• Emmanuel Bertin's avatar
    Moved the whole package back to GPL. · 7c4a1656
    Emmanuel Bertin authored
    Added more complete headers to all files.
    Clarified licensing issues.
    Updated FITS library.
    Updated configuration files.
    Added configuration files to the list of data that get installed in ${prefix}/share/sextractor.
    Tweaked model-fitting convergence parameters.
    Fixed catalogue source ordering/number issue in dual-image mode.
    Pushed version number to 2.13.0.
default.sex 4.96 KiB
# Default configuration file for SExtractor 2.12.4
# EB 2010-10-10
#-------------------------------- Catalog ------------------------------------
CATALOG_NAME     test.cat       # name of the output catalog
                                # ASCII_VOTABLE, FITS_1.0 or FITS_LDAC
PARAMETERS_NAME  default.param  # name of the file containing catalog contents
#------------------------------- Extraction ----------------------------------
DETECT_TYPE      CCD            # CCD (linear) or PHOTO (with gamma correction)
DETECT_MINAREA   3              # min. # of pixels above threshold
DETECT_THRESH    1.5            # <sigmas> or <threshold>,<ZP> in mag.arcsec-2
ANALYSIS_THRESH  1.5            # <sigmas> or <threshold>,<ZP> in mag.arcsec-2
FILTER           Y              # apply filter for detection (Y or N)?
FILTER_NAME      default.conv   # name of the file containing the filter
DEBLEND_NTHRESH  32             # Number of deblending sub-thresholds
DEBLEND_MINCONT  0.005          # Minimum contrast parameter for deblending
CLEAN            Y              # Clean spurious detections? (Y or N)?
CLEAN_PARAM      1.0            # Cleaning efficiency
#-------------------------------- WEIGHTing ----------------------------------
WEIGHT_TYPE      NONE           # type of WEIGHTing: NONE, BACKGROUND,
                                # MAP_RMS, MAP_VAR or MAP_WEIGHT
WEIGHT_IMAGE     weight.fits    # weight-map filename
#-------------------------------- FLAGging -----------------------------------
FLAG_IMAGE       flag.fits      # filename for an input FLAG-image
FLAG_TYPE        OR             # flag pixel combination: OR, AND, MIN, MAX
                                # or MOST
#------------------------------ Photometry -----------------------------------
PHOT_APERTURES   5              # MAG_APER aperture diameter(s) in pixels
PHOT_AUTOPARAMS  2.5, 3.5       # MAG_AUTO parameters: <Kron_fact>,<min_radius>
PHOT_PETROPARAMS 2.0, 3.5       # MAG_PETRO parameters: <Petrosian_fact>,
                                # <min_radius>
PHOT_AUTOAPERS   0.0,0.0        # <estimation>,<measurement> minimum apertures
                                # for MAG_AUTO and MAG_PETRO
SATUR_LEVEL      50000.0        # level (in ADUs) at which arises saturation
SATUR_KEY        SATURATE       # keyword for saturation level (in ADUs)
MAG_ZEROPOINT    0.0            # magnitude zero-point
MAG_GAMMA        4.0            # gamma of emulsion (for photographic scans)
GAIN             0.0            # detector gain in e-/ADU
GAIN_KEY         GAIN           # keyword for detector gain in e-/ADU
PIXEL_SCALE      1.0            # size of pixel in arcsec (0=use FITS WCS info)
#------------------------- Star/Galaxy Separation ----------------------------
SEEING_FWHM      1.2            # stellar FWHM in arcsec
STARNNW_NAME     default.nnw    # Neural-Network_Weight table filename
#------------------------------ Background -----------------------------------
BACK_TYPE        AUTO           # AUTO or MANUAL
BACK_VALUE       0.0            # Default background value in MANUAL mode
BACK_SIZE        64             # Background mesh: <size> or <width>,<height>
BACK_FILTERSIZE  3              # Background filter: <size> or <width>,<height>
#------------------------------ Check Image ---------------------------------- CHECKIMAGE_TYPE NONE # can be NONE, BACKGROUND, BACKGROUND_RMS, # MINIBACKGROUND, MINIBACK_RMS, -BACKGROUND, # FILTERED, OBJECTS, -OBJECTS, SEGMENTATION, # or APERTURES CHECKIMAGE_NAME check.fits # Filename for the check-image #--------------------- Memory (change with caution!) ------------------------- MEMORY_OBJSTACK 3000 # number of objects in stack MEMORY_PIXSTACK 300000 # number of pixels in stack MEMORY_BUFSIZE 1024 # number of lines in buffer #------------------------------- ASSOCiation --------------------------------- ASSOC_NAME sky.list # name of the ASCII file to ASSOCiate ASSOC_DATA 2,3,4 # columns of the data to replicate (0=all) ASSOC_PARAMS 2,3,4 # columns of xpos,ypos[,mag] ASSOC_RADIUS 2.0 # cross-matching radius (pixels) ASSOC_TYPE NEAREST # ASSOCiation method: FIRST, NEAREST, MEAN, # MAG_MEAN, SUM, MAG_SUM, MIN or MAX ASSOCSELEC_TYPE MATCHED # ASSOC selection type: ALL, MATCHED or -MATCHED #----------------------------- Miscellaneous --------------------------------- VERBOSE_TYPE NORMAL # can be QUIET, NORMAL or FULL HEADER_SUFFIX .head # Filename extension for additional headers WRITE_XML N # Write XML file (Y/N)? XML_NAME sex.xml # Filename for XML output XSL_URL file:///usr/local/share/sextractor/sextractor.xsl # Filename for XSL style-sheet