Commit 3a8a4fbc authored by Fang Yuedong's avatar Fang Yuedong
Browse files

1. Add margin options for magnitude cuts

2. swith to use "interFlux" in,
so now the implementation for number of photons been
shot in Photometric and Spectroscopic are the same
3. Minor config option fix in
parent b7ea47e9
......@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ class NGPCatalog(CatalogBase):
self.logger = chip_output.logger
with pkg_resources.path('', 'SLOAN_SDSS.g.fits') as filter_path:
self.normF_star =
self.normF_star =
with pkg_resources.path('', 'lsst_throuput_g.fits') as filter_path:
self.normF_galaxy =
self.normF_galaxy =
self.config = config
self.chip = chip
......@@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ class Filter(object):
self.mag_limiting = filter_param.param[filter_type][7]
# self.filter_dir = filter_param.filter_dir
def is_too_bright(self, mag):
return mag <= self.mag_saturation - 2.5
def is_too_bright(self, mag, margin=-2.5):
return mag <= self.mag_saturation + margin
# return mag <= 14.0
def is_too_dim(self, mag):
return mag >= self.mag_limiting + 1.0
def is_too_dim(self, mag, margin=1.0):
return mag >= self.mag_limiting + margin
def _get_bandpasses(self, filter_dir=None, unit='A'):
if self.filter_id < 7: # Photometric
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class CatalogBase(metaclass=ABCMeta):
if target_filt.survey_type == "photometric":
return sed_photon, mag_csst
return sed_photon, mag_csst, interFlux
elif target_filt.survey_type == "spectroscopic":
del sed_photon
return sed, mag_csst
\ No newline at end of file
return sed, mag_csst, interFlux
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -54,16 +54,21 @@ class MockObject(object):
return self.param["mag_%s"%filt.filter_type]
# (TEST) stamp size
# return 13.0
def getFluxFilter(self, filt):
return self.param["flux_%s"%filt.filter_type]
def getNumPhotons(self, flux, tel, exptime=150.):
pupil_area = tel.pupil_area * (100.)**2 # m^2 to cm^2
return flux * pupil_area * exptime
def getElectronFluxFilt(self, filt, tel, exptime=150.):
photonEnergy = filt.getPhotonE()
flux = magToFlux(self.getMagFilter(filt))
factor = 1.0e4 * flux/photonEnergy * VC_A * (1.0/filt.blue_limit - 1.0/filt.red_limit)
return factor * filt.efficiency * tel.pupil_area * exptime
# photonEnergy = filt.getPhotonE()
# flux = magToFlux(self.getMagFilter(filt))
# factor = 1.0e4 * flux/photonEnergy * VC_A * (1.0/filt.blue_limit - 1.0/filt.red_limit)
# return factor * filt.efficiency * tel.pupil_area * exptime
flux = self.getFluxFilter(filt)
return flux * tel.pupil_area * exptime
def getPosWorld(self):
ra = self.param["ra"]
......@@ -193,13 +193,13 @@ class Observation(object):
sed_data =
norm_filt =
obj.sed, obj.param["mag_%s"%filt.filter_type] =
obj.sed, obj.param["mag_%s"%filt.filter_type], obj.param["flux_%s"%filt.filter_type] =
_, obj.param["mag_%s"%cut_filter.filter_type] =
_, obj.param["mag_%s"%cut_filter.filter_type], obj.param["flux_%s"%cut_filter.filter_type] =
......@@ -216,13 +216,17 @@ class Observation(object):
# Exclude very bright/dim objects (for now)
# if filt.is_too_bright(mag=obj.getMagFilter(filt)):
# if filt.is_too_bright(mag=obj.mag_use_normal):
if cut_filter.is_too_bright(mag=obj.param["mag_%s"%self.config["obs_setting"]["cut_in_band"].lower()]):
if cut_filter.is_too_bright(
# print("obj too birght!!", flush=True)
if obj.type != 'galaxy':
bright_obj += 1
if filt.is_too_dim(mag=obj.getMagFilter(filt)):
if filt.is_too_dim(
# if cut_filter.is_too_dim(mag=obj.param["mag_%s"%self.config["obs_setting"]["cut_in_band"].lower()]):
# print("obj too dim!!", flush=True)
dim_obj += 1
......@@ -12,14 +12,16 @@
# work_dir: "/public/home/fangyuedong/sim_code_release/CSST/test/"
work_dir: "/public/home/fangyuedong/test/CSST/workplace/"
data_dir: "/data/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/"
run_name: "TEST_16channel_off"
run_name: "v0.5_TEST"
# (Optional) a file of point list
# if you just want to run default pointing:
# - pointing_dir: null
# - pointing_file: null
pointing_dir: "/data/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/"
# pointing_dir: "/data/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/"
pointing_dir: "/public/home/fangyuedong/test/CSST/test_20220622/"
pointing_file: "pointing_test_NGP_2.17.dat"
# pointing_file: "pointing_test_case2.dat"
# Whether to use MPI
......@@ -79,7 +81,7 @@ obs_setting:
# - give a list of indexes of chips: [ip_1, ip_2...]
# - run all chips: null
# Note: for all pointings
run_chips: [24]
run_chips: null
# Whether to enable astrometric modeling
# astrometric_lib: ""
......@@ -88,6 +90,12 @@ obs_setting:
# Cut by saturation/limiting magnitude in which band?
cut_in_band: "g"
# saturation magnitude margin
mag_sat_margin: -2.5
# limiting magnitude margin
mag_lim_margin: +1.0
# Input path setting
......@@ -160,22 +168,22 @@ ins_effects:
field_dist: ON # Whether to add field distortions
add_back: ON # Whether to add sky background
add_dark: ON # Whether to add dark noise
add_readout: ON # Whether to add read-out (Gaussian) noise
add_bias: ON # Whether to add bias-level to images
add_readout: ON # Whether to add read-out (Gaussian) noise
add_bias: ON # Whether to add bias-level to images
bias_16channel: ON # Whether to add different biases for 16 channels
gain_16channel: ON # Whether to make different gains for 16 channels
shutter_effect: ON # Whether to add shutter effect
flat_fielding: ON # Whether to add flat-fielding effect
prnu_effect: ON # Whether to add PRNU effect
non_linear: ON # Whether to add non-linearity
cosmic_ray: ON # Whether to add cosmic-ray
cray_differ: ON # Whether to generate different cosmic ray maps CAL and MS output
cte_trail: ON # Whether to simulate CTE trails
saturbloom: ON # Whether to simulate Saturation & Blooming
add_badcolumns: ON # Whether to add bad columns
add_hotpixels: ON # Whether to add hot pixels
add_deadpixels: ON # Whether to add dead(dark) pixels
bright_fatter: ON # Whether to simulate Brighter-Fatter (also diffusion) effect
shutter_effect: ON # Whether to add shutter effect
flat_fielding: ON # Whether to add flat-fielding effect
prnu_effect: ON # Whether to add PRNU effect
non_linear: ON # Whether to add non-linearity
cosmic_ray: ON # Whether to add cosmic-ray
cray_differ: ON # Whether to generate different cosmic ray maps CAL and MS output
cte_trail: ON # Whether to simulate CTE trails
saturbloom: ON # Whether to simulate Saturation & Blooming
add_badcolumns: ON # Whether to add bad columns
add_hotpixels: ON # Whether to add hot pixels
add_deadpixels: ON # Whether to add dead(dark) pixels
bright_fatter: ON # Whether to simulate Brighter-Fatter (also diffusion) effect
# values
dark_exptime: 300 # Exposure time for dark current frames [seconds]
......@@ -49,10 +49,14 @@ def run_sim(Catalog):
config['work_dir'] = args.work_dir
# Some default values
if "bias_16channel" not in config:
config["bias_16channel"] = False
if "gain_16channel" not in config:
config["gain_16channel"] = False
if "bias_16channel" not in config["ins_effects"]:
config["ins_effects"]["bias_16channel"] = False
if "gain_16channel" not in config["ins_effects"]:
config["ins_effects"]["gain_16channel"] = False
if "mag_sat_margin" not in config["obs_setting"]:
config["obs_setting"]["mag_sat_margin"] = -2.5
if "mag_lim_margin" not in config["obs_setting"]:
config["obs_setting"]["mag_lim_margin"] = 1.0
# Generate lists pointings based on the input pointing list (or default
# pointing RA, DEC) and "config["obs_setting"]["run_pointings"]".
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