Commit ceb06b5f authored by Chen Yili's avatar Chen Yili
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parent ff6171e5
import unittest
from import CosmicRayFrameMaker, sky_frame_maker
from import star_photlam
from CpicImgSim.optics import filter_throughput
import numpy as np
class TestCRandBKG(unittest.TestCase):
def test_cr(self):
image = np.zeros((1000, 1000))
cr = CosmicRayFrameMaker()
crimage = cr.make_cr_frame(image.shape, 30)
self.assertEqual(crimage.shape[0], image.shape[0])
self.assertEqual(crimage.shape[1], image.shape[1])
def test_no_cr(self):
cr = CosmicRayFrameMaker()
crimage = cr.make_cr_frame((1000, 1000), 0)
self.assertEqual(crimage.sum(), 0)
def test_cr_rate(self):
cr = CosmicRayFrameMaker()
width_pix = 1000
expt = 30
cr_count = cr._number_rand(expt, (width_pix, width_pix))
width_um = width_pix * cr.pitch
width_cm = width_um / 1e4
area_cm2 = width_cm**2
cr_count_cal = int(cr.cr_rate * expt * area_cm2)
self.assertEqual(cr_count, cr_count_cal)
cr_count_random_1 = cr._number_rand(
expt, (width_pix, width_pix), random=True, seed=10)
cr_count_random_2 = cr._number_rand(
expt, (width_pix, width_pix), random=True, seed=10)
self.assertEqual(cr_count_random_1, cr_count_random_2)
def test_back_ground(self):
for band in ['f661', 'f743', 'f1542']:
skframe = sky_frame_maker(band, 20, 1, (100, 100))
self.assertEqual(skframe.shape[0], 100)
self.assertEqual(skframe.shape[1], 100)
self.assertAlmostEqual(skframe.std(), 0)
star = star_photlam(20, 'F2V', mag_input_band=band)
filter = filter_throughput(band)
count = (star * filter).integrate()
self.assertAlmostEqual(skframe[1, 1], count)
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