Commit eada2258 authored by BO ZHANG's avatar BO ZHANG 🏀
Browse files

update dm.quickstart() data path

parent 21e48872
Pipeline #965 failed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -672,8 +672,10 @@ class CsstMsDataManager:
return info
def quickstart(ver_sim="C6.2", datatype="mbi", dir_l1=".", exposure_id=100,
use_dfs=False, dfs_node="kmust", n_jobs=18, backend="multiprocessing"):
def quickstart(
ver_sim="C6.2", datatype="mbi", dir_l1=".", exposure_id=100,
use_dfs=False, dfs_node="kmust", n_jobs=18, backend="multiprocessing"
Quick dataset generator for tests on dandelion or PML
......@@ -704,37 +706,15 @@ class CsstMsDataManager:
assert ver_sim == "C6.2" and exposure_id == 100
except BaseException:
raise ValueError("Please use ver_sim = 'C6.2'!")
raise ValueError("Please use ver_sim = 'C6.2'! and exposure_id = 100")
assert datatype in ["mbi", "sls"]
# auto identify node name
hostname = os.uname()[1]
assert hostname in ["dandelion", "tulip", ]
dir_l0 = "/nfsdata/share/csst_unittest/C6.2/MSC_0000100"
path_aux = "/nfsdata/users/csstpipeline/L1Pipeline/aux"
# # dandelion
# if hostname in ["dandelion", "tulip"] and datatype == "mbi":
# # dir_l0 = "/nfsdata/share/csst_simulation_data/Cycle-5-SimuData/multipleBandsImaging/" \
# # "NGP_AstrometryON_shearOFF/MSC_{:07d}/".format(exposure_id)
# path_aux = "/nfsdata/users/csstpipeline/L1Pipeline/aux"
# elif hostname in ["dandelion", "tulip"] and datatype == "sls":
# dir_l0 = "/nfsdata/share/csst_simulation_data/Cycle-5-SimuData/slitlessSpectroscopy/" \
# "NGP_AstrometryON_shearOFF_Spec/MSC_{:07d}/".format(exposure_id)
# path_aux = "/nfsdata/users/csstpipeline/L1Pipeline/aux"
# # PMO
# elif hostname == "ubuntu" and datatype == "mbi":
# dir_l0 = "/share/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/CSSTSimImage_C5/" \
# "NGP_AstrometryON_shearOFF/MSC_{:07d}/".format(exposure_id)
# path_aux = "/L1Pipeline/aux"
# elif hostname == "ubuntu" and datatype == "sls":
# dir_l0 = "/share/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/CSSTSimImage_C5/" \
# "NGP_AstrometryON_shearOFF_Spec/MSC_{:07d}/".format(exposure_id)
# path_aux = "/L1Pipeline/aux"
# else:
# raise ValueError("@DM: invalid hostname {} or datatype {}!".format(hostname, datatype))
dir_l0 = "/nfsdata/share/pipeline-unittest/MSC_C6.2_UNITTEST/MSC_0000100"
path_aux = "/nfsdata/share/pipeline/aux"
return CsstMsDataManager.from_dir(
ver_sim=ver_sim, datatype=datatype, dir_l0=dir_l0, dir_l1=dir_l1, path_aux=path_aux,
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