Commit 924f36aa authored by Wei Shoulin's avatar Wei Shoulin
Browse files


parent 97625e52
Pipeline #4159 passed with stage
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ class CatalogApi(object):
:param ra: in deg
:param dec: in deg
:param radius: in deg
:param catalog_name: one of ['gaia3','','']
:param catalog_name: one of ['gaia3','sim']
:param columns: tuple of str, like ('ra','dec','phot_g_mean_mag')
:param min_mag: minimal magnitude
:param max_mag: maximal magnitude
......@@ -22,32 +22,19 @@ class CatalogApi(object):
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
if catalog_name == "gaia3":
return self.gaia3_query(ra, dec, radius, columns, min_mag, max_mag, obstime, limit)
return Result.error(message="%s catalog search not yet implemented" %(catalog_name, ))
if not catalog_name or catalog_name not in ('gaia3', 'sim'):
raise Exception("catalog_name is not allowed")
if not columns:
raise Exception("columns is empty")
return self.catalog_query(ra = ra,
dec = dec,
radius = radius,
catalog_name = catalog_name,
columns = columns,
min_mag = min_mag,
max_mag = max_mag,
obstime = obstime,
limit = limit)
def to_table(self, query_result):
return to_fits_table(query_result)
def gaia3_query(self, ra: float, dec: float, radius: float, columns: tuple,min_mag: float, max_mag: float, obstime: int, limit: int):
"""retrieval GAIA DR 3, all column name must be lowercase. columns specification at
:param ra: in deg
:param dec: in deg
:param radius: in deg
:param columns: tuple of str, like ('ra','dec','phot_g_mean_mag')
:param min_mag: minimal magnitude
:param max_mag: maximal magnitude
:param obstime: seconds
:param limit: limits returns the number of records
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
if not columns:
raise Exception("columns is empty")
return self.stub.gaia3_query(ra, dec, radius, columns, min_mag, max_mag, obstime, limit)
except Exception as e:
return Result.error(message=repr(e))
......@@ -131,6 +131,6 @@ def object_list_to_table(query_result):
t.add_row(tuple([rec.__getattribute__(k) for k in fields]))
return t
def get_nextId_by_prefix(prefix: str):
def get_next_id(prefix: str):
pymodule = Delegate().load(sub_module = "common.utils")
return getattr(pymodule, "get_nextId_by_prefix")(prefix)
\ No newline at end of file
return getattr(pymodule, "get_next_id")(prefix)
\ No newline at end of file
from .detector import DetectorApi
from .brick import BrickApi
from .level2producer import Level2ProducerApi
from .observation import ObservationApi
from .level0 import Level0DataApi
from .level0prc import Level0PrcApi
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class BrickApi(object):
def write(self, **kwargs):
''' insert a brick data record into database
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
ra = [float]\n
dec = [float]\n
......@@ -52,14 +52,13 @@ class BrickApi(object):
return self.stub.find_obs_status(**kwargs)
def find_level1_data(self, **kwargs):
''' find level1 data
def find_level1_ids(self, **kwargs):
''' find level1 id
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, support:
brick_id = [int]\n
level1_id = [int]\n
module = [str]
level1_id = [int]
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.find_level1_data(**kwargs)
\ No newline at end of file
return self.stub.find_level1_ids(**kwargs)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -13,10 +13,11 @@ class Level0DataApi(object):
''' retrieve level0 records from database
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
project_id: [str],
obs_id: [str],
module_id: [str]
detector_no: [str],
obs_type: [str],
file_type: [str],
filter: [str],
obs_time : (start, end),
qc0_status : [int],
......@@ -26,7 +27,6 @@ class Level0DataApi(object):
dec_obj: [float],
radius: [float],
object_name: [str],
version: [str],
limit: limits returns the number of records,default 0:no-limit
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class Level0DataApi(object):
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
id : [int],
level0_id: [str]
obs_type: [str]
file_type: [str]
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class Level0DataApi(object):
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
id : [int],
level0_id: [str],
obs_type: [str],
file_type: [str],
status : [int]
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class Level0DataApi(object):
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
id : [int],
level0_id: [str],
obs_type: [str],
file_type: [str],
status : [int]
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class Level0DataApi(object):
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
obs_id = [str],
detector_no = [str],
obs_type = [str],
file_type = [str],
obs_time = [str],
exp_time = [int],
detector_status_id = [int],
......@@ -35,15 +35,15 @@ class Level0PrcApi(object):
def write(self, **kwargs):
''' insert a level0 procedure record into database
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
level0_id : [str]
level0_id : [int]
pipeline_id : [str]
prc_module : [str]
params_file_path : [str]
run_id : [str]
prc_status : [int]
prc_time : [str]
result_file_path : [str]
message : [str]
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
......@@ -35,15 +35,15 @@ class Level1PrcApi(object):
def write(self, **kwargs):
''' insert a level1 procedure record into database
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
level1_id : [int]
pipeline_id : [str]
prc_module : [str]
params_file_path : [str]
run_id : [str]
prc_status : [int]
prc_time : [str]
result_file_path : [str]
message : [str]
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
import random
from ..common.delegate import Delegate
from csst_dfs_commons.models.errors import CSSTGenericException
class Level2ProducerApi(object):
Level 0 Data Operation API
def __init__(self):
self.pymodule = Delegate().load(sub_module = "facility")
self.stub = getattr(self.pymodule, "Level2ProducerApi")()
def register(self, **kwargs):
''' register a Level2Producer data record into database
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
name = [str]\n
gitlink = [str]\n
paramfiles = [str]\n
priority = [int]\n
pre_producers = list[int]
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.register(**kwargs)
def find(self, **kwargs):
''' retrieve Level2Producer records from database
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
key: [str]
limit: limits returns the number of records,default 0:no-limit
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.find(**kwargs)
def get(self, **kwargs):
''' fetch a record from database
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
id : [int]
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.get(**kwargs)
def find_nexts(self, **kwargs):
''' retrieve Level2Producer records from database
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
id : [int]
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.find_nexts(**kwargs)
def find_start(self, **kwargs):
''' retrieve Level2Producer records from database
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
key : [str]
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.find_start(**kwargs)
def update(self, **kwargs):
''' update a Level2Producer
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
id : [int]\n
name = [str]\n
gitlink = [str]\n
paramfiles = [str]\n
priority = [int]\n
pre_producers = list[int]
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.update(**kwargs)
def delete(self, **kwargs):
''' delete a Level2Producer data
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
id = [int]
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.delete(**kwargs)
def new_job(self, **kwargs):
''' new a Level2Producer Job
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
name = [str]
dag = [str]
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.new_job(**kwargs)
def get_job(self, **kwargs):
''' fetch a record from database
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
id : [int]
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.get_job(**kwargs)
def update_job(self, **kwargs):
''' update a Level2Producer Job
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
id = [int]
name = [str]
dag = [str]
status = [int]
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.update_job(**kwargs)
def new_running(self, **kwargs):
''' insert a Level2ProducerRuningRecord data
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
job_id = [int]\n
producer_id = [int]\n
brick_id = [int]\n
start_time = [str]\n
end_time = [str]\n
prc_status = [int]\n
prc_result = [str]
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.new_running(**kwargs)
def get_running(self, **kwargs):
''' fetch a record from database
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
id : [int]
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.get_running(**kwargs)
def update_running(self, **kwargs):
''' udpate a Level2ProducerRuningRecord data
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
id = [int]\n
job_id = [int]\n
producer_id = [int]\n
brick_id = [int]\n
start_time = [str]\n
end_time = [str]\n
prc_status = [int]\n
prc_result = [str]
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.update_running(**kwargs)
def find_running(self, **kwargs):
''' find Level2ProducerRuningRecord data
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
job_id = [int]\n
producer_id = [int]\n
brick_id = [int]\n
prc_status = [int]\n
create_time : (start, end)\n
limit = [int]
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.find_running(**kwargs)
def make_graph(self, start_producer_id, fig_path = None):
start_node = self.get(id = start_producer_id)
if not start_node.success:
raise CSSTGenericException("start node not found")
def get_next(pre_node, node_level_x, node_level_y):
the_nodes = self.find_nexts(id =
graph_name_edges = [(, for n in]
graph_id_edges = [(, for n in]
pos = { (node_level_x,node_level_y)}
for idx, node in enumerate(
sub_id_edges, sub_name_edges, sub_pos = get_next(node, node_level_x+1, random.randint(-3,3))
return graph_id_edges, graph_name_edges, pos
graph_id_edges, graph_name_edges, pos = get_next(, 0, 0)
if fig_path:
import networkx as nx
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
g1 = nx.DiGraph()
vertex_list = list(set([str(i) for e in graph_name_edges for i in e]))
plt.xlim(-1, 8)
plt.ylim(-4, 4)
pos = pos,
node_color = 'orange',
edge_color = 'black',
font_size =12,
node_size =360,
plt.savefig(fig_path, format="PNG")
return graph_id_edges
......@@ -35,31 +35,6 @@ class ObservationApi(object):
return self.stub.get(**kwargs)
def update_proc_status(self, **kwargs):
''' update the status of reduction
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
id = [int],
obs_id = [str],
status = [int]
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.update_proc_status(**kwargs)
def update_qc0_status(self, **kwargs):
''' update the status of QC0
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
id = [int],
obs_id = [str],
status = [int]
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.update_qc0_status(**kwargs)
def write(self, **kwargs):
''' insert a observational record into database
from .level2 import Level2DataApi
\ No newline at end of file
from ..common.delegate import Delegate
class Level2DataApi(object):
class Level1DataApi(object):
Level1 Data Operation Class
def __init__(self):
self.pymodule = Delegate().load(sub_module = "hstdm")
self.stub = getattr(self.pymodule, "Level2DataApi")()
self.pymodule = Delegate().load(sub_module = "facility")
self.stub = getattr(self.pymodule, "Level1DataApi")()
def find(self, **kwargs):
''' retrieve level2 spectra records from database
''' retrieve level1 records from database
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
obs_id: [str]
level0_id: [str]
level1_id: [int]
project_id: [int]
file_type: [str]
create_time : (start, end),
qc2_status : [int],
prc_status : [int],
module_id: [str]
data_type: [str]
create_time : (start, end)
qc1_status : [int]
prc_status : [int]
filename: [str]
ra_cen: float = None
dec_cen: float = None,
radius_cen: float = None
pipeline_id: [str]
build: [int]
detector_no: [str]
filter: [str]
object_name: [str]
limit: limits returns the number of records,default 0:no-limit
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.find(**kwargs)
def find_by_brick_ids(self, **kwargs):
''' retrieve level1 records by brick_ids like [1,2,3,4]
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
brick_ids: [list]
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.find_by_brick_ids(**kwargs)
def find_by_ids(self, **kwargs):
''' retrieve level1 records by internal level1 ids like [1,2,3,4]
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
ids: [list]
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.find_by_ids(**kwargs)
def sls_find_by_qc1_status(self, **kwargs):
''' retrieve level1 records from database
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
qc1_status : [int],
limit: limits returns the number of records,default 1
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.sls_find_by_qc1_status(**kwargs)
def get(self, **kwargs):
''' fetch a record from database
......@@ -49,8 +86,8 @@ class Level2DataApi(object):
return self.stub.update_proc_status(**kwargs)
def update_qc2_status(self, **kwargs):
''' update the status of QC2
def update_qc1_status(self, **kwargs):
''' update the status of QC1
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
id = [int],
......@@ -58,21 +95,23 @@ class Level2DataApi(object):
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
return self.stub.update_qc2_status(**kwargs)
return self.stub.update_qc1_status(**kwargs)
def write(self, **kwargs):
''' insert a level2 record into database
''' insert a level1 record into database
:param kwargs: Parameter dictionary, key items support:
level0_id: [str]
level1_id: [int]
project_id: [int]
file_type : [str]
data_type : [str]
cor_sci_id : [int]
prc_params : [str]
filename : [str]
file_path : [str]
prc_status : [int]
prc_time : [str]
pipeline_id : [str]
pmapname : [str]
build : [str]
:returns: csst_dfs_common.models.Result
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ class CommonCatalogTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.api = CatalogApi()
def test_catalog_query(self):
def test_gaia3_query(self):
t= time.time()
result = self.api.catalog_query(
......@@ -29,3 +29,25 @@ class CommonCatalogTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
# print(df.head())
print('used:', time.time()-t)
print('return:', len(
def test_sim_query(self):
t= time.time()
result = self.api.catalog_query(
columns = ('id','ra','dec','av','pmdec','phot_g_mean_mag'),
obstime = -1,
limit = 20
if result.success:
dt = self.api.to_table(result)
# df = dt.to_pandas()
# print(df.head())
print('used:', time.time()-t)
print('return:', len(
\ No newline at end of file
import unittest
import time
from csst_dfs_api.common.utils import get_nextId_by_prefix
from csst_dfs_api.common.utils import get_next_id
class CommonUtilsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def test_get_nextId_by_prefix(self):
def test_get_nextId(self):
t= time.time()
result = get_nextId_by_prefix("MBI")
result = get_next_id("MBI")
assert type( == int
......@@ -13,17 +13,17 @@ class FacilityBrickTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
print('find:', recs)
def test_get(self):
rec = self.api.get(id=1)
rec = self.api.get(brick_id=1)
print('get:', rec)
def test_write(self):
rec = self.api.write(id=1, ra = 3.2, dec = 3.3, boundingbox = '12,12')
rec = self.api.write(brick_id=3, ra = 3.2, dec = 3.3, boundingbox = '12,12')
print('test_write:', rec)
def test_find_obs_status(self):
rec = self.api.find_obs_status(brick_id=1, band = 'r')
print('find_obs_status:', rec)
def test_find_level1_data(self):
rec = self.api.find_level1_data(brick_id=1, level1_id = 1, module = 'msc')
print('find_level1_data:', rec)
def test_find_level1_ids(self):
rec = self.api.find_level1_ids(brick_id=1, level1_id = 1)
print('find_level1_ids:', rec)
......@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ class DetectorApiTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
print('get:', rec)
def test_write(self):
rec = self.api.write(no = 'CCD02',
detector_name = 'CCD02',
rec = self.api.write(no = 'CCD03',
detector_name = 'CCD03',
module_id = 'MSC',
print('write:', rec)
def test_update(self):
......@@ -8,18 +8,14 @@ class Level0DataTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.api = Level0DataApi()
def test_find(self):
recs = self.api.find(obs_id = '0000011', obs_type = 'sci', limit = 0)
recs = self.api.find(obs_id = '100000101', file_type = 'sci', limit = 0)
print('find:', recs)
def test_find_by_brick_ids(self):
recs = self.api.find_by_brick_ids(brick_ids = [1,2,3,4])
print('find_by_brick_ids:', recs)
def test_get(self):
rec = self.api.get(id = 3)
rec = self.api.get(id = 14)
print('get:', rec)
rec = self.api.get(level0_id = '000001101',obs_type='sci')
rec = self.api.get(level0_id = '000001101',file_type='sci')
print('get:', rec)
def test_update_proc_status(self):
......@@ -36,7 +32,7 @@ class Level0DataTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
obs_id = '100000101',
detector_no = "01",
filter = "u",
obs_type = "sci",
file_type = "sci",
obs_time = "2021-06-06 11:12:13",
exp_time = 150,
detector_status_id = 3,
......@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ class Level0PrcTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_write(self):
rec = self.api.write(
run_id = "P1",
pipeline_id = "P1",
prc_module = "QC0",
params_file_path = "/opt/dddasd.params",
prc_status = 3,
prc_time = '2021-06-04 11:12:13',
result_file_path = "/opt/dddasd.header")
message = "test")
print('write:', rec)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -11,16 +11,31 @@ class Level1DataTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_find(self):
recs = self.api.find(
create_time = ("2021-06-01 11:12:13","2021-06-08 11:12:13"))
module_id = "MSC",
create_time = ("2024-01-01 11:12:13","2024-06-08 11:12:13"))
print('find:', recs)
def test_find_by_ids(self):
recs = self.api.find_by_ids(
module_id = "MSC",
print('find_by_ids:', recs)
def test_find_by_brick_ids(self):
recs = self.api.find_by_brick_ids(
print('find_by_brick_ids:', recs)
def test_sls_find_by_qc1_status(self):
recs = self.api.sls_find_by_qc1_status(
qc1_status = 1,
limit = 1
print('sls_find_by_qc1_status:', recs)
def test_get(self):
rec = self.api.get(id = 2)
print('get:', rec)
......@@ -36,13 +51,13 @@ class Level1DataTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_write(self):
rec = self.api.write(
level0_id = '10000010101',
data_type = "SCIE",
cor_sci_id = 0,
prc_params = "/opt/dddasd.params",
file_type = "SCIE",
prc_status = 3,
prc_time = '2021-10-22 11:12:13',
filename = "CSST_MSC_MS_SCI_20270810142128_20270810142358_100000101_20_img_L1.fits",
file_path = "/opt/temp/csst/CSST_MSC_MS_SCI_20270810142128_20270810142358_100000101_20_img_L1.fits",
pipeline_id = "P1",
refs = {'dark': '1', 'bias': '2', 'flat': '3' })
build_id = 123,
refs = [('dark', '1'), ('bias', '2'), ('flat', '3')]
print('write:', rec)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ class Level1PrcTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
rec = self.api.write(level1_id=1,
pipeline_id = "P1",
prc_module = "QC0",
params_file_path = "/opt/dddasd.params",
run_id = "2323",
prc_status = 3,
prc_time = '2021-06-04 11:12:13',
result_file_path = "/opt/dddasd.header")
message = "256's character")
print('write:', rec)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -14,59 +14,70 @@ class Level2DataTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
print('find:', recs)
def test_find_existed_brick_ids(self):
recs = self.api.find_existed_brick_ids(data_type = "csst-msc-l1-mbi-cat")
print('find_existed_brick_ids:', recs)
# def test_find_existed_brick_ids(self):
# recs = self.api.find_existed_brick_ids(data_type = "csst-msc-l1-mbi-cat")
# print('find_existed_brick_ids:', recs)
def test_catalog_query(self):
result = self.api.catalog_query(
sql = 'select x,y,A,B,PA,AB,E from csst_msc_l1_mbi_cat',
limit = 2)
if result.success and result['totalCount'] > 0:
dt = to_fits_table(result)
# def test_catalog_query(self):
# result = self.api.catalog_query(
# sql = 'select x,y,A,B,PA,AB,E from csst_msc_l1_mbi_cat',
# limit = 2)
# print(result)
# if result.success and result['totalCount'] > 0:
# dt = to_fits_table(result)
# dt.pprint()
def test_coord_cond_sql(self):
result = self.api.coord_cond_sql(data_type="csst-msc-l1-mbi-cat", ra = 120, dec = 40, radius = 0.5)
# def test_coord_cond_sql(self):
# result = self.api.coord_cond_sql(data_type="csst-msc-l1-mbi-cat", ra = 120, dec = 40, radius = 0.5)
# print(result)
def test_catalog_column(self):
result = self.api.catalog_columns(data_type="csst-msc-l1-mbi-cat", columns = ['RA', 'DEC'])
# def test_catalog_column(self):
# result = self.api.catalog_columns(data_type="csst-msc-l1-mbi-cat", columns = ['RA', 'DEC'])
# print(result)
def test_get(self):
rec = self.api.get(id = 1)
print('get:', rec)
# def test_get(self):
# rec = self.api.get(id = 10)
# print('get:', rec)
def test_update_proc_status(self):
rec = self.api.update_proc_status(id = 1, status = 4)
print('update_proc_status:', rec)
# def test_update_proc_status(self):
# rec = self.api.update_proc_status(id = 10, status = 4)
# print('update_proc_status:', rec)
def test_update_qc2_status(self):
rec = self.api.update_qc2_status(id = 1, status = 7)
print('update_qc2_status:', rec)
# def test_update_qc2_status(self):
# rec = self.api.update_qc2_status(id = 10, status = 7)
# print('update_qc2_status:', rec)
def test_write(self):
rec = self.api.write(
level0_id= '1016000000412',
module_id = 'MSC',
data_type = "csst-msc-l1-mbi-cat",
prc_status = 3,
prc_time = '2021-10-22 11:12:13',
filename = "CSST_MSC_MS_SCIE_20240821023334_20240821023604_10160000011_19_L1_V01_CAT.fits",
file_path = "/opt/temp/csst/msc/L2/CSST_MSC_MS_SCIE_20240821023334_20240821023604_10160000011_19_L1_V01_CAT.fits",
pipeline_id = "csst-msc-l1-mbi-cat"
print('write:', rec)
# rec = self.api.write(
# level1_id= 1,
# module_id = 'MSC',
# data_type = "csst-msc-xcat",
# prc_status = 3,
# prc_time = '2021-10-22 11:12:13',
# filename = "MSC_MS_XCAT_BRICK_156958.fits",
# file_path = "/opt/temp/csst/fits_file/L2/L2_DEMO/MSC_MS_XCAT_BRICK_156958.fits",
# pipeline_id = "P1"
# )
# print('write:', rec)
\ No newline at end of file
# def test_write(self):
# # rec = self.api.write(
# # level0_id= '1016000000412',
# # module_id = 'MSC',
# # data_type = "csst_example_table",
# # prc_status = 3,
# # prc_time = '2021-10-22 11:12:13',
# # filename = "csst_example_table.fits",
# # file_path = "/Users/wsl/temp/csst/csst_example_table.fits",
# # pipeline_id = "csst-msc-l1-mbi-cat"
# # )
# # print('write:', rec)
# rec = self.api.write(
# level0_id= '1016000000412',
# module_id = 'MSC',
# data_type = "csst-msc-l1-mbi-cat",
# prc_status = 3,
# prc_time = '2021-10-22 11:12:13',
# filename = "CSST_MSC_MS_SCIE_20240821023334_20240821023604_10160000011_19_L1_V01_CAT.fits",
# file_path = "/opt/temp/csst/msc/L2/CSST_MSC_MS_SCIE_20240821023334_20240821023604_10160000011_19_L1_V01_CAT.fits",
# pipeline_id = "csst-msc-l1-mbi-cat"
# )
# print('write:', rec)
# rec = self.api.write(
# level1_id= 1,
# module_id = 'MSC',
# data_type = "csst-msc-xcat",
# prc_status = 3,
# prc_time = '2021-10-22 11:12:13',
# filename = "MSC_MS_XCAT_BRICK_156958.fits",
# file_path = "/opt/temp/csst/fits_file/L2/L2_DEMO/MSC_MS_XCAT_BRICK_156958.fits",
# pipeline_id = "P1"
# )
# print('write:', rec)
\ No newline at end of file
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