Commit 9351384b authored by Yan Zhaojun's avatar Yan Zhaojun
Browse files


parent 7aa06361
Pipeline #7888 failed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -83,21 +83,170 @@ Contact Information:
from support import logger as lg
from support import cosmicrays
from support import shao
# from support import shao
from support import sed
from support import MCIinstrumentModel
from mci_so import cdm03bidir
from .support import logger as lg
from .support import cosmicrays
from .support import shao
# from .support import shao
from .support import sed
from .support import MCIinstrumentModel
from .mci_so import cdm03bidir
# functions
from ctypes import *
def checkInputList(input_list, n):
if isinstance(type(input_list), list):
# if type(input_list) != type([1, 2, 3]):
raise TypeError("Input type is not list!", input_list)
for i in input_list:
if isinstance(type(i), float): # type(i) != type(1.1):
if isinstance(type(i), int): # type(i) != type(1):
raise TypeError(
"Input list's element is not float or int!", input_list)
if len(input_list) != n:
raise RuntimeError(
"Length of input list is not equal to stars' number!", input_list)
def onOrbitObsPosition(path, input_ra_list, input_dec_list, input_pmra_list, input_pmdec_list, input_rv_list,
input_parallax_list, input_nstars, input_x, input_y, input_z, input_vx, input_vy,
input_vz, input_epoch, input_date_str, input_time_str):
# Check input parameters
if isinstance(type(input_nstars), type(1)): # type(input_nstars) != type(1):
raise TypeError("Parameter 7 is not int!", input_nstars)
# checkInputList(input_ra_list, input_nstars)
# checkInputList(input_dec_list, input_nstars)
# checkInputList(input_pmra_list, input_nstars)
# checkInputList(input_pmdec_list, input_nstars)
# checkInputList(input_rv_list, input_nstars)
# checkInputList(input_parallax_list, input_nstars)
# if isinstance(type(input_x), type(1.1)): # type(input_x) != type(1.1):
# raise TypeError("Parameter 8 is not double!", input_x)
# if isinstance(type(input_y), type(1.1)): # type(input_y) != type(1.1):
# raise TypeError("Parameter 9 is not double!", input_y)
# if isinstance(type(input_z), type(1.1)): # type(input_z) != type(1.1):
# raise TypeError("Parameter 10 is not double!", input_z)
# if isinstance(type(input_vx), type(1.1)): # type(input_vx) != type(1.1):
# raise TypeError("Parameter 11 is not double!", input_vx)
# if isinstance(type(input_vy), type(1.1)): # type(input_vy) != type(1.1):
# raise TypeError("Parameter 12 is not double!", input_vy)
# if isinstance(type(input_vz), type(1.1)): # type(input_vz) != type(1.1):
# raise TypeError("Parameter 13 is not double!", input_vz)
# Convert km -> m
input_x = input_x*1000.0
input_y = input_y*1000.0
input_z = input_z*1000.0
input_vx = input_vx*1000.0
input_vy = input_vy*1000.0
input_vz = input_vz*1000.0
if isinstance(type(input_date_str), type("2025-03-05")):
# type(input_date_str) != type("2025-03-05"):
raise TypeError("Parameter 15 is not string!", input_date_str)
input_date_str = input_date_str.strip()
if not (input_date_str[4] == "-" and input_date_str[7] == "-"):
raise TypeError("Parameter 15 format error (1)!", input_date_str)
tmp = input_date_str.split("-")
if len(tmp) != 3:
raise TypeError(
"Parameter 15 format error (2)!", input_date_str)
input_year = int(tmp[0])
input_month = int(tmp[1])
input_day = int(tmp[2])
if not (input_year >= 1900 and input_year <= 2100):
raise TypeError(
"Parameter 15 year range error [1900 ~ 2100]!", input_year)
if not (input_month >= 1 and input_month <= 12):
raise TypeError(
"Parameter 15 month range error [1 ~ 12]!", input_month)
if not (input_day >= 1 and input_day <= 31):
raise TypeError(
"Parameter 15 day range error [1 ~ 31]!", input_day)
if isinstance(type(input_time_str), type("20:15:15.15")):
# type(input_time_str) != type("20:15:15.15"):
raise TypeError("Parameter 16 is not string!", input_time_str)
input_time_str = input_time_str.strip()
if not (input_time_str[2] == ":" and input_time_str[5] == ":"):
raise TypeError("Parameter 16 format error (1)!", input_time_str)
tmp = input_time_str.split(":")
if len(tmp) != 3:
raise TypeError(
"Parameter 16 format error (2)!", input_time_str)
input_hour = int(tmp[0])
input_minute = int(tmp[1])
input_second = float(tmp[2])
if not (input_hour >= 0 and input_hour <= 23):
raise TypeError(
"Parameter 16 hour range error [0 ~ 23]!", input_hour)
if not (input_minute >= 0 and input_minute <= 59):
raise TypeError(
"Parameter 16 minute range error [0 ~ 59]!", input_minute)
if not (input_second >= 0 and input_second < 60.0):
raise TypeError(
"Parameter 16 second range error [0 ~ 60)!", input_second)
# Inital dynamic lib
import os
currfile = os.getcwd()
shao = cdll.LoadLibrary(path+'MCI_inputData/TianCe/')
shao.onOrbitObs.restype = c_int
d3 = c_double * 3
shao.onOrbitObs.argtypes = [c_double, c_double, c_double, c_double, c_double, c_double,
c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_double,
c_double, POINTER(d3), POINTER(d3),
c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_double,
POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_double)]
output_ra_list = list()
output_dec_list = list()
for i in range(input_nstars):
input_ra = c_double(input_ra_list[i])
input_dec = c_double(input_dec_list[i])
input_pmra = c_double(input_pmra_list[i])
input_pmdec = c_double(input_pmdec_list[i])
input_rv = c_double(input_rv_list[i])
input_parallax = c_double(input_parallax_list[i])
p3 = d3(input_x, input_y, input_z)
v3 = d3(input_vx, input_vy, input_vz)
input_year_c = c_int(input_year)
input_month_c = c_int(input_month)
input_day_c = c_int(input_day)
input_hour_c = c_int(input_hour)
input_minute_c = c_int(input_minute)
input_second_c = c_double(input_second)
DAT = c_double(37.0)
output_ra = c_double(0.0)
output_dec = c_double(0.0)
rs = shao.onOrbitObs(input_ra, input_dec, input_parallax, input_pmra, input_pmdec, input_rv,
input_year_c, input_month_c, input_day_c, input_hour_c, input_minute_c, input_second_c,
DAT, byref(p3), byref(v3),
input_year_c, input_month_c, input_day_c, input_hour_c, input_minute_c, input_second_c,
byref(output_ra), byref(output_dec))
if rs != 0:
raise RuntimeError("Calculate error!")
return output_ra_list, output_dec_list
# ###########################################################
# functions
def get_file_extension(filename):
# 使用os.path.splitext()函数分割文件名和扩展名
......@@ -1713,7 +1862,7 @@ class MCIsimulator():
rv_list = [0.0 for i in range(len(ra_list))]
newRa, newDec = shao.onOrbitObsPosition(self.information['dir_path'], ra_list, dec_list, pmra_list,
newRa, newDec = onOrbitObsPosition(self.information['dir_path'], ra_list, dec_list, pmra_list,
pmdec_list, rv_list, parallax_list, len(
self.information['pos_x'], self.information['pos_y'], self.information['pos_z'], self.information['velocity_x'], self.information['velocity_y'], self.information['velocity_z'], "J2000", self.TianCe_day, self.TianCe_exp_start)
......@@ -2205,7 +2354,7 @@ class MCIsimulator():
# 'earthshine': earthshine_ifs})
self.zodiacal_wave = wave_mci # in A
self.zodiacal_flux = zodi_mciIDWindex
self.zodiacal_flux = zodi_mci
self.earthshine_wave = wave_mci # A
self.earthshine_flux = earthshine_mci
from ctypes import *
def checkInputList(input_list, n):
if isinstance(type(input_list), list):
# if type(input_list) != type([1, 2, 3]):
raise TypeError("Input type is not list!", input_list)
for i in input_list:
if isinstance(type(i), float): # type(i) != type(1.1):
if isinstance(type(i), int): # type(i) != type(1):
raise TypeError(
"Input list's element is not float or int!", input_list)
if len(input_list) != n:
raise RuntimeError(
"Length of input list is not equal to stars' number!", input_list)
def onOrbitObsPosition(path, input_ra_list, input_dec_list, input_pmra_list, input_pmdec_list, input_rv_list,
input_parallax_list, input_nstars, input_x, input_y, input_z, input_vx, input_vy,
input_vz, input_epoch, input_date_str, input_time_str):
# Check input parameters
if isinstance(type(input_nstars), type(1)): # type(input_nstars) != type(1):
raise TypeError("Parameter 7 is not int!", input_nstars)
# checkInputList(input_ra_list, input_nstars)
# checkInputList(input_dec_list, input_nstars)
# checkInputList(input_pmra_list, input_nstars)
# checkInputList(input_pmdec_list, input_nstars)
# checkInputList(input_rv_list, input_nstars)
# checkInputList(input_parallax_list, input_nstars)
# if isinstance(type(input_x), type(1.1)): # type(input_x) != type(1.1):
# raise TypeError("Parameter 8 is not double!", input_x)
# if isinstance(type(input_y), type(1.1)): # type(input_y) != type(1.1):
# raise TypeError("Parameter 9 is not double!", input_y)
# if isinstance(type(input_z), type(1.1)): # type(input_z) != type(1.1):
# raise TypeError("Parameter 10 is not double!", input_z)
# if isinstance(type(input_vx), type(1.1)): # type(input_vx) != type(1.1):
# raise TypeError("Parameter 11 is not double!", input_vx)
# if isinstance(type(input_vy), type(1.1)): # type(input_vy) != type(1.1):
# raise TypeError("Parameter 12 is not double!", input_vy)
# if isinstance(type(input_vz), type(1.1)): # type(input_vz) != type(1.1):
# raise TypeError("Parameter 13 is not double!", input_vz)
# Convert km -> m
input_x = input_x*1000.0
input_y = input_y*1000.0
input_z = input_z*1000.0
input_vx = input_vx*1000.0
input_vy = input_vy*1000.0
input_vz = input_vz*1000.0
if isinstance(type(input_date_str), type("2025-03-05")):
# type(input_date_str) != type("2025-03-05"):
raise TypeError("Parameter 15 is not string!", input_date_str)
input_date_str = input_date_str.strip()
if not (input_date_str[4] == "-" and input_date_str[7] == "-"):
raise TypeError("Parameter 15 format error (1)!", input_date_str)
tmp = input_date_str.split("-")
if len(tmp) != 3:
raise TypeError(
"Parameter 15 format error (2)!", input_date_str)
input_year = int(tmp[0])
input_month = int(tmp[1])
input_day = int(tmp[2])
if not (input_year >= 1900 and input_year <= 2100):
raise TypeError(
"Parameter 15 year range error [1900 ~ 2100]!", input_year)
if not (input_month >= 1 and input_month <= 12):
raise TypeError(
"Parameter 15 month range error [1 ~ 12]!", input_month)
if not (input_day >= 1 and input_day <= 31):
raise TypeError(
"Parameter 15 day range error [1 ~ 31]!", input_day)
if isinstance(type(input_time_str), type("20:15:15.15")):
# type(input_time_str) != type("20:15:15.15"):
raise TypeError("Parameter 16 is not string!", input_time_str)
input_time_str = input_time_str.strip()
if not (input_time_str[2] == ":" and input_time_str[5] == ":"):
raise TypeError("Parameter 16 format error (1)!", input_time_str)
tmp = input_time_str.split(":")
if len(tmp) != 3:
raise TypeError(
"Parameter 16 format error (2)!", input_time_str)
input_hour = int(tmp[0])
input_minute = int(tmp[1])
input_second = float(tmp[2])
if not (input_hour >= 0 and input_hour <= 23):
raise TypeError(
"Parameter 16 hour range error [0 ~ 23]!", input_hour)
if not (input_minute >= 0 and input_minute <= 59):
raise TypeError(
"Parameter 16 minute range error [0 ~ 59]!", input_minute)
if not (input_second >= 0 and input_second < 60.0):
raise TypeError(
"Parameter 16 second range error [0 ~ 60)!", input_second)
# Inital dynamic lib
import os
currfile = os.getcwd()
shao = cdll.LoadLibrary(path+'MCI_inputData/TianCe/')
shao.onOrbitObs.restype = c_int
d3 = c_double * 3
shao.onOrbitObs.argtypes = [c_double, c_double, c_double, c_double, c_double, c_double,
c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_double,
c_double, POINTER(d3), POINTER(d3),
c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_double,
POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_double)]
output_ra_list = list()
output_dec_list = list()
for i in range(input_nstars):
input_ra = c_double(input_ra_list[i])
input_dec = c_double(input_dec_list[i])
input_pmra = c_double(input_pmra_list[i])
input_pmdec = c_double(input_pmdec_list[i])
input_rv = c_double(input_rv_list[i])
input_parallax = c_double(input_parallax_list[i])
p3 = d3(input_x, input_y, input_z)
v3 = d3(input_vx, input_vy, input_vz)
input_year_c = c_int(input_year)
input_month_c = c_int(input_month)
input_day_c = c_int(input_day)
input_hour_c = c_int(input_hour)
input_minute_c = c_int(input_minute)
input_second_c = c_double(input_second)
DAT = c_double(37.0)
output_ra = c_double(0.0)
output_dec = c_double(0.0)
rs = shao.onOrbitObs(input_ra, input_dec, input_parallax, input_pmra, input_pmdec, input_rv,
input_year_c, input_month_c, input_day_c, input_hour_c, input_minute_c, input_second_c,
DAT, byref(p3), byref(v3),
input_year_c, input_month_c, input_day_c, input_hour_c, input_minute_c, input_second_c,
byref(output_ra), byref(output_dec))
if rs != 0:
raise RuntimeError("Calculate error!")
return output_ra_list, output_dec_list
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