable[:,0] = wave[:]
specTable[:,1] = spec[:]
# print(spec[500:509])
spec_out = Table(np.array([wave[:], np.power(10,spec[:])]).T, names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'))
spec_norm_phot = produceSED.produceNormSED_photon(inputSED = spec_out,mag_norm = star['mwmsc_gsmag'], norm_filter_thr_fn= 'data/throughputs/SDSS/SLOAN_SDSS.g.fits',ws = 1000, we = 24000)
mags = produceSED.calculatCSSTMAG(spec = spec_norm_phot, throughput_dir = 'data/throughputs/CSST/',ws= 2000, we = 11000)
mags_others = produceSED.calculatCSSTMAG(spec = spec_norm_phot, throughput_dir = 'data/throughputs/filter_transp/',ws= 1000, we = 24000, filelist=filters_other, band_instr='other')
for fi in filters:
res[fi][iterNum] = mags[fi]
for fi in filters_other:
res[fi][iterNum] = mags_others[fi]
iterNum = iterNum + 1
print(mags, mags_others)
total_res=comm.gather(res, root=0)
if rank == 0:
# new_res = res
# total_res=comm.gather(res, root=0)
# print("gather data size is ", size(total_res))
for i in np.arange(1, rank_size, 1):
for fi in filters:
res[fi] = res[fi] + total_res[i][fi]
for fi in filters_other:
res[fi] = res[fi] + total_res[i][fi]
for fi in filters:
for fi in filters_other:
# cat.write("C9_RA300_DECm60_calmag_.fits",overwrite=True)
# print('--------------------------')
# print(mags['nuv']-star['mwmsc_nuvmag'], mags['u']-star['mwmsc_umag'], mags['g']-star['mwmsc_gmag'], mags['r']-star['mwmsc_rmag'], mags['i']-star['mwmsc_imag'],mags['z']-star['mwmsc_zmag'],mags['y']-star['mwmsc_ymag'])
#exmple of handling a fits catalouge with many stars'spec/fp00k2odfnew.fits')[2].data['wave'] #in Angstrom
# cat_list=np.loadtxt(topdir+'cat.list', dtype='U')
# for listfile in cat_list:
# hdu =
# cat=hdu[1].data
# for star in cat:
# specTable = np.zeros([nwv,2])
# s=Star(star['logTe'], star['logg'], star['Mass'], star['Av'], star['mu0'], star['Z'])
# #print("star[logTe], star[logg], star[Mass], star[Av], star[mu0], star[Z]: ", star['logTe'], star['logg'], star['Mass'], star['Av'], star['mu0'], star['Z'])
# d.interpSingleStar(s, spec, wave)
# specTable[:,0] = wave[:]
# specTable[:,1] = spec[:]
# # print(spec[500:509])
# spec_out = Table(np.array([wave[:], np.power(10,spec[:])]).T, names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'))
# spec_norm_phot = produceSED.produceNormSED_photon(inputSED = spec_out,mag_norm = 24.0, norm_filter_thr_fn= 'data/throughputs/SDSS/SLOAN_SDSS.g.fits',ws = 2500, we = 10000)
# mags = produceSED.calculatCSSTMAG(spec = spec_norm_phot, throughput_dir = 'data/throughputs/CSST/',ws= 2500, we = 10000)
# # print("MAG is ",mags)
# print('--------------------------')
# print(mags['nuv']-star['mwmsc_nuvmag'], mag['u']-star['mwmsc_umag'], mag['g']-star['mwmsc_gmag'], mag['r']-star['mwmsc_rmag'], mag['i']-star['mwmsc_imag'],mag['z']-star['mwmsc_zmag'],mag['y']-star['mwmsc_ymag'])
cc -fPIC -shared main_singlestar.c -I/home/zhangxin/anaconda3/pkgs/cfitsio-3.470-1/include/ -L/home/zhangxin/anaconda3/pkgs/cfitsio-3.470-1/lib/ -lcfitsio -lm -o
SpectRes: A fast spectral resampling function.
Copyright (C) 2017 A. C. Carnall
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import sys
# Function for calculating the left hand side (lhs) positions and widths of the spectral bins from their central wavelengths.
def make_bins(wavelengths, make_rhs="False"):
bin_widths = np.zeros(wavelengths.shape[0])
# This option makes the final entry in the left hand sides array the right hand side of the final bin
if make_rhs == "True":
bin_lhs = np.zeros(wavelengths.shape[0]+1)
#The first lhs position is assumed to be as far from the first central wavelength as the rhs of the first bin.
bin_lhs[0] = wavelengths[0] - (wavelengths[1]-wavelengths[0])/2.
bin_widths[-1] = (wavelengths[-1] - wavelengths[-2])
bin_lhs[-1] = wavelengths[-1] + (wavelengths[-1]-wavelengths[-2])/2.
bin_lhs[1:-1] = (wavelengths[1:] + wavelengths[:-1])/2.
bin_widths[:-1] = bin_lhs[1:-1]-bin_lhs[:-2]
# Otherwise just return the lhs positions of each bin
bin_lhs = np.zeros(wavelengths.shape[0])
bin_lhs[0] = wavelengths[0] - (wavelengths[1]-wavelengths[0])/2.
bin_widths[-1] = (wavelengths[-1] - wavelengths[-2])
bin_lhs[1:] = (wavelengths[1:] + wavelengths[:-1])/2.
bin_widths[:-1] = bin_lhs[1:]-bin_lhs[:-1]
return bin_lhs, bin_widths
# Function for performing spectral resampling on a spectrum or array of spectra.
def spectres(spec_wavs, spec_fluxes, resampling, spec_errs=None):
if (spec_wavs[0]>=resampling[0]):
for i, x in enumerate(resampling):
if x >= spec_wavs[0]: break
if (resampling[0]<1.):
print('the output wave min is less than 1A, are you sure????????')
if (resampling[0]-(resampling[1]-resampling[0]) > 1.):
if (spec_wavs[-1]<=resampling[-1]):
for i, x in enumerate(resampling):
if x > spec_wavs[-1]: break
new_wavs=np.append(resampling[i:], [resampling[-1]+2.*(resampling[-1]-resampling[-2])])
# Generate arrays of left hand side positions and widths for the old and new bins
filter_lhs, filter_widths = make_bins(resampling, make_rhs="True")
spec_lhs, spec_widths = make_bins(spec_wavs)
# Check that the range of wavelengths to be resampled onto falls within the initial sampling region
if filter_lhs[0] < spec_lhs[0] or filter_lhs[-1] > spec_lhs[-1]:
print("Spec_lhs, filter_lhs, filter_rhs, spec_rhs ", spec_lhs[0], filter_lhs[0], filter_lhs[-1], spec_lhs[-1])
#sys.exit("spectres was passed a spectrum which did not cover the full wavelength range of the specified filter curve.")
print("spectres was passed a spectrum which did not cover the full wavelength range of the specified filter curve.")
#Generate output arrays to be populated
if spec_fluxes.ndim == 1:
resampled = np.zeros((resampling.shape[0]))
elif spec_fluxes.ndim == 2:
resampled = np.zeros((len(resampling), spec_fluxes.shape[1]))
if spec_errs is not None:
if spec_errs.shape != spec_fluxes.shape:
sys.exit("If specified, spec_errs must be the same shape as spec_fluxes.")
resampled_errs = np.copy(resampled)
start = 0
stop = 0
# Calculate the new spectral flux and uncertainty values, loop over the new bins
for j in range(len(filter_lhs)-1):
# Find the first old bin which is partially covered by the new bin
while spec_lhs[start+1] <= filter_lhs[j]:
start += 1
# Find the last old bin which is partially covered by the new bin
while spec_lhs[stop+1] < filter_lhs[j+1]:
stop += 1
if spec_fluxes.ndim == 1:
# If the new bin falls entirely within one old bin the are the same the new flux and new error are the same as for that bin
if stop == start:
resampled[j] = spec_fluxes[start]
if spec_errs is not None:
resampled_errs[j] = spec_errs[start]
# Otherwise multiply the first and last old bin widths by P_ij, all the ones in between have P_ij = 1
start_factor = (spec_lhs[start+1] - filter_lhs[j])/(spec_lhs[start+1] - spec_lhs[start])
end_factor = (filter_lhs[j+1] - spec_lhs[stop])/(spec_lhs[stop+1] - spec_lhs[stop])
spec_widths[start] *= start_factor
spec_widths[stop] *= end_factor
# Populate the resampled spectrum and uncertainty arrays
resampled[j] = np.sum(spec_widths[start:stop+1]*spec_fluxes[start:stop+1])/np.sum(spec_widths[start:stop+1])
if spec_errs is not None:
resampled_errs[j] = np.sqrt(np.sum((spec_widths[start:stop+1]*spec_errs[start:stop+1])**2.))/np.sum(spec_widths[start:stop+1])
# Put back the old bin widths to their initial values for later use
spec_widths[start] /= start_factor
spec_widths[stop] /= end_factor
# The same as above, except operates on each row of the array, resampling all of the input models
elif spec_fluxes.ndim == 2:
if stop == start:
resampled[j, :] = spec_fluxes[start, :]
if spec_errs is not None:
resampled_errs[j, :] = spec_errs[start, :]
start_factor = (spec_lhs[start+1] - filter_lhs[j])/(spec_lhs[start+1] - spec_lhs[start])
end_factor = (filter_lhs[j+1] - spec_lhs[stop])/(spec_lhs[stop+1] - spec_lhs[stop])
spec_widths[start] *= start_factor
spec_widths[stop] *= end_factor
resampled[j, :] = np.sum(np.expand_dims(spec_widths[start:stop+1], axis=1)*spec_fluxes[start:stop+1, :], axis=0)/np.sum(spec_widths[start:stop+1])
if spec_errs is not None:
resampled_errs[j, :] = np.sqrt(np.sum((np.expand_dims(spec_widths[start:stop+1], axis=1)*spec_errs[start:stop+1])**2., axis=0))/np.sum(spec_widths[start:stop+1])
spec_widths[start] /= start_factor
spec_widths[stop] /= end_factor
# If errors were supplied return the resampled spectrum and error arrays
if spec_errs is not None:
return resampled, resampled_errs
# Otherwise just return the resampled spectrum array
return resampled
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File added
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
* The replace function
* Searches all of the occurrences using recursion
* and replaces with the given string
* @param char * o_string The original string
* @param char * s_string The string to search for
* @param char * r_string The replace string
* @return void The o_string passed is modified
void replace(char * o_string, char * s_string, char * r_string) {
//a buffer variable to do all replace things
char buffer[255];
//to store the pointer returned from strstr
char * ch;
//first exit condition
if(!(ch = strstr(o_string, s_string)))
//copy all the content to buffer before the first occurrence of the search string
strncpy(buffer, o_string, ch-o_string);
//prepare the buffer for appending by adding a null to the end of it
buffer[ch-o_string] = 0;
//append using sprintf function
sprintf(buffer+(ch - o_string), "%s%s", r_string, ch + strlen(s_string));
//empty o_string for copying
o_string[0] = 0;
strcpy(o_string, buffer);
//pass recursively to replace other occurrences
return replace(o_string, s_string, r_string);
void SortedUniqueElements(float in_array[], float out_array[], int size, int *NU)
int i, j;
float temp;
//printf("size: %d\n",size);
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
for (j = i+1; j < size; j++) if (in_array[i] == in_array[j]) break;
if (j == size) out_array[(*NU)++] = in_array[i];
//printf("NU: %d\n",*NU);
for ( i = 0; i < (*NU)-1; i++)
for ( j = i+1; j < *NU; j++)
if (out_array[i] > out_array[j])
temp = out_array[i];
out_array[i] = out_array[j];
out_array[j] = temp;
int interp1D (float x, float *v, int *n, int nmax)
int j, iok; //float tmp;
for (j=0, iok=0; j<*n; j++)
if (x==*(v+j)) // if value already exists
{ iok=1; break; }
if (iok==0) // it does not exist, appends value
{ *(v+j) = x ; (*n)++; }
if (*n>nmax)
printf("Error: maximum in dusty table (%d/%d) reached\n", *n, nmax);
for (j=0; j<nmax; j++) {printf(" %.3g",*(v+j));} printf("\n");
return j; //returns assigned index
// return interval (i1,i2) and interpolation factor fact on a 1D vector *v
// aditional parameters:
// flagrange= -1 for only negative values, +1 for only positive, 0 for all
// (but it requires negative/positive intervals to be contiguous)
// flaglimits= 0 for no-extrapolation (stay within limits i1,i2),
// -1 for extrapolation in the lower limit
// 1 for extrapolation in the upper limit
// 2 for extrapolation in both limits
float locateitin1Dtab (float x, float *v, int n, int *i1, int *i2,
int flagrange, int flaglimits, int flaglog)
int j, lim1, lim2, nlim;
float fact;
//linear: flaglog=0; logarithmic: flaglog=1
//absolute limits: (lim1,lim2,nlim) instead of (0,n-1,n)
lim1=0; lim2=n-1; nlim=n;
for (j=0; j<n; j++)
if (flagrange==-1 && *(v+j)>0.0) continue;
if (flagrange==+1 && *(v+j)<0.0) continue;
lim1=j; break; // first point in interval
for (j=n-1; j>=0; j--)
if (flagrange==-1 && *(v+j)>0.0) continue;
if (flagrange==+1 && *(v+j)<0.0) continue;
lim2=j; break; // last point in interval
nlim = lim2-lim1;
// now search within these limits:
if (nlim==1) // || x <= *(v+lim1)) //PROBLEM HERE?
{*i1=lim1; *i2=lim2;}
else if (x == *(v+lim2)) //giada 30/01/2018
{*i1=lim2-1; *i2=lim2; }
else if (x < *(v+lim1)) //beyond lower limit
{*i1=lim1; *i2=lim1+1;}
else if (x > *(v+lim2)) //beyond upper limit
{*i1=lim2-1; *i2=lim2;}
for (j=lim1; j<lim2; j++)
if ( (x >= *(v+j) && x < *(v+j+1)) || //this accepts non-monotonic tables:
(x <= *(v+j) && x > *(v+j+1)) )
{ *i1=j; *i2=j+1; break; }
if (flaglog == 1)
fact = (*i1==*i2) ? 1.0 :
(log10(x) - log10(*(v+*i2))) / (log10(*(v+*i1)) - log10(*(v+*i2)));
else if (flaglog == 0)
fact = (*i1==*i2) ? 1.0 :
(x - *(v+*i2)) / (*(v+*i1) - *(v+*i2));
printf("wrong interpolation flag!\n");
if (flaglimits==0) // avoids extrapolation
if (fact<0.0) fact=0.0;
if (fact>1.0) fact=1.0;
else if (flaglimits==-1) // allows extrapolation to smaller values only
{if (fact>1.0) fact=1.0;}
else if (flaglimits==+1) // allows extrapolation to larger values only
if (fact<0.0) fact=0.0;
// if flaglimits==2, nothing changes -> all extrapolations are allowed
//printf ("%f %d %d %f\n", x, *i1, *i2, fact);
return fact;
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