Commit b7f8c4fa authored by GZhao's avatar GZhao
Browse files

V2.0 developing initial

parent 6a5baa03
Pipeline #4230 failed with stage
in 0 seconds
import unittest
from import star_photlam
from csst_cpic_sim.optics import make_focus_image, focal_mask, filter_throughput
from csst_cpic_sim.config import which_focalplane, S
import time
from import star_photlam
from CpicImgSim.optics import make_focus_image, focal_mask, filter_throughput, ideal_focus_image
from CpicImgSim.config import which_focalplane, S
import numpy as np
from import fits
def gaussian_psf(band, spectrum, shape, error=0.1):
psf_shape = [shape, shape]
xx, yy = np.mgrid[0:psf_shape[0], 0:psf_shape[1]]
center = np.array([(psf_shape[0]-1)/2, (psf_shape[1]-1)/2])
sigma = 10
psf = np.exp(-((xx-center[0])**2 +
(yy-center[1])**2) / (2*sigma**2))
psf = psf / psf.sum()
filter = filter_throughput(band)
return psf * (spectrum * filter).integrate()
class TestOptics(unittest.TestCase):
......@@ -33,18 +50,6 @@ class TestOptics(unittest.TestCase):
def test_make_focus_image(self):
# test fuction to generate psf
def gaussian_psf(band, spectrum, shape, error=0.1):
psf_shape = [shape, shape]
xx, yy = np.mgrid[0:psf_shape[0], 0:psf_shape[1]]
center = np.array([(psf_shape[0]-1)/2, (psf_shape[1]-1)/2])
sigma = 10
psf = np.exp(-((xx-center[0])**2 +
(yy-center[1])**2) / (2*sigma**2))
psf = psf / psf.sum()
filter = filter_throughput(band)
return psf * (spectrum * filter).integrate()
# test targets
cstar = star_photlam(0, 'F2V', is_blackbody=True)
......@@ -85,4 +90,89 @@ class TestOptics(unittest.TestCase):
if __name__ == '__main__':
# unittest.main()
import time
from import star_photlam
def make_test_sub_image(size, shape):
shape = np.array([shape, shape])
sub_image = np.zeros(shape)
center = (shape-1)/2
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(shape[0]), np.arange(shape[1]))
xx = xx - center[1]
yy = yy - center[0]
sub_image[np.abs(xx) < 0.6] = 1
sub_image[np.abs(yy) < 0.6] = 1
sub_image[(np.abs(xx) < 0.6) & (np.abs(yy) < 0.6)] = 0
sub_image[yy > 7] = 0
sub_image[yy < -3] = 0
sub_image[np.abs(xx) > 3] = 0
sub_image2 = (np.sqrt(xx**2*2 + yy**2) < size).astype(int)
sub_image = sub_image2 * (1 - sub_image)
return sub_image
def test_ideal_focus_image():
targets = [
[0, 0, star_photlam(2, 'G2'), None],
[5, 3, star_photlam(0, 'G2'), make_test_sub_image(4, 20)],
[8, 0, star_photlam(-5, 'G2'), make_test_sub_image(10, 100)],
bandpass = S.Box(6000, 500)
start_time = time.time()
foc = ideal_focus_image(
[1024, 1024],
end_time = time.time()
execution_time = end_time - start_time
fits.writeto('foc.fits', foc, overwrite=True)
start_time = time.time()
foc = ideal_focus_image(
[1024, 1024],
end_time = time.time()
execution_time = end_time - start_time
fits.writeto('foc_rot30.fits', foc, overwrite=True)
def test_convolve_psf():
targets = [
[0, 0, star_photlam(2, 'G2'), None],
[5, 3, star_photlam(0, 'G2'), make_test_sub_image(4, 20)],
[8, 0, star_photlam(-5, 'G2'), make_test_sub_image(10, 100)],
def cov_psf_func(wave, error=0.1):
psf_shape = [1024, 1024]
xx, yy = np.mgrid[0:psf_shape[0], 0:psf_shape[1]]
center = np.array([(psf_shape[0]-1)/2, (psf_shape[1]-1)/2])
sigma = 10
psf = np.exp(-((xx-center[0])**2 +
(yy-center[1])**2) / (2*sigma**2))
psf = psf / psf.sum()
return psf
from CpicImgSim.optics import convolve_psf
img_final = convolve_psf('f661', targets, cov_psf_func)
fits.writeto('cov.fits', img_final, overwrite=True)
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# plt.imshow(make_test_sub_image(5, 6))
import os
import unittest
from import _sptype2num, hybrid_albedo_spectrum, star_photlam, spectrum_generator, planet_contrast, extract_target_x_y
from csst_cpic_sim.config import S
from import _sptype2num, hybrid_albedo_spectrum, star_photlam, spectrum_generator
from import AlbedoCat, bcc_spectrum, planet_contrast, extract_target_x_y, TargetOjbect
from CpicImgSim.config import S
from math import pi
tests_folder = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
class TestTarget(unittest.TestCase):
def test_target_object(self):
d_cstar= {
'magnitude': 5,
'ra': '120d',
'dec': '40d',
'distance': 10,
'sptype': 'F0III',
cstar = TargetOjbect(d_cstar)
self.assertEqual(cstar.sp_model == 'star')
d_cstar['is_blackbody'] = True
cstar = TargetOjbect(d_cstar)
self.assertEqual(cstar.sp_model == 'blackbody')
d_planet = {
'radius': 2,
'pangle': 60,
'coe_b': 0.3,
'coe_r': 0.7,
'separation': 0.5,
'phase_angle': 90,
old_planet = TargetOjbect(d_planet, cstar = cstar, sp_model='planet')
self.assertEqual(old_planet.sp_model == 'hybrid_planet')
d_planet['sp_model'] = 'bcc_planet'
d_planet['coe_cloud'] = 1
d_planet['coe_metal'] = 0
old_planet = TargetOjbect(d_planet, cstar = cstar, sp_model='planet')
self.assertEqual(old_planet.sp_model == 'bcc_planet')
self.assertRaises(Warning, TargetOjbect, d_cstar, cstar = cstar, sp_model='planet')
def test_image_input(self):
def test_bcc_class(self):
spectrum = AlbedoCat(90, 1, 0)
self.assertIsInstance(spectrum, S.spectrum.SpectralElement)
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# plt.plot(spectrum.wave, spectrum.throughput)
def test_bcc_func(self):
spectrum = bcc_spectrum(0.5, 0.5)
self.assertIsInstance(spectrum, S.spectrum.SpectralElement)
self.assertEqual(, 'angstrom')
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# plt.plot(spectrum.wave, spectrum.throughput)
# plt.xlabel(spectrum.waveunits)
def test_hybrid_albedo_spectrum(self):
planet = hybrid_albedo_spectrum(0.5, 1)
self.assertIsInstance(planet, S.spectrum.SpectralElement)
......@@ -111,6 +171,15 @@ class TestTarget(unittest.TestCase):
'pangle': 60,
'separation': 0.5,
'phase_angle': 90,
'radius': 2,
'pangle': 60,
'separation': 0.5,
'phase_angle': 90,
'model': 'bcc_planet',
'coe_c': 1,
'coe_m': 0,
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