Commit cef921a0 authored by Fang Yuedong's avatar Fang Yuedong
Browse files
parents 9b6a6487 de370d66
......@@ -133,8 +133,6 @@ class NGPCatalog(CatalogBase):
param['dec'] = dec_arr[igals]
param['ra_orig'] = gals['ra_true'][igals]
param['dec_orig'] = gals['dec_true'][igals]
if not self.chip.isContainObj(ra_obj=param['ra'], dec_obj=param['dec'], margin=200):
param['mag_use_normal'] = gals['mag_true_g_lsst'][igals]
if param['mag_use_normal'] >= 26.5:
......@@ -173,6 +171,10 @@ class NGPCatalog(CatalogBase):
param['av'] = 0.6 * param['av'] / 3.0 # for quasar, av=[0, 0.2],
param['star'] = 2 # Quasar
# NOTE: this cut cannot be put before the SED type has been assigned
if not self.chip.isContainObj(ra_obj=param['ra'], dec_obj=param['dec'], margin=200):
self.ids += 1
# param['id'] = self.ids
param['id'] = gals['galaxyID'][igals]
......@@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ class ChipOutput(object):
# self.cat_name = 'MSC_' + config["obs_setting"]["date_obs"] + config["obs_setting"]["time_obs"] + "_" + str(pointing_ID).rjust(7, '0') + "_" + self.chipLabel.rjust(2,'0') + ".cat"
self.cat_name = "MSC_1%s_chip_%s_filt_%s"%(str(pointing_ID).rjust(7, '0'), focal_plane.getChipLabel(chip.chipID), filt.filter_type) + ".cat"
self.cat_name = "MSC_1%s_chip_%s_filt_%s"%(str(pointing_ID).rjust(8, '0'), focal_plane.getChipLabel(chip.chipID), filt.filter_type) + ".cat"
self.subdir = subdir
# Setup logger for each chip
logger_filename = "MSC_1%s_chip_%s_filt_%s"%(str(pointing_ID).rjust(7, '0'), focal_plane.getChipLabel(chip.chipID), filt.filter_type) + ".log"
logger_filename = "MSC_1%s_chip_%s_filt_%s"%(str(pointing_ID).rjust(8, '0'), focal_plane.getChipLabel(chip.chipID), filt.filter_type) + ".log"
self.logger = logging.getLogger()
fh = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(self.subdir, logger_filename), mode='w+', encoding='utf-8')
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ class Chip(FocalPlane):
self.dark_exptime = float(config["ins_effects"]['dark_exptime'])
self.flat_exptime = float(config["ins_effects"]['flat_exptime'])
self.readout_time = float(config["ins_effects"]['readout_time'])
self.full_well = int(config["ins_effects"]["full_well"])
self.logger = logger
......@@ -95,16 +96,17 @@ class Chip(FocalPlane):
if filter_type in ['g', 'r', 'GV']: filename = 'Astro_MB.txt'
if filter_type in ['i', 'z', 'y', 'GI']: filename = 'Basic_NIR.txt'
# Mirror efficiency:
if filter_type == 'nuv': mirror_eff = 0.54
if filter_type == 'u': mirror_eff = 0.68
if filter_type in ['g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']: mirror_eff = 0.8
if filter_type in ['GU', 'GV', 'GI']: mirror_eff = 1. # Not sure if this is right
# if filter_type == 'nuv': mirror_eff = 0.54
# if filter_type == 'u': mirror_eff = 0.68
# if filter_type in ['g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']: mirror_eff = 0.8
# if filter_type in ['GU', 'GV', 'GI']: mirror_eff = 1. # Not sure if this is right
# path = os.path.join(self.ccdEffCurve_dir, filename)
# table =, format='ascii')
with pkg_resources.path('', filename) as ccd_path:
table =, format='ascii')
throughput = galsim.LookupTable(x=table['col1'], f=table['col2']*mirror_eff, interpolant='linear')
# throughput = galsim.LookupTable(x=table['col1'], f=table['col2']*mirror_eff, interpolant='linear')
throughput = galsim.LookupTable(x=table['col1'], f=table['col2'], interpolant='linear')
bandpass = galsim.Bandpass(throughput, wave_type='nm')
return bandpass
......@@ -494,7 +496,7 @@ class Chip(FocalPlane):
# Output images for calibration pointing
# Bias output
if config["output_setting"]["bias_output"] == True and pointing_type=='CAL':
if config["ins_effects"]["add_bias"] == True and config["output_setting"]["bias_output"] == True and pointing_type=='CAL':
if self.logger is not None:" Output N frame Bias files")
......@@ -562,7 +564,7 @@ class Chip(FocalPlane):
del BiasCombImg
# Export combined (ncombine, Vignetting + PRNU) & single vignetting flat-field file
if config["output_setting"]["flat_output"] == True and pointing_type=='CAL':
if config["ins_effects"]["flat_fielding"] == True and config["output_setting"]["flat_output"] == True and pointing_type=='CAL':
if self.logger is not None:" Output N frame Flat-Field files")
......@@ -671,7 +673,7 @@ class Chip(FocalPlane):
del flat_img
# Export Dark current images
if config["output_setting"]["dark_output"] == True and pointing_type=='CAL':
if config["ins_effects"]["add_dark"] == True and config["output_setting"]["dark_output"] == True and pointing_type=='CAL':
if self.logger is not None:" Output N frame Dark Current files")
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import pylab as pl
import os
import numpy as np
from ObservationSim.Instrument._util import photonEnergy
from ObservationSim.Instrument._util import photonEnergy, calculateLimitMag
from ObservationSim.Instrument.FilterParam import FilterParam
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ except ImportError:
import importlib_resources as pkg_resources
class Filter(object):
def __init__(self, filter_id, filter_type, filter_param, ccd_bandpass):
def __init__(self, filter_id, filter_type, filter_param, ccd_bandpass=None):
self.filter_id = filter_id
self.filter_type = filter_type
self.ccd_bandpass = ccd_bandpass
......@@ -36,14 +36,15 @@ class Filter(object):
self.efficiency = filter_param.param[filter_type][4]
self.sky_background = filter_param.param[filter_type][5]
self.mag_saturation = filter_param.param[filter_type][6]
self.mag_dim = filter_param.param[filter_type][7]
self.mag_limiting = filter_param.param[filter_type][7]
# self.filter_dir = filter_param.filter_dir
def is_too_bright(self, mag):
return mag <= self.mag_saturation - 1.0
# return mag <= self.mag_saturation - 1.0
return mag <= 14.0
def is_too_dim(self, mag):
return mag >= self.mag_dim + 1.0
return mag >= self.mag_limiting + 1.0
def _get_bandpasses(self, filter_dir=None, unit='A'):
if self.filter_id < 7: # Photometric
......@@ -51,8 +52,10 @@ class Filter(object):
# filter_file = os.path.join(filter_dir, self.filter_type+".dat")
# bandpass_full = galsim.Bandpass(filter_file, wave_type=unit)
with pkg_resources.path('', self.filter_type.lower() + '.txt') as filter_file:
self.filter_bandpass = galsim.Bandpass(str(filter_file), wave_type=unit)
with pkg_resources.path('', self.filter_type.lower() + '_throughput.txt') as filter_file:
bandpass_full = galsim.Bandpass(str(filter_file), wave_type=unit)
bandpass_full = bandpass_full * self.ccd_bandpass
# bandpass_full = bandpass_full * self.ccd_bandpass
# Get sub-bandpasses
bandpass_sub_list = []
......@@ -95,3 +98,18 @@ class Filter(object):
def getSkyNoise(self, exptime, gain=1.):
return self.sky_background * exptime / gain
def update_limit_saturation_mags(self, exptime=150., psf_fwhm=0.1969, skyFn='sky_emiss_hubble_50_50_A.dat', chip=None):
if chip is not None:
pix_scale = chip.pix_scale
read_noise = chip.read_noise
dark_noise = chip.dark_noise
full_well = chip.full_well
pix_scale = 0.074
read_noise = 5.0
dark_noise = 0.02
full_well = 90000
throughput_file = self.filter_type.lower() + '_throughput.txt'
self.mag_limiting, self.mag_saturation = calculateLimitMag(psf_fwhm=psf_fwhm, pixelSize=pix_scale, throughputFn=throughput_file, readout=5.0, skyFn=skyFn, darknoise=dark_noise, exTime=exptime, fw=full_well)
import numpy as np
import os
import math
from pylab import *
from scipy import interpolate
import importlib.resources as pkg_resources
except ImportError:
# Try backported to PY<37 'importlib_resources'
import importlib_resources as pkg_resources
VC_A = 2.99792458e+18 # speed of light: A/s
VC_M = 2.99792458e+8 # speed of light: m/s
......@@ -15,4 +24,85 @@ def photonEnergy(lambd):
nu = VC_A / lambd
eph = H_PLANK * nu
return eph
\ No newline at end of file
return eph
param {*} aperture: unit m, default 2 m
param {*} psf_fwhm: psf fwhm, default 0.1969"
param {*} pixelSize: pixel size, default 0.074"
param {*} pmRation: the ratio of souce flux in the limit mag calculation
param {*} throughputFn: throuput file name
param {*} readout: unit, e-/pixel
param {*} skyFn: sky sed file name, average of hst, 'sky_emiss_hubble_50_50_A.dat'
param {*} darknoise: unit, e-/pixel/s
param {*} exTime: exposure time one time, default 150s
param {*} exNum: exposure number, defautl 1
param {*} fw, full well value( or saturation value),default 90000e-/pixel
return {*} limit mag and saturation mag
def calculateLimitMag(aperture = 2.0, psf_fwhm = 0.1969,pixelSize = 0.074, pmRation = 0.8, throughputFn = 'i_throughput.txt', readout = 5.0, skyFn= 'sky_emiss_hubble_50_50_A.dat', darknoise = 0.02,exTime = 150, exNum = 1, fw = 90000):
with pkg_resources.path('', throughputFn) as data_file:
throughput_f = np.loadtxt(data_file)
thr_i = interpolate.interp1d(throughput_f[:,0]/10, throughput_f[:,1]); # wavelength in anstrom
f_s = 200
f_e = 1100
delt_f = 0.5
data_num = int((f_e-f_s)/delt_f+1)
eff = np.zeros([data_num,2])
eff[:,0] = np.arange(f_s,f_e+delt_f,delt_f)
eff[:,1] = thr_i(eff[:,0])
wave = np.arange(f_s,f_e+delt_f,delt_f)
wavey = np.ones(wave.shape[0])
with pkg_resources.path('', skyFn) as data_file:
skydata = np.loadtxt(data_file)
skydatai = interpolate.interp1d(skydata[:,0]/10, skydata[:,1]*10)
sky_data = np.zeros([data_num,2])
sky_data[:,0] = np.arange(f_s,f_e+delt_f,delt_f)
sky_data[:,1] = skydatai(sky_data[:,0])
flux_sky = trapz((sky_data[:,1])*eff[:,1],sky_data[:,0])
skyPix = flux_sky*pixelSize*pixelSize*pi*(aperture*aperture/4)
###limit mag
r_pix = psf_fwhm*0.7618080243778568/pixelSize # radius RE80, pixel
cnum = math.pi * r_pix * r_pix
sn = 5
d = skyPix*exTime*exNum*cnum + darknoise*exTime*exNum*cnum+readout*readout*cnum*exNum
flux = (-b+sqrt(b*b-4*a*c))/(2*a)/pmRation
limitMag = -2.5*log10(flux/(54799275581.04437 * trapz(wavey*eff[:,1]/wave,wave, 0.1)*exTime*exNum*pi*(aperture/2)*(aperture/2)))
### saturation mag
from astropy.modeling.models import Gaussian2D
m_size = int(20 * psf_fwhm/pixelSize)
if m_size%2 == 0:
m_size + 1
m_cen = m_size//2
psf_sigma = psf_fwhm/2.355/pixelSize
gaussShape = Gaussian2D(1, m_cen, m_cen, psf_sigma, psf_sigma)
yp, xp = np.mgrid[0:m_size, 0:m_size]
psfMap = gaussShape(xp, yp)
maxRatio = np.amax(psfMap)/np.sum(psfMap)
flux_sat = fw/maxRatio*exNum
satMag = -2.5*log10(flux_sat/(54799275581.04437 * trapz(wavey*eff[:,1]/wave,wave, 0.1)*exTime*exNum*pi*(aperture/2)*(aperture/2)));
return limitMag , satMag
\ No newline at end of file
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This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -47,8 +47,7 @@ class Observation(object):
filter_id, filter_type = chip.getChipFilter()
filt = Filter(filter_id=filter_id,
......@@ -76,6 +75,9 @@ class Observation(object):'Chip : %d' % chip.chipID)':::::::::::::::::::::::::::END:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::')
# Update the limiting magnitude using exposure time in pointing
filt.update_limit_saturation_mags(exptime=pointing.exp_time, chip=chip)
if self.config["psf_setting"]["psf_model"] == "Gauss":
psf_model = PSFGauss(chip=chip)
elif self.config["psf_setting"]["psf_model"] == "Interp":
......@@ -195,7 +197,8 @@ class Observation(object):
# Exclude very bright/dim objects (for now)
if filt.is_too_bright(mag=obj.getMagFilter(filt)):
# if filt.is_too_bright(mag=obj.getMagFilter(filt)):
if filt.is_too_bright(mag=obj.mag_use_normal):
# print("obj too birght!!", flush=True)
if obj.type != 'galaxy':
bright_obj += 1
......@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ setup(name='CSSTSim',
'': ['*.txt', '*.dat'],
'': ['*.txt'],
'': ['*.txt', '*.list', '*.dat'],
'': ['*.txt', '*.dat'],
'': ['*.conf', '*.fits'],
'': ['*.fits'],
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