Commit 85162102 authored by Chen Yili's avatar Chen Yili
Browse files

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parent e2688095
import numpy as np
from import fits
import yaml
from .config import cpism_refdata, __version__, which_focalplane
from .utils import Logger
import os
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
import re
import json
import pandas as pd
config_file = f'{cpism_refdata}/cpism_config.yaml'
with open(config_file, 'r') as fid:
config = yaml.load(fid, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
output_dir = config['output_dir']
if config['relative_path']:
ref_dir_base = os.path.dirname(cpism_refdata)
output_dir = f'{ref_dir_base}/{output_dir}'
log_dir = output_dir + '/LOG'
tmp_dir = config['tmp_dir']
log_level = config['log_level']
header_check = config['check_fits_header']
for dir in ['', 'TMP', 'CAL', 'SCI', 'LOG']:
sub_dir = f"{output_dir}/{dir}"
if not os.path.exists(sub_dir):
tmp_folder_path = '.'
if tmp_dir == 'TMP':
tmp_folder_path = output_dir + '/TMP'
log = Logger(log_dir+'/cpism_pack.log', log_level).logger
def check_and_update_fits_header(header):
Check the header keywords and update the description according to the data model.
The header to be checked.
hdu = 'image'
if 'FILETYPE' in header.keys():
hdu = 'primary'
model_file = f"{cpism_refdata}/io/image_header.json"
if hdu == 'primary':
model_file = f"{cpism_refdata}/io/primary_header.json"
with open(model_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fid:
data_model = json.load(fid)
dm_comment = {}
def print_warning(info):
if header_check:
# check existance and format of keyword in fits header
for keyword, comment, format, _, _ in data_model:
if pd.isnull(comment):
comment = ''
if len(comment) > 46:
comment = comment[:46]
f"Keyword {keyword} has a comment longer than 46 characters. It will be truncated to 46 characters.")
dm_comment[keyword] = comment
if keyword not in header.keys():
print_warning(f"Keyword {keyword} not found in [{hdu}] header.")
elif not pd.isnull(format):
value = header[keyword]
# check the type of the value, I for int, R for float, C for str
if isinstance(value, str):
type = 'C'
elif isinstance(value, float):
type = 'R'
elif isinstance(value, bool):
type = 'L'
elif isinstance(value, int):
type = 'I'
type = 'U'
if type != format[0]:
f"Keyword {keyword} has wrong type in [{hdu}]. {format[0]} expected, {type} found.")
# check if there are extral keyword in header, and update the comment
for keyword in header.keys():
# print(keyword)
if keyword not in dm_comment.keys():
f"Keyword {keyword} not found in the [{hdu}] data model.")
header[keyword] = (header[keyword], dm_comment[keyword])
return header
def obsid_parser(
obsid: int):
Parse the obsid to get the obstype.
obsid: str
The obsid of the observation.
Obsid must be 11 digits and start with 5 for CPIC.
The obstype of the observation.
If the obsid is not 11 digits or does not start with 5.
obsid = str(obsid)
if len(obsid) != 11:
raise ValueError('Obsid must be 11 digits.')
if obsid[0] != '5':
raise ValueError('Obsid must start with 5 for CPIC')
obstype_dict = {
'00': 'BIAS',
'01': 'DARK',
'02': 'FLAT',
'03': 'BKGD',
'04': 'LASR',
'10': 'SCIE',
'11': 'DENF',
'12': 'CALS',
'15': 'TEMP'
obstype = obstype_dict.get(obsid[1:3], 'DEFT')
return obstype
def datetime_obj_to_mjd(time_obj):
transfer datetime object to mean julian date (MJD).
time_obj: datetime.datetime
The datetime object.
The mean julian date (MJD).
return (time_obj - datetime(1858, 11, 17)).total_seconds() / 86400
def primary_hdu(
obs_info: dict,
gnc_info: dict,
Generate the primary hdu of the fits file.
obs_info: dict
The parameters of the observation. See `save_fits` function.
gnc_info: dict
The gnc information of the observation.
filename_output: bool (optional)
If True, the folder and the filename will be returned.
The primary hdu of the fits file.
str, str
The folder and filename of the fits file. Only returned if filename_output is True.
The gnc_info dict should contain the information of orbit and observation.
these informations are used to genrated the hdu header. Refer to the data model for more information.
camera_config, _ = load_camera_and_optics_config(obs_info['band'])
obsid = obs_info['obsid']
exp_start = gnc_info.get(
exp_start = datetime.fromisoformat(exp_start)
duartion = (obs_info['expt'] +
camera_config['readout_time']) * obs_info['nframe']
default_end = exp_start + timedelta(seconds=duartion)
exp_end = gnc_info.get('EXPEND', default_end.isoformat(timespec='seconds'))
exp_end = datetime.fromisoformat(exp_end)
filename = "CSST_CPIC"
filename += "_" + which_focalplane(obs_info['band']).upper()
filename += "_" + obsid_parser(obsid)
filename += "_" + exp_start.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
filename += "_" + exp_end.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
filename += f"_{obsid}_X_L0_V01.fits"
type_dir = 'CAL'
if str(obsid)[1] == '1':
type_dir = 'SCI'
mjd_dir = f"{datetime_obj_to_mjd(exp_start):.0f}"
folder = f"{type_dir}/{mjd_dir}"
header = fits.Header()
# General keywords
header['SIMPLE'] = True
header['BITPIX'] = 8
header['NAXIS'] = 0
header['EXTEND'] = True
header['NEXTEND'] = 1 # + parameters['nframe']
header['GROUPS'] = False
header['DATE'] ='seconds')
heaer_filename = filename[:-4]
if len(heaer_filename) > 68:
heaer_filename = heaer_filename[:68]
header['FILENAME'] = heaer_filename
header['FILETYPE'] = obsid_parser(obsid)
header['TELESCOP'] = 'CSST'
header['INSTRUME'] = 'CPIC'
header['RADECSYS'] = 'ICRS'
header['EQUINOX'] = 2000.0
header['FITSCREA'] = f'CPISM V{__version__}'
cstar = {'ra': '0d', 'dec': '0d'}
if obs_info['target'] != {}:
cstar = obs_info['target']['cstar']
radec = SkyCoord(cstar['ra'], cstar['dec'])
target_name = radec.to_string('hmsdms')
target_name = re.sub(R'[hdms\s]', '', target_name)
header['OBJECT'] = cstar.get('name', target_name)
header['TARGET'] = target_name
header['OBSID'] = str(obsid)
header['OBJ_RA'] =
header['OBJ_DEC'] =
# telescope information
header['REFFRAME'] = 'CSSTGSC-1.0'
header['DATE-OBS'] = exp_start.isoformat(timespec='seconds')
header['EXPSTART'] = datetime_obj_to_mjd(exp_start)
header['CABSTART'] = gnc_info.get('CABSTART', header['EXPSTART'])
header['SUNANGL0'] = gnc_info.get('SUNANGL0', -1.0)
header['MOONANG0'] = gnc_info.get('MOONANG0', -1.0)
header['TEL_ALT0'] = gnc_info.get('TEL_ALT0', -1.0)
header['POS_ANG0'] = gnc_info.get(
'POS_ANG0', float(obs_info['rotation']))
header['POSI0_X'] = gnc_info.get('POSI0_X', -1.0)
header['POSI0_Y'] = gnc_info.get('POSI0_Y', -1.0)
header['POSI0_Z'] = gnc_info.get('POSI0_Z', -1.0)
header['VELO0_X'] = gnc_info.get('VELO0_X', -1.0)
header['VELO0_Y'] = gnc_info.get('VELO0_Y', -1.0)
header['VELO0_Z'] = gnc_info.get('VELO0_Z', -1.0)
header['EULER0_1'] = gnc_info.get('EULER0_1', -1.0)
header['EULER0_2'] = gnc_info.get('EULER0_2', -1.0)
header['EULER0_3'] = gnc_info.get('EULER0_3', -1.0)
header['RA_PNT0'] = gnc_info.get('RA_PNT0', header['OBJ_RA'])
header['DEC_PNT0'] = gnc_info.get('DEC_PNT0', header['OBJ_DEC'])
header['EXPEND'] = datetime_obj_to_mjd(exp_end)
header['CABEND'] = gnc_info.get('CABEDN', header['EXPEND'])
header['SUNANGL1'] = gnc_info.get('SUNANGL1', header['SUNANGL0'])
header['MOONANG1'] = gnc_info.get('MOONANG1', header['MOONANG0'])
header['TEL_ALT1'] = gnc_info.get('TEL_ALT1', header['TEL_ALT0'])
header['POS_ANG1'] = gnc_info.get('POS_ANG1', header['POS_ANG0'])
header['POSI1_X'] = gnc_info.get('POSI1_X', header['POSI0_x'])
header['POSI1_Y'] = gnc_info.get('POSI1_Y', header['POSI0_y'])
header['POSI1_Z'] = gnc_info.get('POSI1_Z', header['POSI0_z'])
header['VELO1_X'] = gnc_info.get('VELO1_X', header['VELO0_x'])
header['VELO1_Y'] = gnc_info.get('VELO1_Y', header['VELO0_y'])
header['VELO1_Z'] = gnc_info.get('VELO1_Z', header['VELO0_z'])
header['EULER1_1'] = gnc_info.get('EULER1_1', header['EULER0_1'])
header['EULER1_2'] = gnc_info.get('EULER1_2', header['EULER0_2'])
header['EULER1_3'] = gnc_info.get('EULER1_3', header['EULER0_3'])
header['RA_PNT1'] = gnc_info.get('RA_PNT1', header['RA_PNT0'])
header['DEC_PNT1'] = gnc_info.get('DEC_PNT1', header['DEC_PNT0'])
header['EXPTIME'] = (exp_end - exp_start).total_seconds()
header['EPOCH'] = float(exp_start.year)
header['CHECKSUM'] = '0000000000000000'
header['DATASUM'] = '0000000000'
# other information
hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=header)
if filename_output:
return hdu, folder, filename
return hdu
def load_camera_and_optics_config(band):
Load camera and optics configuration from reference data.
band : str
Band name.
Returns camera_config, optics_config : dict, dict
camera = which_focalplane(band)
if camera == 'vis':
config_file = 'emccd_config.yaml'
elif camera == 'nir':
raise ValueError('NIR camera is not supported yet')
config_file = 'nir_config.yaml'
with open(f"{cpism_refdata}/camera/{config_file}", 'r') as fid:
camera_config = yaml.load(fid, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
with open(f"{cpism_refdata}/optics/optics_config.yaml", 'r') as fid:
optics_config = yaml.load(fid, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)[camera]
return camera_config, optics_config
def frame_header(obs_info, index, bunch_start, primary_header={}):
Generate the header for a single frame.
obs_info : dict
Dictionary of parameters. See `save_fits` function.
index : int
Frame index.
bunch_start : str
Start time of the bunch.
primary_header : dict (optional)
Primary header. default: {}
header = fits.Header()
camera_config, optics_config = load_camera_and_optics_config(
plszx = camera_config['plszx']
plszy = camera_config['plszy']
pscan1 = camera_config['pscan1']
pscan2 = camera_config['pscan2']
oscan1 = camera_config['oscan1']
oscan2 = camera_config['oscan2']
udark = camera_config['udark']
bdark = camera_config['bdark']
ldark = camera_config['ldark']
rdark = camera_config['rdark']
imgszx = plszx + pscan1 + oscan1 + ldark + rdark
imgszy = plszy + pscan2 + oscan2 + udark + bdark
header['XTENSION'] = 'IMAGE'
header['BITPIX'] = 16
header['NAXIS'] = 2
header['NAXIS1'] = 1080
header['NAXIS2'] = 1050
header['EXTNAME'] = 'IMAGE'
header['EXTVER'] = 1
header['BSCALE'] = 1.0
header['BZERO'] = 32768.0
header['BUNIT'] = 'ADU'
header['FILTER'] = obs_info['band']
header['DETSN'] = '00000000000'
header['DETNAME'] = camera_config['detector_name']
header['CHIPLAB'] = camera_config['ccd_label']
header['CHIPTEMP'] = float(camera_config['chip_temp'])
header['DEWTEMP'] = float(camera_config['dewar_temp'])
header['DETSIZE'] = f"{imgszx} * {imgszy}"
header['IMGINDEX'] = index
frame_time = obs_info['expt'] + camera_config['readout_time']
bunch_start = datetime.fromisoformat(bunch_start)
expstart = bunch_start + timedelta(seconds=frame_time * (index - 1))
bunch_start_mjd = datetime_obj_to_mjd(bunch_start)
ra0 = primary_header.get('RA_PNT0', -1.0)
dec0 = primary_header.get('DEC_PNT0', -1.0)
pa0 = primary_header.get('POS_ANG0', -1.0)
cab0 = primary_header.get('CABSTART', bunch_start_mjd)
delta_t = frame_time * index
bunch_end = bunch_start + timedelta(seconds=delta_t)
bunch_end_mjd = datetime_obj_to_mjd(bunch_end)
ra1 = primary_header.get('RA_PNT1', ra0)
dec1 = primary_header.get('DEC_PNT1', dec0)
pa1 = primary_header.get('POS_ANG1', pa0)
cab1 = primary_header.get('CABEND', bunch_end_mjd)
img_cab = datetime_obj_to_mjd(expstart)
ratio = (img_cab - cab0)/(cab1 - cab0)
ra = ra0 + (ra1 - ra0) * ratio
dec = dec0 + (dec1 - dec0) * ratio
pa = pa0 + (pa1 - pa0) * ratio
header['IMG_EXPT'] = expstart.isoformat(timespec='seconds')
header['IMG_CABT'] = header['IMG_EXPT']
header['IMG_DUR'] = float(obs_info['expt'])
header['IMG_PA'] = ra
header['IMG_RA'] = dec
header['IMG_DEC'] = pa
header['DATASECT'] = f"{plszx} * {plszy}"
header['PIXSCAL'] = optics_config['platescale']
header['PIXSIZE'] = camera_config['pitch_size']
header['NCHAN'] = 1
header['PSCAN1'] = pscan1
header['PSCAN2'] = pscan2
header['OSCAN1'] = oscan1
header['OSCAN2'] = oscan2
header['UDARK'] = udark
header['BDARK'] = bdark
header['LDARK'] = ldark
header['RDARK'] = rdark
cstar = {'ra': '0d', 'dec': '0d'}
if obs_info['target'] != {}:
cstar = obs_info['target']['cstar']
radec = SkyCoord(cstar['ra'], cstar['dec'])
shift = obs_info['shift']
platescale = optics_config['platescale']
rotation = np.radians(obs_info['rotation'])
header['WCSAXES'] = 2
header['CRPIX1'] = (plszx + 1)/2 + pscan1 + ldark + shift[0] / platescale
header['CRPIX2'] = (plszy + 1)/2 + pscan2 + udark + shift[0] / platescale
header['CRVAL1'] =
header['CRVAL2'] =
header['CTYPE1'] = 'RA---TAN'
header['CTYPE2'] = 'DEC--TAN'
header['CD1_1'] = np.cos(rotation)
header['CD1_2'] = -np.sin(rotation)
header['CD2_1'] = np.sin(rotation)
header['CD2_2'] = np.cos(rotation)
header['others'] = 'other'
# Readout information
header['EMGAIN'] = float(obs_info['emgain'])
header['GAIN'] = float(camera_config['ph_per_adu'])
header['DET_BIAS'] = float(camera_config['bias_level'])
header['RON'] = float(camera_config['readout_noise'])
header['READTIME'] = float(camera_config['readout_time'])
header['ROSPEED'] = float(camera_config['readout_speed'])
# CPIC information
header['LS_STAT'] = 'OFF'
header['IWA'] = optics_config['mask_width'] / 2
header['WFSINFO1'] = -1.0
header['WFSINFO2'] = -1.0
header['CHECKSUM'] = '0000000000000000'
header['DATASUM'] = '0000000000'
header = check_and_update_fits_header(header)
return header
def save_fits_simple(images, obs_info):
Save the image to a fits file with a simple header to TMP directory.
images : numpy.ndarray
Image array to be written.
obs_info : dict
Dictionary of observation informations. See `save_fits` function.
Filename of the saved fits file.
target = obs_info['target']
target_info = 'NO_TARGET'
if 'cstar' in target.keys():
target_info = ''
target_info = f"S{target['cstar']['magnitude']:.1f}"
target_info += f"_P{len(target.get('planets', '[]'))}"
name = target_info
if 'name' in target.keys():
name = target['name']
name = name.replace('/', '_')
name = name.replace(',', '_')
now =
time = now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
filename = f"{name}_{time}.fits"
header = fits.Header()
header['skybg'] = obs_info['skybg']
header['name'] = name
header['exptime'] = obs_info['expt']
header['nframe'] = obs_info['nframe']
header['band'] = obs_info['band']
header['emgain'] = obs_info['emgain']
header['obsid'] = obs_info['obsid']
header['rotation'] = obs_info['rotation']
shift = obs_info['shift']
header['shift'] = f"x:{shift[0]},y:{shift[1]}"
fullname = f"{tmp_folder_path}/{filename}"
fits.writeto(fullname, images, overwrite=True, header=header)
return fullname
def save_fits(images, obs_info, gnc_info, csst_format=True):
Save the image to a fits file.
images : numpy.ndarray
Image array to be saved.
obs_info : dict
Dictionary of observation informations.
Must contain the following keys
- band: str
- Band of the image.
- expt: float
- Exposure time of the each image.
- nframe: int
- Number of frames in the image.
- emgain: int
- EM gain of the camera.
- obsid: str
- Observation ID. Obsid must be 11 digits and start with 5 for CPIC. See pharse_obsid() for details.
- rotation: float
- Rotation angle of the image.
- shift: list
- Shift of the image.
gnc_info : dict
Dictionary of GNC information.
Contains the keywords in the primary header. See primary_hdu() for details.
csst_format : bool, optional
Whether to save the fits file in CSST format, by default True.
if not csst_format:
save_fits_simple(images, obs_info)
hdu_header, folder, filename = primary_hdu(obs_info, gnc_info, True)
hdu_list = fits.HDUList([hdu_header])
if len(images.shape) == 2:
images = np.array([images])
for index in range(images.shape[0]):
header = frame_header(
index + 1,
frame_hdu = fits.ImageHDU(images[index, :, :], header=header)
folder = f"{output_dir}/{folder}"
if not os.path.exists(folder):
hdu_list.writeto(f"{folder}/{filename}", overwrite=True)
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