Commit 6ae03715 authored by Wei Chengliang's avatar Wei Chengliang
Browse files

update fitsTest

parent 47a3d5d5
......@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ NSIDE = 128
class Catalog(CatalogBase):
def __init__(self, config, chip, pointing, chip_output, filt, **kwargs):
self.cat_dir = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["cat_dir"])
self.seed_Av = config["catalog_options"]["seed_Av"]
self.cat_dir = config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["cat_dir"]
self.seed_Av = 121212 #config["catalog_options"]["seed_Av"]
# (TEST)
self.cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=67.66, Om0=0.3111)
......@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ class Catalog(CatalogBase):
with pkg_resources.path('', 'SLOAN_SDSS.g.fits') as filter_path:
self.normF_star =
with pkg_resources.path('', 'lsst_throuput_g.fits') as filter_path:
self.normF_galaxy =
self.config = config
self.chip = chip
......@@ -58,16 +60,9 @@ class Catalog(CatalogBase):
self.stamp_path = os.path.join(self.cat_dir, stamp_file)
#self.stamp_SED_path = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], config["SED_templates_path"]["stamp_SED"]) ###shoule be stamp-SED
#self._load_SED_lib_stamps() ###shoule be stamp-SED
self.tempSed_gal, self.tempRed_gal = seds("galaxy.list", seddir="/share/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/Templates/Galaxy/") #only for test
self.tempSed_gal, self.tempRed_gal = seds("galaxy.list", seddir="/public/home/chengliang/CSSOSDataProductsSims/testCats/Templates/Galaxy/") #only for test
if "rotateEll" in config["catalog_options"]:
self.rotation = float(int(config["catalog_options"]["rotateEll"]/45.))
self.rotation = 0.
# Update output .cat header with catalog specific output columns
......@@ -99,19 +94,21 @@ class Catalog(CatalogBase):
def load_norm_filt(self, obj):
if obj.type == "stamp":
#return self.normF_galaxy ###normalize_filter for stamp
return None
return self.normF_galaxy ###normalize_filter for stamp
return None
def _load_stamps(self, stamps, pix_id=None):
print("debug:: load_stamps")
nstamps = len(stamps['filename'])
self.rng_sedGal = random.Random()
self.rng_sedGal.seed(pix_id) # Use healpix index as the random seed
self.rng_sedGal.seed(float(pix_id)) # Use healpix index as the random seed
self.ud = galsim.UniformDeviate(pix_id)
for istamp in range(nstamps):
print("debug::", istamp)
fitsfile = os.path.join(self.cat_dir, "stampCats/"+stamps['filename'][istamp].decode('utf-8'))
print("debug::", istamp, fitsfile)
param = self.initialize_param()
......@@ -167,6 +164,7 @@ class Catalog(CatalogBase):
param['redden'] = self.tempRed_gal[param['sed_type']]
param['av'] = 0.0
param['redden'] = 0
param['mu'] = 1
#param["CSSTmag"]= True
#param["mag_r"] = 20.
......@@ -183,9 +181,12 @@ class Catalog(CatalogBase):
if "stamp_cat" in self.config["catalog_options"]["input_path"] and self.config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["stamp_cat"] and self.config["catalog_options"]["stamp_yes"]:
stamps_cat = h5.File(self.stamp_path, 'r')['Stamps']
for pix in self.pix_list:
stamps = stamps_cat[str(pix)]
self._load_stamps(stamps, pix_id=pix)
del stamps
except Exception as e:
# Configuration file for CSST simulation
# Overall settings
# CSST-Sim Group, 2024/01/08
# Base diretories and naming setup
# can add some of the command-line arguments here as well;
# ok to pass either way or both, as long as they are consistent
work_dir: "/public/share/yangxuliu/CSSOSDataProductsSims/outputs_C9Tests/"
run_name: "testRun0"
# Project cycle and run counter are used to name the outputs
project_cycle: 9
run_counter: 1
# Run options
# Output catalog only?
# If yes, no imaging simulation will be run. Only the catalogs
# of corresponding footprints will be generated.
out_cat_only: NO
# Catalog setting
# Configure the input catalog: options should be implemented
# in the corresponding (user defined) 'Catalog' class
cat_dir: "/public/home/chengliang/CSSOSDataProductsSims/testCats/"
# star_cat: "star_catalog/"
# galaxy_cat: "qsocat/cat2CSSTSim_bundle-50sqDeg/"
stamp_cat: "stampCatsIndex.hdf5"
# star_SED:
# galaxy_SED: "/public/share/yangxuliu/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data_50sqDeg/sedlibs/"
# AGN_SED: "/public/share/yangxuliu/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data_50sqDeg/qsocat/qsosed/"
# stamp_SED:
# Only simulate stars?
star_only: NO
# Only simulate galaxies?
galaxy_only: NO
# With stamp?
stamp_yes: YES
# rotate galaxy ellipticity
rotateEll: 0. # [degree]
# Observation setting
# (Optional) a file of point list
# if you just want to run default pointing:
# - pointing_dir: null
# - pointing_file: null
pointing_file: "/public/share/yangxuliu/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data_50sqDeg/pointing50_C9/pointing_50_1_n.dat"
obs_config_file: "/public/home/chengliang/CSSOSDataProductsSims/csst_msc_sim/config/obs_config_SCI_WIDE_phot.yaml"
# Run specific pointing(s):
# - give a list of indexes of pointings: [ip_1, ip_2...]
# - run all pointings: null
# Note: only valid when a pointing list is specified
run_pointings: [0]
# Whether to enable astrometric modeling
enable_astrometric_model: YES
# Cut by saturation magnitude in which band?
cut_in_band: "z"
# saturation magnitude margin
mag_sat_margin: -2.5
# mag_sat_margin: -15.
# limiting magnitude margin
mag_lim_margin: +1.0
# PSF setting
# Which PSF model to use:
# "Gauss": simple gaussian profile
# "Interp": Interpolated PSF from sampled ray-tracing data
psf_model: "Interp"
# PSF size [arcseconds]
# radius of 80% energy encircled
# NOTE: only valid for "Gauss" PSF
# psf_rcont: 0.15
# path to PSF data
# NOTE: only valid for "Interp" PSF
# PSF models for photometry survey simulation
psf_pho_dir: "/public/share/yangxuliu/CSSOSDataProductsSims/psfCube/set1_dynamic/"
# PSF models for slitless spectrum survey simulation
psf_sls_dir: "/public/share/yangxuliu/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data_50sqDeg/SLS_PSF_PCA_fp/"
# Shear setting
# Options to generate mock shear field:
# "constant": all galaxies are assigned a constant reduced shear
# "catalog": get shear values from catalog
shear_type: "constant"
# For constant shear field
reduced_g1: 0.
reduced_g2: 0.
# Output options
output_format: "channels" # Whether to export as 16 channels (subimages) with pre- and over-scan ("image"/"channels")
shutter_output: NO # Whether to export shutter effect 16-bit image
prnu_output: NO # Whether to export the PRNU (pixel-to-pixel flat-fielding) files
# Random seeds
seed_poisson: 20210601 # Seed for Poisson noise
seed_CR: 20210317 # Seed for generating random cosmic ray maps
seed_flat: 20210101 # Seed for generating random flat fields
seed_prnu: 20210102 # Seed for photo-response non-uniformity
seed_gainNonUniform: 20210202 # Seed for gain nonuniformity
seed_biasNonUniform: 20210203 # Seed for bias nonuniformity
seed_rnNonUniform: 20210204 # Seed for readout-noise nonuniformity
seed_badcolumns: 20240309 # Seed for bad columns
seed_defective: 20210304 # Seed for defective (bad) pixels
seed_readout: 20210601 # Seed for read-out gaussian noise
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