Commit 08abe8fe authored by Wei Shoulin's avatar Wei Shoulin
Browse files


parent b99d7b0a
......@@ -39,3 +39,4 @@ test_reports.xml
MODE_LOCAL = 'local'
MODE_CLUSTER = 'cluster'
\ No newline at end of file
MODE_CLUSTER = 'cluster'
from .calmerge import CalMergeApi
from .detector import DetectorApi
from .level0 import Level0DataApi
from .level0prc import Level0PrcApi
from .observation import ObservationApi
\ No newline at end of file
from ..common.delegate import Delegate
class CalMergeApi(object):
Level 0 Data Operation API
def __init__(self):
self.pymodule = Delegate().load(sub_module = "facility")
self.stub = getattr(self.pymodule, "CalMergeApi")()
def find(self, **kwargs):
''' retrieve calibration merge records from database
parameter kwargs:
detector_no: [str]
ref_type: [str]
obs_time: (start,end)
qc1_status : [int]
prc_status : [int]
file_name: [str]
limit: limits returns the number of records,default 0:no-limit
return: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.find(**kwargs)
def get(self, **kwargs):
''' fetch a record from database
parameter kwargs:
id : [int]
return csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.get(**kwargs)
def update_proc_status(self, **kwargs):
''' update the status of reduction
parameter kwargs:
id : [int],
status : [int]
return csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.update_proc_status(**kwargs)
def update_qc1_status(self, **kwargs):
''' update the status of reduction
parameter kwargs:
id : [int],
status : [int]
return csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.update_qc1_status(**kwargs)
def write(self, **kwargs):
''' insert a calibration merge record into database
parameter kwargs:
id : [int]
detector_no : [str]
ref_type : [str]
obs_time : [str]
exp_time : [float]
prc_status : [int]
prc_time : [str]
filename : [str]
file_path : [str]
level0_ids : [list]
return csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.write(**kwargs)
from ..common.delegate import Delegate
class DetectorApi(object):
Detector Operation Class
def __init__(self):
self.pymodule = Delegate().load(sub_module = "facility")
self.stub = getattr(self.pymodule, "DetectorApi")()
def find(self, **kwargs):
''' retrieve detector records from database
parameter kwargs:
module_id: [str]
key: [str]
return: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.find(**kwargs)
def get(self, **kwargs):
''' fetch a record from database
parameter kwargs:
no : [str]
return csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.get(**kwargs)
def update(self, **kwargs):
''' update a detector by no
parameter kwargs:
no : [str],
detector_name : [str],
module_id : [str],
filter_id : [str]
return csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.update(**kwargs)
def delete(self, **kwargs):
''' delete a detector by no
parameter kwargs:
no : [str]
return csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.delete(**kwargs)
def write(self, **kwargs):
''' insert a detector record into database
parameter kwargs:
no : [str],
detector_name : [str],
module_id : [str],
filter_id : [str]
return csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.write(**kwargs)
def find_status(self, **kwargs):
''' retrieve a detector status's from database
parameter kwargs:
detector_no: [str]
status_occur_time: (begin,end)
limit: limits returns the number of records,default 0:no-limit
return: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.find_status(**kwargs)
def get_status(self, **kwargs):
''' fetch a record from database
parameter kwargs:
id : [int]
return csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.get_status(**kwargs)
def write_status(self, **kwargs):
''' insert a detector status into database
parameter kwargs:
detector_no : [str],
status : [str],
status_time : [str]
return csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.write_status(**kwargs)
\ No newline at end of file
from ..common.delegate import Delegate
class Level0DataApi(object):
Level 0 Data Operation API
def __init__(self):
self.pymodule = Delegate().load(sub_module = "facility")
self.stub = getattr(self.pymodule, "Level0DataApi")()
def find(self, **kwargs):
''' retrieve level0 records from database
parameter kwargs:
obs_id: [int]
detector_no: [str]
obs_type: [str]
obs_time : (start, end),
qc0_status : [int],
prc_status : [int],
file_name: [str]
limit: limits returns the number of records,default 0:no-limit
return: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.find(**kwargs)
def get(self, **kwargs):
''' fetch a record from database
parameter kwargs:
fits_id : [int]
return csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.get(**kwargs)
def update_proc_status(self, **kwargs):
''' update the status of reduction
parameter kwargs:
fits_id : [int],
status : [int]
return self.stub.update_proc_status(**kwargs)
def update_qc0_status(self, **kwargs):
''' update the status of QC0
parameter kwargs:
fits_id : [int],
status : [int]
return self.stub.update_qc0_status(**kwargs)
def write(self, **kwargs):
''' insert a level0 data record into database
parameter kwargs:
obs_id = [int]
detector_no = [str]
obs_type = [str]
obs_time = [str]
exp_time = [int]
detector_status_id = [int]
filename = [str]
file_path = [str]
return: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.write(**kwargs)
from ..common.delegate import Delegate
class Level0PrcApi(object):
Level 0 Data Operation API
def __init__(self):
self.pymodule = Delegate().load(sub_module = "facility")
self.stub = getattr(self.pymodule, "Level0PrcApi")()
def find(self, **kwargs):
''' retrieve level0 procedure records from database
parameter kwargs:
level0_id: [int]
pipeline_id: [str]
prc_module: [str]
prc_status : [int]
return: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.find(**kwargs)
def update_proc_status(self, **kwargs):
''' update the status of reduction
parameter kwargs:
id : [int],
status : [int]
return csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.update_proc_status(**kwargs)
def write(self, **kwargs):
''' insert a level0 procedure record into database
parameter kwargs:
level0_id : [int]
pipeline_id : [str]
prc_module : [str]
params_id : [str]
prc_status : [int]
prc_time : [str]
file_path : [str]
return csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.write(**kwargs)
from ..common.delegate import Delegate
class FitsApi(object):
class ObservationApi(object):
Raw Fits Operation Class of IFS
Observation Operation Class
def __init__(self, sub_system="ifs"):
self.sub_system = sub_system
self.module = Delegate().load(sub_module = "ifs")
self.stub = getattr(self.module, "FitsApi")()
def __init__(self):
self.pymodule = Delegate().load(sub_module = "facility")
self.stub = getattr(self.pymodule, "ObservationApi")()
def find(self, **kwargs):
''' retrieve exposure records from database
parameter kwargs:
obs_time = [int],
file_name = [str],
exp_time = (start, end),
ccd_num = [int],
qc0_status = [int],
prc_status = [int],
limit: limits returns the number of records
module_id: [str]
obs_type: [str]
obs_time : (start, end),
qc0_status : [int],
prc_status : [int],
limit: limits returns the number of records,default 0:no-limit
return: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.find(**kwargs)
def get(self, **kwargs):
''' query database, return a record as dict
''' fetch a record from database
parameter kwargs:
fits_id = [int]
obs_id = [int]
return dict or None
return: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.get(**kwargs)
def read(self, **kwargs):
''' yield bytes of fits file
parameter kwargs:
fits_id = [int],
file_path = [str],
chunk_size = [int] default 20480
yield bytes of fits file
def update_proc_status(self, **kwargs):
''' update the status of reduction
parameter kwargs:
fits_id = [int],
obs_id = [int],
status = [int]
return: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.update_proc_status(**kwargs)
def update_qc0_status(self, **kwargs):
''' update the status of reduction
''' update the status of QC0
parameter kwargs:
fits_id = [int],
obs_id = [int],
status = [int]
return: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.update_qc0_status(**kwargs)
def write(self, **kwargs):
''' copy a local file to file storage, then reduce the header of fits file and insert a record into database
''' insert a observational record into database
parameter kwargs:
file_path = [str]
obs_time = [str]
exp_time = [float]
module_id = [str]
obs_type = [str]
facility_status_id = [int]
module_status_id = [int]
return: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.write(**kwargs)
from .fits import FitsApi
from .reffits import RefFitsApi
from .result0 import Result0Api
from .result1 import Result1Api
\ No newline at end of file
from .level1 import Level1DataApi
\ No newline at end of file
from ..common.delegate import Delegate
class Level1DataApi(object):
Level1 Data Operation Class
def __init__(self):
self.pymodule = Delegate().load(sub_module = "ifs")
self.stub = getattr(self.pymodule, "Level1DataApi")()
def find(self, **kwargs):
''' retrieve level1 records from database
parameter kwargs:
raw_id: [int]
data_type: [str]
obs_type: [str]
create_time : (start, end),
qc1_status : [int],
prc_status : [int],
filename: [str]
limit: limits returns the number of records,default 0:no-limit
return: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.find(**kwargs)
def get(self, **kwargs):
''' fetch a record from database
parameter kwargs:
id : [int]
return csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.get(**kwargs)
def update_proc_status(self, **kwargs):
''' update the status of reduction
parameter kwargs:
id = [int],
status = [int]
return: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.update_proc_status(**kwargs)
def update_qc1_status(self, **kwargs):
''' update the status of QC0
parameter kwargs:
id = [int],
status = [int]
return: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.update_qc1_status(**kwargs)
def write(self, **kwargs):
''' insert a level1 record into database
parameter kwargs:
raw_id : [int]
data_type : [str]
cor_sci_id : [int]
prc_params : [str]
flat_id : [int]
dark_id : [int]
bias_id : [int]
lamp_id : [int]
arc_id : [int]
sky_id : [int]
filename : [str]
file_path : [str]
prc_status : [int]
prc_time : [str]
pipeline_id : [str]
return csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.write(**kwargs)
from ..common.delegate import Delegate
class RefFitsApi(object):
Reference Fits Operation Class of IFS
REF_FITS_BIAS = "bias"
REF_FITS_FLAT = "flat"
REF_FITS_DARK = "dark"
REF_FITS_SKY = "sky"
REF_FITS_ARC = "arc"
def __init__(self, sub_system="ifs"):
self.sub_system = sub_system
self.module = Delegate().load(sub_module = "ifs")
self.stub = getattr(self.module, "RefFitsApi")()
self.file_prefix = self.stub.root_dir
def find(self, **kwargs):
parameter kwargs:
obs_time = [int],
file_name = [str],
exp_time = (start, end),
ccd_num = [int],
status = [int],
ref_type = [str]
return list of reference's files records
return self.stub.find(**kwargs)
def get(self, **kwargs):
''' query database, return a record as dict
parameter kwargs:
fits_id = [int]
return dict or None
return self.stub.get(**kwargs)
def read(self, **kwargs):
''' yield bytes of fits file
parameter kwargs:
fits_id = [int],
file_path = [str],
chunk_size = [int] default 20480
yield bytes of fits file
def update_status(self, **kwargs):
''' update the status of reduction
parameter kwargs:
fits_id = [int],
status = [int]
return self.stub.update_status(**kwargs)
def write(self, **kwargs):
''' copy a local file to file storage, then reduce the header of fits file and insert a record into database
parameter kwargs:
file_path = [str]
return self.stub.write(**kwargs)
from ..common.delegate import Delegate
class Result0Api(object):
Level 0 Operation Class of IFS
def __init__(self, sub_system="ifs"):
self.sub_system = sub_system
self.module = Delegate().load(sub_module = "ifs")
self.stub = getattr(self.module, "Result0Api")()
self.file_prefix = self.stub.root_dir
def find(self, **kwargs):
parameter kwargs:
raw_id = [int],
file_name = [str],
proc_type = [str]
return list of level 0 record
return self.stub.find(**kwargs)
def get(self, **kwargs):
''' query database, return a record as dict
parameter kwargs:
fits_id = [int]
return dict or None
return self.stub.get(**kwargs)
def read(self, **kwargs):
''' yield bytes of fits file
parameter kwargs:
fits_id = [int],
file_path = [str],
chunk_size = [int] default 20480
yield bytes of fits file
def write(self, **kwargs):
''' copy a local level 0 file to file storage, and insert a record into database
parameter kwargs:
raw_id = [int],
file_path = [str],
proc_type = [str]
return self.stub.write(**kwargs)
from ..common.delegate import Delegate
class Result1Api(object):
Level 1 Operation Class of IFS
def __init__(self, sub_system="ifs"):
self.sub_system = sub_system
self.module = Delegate().load(sub_module = "ifs")
self.stub = getattr(self.module, "Result1Api")()
self.file_prefix = self.stub.root_dir
def find(self, **kwargs):
parameter kwargs:
file_name = [str],
proc_type = [str]
return list of level 1 record
return self.stub.find(**kwargs)
def get(self, **kwargs):
''' query database, return a record as dict
parameter kwargs:
fits_id = [int]
return dict or None
return self.stub.get(**kwargs)
def read(self, **kwargs):
''' yield bytes of fits file
parameter kwargs:
fits_id = [int],
file_path = [str],
chunk_size = [int] default 20480
yield bytes of fits file
def write(self, **kwargs):
''' copy a local level 1 file to file storage, and insert a record into database
parameter kwargs:
file_path = [str],
proc_type = [str],
result0_ids = [list]
return self.stub.write(**kwargs)
from .level1 import Level1DataApi
\ No newline at end of file
from ..common.delegate import Delegate
class Level1DataApi(object):
Level1 Data Operation Class
def __init__(self):
self.pymodule = Delegate().load(sub_module = "msc")
self.stub = getattr(self.pymodule, "Level1DataApi")()
def find(self, **kwargs):
''' retrieve level1 records from database
parameter kwargs:
raw_id: [int]
data_type: [str]
obs_type: [str]
create_time : (start, end),
qc1_status : [int],
prc_status : [int],
filename: [str]
limit: limits returns the number of records,default 0:no-limit
return: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.find(**kwargs)
def get(self, **kwargs):
''' fetch a record from database
parameter kwargs:
id : [int]
return csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.get(**kwargs)
def update_proc_status(self, **kwargs):
''' update the status of reduction
parameter kwargs:
id = [int],
status = [int]
return: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.update_proc_status(**kwargs)
def update_qc1_status(self, **kwargs):
''' update the status of QC0
parameter kwargs:
id = [int],
status = [int]
return: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.update_qc1_status(**kwargs)
def write(self, **kwargs):
''' insert a level1 record into database
parameter kwargs:
raw_id : [int]
data_type : [str]
cor_sci_id : [int]
prc_params : [str]
flat_id : [int]
dark_id : [int]
bias_id : [int]
filename : [str]
file_path : [str]
prc_status : [int]
prc_time : [str]
pipeline_id : [str]
return csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.write(**kwargs)
......@@ -9,6 +9,15 @@ class CommonCatalogTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.api = CatalogApi()
def test_gaia3_query(self):
result = self.api.gaia3_query(ra=160, dec=-17, radius=0.2, min_mag=-1, max_mag=-1, obstime = -1, limit = 2)
def test_catalog_query(self):
result = self.api.catalog_query(
obstime = -1,
limit = 2
print('return:', result)
import os
import unittest
from import fits
from csst_dfs_api.facility.calmerge import CalMergeApi
class CalMergeApiTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.api = CalMergeApi()
def test_find(self):
recs = self.api.find(detector_no='CCD01',
ref_type = "bias",
obs_time = ("2021-06-01 11:12:13","2021-06-08 11:12:13"))
print('find:', recs)
def test_get(self):
rec = self.api.get(id = 3)
print('get:', rec)
def test_update_proc_status(self):
rec = self.api.update_proc_status(id = 3, status = 1)
print('update_proc_status:', rec)
def test_update_qc1_status(self):
rec = self.api.update_qc1_status(id = 3, status = 2)
print('update_qc1_status:', rec)
def test_write(self):
rec = self.api.write(detector_no='CCD01',
ref_type = "bias",
obs_time = "2021-06-04 11:12:13",
exp_time = 150,
filename = "/opt/dddasd.params",
file_path = "/opt/dddasd.fits",
prc_status = 3,
prc_time = '2021-06-04 11:12:13',
level0_ids = [1,2,3,4])
print('write:', rec)
\ No newline at end of file
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