Commit d3230bd7 authored by Emmanuel Bertin's avatar Emmanuel Bertin
Browse files

Removed obsolete measurement parameters.

Pushed version number to 2.8.6
parent a14d0e27
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ define([AC_CACHE_LOAD],)
# This is your standard Bertin source code...
AC_INIT(sextractor, 2.8.5, [])
AC_INIT(sextractor, 2.8.6, [])
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
* Contents: parameter list for catalog data.
* Last modify: 18/05/2008
* Last modify: 08/04/2009
......@@ -135,23 +135,23 @@ keystruct objkey[] = {
&outobj2.vector_somfit, H_FLOAT, T_FLOAT, "%5.2f", "",
"src.morph.param", "", 1, &prefs.somfit_vectorsize},
/* The following would use Principal Component fitting.
This has been obsoleted by bona fide model fitting.
{"FLUX_GALFIT", "Flux derived from the galaxy fit",
&outobj2.flux_galfit, H_FLOAT, T_FLOAT, "%12.7g", "count",
"phot.flux;", "ct"},
{"FLUXERR_GALFIT", "RMS error for GALFIT flux",
&outobj2.fluxerr_galfit, H_FLOAT, T_FLOAT, "%12.7g", "count"},
{"MAG_GALFIT", "Magnitude derived from galaxy fit",
&outobj2.mag_galfit, H_FLOAT, T_FLOAT, "%8.4f", "mag",
"phot.mag;", "mag"},
{"MAGERR_GALFIT", "Magnitude error derived from galaxy fit",
&outobj2.magerr_galfit, H_FLOAT, T_FLOAT, "%8.4f", "mag"},
{"ERROR_GALFIT", "Reduced Chi-square error of the galaxy fit",
&outobj2.stderr_galfit, H_FLOAT, T_FLOAT, "%10g", ""},
{"GALDANG_IMAGE", "Galaxy disk position angle from the galaxy fit",
&outobj2.gdposang, H_FLOAT, T_FLOAT, "%5.1f", "deg",
"pos.posAng;", "deg"},
......@@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ keystruct objkey[] = {
{"GALBASPEC_IMAGE", "Galaxy bulge aspect ratio from the galaxy fit",
&outobj2.gbaspect, H_FLOAT, T_FLOAT, "%5.3f", "",
"phys.size.axisRatio;", ""},
{"KRON_RADIUS", "Kron apertures in units of A or B",
&outobj2.kronfactor, H_FLOAT, T_FLOAT, "%5.2f", "",
......@@ -831,6 +832,7 @@ keystruct objkey[] = {
&outobj2.poserrtheta1950_psf, H_FLOAT, T_FLOAT, "%5.1f", "deg",
"pos.posAng;pos.errorEllipse", "deg"},
/* Temporarily (at least) deactivated not to confuse users with model-fitting
{"X2PC_IMAGE", "PC variance along x",
&outobj2.mx2_pc, H_EXPO, T_DOUBLE, "%15.10e", "pixel**2",
"src.impactParam;instr.det", "pix2"},
......@@ -853,6 +855,7 @@ keystruct objkey[] = {
{"PC", "Principal components",
&outobj2.vector_pc, H_FLOAT, T_FLOAT, "%15.10e", "",
"src.morph.param", "", 1, &prefs.pc_vectorsize},
#include "paramprofit.h"
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