Commit 6078791f authored by Fang Yuedong's avatar Fang Yuedong
Browse files

first commit of user-customizable catalog version

parent 1635e47d
import os
import galsim
import random
import numpy as np
import h5py as h5
import healpy as hp
import astropy.constants as cons
from astropy.coordinates import spherical_to_cartesian
from astropy.table import Table
from scipy import interpolate
from ObservationSim.MockObject import CatalogBase, Star, Galaxy, Quasar
from ObservationSim.MockObject._util import seds, sed_assign, extAv, tag_sed, getObservedSED
NSIDE = 128
class C3Catalog(CatalogBase):
def __init__(self, config, **kwargs):
self.cat_dir = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], config["input_path"]["cat_dir"])
self.seed_Av = config["random_seeds"]["seed_Av"]
self.normalize_dir = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], config["SLS_path"]["SLS_norm"])
self.normF_star =, 'SLOAN_SDSS.g.fits'))
self.normF_galaxy =, 'lsst_throuput_g.fits'))
self.chip = kwargs["chip"]
raise ValueError('For Cycle-3 Catalog class, must give a "chip" object to initiate')
if "star_cat" in config["input_path"] and config["input_path"]["star_cat"]:
star_file = config["input_path"]["star_cat"]
star_SED_file = config["SED_templates_path"]["star_SED"]
self.star_path = os.path.join(self.cat_dir, star_file)
self.star_SED_path = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], star_SED_file)
if "galaxy_cat" in config["input_path"] and config["input_path"]["galaxy_cat"]:
galaxy_file = config["input_path"]["galaxy_cat"]
self.galaxy_path = os.path.join(self.cat_dir, galaxy_file)
self.galaxy_SED_path = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], config["SED_templates_path"]["galaxy_SED"])
if "rotateEll" in config["shear_setting"]:
self.rotation = float(int(config["shear_setting"]["rotateEll"]/45.))
self.rotation = 0.
def _get_healpix_list(self):
self.sky_coverage = self.chip.getSkyCoverageEnlarged(self.chip.img.wcs, margin=0.2)
ra_min, ra_max, dec_min, dec_max = self.sky_coverage.xmin, self.sky_coverage.xmax, self.sky_coverage.ymin, self.sky_coverage.ymax
ra = np.deg2rad(np.array([ra_min, ra_max, ra_max, ra_min]))
dec = np.deg2rad(np.array([dec_max, dec_max, dec_min, dec_min]))
vertices = spherical_to_cartesian(1., dec, ra)
self.pix_list = hp.query_polygon(NSIDE, np.array(vertices).T, inclusive=True)
print("HEALPix List: ", self.pix_list)
def load_norm_filt(self, obj):
if obj.type == "star":
return self.normF_star
elif obj.type == "galaxy" or obj.type == "quasar":
return self.normF_galaxy
return None
def _load_SED_lib_star(self):
self.tempSED_star = h5.File(self.star_SED_path,'r')
def _load_SED_lib_gals(self):
self.tempSed_gal, self.tempRed_gal = seds("galaxy.list", seddir=self.galaxy_SED_path)
def _load_gals(self, gals, pix_id=None):
ngals = len(gals['galaxyID'])
self.rng_sedGal = random.Random()
self.rng_sedGal.seed(pix_id) # Use healpix index as the random seed
self.ud = galsim.UniformDeviate(pix_id)
for igals in range(ngals):
param = self.initialize_param()
param['ra'] = gals['ra_true'][igals]
param['dec'] = gals['dec_true'][igals]
param['z'] = gals['redshift_true'][igals]
param['model_tag'] = 'None'
param['gamma1'] = 0
param['gamma2'] = 0
param['kappa'] = 0
param['delta_ra'] = 0
param['delta_dec'] = 0
sersicB = gals['sersic_bulge'][igals]
hlrMajB = gals['size_bulge_true'][igals]
hlrMinB = gals['size_minor_bulge_true'][igals]
sersicD = gals['sersic_disk'][igals]
hlrMajD = gals['size_disk_true'][igals]
hlrMinD = gals['size_minor_disk_true'][igals]
aGal = gals['size_true'][igals]
bGal = gals['size_minor_true'][igals]
param['bfrac'] = gals['bulge_to_total_ratio_i'][igals]
param['theta'] = gals['position_angle_true'][igals]
param['hlr_bulge'] = np.sqrt(hlrMajB * hlrMinB)
param['hlr_disk'] = np.sqrt(hlrMajD * hlrMinD)
param['ell_bulge'] = (hlrMajB - hlrMinB)/(hlrMajB + hlrMinB)
param['ell_disk'] = (hlrMajD - hlrMinD)/(hlrMajD + hlrMinD)
param['ell_tot'] = (aGal - bGal) / (aGal + bGal)
# Assign each galaxy a template SED
param['sed_type'] = sed_assign(phz=param['z'], btt=param['bfrac'], rng=self.rng_sedGal)
param['redden'] = self.tempRed_gal[param['sed_type']]
param['av'] = self.avGal[int(self.ud()*self.nav)]
if param['sed_type'] <= 5:
param['av'] = 0.0
param['redden'] = 0
param['star'] = 0 # Galaxy
if param['sed_type'] >= 29:
param['av'] = 0.6 * param['av'] / 3.0 # for quasar, av=[0, 0.2],
param['star'] = 2 # Quasar
if not self.chip.isContainObj(ra_obj=param['ra'], dec_obj=param['dec'], margin=200):
param['mag_use_normal'] = gals['mag_true_g_lsst'][igals]
if param['mag_use_normal'] >= 26.5:
self.ids += 1
param['id'] = self.ids
if param['star'] == 0:
obj = Galaxy(param, self.rotation)
if param['star'] == 2:
obj = Quasar(param)
def _load_stars(self, stars, pix_id=None):
nstars = len(stars['sourceID'])
for istars in range(nstars):
param = self.initialize_param()
param['ra'] = stars['RA'][istars]
param['dec'] = stars['Dec'][istars]
if not self.chip.isContainObj(ra_obj=param['ra'], dec_obj=param['dec'], margin=200):
param['mag_use_normal'] = stars['app_sdss_g'][istars]
if param['mag_use_normal'] >= 26.5:
self.ids += 1
param['id'] = self.ids
param['sed_type'] = stars['sourceID'][istars]
param['model_tag'] = stars['model_tag'][istars]
param['teff'] = stars['teff'][istars]
param['logg'] = stars['grav'][istars]
param['feh'] = stars['feh'][istars]
param['z'] = 0.0
param['star'] = 1 # Star
obj = Star(param)
def _load(self, **kwargs):
self.nav = 15005
self.avGal = extAv(self.nav, seed=self.seed_Av)
gals_cat = h5.File(self.galaxy_path, 'r')['galaxies']
star_cat = h5.File(self.star_path, 'r')['catalog']
self.objs = []
self.ids = 0
for pix in self.pix_list:
gals = gals_cat[str(pix)]
stars = star_cat[str(pix)]
self._load_gals(gals, pix_id=pix)
self._load_stars(stars, pix_id=pix)
print("number of objects in catalog: ", len(self.objs))
del self.avGal
def load_sed(self, obj, **kwargs):
if obj.type == 'star':
_, wave, flux = tag_sed(
elif obj.type == 'galaxy' or obj.type == 'quasar':
sed_data = getObservedSED(
wave, flux = sed_data[0], sed_data[1]
raise ValueError("Object type not known")
speci = interpolate.interp1d(wave, flux)
# lamb = np.arange(2500, 10001 + 0.5, 0.5)
lamb = np.arange(2400, 11001 + 0.5, 0.5)
y = speci(lamb)
# erg/s/cm2/A --> photo/s/m2/A
all_sed = y * lamb / (cons.h.value * cons.c.value) * 1e-13
sed = Table(np.array([lamb, all_sed]).T, names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'))
return sed
import os
import numpy as np
import astropy.constants as cons
from astropy.table import Table
from scipy import interpolate
from ObservationSim.MockObject import CatalogBase, Star, Galaxy, Quasar
class Catalog_example(CatalogBase):
"""An user customizable class for reading in catalog(s) of objects and SEDs.
NOTE: must inherit the "CatalogBase" abstract class
cat_dir : str
a directory that contains the catalog file(s)
star_path : str
path to the star catalog file
star_SED_path : str
path to the star SED data
objs : list
a list of ObservationSim.MockObject (Star, Galaxy, or Quasar)
NOTE: must have "obj" list when implement your own Catalog
load_sed(obj, **kwargs):
load the corresponding SED data for one object
load the filter throughput for the input catalog's photometric system.
def __init__(self, config, **kwargs):
"""Constructor method.
config : dict
configuration dictionary which is parsed from the input YAML file
**kwargs : dict
other needed input parameters (in key-value pairs), please modify corresponding
initialization call in "" as you need.
self.cat_dir = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], config["input_path"]["cat_dir"])
if "star_cat" in config["input_path"] and config["input_path"]["star_cat"]:
star_file = config["input_path"]["star_cat"]
star_SED_file = config["SED_templates_path"]["star_SED"]
self.star_path = os.path.join(self.cat_dir, star_file)
self.star_SED_path = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], star_SED_file)
# NOTE: must call _load() method here to read in all objects
self.objs = []
def _load(self, **kwargs):
"""Read in all objects in from the catalog file(s).
This is a must implemented method which is used to read in all objects, and
then convert them to ObservationSim.MockObject (Star, Galaxy, or Quasar).
the model of ObservationSim.MockObject.Star class requires:
param["star"] : int
specify the object type: 0: galaxy, 1: star, 2: quasar
param["id"] : int
ID number of the object
param["ra"] : float
Right ascension (in degrees)
param["dec"] : float
Declination (in degrees)
param["mag_use_normal"]: float
the absolute magnitude in a particular filter
NOTE: if that filter is not the corresponding CSST filter, the
load_norm_filt(obj) function must be implemented to load the filter
throughput of that particular photometric system
the model of ObservationSim.MockObject.Galaxy class requires:
param["star"] : int
specify the object type: 0: galaxy, 1: star, 2: quasar
param["id"] : int
ID number of the object
param["ra"] : float
Right ascension (in degrees)
param["dec"] : float
Declination (in degrees)
param["mag_use_normal"]: float
the absolute magnitude in a particular filter
NOTE: if that filter is not the corresponding CSST filter, the
load_norm_filt(obj) function must be implemented to load the filter
throughput of that particular photometric system
param["theta"] : float
the position angle (in degrees)
param["bfrac"] : float
the bulge fraction
param["hlr_bulge] : float
the half-light-radius of the bulge
param["hlr_disk] : float
the half-light-radius of the disk
param["ell_bulge] : float
the ellipticity of the bulge
param["ell_disk] : float
the ellipticity of the disk
param["ell_tot] : float
the total ellipticity
the model of ObservationSim.MockObject.Galaxy class requires:
Currently a Quasar is modeled as a point source, just like a Star.
NOTE: To construct an object, according to its type, just call:
Star(param), Galaxy(param), or Quasar(param)
NOTE: All constructed objects should be appened to "self.objs".
**kwargs : dict
other needed input parameters (in key-value pairs), please modify corresponding
initialization call in "" as you need.
stars =
nstars = stars['sourceID'].size
for istars in range(nstars):
param = self.initialize_param()
param['id'] = istars + 1
param['ra'] = stars['RA'][istars]
param['dec'] = stars['Dec'][istars]
param['sed_type'] = stars['sourceID'][istars]
param['model_tag'] = stars['model_tag'][istars]
param['z'] = 0.0
param['star'] = 1 # Star
param['mag_use_normal'] = stars['app_sdss_g'][istars]
obj = Star(param)
def load_sed(self, obj, **kwargs):
"""Load the corresponding SED data for a particular obj.
obj : ObservationSim.MockObject
the object to get SED data for
**kwargs : dict
other needed input parameters (in key-value pairs), please modify corresponding
initialization call in "" as you need.
sed : Astropy.Table
the SED Table with two columns (namely, "WAVELENGTH", "FLUX"):
sed["WAVELENGTH"] : wavelength in Angstroms
sed["FLUX"] : fluxes in photons/s/m^2/A
NOTE: the range of wavelengthes must at least cover [2450 - 11000] Angstorms
if obj.type == 'star':
wave =, path=f"/SED/wave_{obj.model_tag}")
flux =, path=f"/SED/{obj.sed_type}")
wave, flux = wave['col0'].data, flux['col0'].data
raise ValueError("Object type not known")
speci = interpolate.interp1d(wave, flux)
lamb = np.arange(2400, 11001 + 0.5, 0.5)
y = speci(lamb)
# erg/s/cm^2/A --> photons/s/m^2/A
all_sed = y * lamb / (cons.h.value * cons.c.value) * 1e-13
sed = Table(np.array([lamb, all_sed]).T, names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'))
return sed
def load_norm_filt(self, obj):
"""Load the corresponding thourghput for the input magnitude "param["mag_use_normal"]".
NOTE: if the input magnitude is already in CSST magnitude, simply return None
obj : ObservationSim.MockObject
the object to get thourghput data for
norm_filt : Astropy.Table
the throughput Table with two columns (namely, "WAVELENGTH", "SENSITIVITY"):
norm_filt["WAVELENGTH"] : wavelengthes in Angstroms
norm_filt["SENSITIVITY"] : efficiencies
return None
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ class Filter(object): ...@@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ class Filter(object):
self._getParam(filter_param, filter_type) self._getParam(filter_param, filter_type)
if self.filter_dir is not None: if self.filter_dir is not None:
self.bandpass_full, self.bandpass_sub_list = self._get_bandpasses(self.filter_dir) self.bandpass_full, self.bandpass_sub_list = self._get_bandpasses(self.filter_dir)
self.survey_type = self._getSurveyType()
def _getSurveyType(self):
if self.filter_type in ["GI", "GV", "GU"]:
return "spectroscopic"
return "photometric"
def _getParam(self, filter_param, filter_type, filter_id=None): def _getParam(self, filter_param, filter_type, filter_id=None):
self.effective_wavelength = filter_param.param[filter_type][0] self.effective_wavelength = filter_param.param[filter_type][0]
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