Commit 4e8cf2dc authored by Yan Zhaojun's avatar Yan Zhaojun
Browse files


parent 5bb06e78
......@@ -24,31 +24,31 @@ def transRaDec2D(ra, dec):
return np.array([x1, y1, z1])
def earth_angle(time_jd, x_sat, y_sat, z_sat, ra_obj, dec_obj):
# def earth_angle(time_jd, x_sat, y_sat, z_sat, ra_obj, dec_obj):
ra_sat = np.arctan2(y_sat, x_sat) / np.pi * 180
dec_sat = np.arctan2(z_sat, np.sqrt(x_sat**2+y_sat**2)) / np.pi * 180
radec_sat = SkyCoord(ra=ra_sat*,
dec=dec_sat*, frame='gcrs')
lb_sat = radec_sat.transform_to('geocentrictrueecliptic')
# ra_sat = np.arctan2(y_sat, x_sat) / np.pi * 180
# dec_sat = np.arctan2(z_sat, np.sqrt(x_sat**2+y_sat**2)) / np.pi * 180
# radec_sat = SkyCoord(ra=ra_sat*,
# dec=dec_sat*, frame='gcrs')
# lb_sat = radec_sat.transform_to('geocentrictrueecliptic')
# get the obj location
radec_obj = SkyCoord(ra=ra_obj*,
dec=dec_obj*, frame='gcrs')
lb_obj = radec_obj.transform_to('geocentrictrueecliptic')
# # get the obj location
# radec_obj = SkyCoord(ra=ra_obj*,
# dec=dec_obj*, frame='gcrs')
# lb_obj = radec_obj.transform_to('geocentrictrueecliptic')
# calculate the angle between sub-satellite point and the earth side
earth_radius = 6371 # km
sat_height = np.sqrt(x_sat**2 + y_sat**2 + z_sat**2)
angle_a = np.arcsin(earth_radius/sat_height) / np.pi * 180
# # calculate the angle between sub-satellite point and the earth side
# earth_radius = 6371 # km
# sat_height = np.sqrt(x_sat**2 + y_sat**2 + z_sat**2)
# angle_a = np.arcsin(earth_radius/sat_height) / np.pi * 180
# calculate the angle between satellite position and the target position
angle_b = lb_sat.separation(lb_obj)
# # calculate the angle between satellite position and the target position
# angle_b = lb_sat.separation(lb_obj)
# calculat the earth angle
angle = 180 - angle_a -
# # calculat the earth angle
# angle = 180 - angle_a -
return angle
# return angle
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