Commit a9ef62c1 authored by Wei Shoulin's avatar Wei Shoulin
Browse files


parent 0d2a7a78
......@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ python install
## Configuration
set enviroment variable
set enviroment variables
* CSST_DFS_GATEWAY = ip:port
import grpc
from csst_dfs_commons.models import Result
from csst_dfs_proto.common.ephem import ephem_pb2, ephem_pb2_grpc
from ..common.service import ServiceProxy
from ..common.constants import *
from .service import ServiceProxy
from .constants import *
from .utils import get_auth_headers
class CatalogApi(object):
def __init__(self):
self.proxy = ServiceProxy()
self.stub = self.proxy.insecure(ephem_pb2_grpc.EphemSearchSrvStub)
self.stub = ephem_pb2_grpc.EphemSearchSrvStub(ServiceProxy().channel())
def gaia3_query(self, ra: float, dec: float, radius: float, min_mag: float, max_mag: float, obstime: int, limit: int):
''' retrieval GAIA DR 3
......@@ -19,10 +19,11 @@ class CatalogApi(object):
max_mag: maximal magnitude
obstime: seconds
limit: limits returns the number of records
return: a dict as {success: true, totalCount: 100, records:[.....]}
return: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
resp = self.stub.Gaia3Search(ephem_pb2.EphemSearchRequest(
resp, _ = self.stub.Gaia3Search.with_call(ephem_pb2.EphemSearchRequest(
ra = ra,
dec = dec,
radius = radius,
......@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ class CatalogApi(object):
maxMag = max_mag,
obstime = obstime,
limit = limit
),metadata = get_auth_headers())
if resp.success:
return Result.ok_data(data=resp.records).append("totalCount", resp.totalCount)
import os
import grpc
from csst_dfs_commons.models.errors import CSSTFatalException
class ServiceProxy:
def __init__(self):
self.gateway = os.getenv("CSST_DFS_GATEWAY",'')
def insecure(self, stubCls):
def channel(self):
options = [('grpc.max_send_message_length', 1000 * 1024 * 1024),
('grpc.max_receive_message_length', 1000 * 1024 * 1024),
('grpc.enable_retries', 1),
('grpc.service_config', '{ "retryPolicy":{ "maxAttempts": 4, "initialBackoff": "0.1s", "maxBackoff": "1s", "backoffMutiplier": 2, "retryableStatusCodes": [ "UNAVAILABLE" ] } }')]
channel = grpc.insecure_channel(self.gateway, options=options)
return stubCls(channel)
\ No newline at end of file
except grpc.FutureTimeoutError:
raise CSSTFatalException('Error connecting to server {}'.format(self.gateway))
return channel
\ No newline at end of file
import os
from datetime import datetime
import time
......@@ -47,4 +48,7 @@ def singleton(cls):
if cls not in _instance:
_instance[cls] = cls()
return _instance[cls]
return inner
\ No newline at end of file
return inner
def get_auth_headers():
return (("csst_dfs_app",os.getenv("CSST_DFS_APP_ID")),("csst_dfs_token",os.getenv("CSST_DFS_APP_TOKEN")),)
\ No newline at end of file
import os
import grpc
from csst_dfs_commons.models import Result
from csst_dfs_proto.ifs.fits import fits_pb2, fits_pb2_grpc
from ..common.service import ServiceProxy
......@@ -10,8 +11,7 @@ from ..common.constants import UPLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE
class FitsApi(object):
def __init__(self, sub_system = "ifs"):
self.sub_system = sub_system
self.proxy = ServiceProxy()
self.stub = self.proxy.insecure(fits_pb2_grpc.FitsSrvStub)
self.stub = fits_pb2_grpc.FitsSrvStub(ServiceProxy().channel())
def find(self, **kwargs):
......@@ -21,20 +21,30 @@ class FitsApi(object):
exp_time = (start, end),
ccd_num = [int],
qc0_status = [int],
prc_status = [int]
prc_status = [int],
limit = [int]
return list of raw records
return self.stub.Find(fits_pb2.FindRawFitsReq(
obs_time = get_parameter(kwargs, "obs_time"),
file_name = get_parameter(kwargs, "file_name"),
exp_time_start = get_parameter(kwargs, "exp_time", [None, None])[0],
exp_time_end = get_parameter(kwargs, "exp_time", [None, None])[1],
ccd_num = get_parameter(kwargs, "ccd_num"),
qc0_status = get_parameter(kwargs, "qc0_status"),
prc_status = get_parameter(kwargs, "prc_status"),
other_conditions = {"test":"cnlab.test"}
resp, _ = self.stub.Find.with_call(fits_pb2.FindRawFitsReq(
obs_time = get_parameter(kwargs, "obs_time"),
file_name = get_parameter(kwargs, "file_name"),
exp_time_start = get_parameter(kwargs, "exp_time", [None, None])[0],
exp_time_end = get_parameter(kwargs, "exp_time", [None, None])[1],
ccd_num = get_parameter(kwargs, "ccd_num"),
qc0_status = get_parameter(kwargs, "qc0_status"),
prc_status = get_parameter(kwargs, "prc_status"),
other_conditions = {"test":"cnlab.test"}
),metadata = get_auth_headers())
if resp.success:
return Result.ok_data(data=resp.rawFits).append("totalCount", resp.totalCount)
return Result.error(message = resp.message)
except grpc.RpcError as e:
return Result.error(message="%s:%s" % (e.code().value, e.details))
def get(self, **kwargs):
''' query database, return a record as dict
......@@ -44,9 +54,16 @@ class FitsApi(object):
return dict or None
return self.stub.Get(fits_pb2.GetRawFitsReq(
fits_id = get_parameter(kwargs, "fits_id")
resp, _ = self.stub.Get.with_call(fits_pb2.GetRawFitsReq(
fits_id = get_parameter(kwargs, "fits_id")
),metadata = get_auth_headers())
return Result.ok_data(data=resp)
except grpc.RpcError as e:
return Result.error(message="%s:%s" % (e.code().value, e.details))
def read(self, **kwargs):
''' yield bytes of fits file
......@@ -59,17 +76,17 @@ class FitsApi(object):
yield bytes of fits file
streams = self.stub.Read(fits_pb2.ReadRawFitsReq(
streams = self.stub.Read.with_call(fits_pb2.ReadRawFitsReq(
fits_id = get_parameter(kwargs, "fits_id"),
file_path = get_parameter(kwargs, "file_path"),
chunk_size = get_parameter(kwargs, "chunk_size", 20480)
),metadata = get_auth_headers())
for stream in streams:
except Exception as e:
except grpc.RpcError as e:
return Result.error(message="%s:%s" % (e.code().value, e.details))
def update_proc_status(self, **kwargs):
''' update the status of reduction
......@@ -81,10 +98,13 @@ class FitsApi(object):
fits_id = get_parameter(kwargs, "fits_id")
status = get_parameter(kwargs, "status"),
return self.stub.update_qc0_status((fits_pb2.UpdateProcStatusReq(fits_id=fits_id, status=status)))
except grpc.RpcError as identifier:
resp,_ = self.stub.update_qc0_status.with_call(
fits_pb2.UpdateProcStatusReq(fits_id=fits_id, status=status),
metadata = get_auth_headers()
return Result.ok_data(data=resp)
except grpc.RpcError as e:
return Result.error(message="%s:%s" % (e.code().value, e.details))
def update_qc0_status(self, **kwargs):
''' update the status of reduction
......@@ -96,11 +116,13 @@ class FitsApi(object):
fits_id = get_parameter(kwargs, "fits_id")
status = get_parameter(kwargs, "status"),
return self.stub.update_qc0_status((fits_pb2.UpdateQc0StatusReq(fits_id=fits_id, status=status)))
except grpc.RpcError as identifier:
resp,_ = self.stub.update_qc0_status.with_call(
fits_pb2.UpdateQc0StatusReq(fits_id=fits_id, status=status),
metadata = get_auth_headers()
return Result.ok_data(data=resp)
except grpc.RpcError as e:
return Result.error(message="%s:%s" % (e.code().value, e.details))
def write(self, **kwargs):
''' copy a local file to file storage, then reduce the header of fits file and insert a record into database
......@@ -123,9 +145,13 @@ class FitsApi(object):
yield fits_pb2.WriteRawFitsReq(
return self.stub.Write(stream(file_path))
resp,_ = self.stub.Write.with_call(stream(file_path),
metadata = get_auth_headers())
return Result.ok_data(data=resp)
except grpc.RpcError as e:
return Result.error(message="%s:%s" % (e.code().value, e.details))
......@@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ class CommonEphemTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.api = CatalogApi()
def test_gaia3_query(self):
recs = self.api.gaia3_query(ra=56.234039029108935, dec=14.466534827703473, radius=0.1, min_mag=4, max_mag=12, obstime = -1, limit = 2)
recs = self.api.gaia3_query(ra=38.444, dec=55, radius=1, min_mag=-1, max_mag=-1, obstime = -1, limit = 2)
print('find:', recs)
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