Commit e23b2d53 authored by Wei Shoulin's avatar Wei Shoulin
Browse files


parent c2a97abf
......@@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ python install
## Configuration
enviroment variables
CSST_DFS_API_MODE = local or cluster # defaulrt: cluster
CSST_LOCAL_FILE_ROOT = [a local file directory] # required if DFS_API_MODE = local, default: /opt/temp/csst
CSST_DFS_CONFIG_SERVER = [config server's address] # required if DFS_API_MODE = cluster,
- CSST_DFS_API_MODE = local or cluster # defaulrt: cluster
- CSST_LOCAL_FILE_ROOT = [a local file directory] # required if DFS_API_MODE = local, default: /opt/temp/csst
- CSST_DFS_CONFIG_SERVER = [config server's address] # required if DFS_API_MODE = cluster,
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