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## CSST L1 Pipeline Documentation
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.. csst-l1doc documentation master file, created by
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Welcome to csst-l1doc's documentation!
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: Contents:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: MBI
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: SLS
Indices and tables
* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`
# L1-MBI Data model
## File: *_{img/wht/flg}_L1_1.fits
### File contents
| HDU | data | note |
| HDU0 | None | PrimaryHDU |
| HDU1 | reduced image (9k x 9k) | ImageHDU |
### HDU0
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
| SIMPLE | True | Fits standard | True | bool | csst_sims |
### HDU1
#### Header of `csst_ms_mbi_instrument`
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
|SATURATE | 1833.333333333333 | | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_instrument |
|CRCOUNT | 66791 | | | i8 | csst_ms_mbi_instrument |
|INST_V | '0.0.1 ' | | | str | csst_ms_mbi_instrument |
|INST_TOL | '2022-12-30T10:18:53' | Time of last modification | | str | csst_ms_mbi_instrument |
|DATASUM | '1352015684' | data unit checksum updated 2022-10-28T19:29:10 | | str | csst_ms_mbi_instrument |
#### Header of `csst_ms_mbi_distortion`
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
| RADESYS | 'ICRS ' | should be always 'ICRS' | 'ICRS' | str | csst_ms_mbi_distortion |
| STAR_FIT | 11 | | 0 | i8 | csst_ms_mbi_distortion |
| PV1_0 | 0.003205383944913964 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_distortion |
| PV1_1 | 0.8673020820536499 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_distortion |
| PV1_2 | -0.2011989871377834 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_distortion |
| PV1_3 | -0.2597214229472611 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_distortion |
| PV1_4 | 0.4353828741811097 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_distortion |
| PV1_5 | -0.5054216569802673 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_distortion |
| PV1_6 | 0.1951474426617432 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_distortion |
| PV2_0 | 0.00109803885992697 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_distortion |
| PV2_1 | 0.9171065857705857 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_distortion |
| PV2_2 | -0.04908256792722099 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_distortion |
| PV2_3 | -0.09860562038448289 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_distortion |
| PV2_4 | 0.07961855240788976 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_distortion |
| PV2_5 | -0.2009224365497067 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_distortion |
| PV2_6 | 0.1741954691884874 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_distortion |
| RA_OFF | -0.0 | mas in unit | -99 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_distortion |
| DEC_OFF | 0.0 | mas in unit | -99 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_distortion |
| RA_STD | 127.1 | mas in unit | -99 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_distortion |
| DEC_STD | 60.4 | mas in unit | -99 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_distortion |
| RA_CEN | 192.1940713422841 | the center of detector in ra | 192.1940713422841 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_distortion |
| DEC_CEN | 26.72643742371229 | the center of detector in dec | 26.72643742371229 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_distortion |
| DIST_V | '1.0 ' | version of distortion | '1.0' | str | csst_ms_mbi_distortion |
| DIST_TOL | '2022-12-29T16:36:47' | distortion operation time | '2022-12-29T16:36:47' | str | csst_ms_mbi_distortion |
| DIST_S | 0 | 0=done 1=wrong | 1 | i8 | csst_ms_mbi_distortion |
#### Header of `csst_ms_mbi_position`
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
| RADESYS | 'ICRS ' | should be always 'ICRS' | 'ICRS' | str | csst_ms_mbi_position |
| PV1_0 | -7.032303876526E-04 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_position |
| PV1_1 | 9.986639936274E-01 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_position |
| PV1_2 | -3.506141592607E-03 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_position |
| PV1_4 | -2.342575913122E-03 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_position |
| PV1_5 | -2.216829433925E-03 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_position |
| PV1_6 | -5.122207406521E-03 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_position |
| PV2_0 | -6.939462894407E-04 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_position |
| PV2_1 | 9.988294486003E-01 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_position |
| PV2_2 | -1.687802061938E-03 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_position |
| PV2_4 | 1.561587727533E-03 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_position |
| PV2_5 | -4.159618376671E-03 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_position |
| PV2_6 | 3.398895060382E-03 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_position |
| FGROUPNO | 1 | SCAMP field group label | | i8 | csst_ms_mbi_position |
| ASTIRMS1 | 0.000000000000E+00 | Astrom. dispersion RMS (intern., high S/N) | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_position |
| ASTIRMS2 | 0.000000000000E+00 | Astrom. dispersion RMS (intern., high S/N) | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_position |
| ASTRRMS1 | 6.458653303335E-06 | Astrom. dispersion RMS (ref., high S/N) | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_position |
| ASTRRMS2 | 8.724734011714E-06 | Astrom. dispersion RMS (ref., high S/N) | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_position |
| ASTINST | 1 | SCAMP astrometric instrument label | | i8 | csst_ms_mbi_position |
| FLXSCALE | 1.000000000000E+00 | SCAMP relative flux scale | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_position |
| MAGZEROP | 0.00000000 | SCAMP zero-point | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_position |
| PHOTIRMS | 0.00000000 | mag dispersion RMS (internal, high S/N) | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_position |
| PHOTINST | 1 | SCAMP photometric instrument label | | i8 | csst_ms_mbi_position |
| PHOTLINK | F | True if linked to a photometric field | | bool | csst_ms_mbi_position |
| WCS_S | 0 | 0=done | | i8 | csst_ms_mbi_position |
| WCS_V | '2.0.4 ' | Version of WCS calibration | | str | csst_ms_mbi_position |
| WCS_P | 'default.scamp' | Configure file name of WCS | | str | csst_ms_mbi_position |
| WCS_TOL | '2022-12-30 18:32:46 PM' | Time of last wcs calibration | | str | csst_ms_mbi_position |
#### Header of `csst_ms_mbi_flux`
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
| CALI_REF | 'GAIA ' | the reference database for calibration | | str | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| ZP | 23.8435 | photometric zero point in magnitude | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| ZPRMS | 0.0101 | zpt rms of the matched objects | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| APER_R | 10 | (pixels) photo-aperture radius | | i8 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| FWHM | 2.147 | FWHM in pixel | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| RAOFF | -0.188 | median positional offset from GAIA, in arcsec | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| DECOFF | -0.1061 | median positional offset from GAIA, in arcsec | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| NSTAR | 49 | total number of stars detected | | i8 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| NMATCH | 25 | total number of matched stars in 2 arcsec | | i8 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| MDNCOL | 0.0 | median (BP-RP)_GAIA of matched stars | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| SKY | 0.0359 | (e-/s per pixel) | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| SKYRMS | 0.1766 | rms/pixel of the sky in unit of e-/s | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| MLIM | 21.83 | magnitude limiting of 5-sigma galaxy detection| | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| FLUX_S | 0 | flux calibration status | | i8 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| FLUX_V | '1.3 ' | version of calibration code | | str | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| FLUX_TOL= | '2022-12-30 18:36:05' | flux calibration operation time | | str | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
## File: *_cat.fits
### File contents
| HDU | data | note |
| HDU0 | None | PrimaryHDU |
| HDU1 | Table | ImageHDU |
### HDU0
#### Header of photometry
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
| APERSIZE | '3,4,5,6,8,10,13,16,20,25,30,40,' | aperture radii in pixels | | str | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| NS_APER | 75 | number of stars used in aperture correction | | i8 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| APCOR0 | -0.06074262037873268 | mag correction for aperture #0 | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| APERR0 | 0.0 | mag correction error for aperture #0 | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| APCOR1 | -0.01975813694298267 | mag correction for aperture #1 | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| APERR1 | 0.0 | mag correction error for aperture #1 | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| APCOR2 | 0.0 | mag correction for aperture #2 | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| APERR2 | 0.0 | mag correction error for aperture #2 | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| APCOR3 | 0.01290098764002323 | mag correction for aperture #3 | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| APERR3 | 0.0 | mag correction error for aperture #3 | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| APCOR4 | 0.02804811112582684 | mag correction for aperture #4 | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| APERR4 | 0.0 | mag correction error for aperture #4 | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| APCOR5 | 0.03705496713519096 | mag correction for aperture #5 | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| APERR5 | 0.0 | mag correction error for aperture #5 | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| APCOR6 | 0.04462624341249466 | mag correction for aperture #6 | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| APERR6 | 0.0 | mag correction error for aperture #6 | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| APCOR7 | 0.05059236660599709 | mag correction for aperture #7 | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| APERR7 | 0.0 | mag correction error for aperture #7 | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| APCOR8 | 0.05710481852293015 | mag correction for aperture #8 | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| APERR8 | 0.0 | mag correction error for aperture #8 | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| APCOR9 | 0.06682745367288589 | mag correction for aperture #9 | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| APERR9 | 0.0 | mag correction error for aperture #9 | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| APCOR10 | 0.07620415091514587 | mag correction for aperture #10 | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| APERR10 | 0.0 | mag correction error for aperture #10 | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| APCOR11 | 0.0952027440071106 | mag correction for aperture #11 | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| APERR11 | 0.0 | mag correction error for aperture #11 | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| HIERARCH ns_HYBRID | 328 |number of stars used in HYBRID correction | | i8 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| HYBCOR | 0.0498337559401989 | mag correction for HYBRID | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| HYBERR | 0.000711286964798456 | mag correction error | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| NS_PSF | 306 | number of stars used in PSF correction | | i8 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| PSFCOR | -0.00268870708532631 | mag correction for PSF | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| PSFERR | 0.000903990056504255 | mag correction error | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| NS_MODEL | 324 | number of stars used in MODEL correction| | i8 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| MODCOR | 0.04189466685056686 | mag correction for MODEL | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
| MODERR | 0.000894258863834524| mag correction error | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_photometry |
### HDU1
#### Header
## File: *_psf.fits
### File contents
| HDU | data | note |
| HDU0 | None | PrimaryHDU |
| HDU1 | Table | ImageHDU |
### HDU0
#### Header
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
| SIMPLE | True | Fits standard | True | bool | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
### HDU1
#### Header of `csst_ooc_psf_mbi`
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
| -------- |:------------ | --------------------------------------------- | -------------- | ---- | ---------------- |
| LOADED | 579 | Number of loaded sources | | I8 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| ACCEPTED | 573 | Number of accepted sources | | I8 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| CHI2 | 1.12832649 | Final reduced chi2 | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| POLNAXIS | 2 | Number of context parameters | | I8 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| POLGRP1 | 1 | Polynom group for this context parameter | | I8 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| POLNAME1 | 'XWIN_IMAGE' | Name of this context parameter | | Str | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| POLZERO1 | 4607.403434 | Offset value for this context parameter | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| POLSCAL1 | 9161.359825 | Scale value for this context parameter | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| POLGRP2 | 1 | Polynom group for this context parameter | | I8 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| POLNAME2 | 'YWIN_IMAGE' | Name of this context parameter | | Str | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| POLZERO2 | 4631.62895 | Offset value for this context parameter | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| POLSCAL2 | 9174.347872 | Scale value for this context parameter | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| POLNGRP | 1 | Number of context groups | | I8 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| POLDEG1 | 2 | Polynom degree for this context group | | I8 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| PSF_FWHM | 2.31607056 | PSF FWHM in image pixels | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| PSF_SAMP | 0.49278098 | Sampling step of the PSF data in image pixels | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| PSFNAXIS | 3 | Dimensionality of the PSF data | | I8 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| PSFAXIS1 | 71 | Number of element along this axis | | I8 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| PSFAXIS2 | 71 | Number of element along this axis | | I8 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| PSFAXIS3 | 6 | Number of element along this axis | | I8 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
#### Header of `csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds`
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
| --------- | --------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------- | ---- | -------------------------- |
| USEAFTER | '2028-07-22T18:52:33' | date and time after the reference files will be used. (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) | | str | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| OBSSTART | '2028-07-22T18:52:33' | UTC date and time of start of first observation (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) | | str | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| OBSEND | '2028-07-23T17:54:27' | UTC date and time of end of last observation (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) | | str | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| EXPTYPE | 'SCI' | type of exposes used to create the reference file ('SCI'or 'OOC') | | str | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| COMBINE_N | 135 | number of exposes used to create the reference file. | | I8 | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| BREAPHAS | 'hot' | phase of breathing effect, which is the focus varies over orbital time <br> scales due to thermal changes. ('hot', 'cold'. 'none') | | str | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| TEMP_PM | 20.72563452 | average temperature surrounding the primary mirror (in K) | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| TEMP_SM | 20.72563452 | average temperature surrounding the secondary mirror (in K) | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| TEMP_TM | 20.72563452 | average temperature surrounding the tertiary mirror (in K) | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| LFOCUST | '2028-07-22T18:52:33' | last focus (AM1 or AM2) time (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) | | str | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| P1_FOCUS | 28025.63452 | parameter 1 of focal length calculated from the positions ofthe focus <br> adjustment mechanism (FAM) and the secondary mirror (in mm) | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| P2_ FOCUS | 28025.63452 | parameter 2 of focal length (in mm) | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| P3_ FOCUS | 28025.63452 | parameter 3 of focal length (in mm) | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| P4_ FOCUS | 28025.63452 | parameter 4 of focal length (in mm) | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| P5_ FOCUS | 28025.63452 | parameter 5 of focal length (in mm) | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| P6_ FOCUS | 28025.63452 | parameter 6 of focal length (in mm) | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| FSM_STAT | T | working state of fast-steering mirror (FSM) | | bool | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
MBI pipeline
Instrument correction
`csst_ms_mbi_instrument` package.
Position calibration
`csst_ms_mbi_distortion` and `csst_ms_mbi_position` package.
Flux calibration
`csst_ms_mbi_flux` package.
`csst_ms_mbi_photometry` package.
`csst_ms_mbi_astrometry` package.
# L1-MBI Data model
## File: \*\_img_L1_1.fits
### File contents
| HDU | data | note |
| ---- | ----------------------- | ---------- |
| HDU0 | None | PrimaryHDU |
| HDU1 | reduced SCI (9k x 9k) | ImageHDU |
| HDU2 | reduced ERR (9k x 9k) | ImageHDU |
| HDU3 | reduced DQ (9k x 9k) | ImageHDU |
### HDU0
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
| ------- | :---- | ------------- | -------------- | ---- | --------- |
| SIMPLE | True | Fits standard | True | bool | csst_sims |
### HDU1
#### Header of `csst_ms_sls_instrument`
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
| -------- | :-------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | -------------- | ---- | ---------------------- |
| INST_V | '0.0.1 ' | instrument correction pipeline version | | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| INST_TOL | '2022-12-30T10:18:53' | Time of last modification | | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| DATASUM | '1352015684' | Integrity check of data records | | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| NGOODPIX | 84794368 | number of good pixels | | f32 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| SDQFLAGS | 31743 | serious data quality flags | | i16 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| GOODMAX | 260.0 | maxmum value of good pixels | | f32 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| GOODMIN | -0.001 | minmum value of good pixels | | f32 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| GOODMEAN | 0.3 | mean value of good pixels | | f32 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| SNRMIN | 187.4 | minmum signal to noise of good pixels | | f32 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| SNRMAX | 1.2 | maxmum signal to noise of good pixels | | f32 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| SNRMEAN | 3.38 | average of the dark values subtracted | | f32 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| BUNIT | electrons/s | brightness units | | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| EXTNAEM | SCI | extension name | | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
#### Header of `csst_ms_sls_position`
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
| ---------- | :------------------- | ---------------------------- | -------------- | ---- | -------------------- |
| CTYPE1 | 'RA---TPV' | | 'RA---TPV' | str | csst_ms_sls_position |
| CTYPE2 | 'DEC--TPV' | | 'DEC--TPV' | str | csst_ms_sls_position |
| CUNIT1 | 'deg ' | | 'deg' | str | csst_ms_sls_position |
| CUNIT2 | 'deg ' | | 'deg' | str | csst_ms_sls_position |
| RADESYS | 'ICRS ' | | 'ICRS' | str | csst_ms_sls_position |
| PV1_0 | 0.003205383944913964 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| PV1_1 | 0.8673020820536499 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| PV1_2 | -0.2011989871377834 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| PV1_3 | -0.2597214229472611 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| PV1_4 | 0.4353828741811097 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| PV1_5 | -0.5054216569802673 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| PV1_6 | 0.1951474426617432 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| PV2_0 | 0.00109803885992697 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| PV2_1 | 0.9171065857705857 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| PV2_2 | -0.04908256792722099 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| PV2_3 | -0.09860562038448289 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| PV2_4 | 0.07961855240788976 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| PV2_5 | -0.2009224365497067 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| PV2_6 | 0.1741954691884874 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| FIT_STAR | 10 | | 0 | i8 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| RA_OFF | -0.0 | mas in unit | -99 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| DEC_OFF | 0.0 | mas in unit | -99 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| RA_STD | 127.1 | mas in unit | -99 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| DEC_STD | 60.4 | mas in unit | -99 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| FIT_S    | 0 | 0 for success, 1 for failure | 1 | i8 | csst_ms_sls_position |
#### Header of `csst_ms_sls_qc1`
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
| ---------- | :------------------- | ---------------------------- | -------------- | ---- | -------------------- |
| QC1_S    | 0 | 0 for success, 1 for failure | 1 | i8 | csst_ms_sls_qc1 |
SLS-2D pipeline
Instrument correction
`csst_ms_sls_instrument` package.
Position calibration
`csst_ms_sls_position` package.
* _sphinx_javascript_frameworks_compat.js
* ~~~~~~~~~~
* Compatability shim for jQuery and underscores.js.
* xref RemovedInSphinx60Warning
* select a different prefix for underscore
$u = _.noConflict();
* small helper function to urldecode strings
* See
jQuery.urldecode = function(x) {
if (!x) {
return x
return decodeURIComponent(x.replace(/\+/g, ' '));
* small helper function to urlencode strings
jQuery.urlencode = encodeURIComponent;
* This function returns the parsed url parameters of the
* current request. Multiple values per key are supported,
* it will always return arrays of strings for the value parts.
jQuery.getQueryParameters = function(s) {
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s =;
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* highlight a given string on a jquery object by wrapping it in
* span elements with the given class name.
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highlight(this, addItems);
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* backward compatibility for jQuery.browser
* This will be supported until firefox bug is fixed.
if (!jQuery.browser) {
jQuery.uaMatch = function(ua) {
ua = ua.toLowerCase();
var match = /(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) ||
/(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) ||
/(opera)(?:.*version|)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) ||
/(msie) ([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) ||
ua.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+)|)/.exec(ua) ||
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version: match[ 2 ] || "0"
jQuery.browser = {};
jQuery.browser[jQuery.uaMatch(navigator.userAgent).browser] = true;
* basic.css
* ~~~~~~~~~
* Sphinx stylesheet -- basic theme.
* :copyright: Copyright 2007-2022 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
* :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
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