Commit b2d70812 authored by Zhang Xin's avatar Zhang Xin
Browse files


parent d0440a4a
Pipeline #7827 passed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -137,16 +137,16 @@ class FlatLED(MockObject):
a1 = flat[0].data[int(ylen*i/5.):int(ylen*i/5.)+int(ylen/5.),
# z = np.sin((xx+yy+xx**2+yy**2))
# fInterp = interp2d(xx, yy, z, kind='linear')
# fInterp = interp2d(xx, yy, z, kind='linear')
X_ = np.hstack((xx.flatten()[:, None], yy.flatten()[:, None]))
Z_ = a1.flatten()
n_x = np.arange(0, self.chip.npix_x, 1)
n_y = np.arange(0, self.chip.npix_y, 1)
M, N = np.meshgrid(n_x, n_y)
M, N = np.meshgrid(n_x, n_y)
U = griddata(X_, Z_, (
M[0:self.chip.npix_y, 0:self.chip.npix_x],
N[0:self.chip.npix_y, 0:self.chip.npix_x]),
U = U/np.mean(U)
flatImage = U
if LED_Img_flag:
Supports Markdown
0% or .
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