Commit 27cb83b1 authored by Wei Chengliang's avatar Wei Chengliang
Browse files

update codestyle-PEP8

parent dec10f3e
Pipeline #7095 failed with stage
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import unittest
import sys,os,math
import sys
import os
import math
from itertools import islice
import numpy as np
import galsim
......@@ -8,14 +10,14 @@ import yaml
from observation_sim.instruments import Chip, Filter, FilterParam, FocalPlane
### test FUNCTION --- START ###
def AddPreScan(GSImage, pre1=27, pre2=4, over1=71, over2=80, nsecy = 2, nsecx=8):
img= GSImage.array
# test FUNCTION --- START #
def AddPreScan(GSImage, pre1=27, pre2=4, over1=71, over2=80, nsecy=2, nsecx=8):
img = GSImage.array
ny, nx = img.shape
dx = int(nx/nsecx)
dy = int(ny/nsecy)
imgt=np.zeros([int(nsecy*nsecx), int(ny/nsecy+pre2+over2), int(nx/nsecx+pre1+over1)])
imgt = np.zeros([int(nsecy*nsecx), int(ny/nsecy+pre2+over2), int(nx/nsecx+pre1+over1)])
for iy in range(nsecy):
for ix in range(nsecx):
if iy % 2 == 0:
......@@ -23,7 +25,7 @@ def AddPreScan(GSImage, pre1=27, pre2=4, over1=71, over2=80, nsecy = 2, nsecx=8)
tx = (nsecx-1)-ix
ty = iy
chunkidx = int(tx+ty*nsecx) #chunk1-[1,2,3,4], chunk2-[5,6,7,8], chunk3-[9,10,11,12], chunk4-[13,14,15,16]
chunkidx = int(tx+ty*nsecx) # chunk1-[1,2,3,4], chunk2-[5,6,7,8], chunk3-[9,10,11,12], chunk4-[13,14,15,16]
imgtemp = np.zeros([int(ny/nsecy+pre2+over2), int(nx/nsecx+pre1+over1)])
if int(chunkidx/4) == 0:
......@@ -31,40 +33,41 @@ def AddPreScan(GSImage, pre1=27, pre2=4, over1=71, over2=80, nsecy = 2, nsecx=8)
imgt[chunkidx, :, :] = imgtemp
if int(chunkidx/4) == 1:
imgtemp[pre2:pre2+dy, over1:over1+dx] = img[iy*dy:(iy+1)*dy, ix*dx:(ix+1)*dx]
imgt[chunkidx, :, :] = imgtemp #[:, ::-1]
imgt[chunkidx, :, :] = imgtemp # [:, ::-1]
if int(chunkidx/4) == 2:
imgtemp[over2:over2+dy, over1:over1+dx] = img[iy*dy:(iy+1)*dy, ix*dx:(ix+1)*dx]
imgt[chunkidx, :, :] = imgtemp #[::-1, ::-1]
imgt[chunkidx, :, :] = imgtemp # [::-1, ::-1]
if int(chunkidx/4) == 3:
imgtemp[over2:over2+dy, pre1:pre1+dx] = img[iy*dy:(iy+1)*dy, ix*dx:(ix+1)*dx]
imgt[chunkidx, :, :] = imgtemp #[::-1, :]
imgt[chunkidx, :, :] = imgtemp # [::-1, :]
imgtx1 = np.hstack(imgt[:nsecx:, :, :]) #hstack chunk(1,2)-[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
imgtx2 = np.hstack(imgt[:(nsecx-1):-1, :, :]) #hstack chunk(4,3)-[16,15,14,13,12,11,,10,9]
imgtx1 = np.hstack(imgt[:nsecx:, :, :]) # hstack chunk(1,2)-[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
imgtx2 = np.hstack(imgt[:(nsecx-1):-1, :, :]) # hstack chunk(4,3)-[16,15,14,13,12,11,,10,9]
newimg = galsim.Image(int(nx+(pre1+over1)*nsecx), int(ny+(pre2+over2)*nsecy), init_value=0)
newimg.array[:, :] = np.concatenate([imgtx1, imgtx2]) #vstack chunk(1,2) & chunk(4,3)
newimg.array[:, :] = np.concatenate([imgtx1, imgtx2]) # vstack chunk(1,2) & chunk(4,3)
newimg.wcs = GSImage.wcs
return newimg
### test FUNCTION --- END ###
# test FUNCTION --- END #
def defineCCD(iccd, config_file):
with open(config_file, "r") as stream:
config = yaml.safe_load(stream)
#for key, value in config.items():
# print (key + " : " + str(value))
# for key, value in config.items():
# print (key + " : " + str(value))
except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
chip = Chip(chipID=iccd, config=config)
chip.img = galsim.ImageF(chip.npix_x, chip.npix_y)
focal_plane = FocalPlane(chip_list=[iccd])
chip.img.wcs= focal_plane.getTanWCS(192.8595, 27.1283, -113.4333*galsim.degrees, chip.pix_scale)
chip.img.wcs = focal_plane.getTanWCS(192.8595, 27.1283, -113.4333*galsim.degrees, chip.pix_scale)
return chip
def defineFilt(chip):
filter_param = FilterParam()
filter_id, filter_type = chip.getChipFilter()
......@@ -91,13 +94,13 @@ class detModule_coverage(unittest.TestCase):
print(chip.cen_pix_x, chip.cen_pix_y)
chip.img = AddPreScan(GSImage=chip.img,
self.assertTrue( (chip.prescan_x+chip.overscan_x)*8+chip.npix_x == np.shape(chip.img.array)[1] )
self.assertTrue( (chip.prescan_y+chip.overscan_y)*2+chip.npix_y == np.shape(chip.img.array)[0] )
self.assertTrue((chip.prescan_x+chip.overscan_x)*8+chip.npix_x == np.shape(chip.img.array)[1])
self.assertTrue((chip.prescan_y+chip.overscan_y)*2+chip.npix_y == np.shape(chip.img.array)[0])
if __name__ == '__main__':
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