Commit 4fb80b27 authored by BO ZHANG's avatar BO ZHANG 🏀
Browse files

deleted CsstMbiDataManager

parent fba83d1e
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Modified-History:
2022-09-29, Bo Zhang, favor CsstMsDataManager instead of CsstMbiDataManager
2022-10-26, Bo Zhang, reconstruct CsstMsDataManager, deprecate CsstMbiDataManager
2022-10-28, Bo Zhang, added CsstMsDataManager.query_rc(), dm.dfs_mode, dm.node
2022-11-06, Bo Zhang, deleted CsstMbiDataManager
import glob
import os
......@@ -278,7 +279,7 @@ class CsstMsDataManager:
def glob_image(dir_l0, ver_sim="C5"):
def glob_image(dir_l0, ver_sim="C5.2"):
""" glob files in L0 data directory """
if ver_sim == "C3":
pattern = os.path.join(dir_l0, "MSC_MS_*_raw.fits")
......@@ -489,7 +490,8 @@ class CsstMsDataManager:
print("Error occurred during the query!")
return None
def test_dfs(self):
def dfs_available(self):
""" Test if DFS works. """
tbl = gaia_query_from_dfs(radius=0.001)
......@@ -524,49 +526,3 @@ class CsstMsDataManager:
l1api = get_l1api()
class CsstMbiDataManager:
def __init__(self, ver_sim="C5.2", dir_l0="", dir_l1="", dir_pcref="", path_aux="", force_all_detectors=False):
""" initialize the multi-band imaging data manager
ver_sim: str
version of simulation data, see csst_common.params.CP
dir_l0: str
L0 directory
dir_l1: str
L1 directory
dir_pcref: str
position calibration data directory
path_aux: str
aux data directory (bias, flat, dark)
force_all_detectors: bool
if True, assert data for all detectors are available
>>> dm_mbi = CsstMbiDataManager(...)
>>> # access L0 directory
>>> dm_mbi.dir_l0
>>> # access L1 directory
>>> dm_mbi.dir_l1
>>> # access dir_pcref
>>> dm_mbi.dir_pcref
>>> # access path_aux
>>> dm_mbi.path_aux
>>> # access ver_sim
>>> dm_mbi.ver_sim
>>> # access target detectors
>>> dm_mbi.target_detectors
>>> # access available detectors
>>> dm_mbi.available_detectors
>>> # define an L1 file (detector-specified)
>>> dm_mbi.l1_detector(detector=6)
>>> # define an L1 file (non-detector-specified)
>>> dm_mbi.l1_file("flipped_image.fits")
raise DeprecationWarning(
"CsstMbiDataManager will no longer be available in some days, please use CsstMsDataManager instead.")
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