Commit 3f06d390 authored by rhenders's avatar rhenders
Browse files

First commit with changes to enable reading of tile-compressed images using CFitsIO

parent 470c895d
......@@ -52,8 +52,9 @@ void makeback(picstruct *field, picstruct *wfield, int wscale_flag)
backstruct *backmesh,*wbackmesh, *bm,*wbm;
tabstruct *tab, *wtab;
PIXTYPE *buf,*wbuf, *buft,*wbuft;
OFF_T fcurpos,wfcurpos, wfcurpos2,fcurpos2, bufshift, jumpsize;
OFF_T2 fcurpos,wfcurpos, wfcurpos2,fcurpos2, bufshift, jumpsize;
size_t bufsize, bufsize2,
int i,j,k,m,n, step, nlines,
......@@ -65,7 +66,11 @@ void makeback(picstruct *field, picstruct *wfield, int wscale_flag)
/* If the weight-map is not an external one, no stats are needed for it */
if (wfield && wfield->flags&(INTERP_FIELD|BACKRMS_FIELD))
wfield= NULL;
tab = field->tab;
if (wfield)
wtab = wfield->tab;
wtab = NULL; /* to avoid gcc -Wall warnings */
w = field->width;
bw = field->backw;
bh = field->backh;
......@@ -83,12 +88,17 @@ void makeback(picstruct *field, picstruct *wfield, int wscale_flag)
wfcurpos = wfcurpos2 = 0; /* to avoid gcc -Wall warnings */
QFTELL(field->file, fcurpos, field->filename);
tab->currentElement = 1; // CFITSIO
if (wfield)
QFTELL(wfield->file, wfcurpos, wfield->filename);
wtab->currentElement = 1; // CFITSIO
/* Allocate a correct amount of memory to store pixels */
bufsize = (OFF_T)w*bh;
bufsize = (OFF_T2)w*bh;
meshsize = (size_t)bufsize;
nlines = 0;
if (bufsize > (size_t)BACK_BUFSIZE)
......@@ -96,8 +106,8 @@ void makeback(picstruct *field, picstruct *wfield, int wscale_flag)
nlines = BACK_BUFSIZE/w;
step = (field->backh-1)/nlines+1;
bufsize = (size_t)(nlines = field->backh/step)*w;
bufshift = (step/2)*(OFF_T)w;
jumpsize = (step-1)*(OFF_T)w;
bufshift = (step/2)*(OFF_T2)w;
jumpsize = (step-1)*(OFF_T2)w;
bufshift = jumpsize = 0; /* to avoid gcc -Wall warnings */
......@@ -180,8 +190,8 @@ void makeback(picstruct *field, picstruct *wfield, int wscale_flag)
nlines = BACK_BUFSIZE/w;
step = (n-1)/nlines+1;
bufsize = (nlines = n/step)*(size_t)w;
bufshift = (step/2)*(OFF_T)w;
jumpsize = (step-1)*(OFF_T)w;
bufshift = (step/2)*(OFF_T2)w;
jumpsize = (step-1)*(OFF_T2)w;
QMALLOC(buf, PIXTYPE, bufsize); /* pixel buffer */
if (wfield)
......@@ -192,35 +202,47 @@ void makeback(picstruct *field, picstruct *wfield, int wscale_flag)
/*---- Read and skip, read and skip, etc... */
QFSEEK(field->file, bufshift*(OFF_T)field->bytepix, SEEK_CUR,
QFSEEK(field->file, bufshift*(OFF_T2)field->bytepix, SEEK_CUR,
tab->currentElement += bufshift; // CFITSIO
buft = buf;
for (i=nlines; i--; buft += w)
read_body(field->tab, buft, w);
if (i)
QFSEEK(field->file, jumpsize*(OFF_T)field->bytepix, SEEK_CUR,
if (i) {
QFSEEK(field->file, jumpsize*(OFF_T2)field->bytepix, SEEK_CUR,
tab->currentElement += jumpsize; // CFITSIO
if (wfield)
/*------ Read and skip, read and skip, etc... now on the weight-map */
QFSEEK(wfield->file, bufshift*(OFF_T)wfield->bytepix, SEEK_CUR,
QFSEEK(wfield->file, bufshift*(OFF_T2)wfield->bytepix, SEEK_CUR,
wtab->currentElement += bufshift; // CFITSIO
wbuft = wbuf;
for (i=nlines; i--; wbuft += w)
read_body(wfield->tab, wbuft, w);
weight_to_var(wfield, wbuft, w);
if (i)
QFSEEK(wfield->file, jumpsize*(OFF_T)wfield->bytepix, SEEK_CUR,
if (i){
QFSEEK(wfield->file, jumpsize*(OFF_T2)wfield->bytepix, SEEK_CUR,
wtab->currentElement += jumpsize; // CFITSIO
backstat(backmesh, wbackmesh, buf, wbuf, bufsize, nx, w, bw,
QFSEEK(field->file, fcurpos2, SEEK_SET, field->filename);
tab->currentElement = (fcurpos2 == 0) ? 1 : fcurpos2; // CFITSIO
bm = backmesh;
for (m=nx; m--; bm++)
if (bm->mean <= -BIG)
......@@ -230,6 +252,8 @@ void makeback(picstruct *field, picstruct *wfield, int wscale_flag)
if (wfield)
QFSEEK(wfield->file, wfcurpos2, SEEK_SET, wfield->filename);
wtab->currentElement = (wfcurpos2 == 0) ? 1 : wfcurpos2; // CFITSIO
wbm = wbackmesh;
for (m=nx; m--; wbm++)
if (wbm->mean <= -BIG)
......@@ -242,10 +266,14 @@ void makeback(picstruct *field, picstruct *wfield, int wscale_flag)
if (bufsize2>size)
bufsize2 = size;
read_body(field->tab, buf, bufsize2);
if (wfield)
read_body(wfield->tab, wbuf, bufsize2);
read_body(wfield->tab, wbuf, bufsize2);
weight_to_var(wfield, wbuf, bufsize2);
backhisto(backmesh, wbackmesh, buf, wbuf, bufsize2, nx, w, bw,
......@@ -284,8 +312,13 @@ void makeback(picstruct *field, picstruct *wfield, int wscale_flag)
/* Go back to the original position */
QFSEEK(field->file, fcurpos, SEEK_SET, field->filename);
if (wfield)
field->tab->currentElement = fcurpos; // CFITSIO
if (wfield) {
QFSEEK(wfield->file, wfcurpos, SEEK_SET, wfield->filename);
wfield->tab->currentElement = (wfcurpos == 0) ? 1 : wfcurpos; // CFITSIO
/* Median-filter and check suitability of the background map */
NFPRINTF(OUTPUT, "Filtering background map(s)");
......@@ -1050,7 +1050,7 @@ void reendcat()
keystruct *key;
tabstruct *tab;
OFF_T pos;
OFF_T2 pos;
char *head;
......@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ picstruct *newfield(char *filename, int flags, int ext)
field->cat = cat;
nok = 0;
tab = cat->tab;
if(tab->isTileCompressed) nok++;
if (tab->naxis >= 2
&& strncmp(tab->xtension, "BINTABLE", 8)
&& strncmp(tab->xtension, "ASCTABLE", 8))
......@@ -78,6 +79,7 @@ picstruct *newfield(char *filename, int flags, int ext)
for (ntab=cat->ntab; ext2-- && ntab--;)
if(tab->isTileCompressed) nok++;
if (tab->naxis >= 2
&& strncmp(tab->xtension, "BINTABLE", 8)
&& strncmp(tab->xtension, "ASCTABLE", 8))
......@@ -85,7 +87,6 @@ picstruct *newfield(char *filename, int flags, int ext)
if (!nok)
error(EXIT_FAILURE, "Not a valid FITS image in ",filename);
field->tab = tab;
if (ntab<0)
error(EXIT_FAILURE, "Not enough valid FITS image extensions in ",filename);
......@@ -85,7 +85,10 @@ PIXTYPE *alloc_body(tabstruct *tab, void (*func)(PIXTYPE *ptr, int npix))
/* Decide if the data will go in physical memory or on swap-space */
npix = tab->tabsize/tab->bytepix;
//npix = tab->tabsize/tab->bytepix;
npix = tab->naxisn[0] * tab->naxisn[1];
size = npix*sizeof(PIXTYPE);
if (size < body_ramleft)
......@@ -93,6 +96,7 @@ PIXTYPE *alloc_body(tabstruct *tab, void (*func)(PIXTYPE *ptr, int npix))
if ((tab->bodybuf = malloc(size)))
QFSEEK(tab->cat->file, tab->bodypos, SEEK_SET, tab->cat->filename);
tab->currentElement = 1; // CFITSIO
read_body(tab, (PIXTYPE *)tab->bodybuf, npix);
/*---- Apply pixel processing */
if (func)
......@@ -120,6 +124,7 @@ PIXTYPE *alloc_body(tabstruct *tab, void (*func)(PIXTYPE *ptr, int npix))
if (!spoonful)
spoonful = DATA_BUFSIZE;
QFSEEK(tab->cat->file, tab->bodypos, SEEK_SET, tab->cat->filename);
tab->currentElement = 1; // CFITSIO
read_body(tab, buffer, spoonful/sizeof(PIXTYPE));
/*-- Apply pixel processing */
if (func)
......@@ -323,14 +328,20 @@ void read_body(tabstruct *tab, PIXTYPE *ptr, size_t size)
int curval, dval, blankflag, ival, iblank;
size_t i, bowl, spoonful, npix;
PIXTYPE bs,bz;
//PIXTYPE bs,bz;
double bs,bz;
/* a NULL cat structure indicates that no data can be read */
if (!(cat = tab->cat))
bs = (PIXTYPE)tab->bscale;
bz = (PIXTYPE)tab->bzero;
// this cast from double to float loses precision
//bs = (PIXTYPE)tab->bscale;
//bz = (PIXTYPE)tab->bzero;
bs = tab->bscale;
bz = tab->bzero;
blankflag = tab->blankflag;
......@@ -344,7 +355,41 @@ void read_body(tabstruct *tab, PIXTYPE *ptr, size_t size)
if (spoonful>size)
spoonful = size;
bufdata = (char *)bufdata0;
if (tab->isTileCompressed) {
int status, hdutype;
// first of all, move to correct HDU
status = 0; fits_movabs_hdu(tab->infptr, tab->hdunum, &hdutype, &status);
if (status != 0) {
printf("Error moving to HDU %d\n", tab->hdunum);
fits_report_error(stderr, status);
// pixels count from 1
if (tab->currentElement == 0) tab->currentElement = 1;
// now read section of image
status = 0; fits_read_img(tab->infptr, TFLOAT, tab->currentElement, spoonful, NULL, bufdata, NULL, &status);
//printf("CFITSIO OK reading start=%d end=%d absolute end=%d\n", tab->currentElement, (tab->currentElement + spoonful) , (tab->naxisn[0]*tab->naxisn[1]));
// report reading error
if (status != 0) {
printf("CFITSIO ERROR reading start=%d end=%d absolute end=%d\n", tab->currentElement, (tab->currentElement + spoonful) , (tab->naxisn[0]*tab->naxisn[1]));
fits_report_error(stderr, status);
// update file 'pointer'
tab->currentElement += spoonful;
QFREAD(bufdata, spoonful*tab->bytepix, cat->file, cat->filename);
case BP_BYTE:
......@@ -381,6 +426,7 @@ void read_body(tabstruct *tab, PIXTYPE *ptr, size_t size)
case BP_SHORT:
if (!tab->isTileCompressed)
if (bswapflag)
swapbytes(bufdata, 2, spoonful);
if (blankflag)
......@@ -416,6 +462,7 @@ void read_body(tabstruct *tab, PIXTYPE *ptr, size_t size)
case BP_LONG:
if (!tab->isTileCompressed)
if (bswapflag)
swapbytes(bufdata, 4, spoonful);
if (blankflag)
......@@ -452,6 +499,7 @@ void read_body(tabstruct *tab, PIXTYPE *ptr, size_t size)
if (!tab->isTileCompressed)
if (bswapflag)
swapbytes(bufdata, 8, spoonful);
if (blankflag)
......@@ -487,6 +535,7 @@ void read_body(tabstruct *tab, PIXTYPE *ptr, size_t size)
case BP_FLOAT:
if (!tab->isTileCompressed)
if (bswapflag)
swapbytes(bufdata, 4, spoonful);
#pragma ivdep
......@@ -497,6 +546,7 @@ void read_body(tabstruct *tab, PIXTYPE *ptr, size_t size)
if (bswapflag)
if (!tab->isTileCompressed)
swapbytes(bufdata, 8, spoonful);
#pragma ivdep
for (i=spoonful; i--; bufdata += sizeof(double))
......@@ -615,8 +665,12 @@ void read_body(tabstruct *tab, PIXTYPE *ptr, size_t size)
error(EXIT_FAILURE,"*Internal Error*: unknown compression mode in ",
//printf("SSSS %f %f %f %f %f\n", bufdata[0], bufdata[10], bufdata[100], bufdata[1000], bufdata[spoonful-1]);
......@@ -922,6 +976,10 @@ void write_body(tabstruct *tab, PIXTYPE *ptr, size_t size)
#pragma ivdep
for (i=spoonful; i--;)
*(bufdata++) = (*(ptr++)-bz)/bs;
// CFITSIO - only perform byte-swap if we are NOT writing a tile-compressed format using cfitsio
if (0 && tab->infptr == NULL) // TODO
if (bswapflag)
swapbytes(cbufdata0, 4, spoonful);
......@@ -943,6 +1001,22 @@ void write_body(tabstruct *tab, PIXTYPE *ptr, size_t size)
// CFITSIO - if cfitsio output file has been set up, then proceed to write using cfitsio
if (0 && tab->infptr != NULL) { // TODO
int status = 0; fits_write_img(tab->infptr, TFLOAT, tab->currentElement, spoonful, cbufdata0, &status);
if (status != 0) {
printf("CFITSIO ERROR writing start=%d end=%d absolute end=%d\n", tab->currentElement, (tab->currentElement + spoonful) , (tab->naxisn[0]*tab->naxisn[1]));
fits_report_error(stderr, status);
tab->currentElement = tab->currentElement + spoonful;
// otherwise, continue with usual AstrOmatic fits writing routine
QFWRITE(cbufdata0, spoonful*tab->bytepix, cat->file, cat->filename);
......@@ -323,14 +323,39 @@ int map_cat(catstruct *cat)
QCALLOC(tab, tabstruct, 1);
tab->cat = cat;
QFTELL(cat->file, tab->headpos, cat->filename);
fitsfile *infptr;
int status, hdutype, hdunum;
status = 0; fits_open_file(&infptr, cat->filename, READONLY, &status);
if (status != 0) {
fits_report_error(stderr, status);
printf("ERROR could not open FITS file with cfitsio: %s\n", cat->filename);
hdunum = 1;
for (ntab=0; !get_head(tab); ntab++)
QFTELL(cat->file, tab->bodypos, cat->filename);
tab->nseg = tab->seg = 1;
if (tab->tabsize)
QFSEEK(cat->file, PADTOTAL(tab->tabsize), SEEK_CUR, cat->filename);
tab->hdunum = hdunum;
tab->infptr = infptr;
status = 0; fits_movabs_hdu(tab->infptr, tab->hdunum, &hdutype, &status);
if (status != 0) printf("ERROR could not move to hdu %d in file %s\n", tab->hdunum, cat->filename);
tab->tabsize = infptr->Fptr->rowlength;
if (tab->tabsize) {
// IMPORTANT: moving to start of next header using fseek and cfitsio position rather than table size, as done previously
fseek(cat->file, infptr->Fptr->headstart[hdunum], SEEK_SET);
// this is how it was done previously
//QFSEEK(cat->file, PADTOTAL(tab->tabsize), SEEK_CUR, cat->filename);
if (prevtab)
tab->prevtab = prevtab;
......@@ -342,6 +367,9 @@ int map_cat(catstruct *cat)
QCALLOC(tab, tabstruct, 1);
tab->cat = cat;
QFTELL(cat->file, tab->headpos, cat->filename);
cat->ntab = ntab;
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
* along with AstrOmatic software.
* If not, see <>.
* Last modified: 29/08/2012
f* Last modified: 29/08/2012
......@@ -36,6 +36,9 @@
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "fitsio.h"
#define MAXCHARS 256 /* max. number of characters */
#define WARNING_NMAX 1000 /* max. number of recorded warnings */
......@@ -107,10 +110,11 @@ typedef long long SLONGLONG;
typedef union {int l[2];} SLONGLONG;
#if defined(_FILE_OFFSET_BITS) && !defined(OFF_T)
#define OFF_T off_t
// CFITSIO changed OFF_T to OFF_T2 due to clash with cfitsio lib
#if defined(_FILE_OFFSET_BITS) && !defined(OFF_T2)
#define OFF_T2 off_t
#define OFF_T long
#define OFF_T2 long
/*------------------------------- constants ---------------------------------*/
......@@ -180,8 +184,8 @@ typedef struct structtab
char *headbuf; /* buffer containing the header */
int headnblock; /* number of FITS blocks */
char *bodybuf; /* buffer containing the body */
OFF_T bodypos; /* position of the body in the file */
OFF_T headpos; /* position of the head in the file */
OFF_T2 bodypos; /* position of the body in the file */
OFF_T2 headpos; /* position of the head in the file */
struct structcat *cat; /* (original) parent catalog */
struct structtab *prevtab, *nexttab; /* previous and next tab in chain */
int seg; /* segment position */
......@@ -191,6 +195,13 @@ typedef struct structtab
int swapflag; /* mapped to a swap file ? */
char swapname[MAXCHARS]; /* name of the swapfile */
unsigned int bodysum; /* Checksum of the FITS body */
fitsfile *infptr; /* a cfitsio pointer to the file */
int hdunum; /* FITS HDU number for this 'table' */
int isTileCompressed; /* is this a tile compressed image? */
long currentElement; /* tracks the current image pixel */
} tabstruct;
......@@ -114,15 +114,35 @@ void readbasic_head(tabstruct *tab)
filename = (tab->cat? tab->cat->filename : strcpy(name, "internal header"));
if (fitsread(tab->headbuf, "BITPIX ", &tab->bitpix, H_INT, T_LONG)
if (fitsread(tab->headbuf, "ZIMAGE ", str, H_STRING, T_STRING) == RETURN_OK) {
tab->isTileCompressed = 1;
else {
tab->isTileCompressed = 0;
if (fitsread(tab->headbuf, BITPIX_KEYWORD, &tab->bitpix, H_INT, T_LONG)
error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: Corrupted FITS header in ", filename);
tab->bytepix = tab->bitpix>0?(tab->bitpix/8):(-tab->bitpix/8);
if (fitsread(tab->headbuf, "NAXIS ", &tab->naxis, H_INT, T_LONG)
if (fitsread(tab->headbuf, NAXIS_KEYWORD, &tab->naxis, H_INT, T_LONG)
error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: Corrupted FITS header in ", filename);
tabsize = 0;
if (tab->naxis>0)
......@@ -133,7 +153,11 @@ void readbasic_head(tabstruct *tab)
tabsize = 1;
for (i=0; i<tab->naxis && i<999; i++)
sprintf(key,"NAXIS%-3d", i+1);
if (tab->isTileCompressed)
sprintf(key,"ZNAXIS%-2d", (i+1));
sprintf(key,"NAXIS%-3d", (i+1));
if (fitsread(tab->headbuf, key, &tab->naxisn[i], H_INT, T_LONG)
error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: incoherent FITS header in ", filename);
......@@ -284,7 +308,9 @@ int readbintabparam_head(tabstruct *tab)
key->htype = H_STRING;
error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: Unknown TFORM in ", cat->filename);
key->ttype = T_FLOAT;
//error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: Unknown TFORM in ", cat->filename);
/*--handle the special case of multimensional arrays*/
......@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ void end_writeobj(catstruct *cat, tabstruct *tab, char *buf)
keystruct *key;
OFF_T pos;
OFF_T2 pos;
int k;
/* Make the table parameters reflect its content*/
......@@ -268,6 +268,7 @@ void makeit()
if ((imatab->naxis < 2)
|| !strncmp(imatab->xtension, "BINTABLE", 8)
|| !strncmp(imatab->xtension, "ASCTABLE", 8))
if (!imatab->isTileCompressed)
......@@ -303,10 +304,12 @@ void makeit()
nok = 0;
for (ntab = 0 ; ntab<ntabmax; ntab++, imatab = imatab->nexttab)
printf("matab->naxis %d\ imatab->xtension = %s compressed? %d\n", imatab->naxis, imatab->xtension, imatab->isTileCompressed);
/*-- Check for the next valid image extension */
if (!forcextflag && ((imatab->naxis < 2)
|| !strncmp(imatab->xtension, "BINTABLE", 8)
|| !strncmp(imatab->xtension, "ASCTABLE", 8)))
if (!imatab->isTileCompressed)
......@@ -92,7 +92,12 @@ void *loadstrip(picstruct *field, picstruct *wfield)
else if (flags & INTERP_FIELD)
copydata(field, 0, nbpix);
tab->currentElement = 1;
read_body(tab, data, nbpix);
//printf("read 1: data[0] = %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", data[0], data[1], data[222], data[777], data[field->width-1], data[nbpix-1]);
weight_to_var(field, data, nbpix);
if ((flags & MEASURE_FIELD) && (check=prefs.check[CHECK_IDENTICAL]))
......@@ -175,8 +180,13 @@ void *loadstrip(picstruct *field, picstruct *wfield)
backrmsline(field, field->ymax, data);
else if (flags & INTERP_FIELD)
copydata(field, field->stripylim*w, w);
else {
tab->currentElement = 1;
read_body(tab, data, w);
//printf("read 2: data[0] = %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", data[0], data[1], data[222], data[777], data[field->width-1], data[w-1]);
weight_to_var(field, data, w);
......@@ -285,6 +295,7 @@ void readimagehead(picstruct *field)
QFSEEK(field->file, tab->bodypos, SEEK_SET, field->filename);
......@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ typedef struct pic
int interp_xtimeout; /* interpolation timeout value in x */
int interp_ytimeout; /* interpolation timeout value in y */
struct pic *reffield; /* pointer to a reference field */
OFF_T mefpos; /* Position in a MEF file */
OFF_T2 mefpos; /* Position in a MEF file */
} picstruct;
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