Commit dac22984 authored by BO ZHANG's avatar BO ZHANG 🏀
Browse files


parent 01e02e0c
Pipeline #59 passed with stages
in 8 seconds
......@@ -49,19 +49,19 @@ The `csst_proto` uses an awesome algorithm based on `numpy.ndarray` indices to f
## timeline
| file / directory | description | notes | C6 | C7 |
| `csst_proto/` | source code & data | | √ | |
| `doc/` | sphinx-based documentation | | | √ |
| `example/` | code examples | | - | - |
| `tests/` | unit tests | | | √ |
| `.gitignore` | git file | | √ | |
| `.gitlab-ci.yml` | gitlab CI/CD pipeline | | | √ |
| `LICENSE` | code license | | √ | |
| `` | readme file | | √ | |
| `` | single-line installation script | | √ | |
| `` | local installation script | | √ | |
| `readthedocs.yml` | configuration | | | √ |
| `requirements.txt` | code requirements | | √ | |
| `` | sphinx-based documentation | | √ | |
| file / directory | description | urgent | C6 | C7 |
| `csst_proto/` | source code & data | √√ | √ | |
| `doc/` | sphinx-based documentation | | | √ |
| `example/` | code examples | - | - | - |
| `tests/` | unit tests | | | √ |
| `.gitignore` | git file | | √ | |
| `.gitlab-ci.yml` | gitlab CI/CD pipeline | | | √ |
| `LICENSE` | code license | | √ | |
| `` | readme file | √√ | √ | |
| `` | single-line installation script | | √ | |
| `` | local installation script | | √ | |
| `readthedocs.yml` | configuration | | | √ |
| `requirements.txt` | code requirements | | √ | |
| `` | sphinx-based documentation | √√ | √ | |
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