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SIMPLE  =                    T / conforms to FITS standard                      BITPIX  =                    8 / array data type                                NAXIS   =                    0 / number of array dimensions                     EXTEND  =                    T                                                  NEXTEND =                    1                                                  GROUPS  =                    F                                                  DATE    = '2021-03-04'         / Date this file was written                     TIME    = '09:30:00'           / Time this file was written                     FILENAME= 'MSC_MS_210304093000_100000000_06_raw' / Name of file                 FILETYPE= 'sci     '           / type of data found in data data file           TELESCOP= 'CSST    '           / telescope used to acquire data                 INSTRUME= 'MSC     '           / identifier for instrument used to acquire data RADECSYS= 'ICRS    '           / frame of reference of coordinates              EQUINOX =               2000.0 / Default equinox                                COMMENT ==================================================================      COMMENT Object information                                                      COMMENT ==================================================================      OBJECT  = '00000000'           / name of the object observed                    TARGET  = '+000000000000'      / Name of the target (RA & Dec of the object)    OBSID   = '00000000'           / ID of this observation                         RA_OBJ  =            62.228226 / R.A. of the object (degrees)                   DEC_OBJ =           -42.316932 / declination of the object (degrees)            COMMENT ==================================================================      COMMENT Exposure information                                                    COMMENT ==================================================================      SUNANGLE=                 30.0 / angle between sun and direction perpendicular  MOONANGL=                 30.0 / angle between moon and direction perpendicular SUN_ALT =                 30.0 / Sun altitude                                   REFFRAME= 'CSSTGSC-1.0'        / guide star catalog version                     DATE-OBS= '2021-03-04'         / UTC date of start of observation (yyyy-mm-dd)  TIME-OBS= '09:30:00'           / UTC time of start of observation (hh:mm:ss)    EXPSTART=              58849.0 / exposure start time (MJD)                      EXPEND  =              58849.0 / exposure end time (MJD)                        EXPTIME =                150.0 / exposure duration                              EPOCH   =               2021.0 / coordinate epoch                               COMMENT ==================================================================      COMMENT Detector information                                                    COMMENT ==================================================================      DETECTOR= 'CCD06   '           / deterctor name                                 PIXSCAL1=                0.074 / Pixel scale for axis 1                         PIXSCAL2=                0.074 / Pixel scale for axis 2                         PIXSIZE1=               9216.0 / Pixel size for axis 1                          PIXSIZE2=               9232.0 / Pixel size for aixs 2                          CCDTEMP =               -100.0 / CCD chip / dewar temperature (in K)            COMMENT ==================================================================      COMMENT Telescope information                                                   COMMENT ==================================================================      TELSTAT =                    T / Tracking status                                TELTEMP1=               -100.0 / Telescope temperature (in K)                   POSI0_X =                  0.0 / The orbital position in X (shuttr open)        POSI0_Y =                  0.0 / The orbital position in Y (shuttr open)        POSI0_Z =                  0.0 / The orbital position in Z (shuttr open)        VELO0_X =                  0.0 / The orbital velocity in X (shuttr open)        VELO0_Y =                  0.0 / The orbital velocity in Y (shuttr open)        VELO0_Z =                  0.0 / The orbital velocity in Z (shuttr open)        RA_PNT0 = '00:00:00.00'        / R.A. at shutter open time                      DEC_PNT0= '00:00:00.00'        / declination at shutter open time               POSI1_X =                  0.0 / The orbital position in X (shuttr close)       POSI1_Y =                  0.0 / The orbital position in Y (shuttr close)       POSI1_Z =                  0.0 / The orbital position in Z (shuttr close)       VELO1_X =                  0.0 / The orbital velocity in X (shuttr close)       VELO1_Y =                  0.0 / The orbital velocity in Y (shuttr close)       VELO1_Z =                  0.0 / The orbital velocity in Z (shuttr close)       RA_PNT1 =                  0.0 / R.A. at shutter close time                     DEC_PNT1=                  0.0 / declination at shutter close time              RA_NOM  = '00:00:00.00'        / nominal proposed R.A. of the pointing          DEC_NOM = '00:00:00.00'        / nominal proposed DEC of the pointing           TELFOCUS= 'abcdefg '           / telescope focus                                AOSTAT  =                    T / Active opticas status                          HOODSTAT=                    T / Lens hood status                               COMMENT ==================================================================      COMMENT Shutter information                                                     COMMENT ==================================================================      SHUTHWV = 'shutter-h-1.0'      / shutter hardware version                       SHUTSWV = 'shutter-s-1.0'      / shutter software version                       SHUTSTAT=                    T / shutter status                                 SHTOPEN0=                  0.0 / shutter open time (begin)                      SHTOPEN1=                  0.0 / shutter open time (end)                        SHTCLOS0=                  0.0 / shutter close time (begin)                     SHTCLOS1=                  0.0 / shutter close time (end)                       COMMENT ==================================================================      COMMENT Guide information                                                       COMMENT ==================================================================      STARNO1 =                  1.0 / guide star number                              STARPOX1=                  0.0 / guide star average position                    STARPOY1=                  0.0 / guide star average position                    SECMOM1 =                  0.0 / guide star second momentum                     GAFLAG1 =                    T / guide flag indicate whether adjust position    STARNO2 =                  1.0 / guide star number                              STARPOX2=                  0.0 / guide star average position                    STARPOY2=                  0.0 / guide star average position                    SECMOM2 =                  0.0 / guide star second momentum                     GAFLAG2 =                    T / guide flag indicate whether adjust position    STARNO3 =                  1.0 / guide star number                              STARPOX3=                  0.0 / guide star average position                    STARPOY3=                  0.0 / guide star average position                    SECMOM3 =                  0.0 / guide star second momentum                     GAFLAG3 =                    T / guide flag indicate whether adjust position    STARNO4 =                  1.0 / guide star number                              STARPOX4=                  0.0 / guide star average position                    STARPOY4=                  0.0 / guide star average position                    SECMOM4 =                  0.0 / guide star second momentum                     GAFLAG4 =                    T / guide flag indicate whether adjust position    COMMENT ==================================================================      COMMENT LED information                                                         COMMENT ==================================================================      LEDSTAT1= '0000000000000000000000000000' / LED status                           LEDEXP1 =                  0.0 / LED flash time (second)                        LEDSTAT2= '0000000000000000000000000000' / LED status                           LEDEXP2 =                  0.0 / LED flash time (second)                        LEDTEMPA=               -100.0 / LED temperature (main LED in K)                LEDTEMPB=               -100.0 / LED temperature (backup LED in K)              COMMENT ==================================================================      COMMENT Other information                                                       COMMENT ==================================================================      CHECKSUM= 'abcdefg '           / SHA256 checksum of global headers              END