Commit cfffc60b authored by Zhang Xin's avatar Zhang Xin
Browse files

add calibration catalog

parent 47e36fbb
import os
import galsim
import random
import numpy as np
import h5py as h5
import healpy as hp
import astropy.constants as cons
import traceback
from astropy.coordinates import spherical_to_cartesian
from astropy.table import Table
from scipy import interpolate
from datetime import datetime
from observation_sim.mock_objects import CatalogBase, Star, Galaxy, Quasar
from observation_sim.mock_objects._util import tag_sed, getObservedSED, getABMAG, integrate_sed_bandpass, comoving_dist
from observation_sim.astrometry.Astrometry_util import on_orbit_obs_position
# (TEST)
from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
from astropy import constants
from astropy import units as U
import importlib.resources as pkg_resources
except ImportError:
# Try backported to PY<37 'importlib_resources'
import importlib_resources as pkg_resources
NSIDE = 128
def get_bundleIndex(healpixID_ring, bundleOrder=4, healpixOrder=7):
assert NSIDE == 2**healpixOrder
shift = healpixOrder - bundleOrder
shift = 2*shift
nside_bundle = 2**bundleOrder
nside_healpix= 2**healpixOrder
healpixID_nest= hp.ring2nest(nside_healpix, healpixID_ring)
bundleID_nest = (healpixID_nest >> shift)
bundleID_ring = hp.nest2ring(nside_bundle, bundleID_nest)
return bundleID_ring
class Catalog(CatalogBase):
def __init__(self, config, chip, pointing, chip_output, filt, **kwargs):
# self.cat_dir = config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["cat_dir"]
# self.seed_Av = config["catalog_options"]["seed_Av"]
self.cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=67.66, Om0=0.3111)
self.chip_output = chip_output
self.filt = filt
self.logger = chip_output.logger
with pkg_resources.path('', 'SLOAN_SDSS.g.fits') as filter_path:
self.normF_star =
self.config = config
self.chip = chip
self.pointing = pointing
self.max_size = 0.
if "CALIB_cat" in config["catalog_options"]["input_path"] and config["catalog_options"]["input_path"][
"CALIB_cat"] and not config["catalog_options"]["star_only"]:
self.CALIB_cat_path = config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["CALIB_cat"]
self.CALIB_SED_path = config["catalog_options"]["SED_templates_path"]["CALIB_SED"]
if "rotateEll" in config["catalog_options"]:
self.rotation = np.radians(float(config["catalog_options"]["rotateEll"]))
self.rotation = 0.
# Update output .cat header with catalog specific output columns
# self._get_healpix_list()
def _add_output_columns_header(self):
self.add_hdr = " model_tag teff logg feh"
self.add_hdr += " bulgemass diskmass detA e1 e2 kappa g1 g2 size galType veldisp "
self.add_fmt = " %10s %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f"
self.add_fmt += " %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %4d %8.4f "
def load_norm_filt(self, obj):
if obj.type == "star":
return self.normF_star
elif obj.type == "galaxy" or obj.type == "quasar":
# return self.normF_galaxy
return None
return None
# def _load_SED_lib_star(self):
# self.tempSED_star = h5.File(self.star_SED_path,'r')
# def _load_SED_lib_gals(self):
# pcs = h5.File(os.path.join(self.galaxy_SED_path, "pcs.h5"), "r")
# lamb = h5.File(os.path.join(self.galaxy_SED_path, "lamb.h5"), "r")
# self.lamb_gal = lamb['lamb'][()]
# self.pcs = pcs['pcs'][()]
# def _load_SED_lib_AGN(self):
# from import fits
# self.SED_AGN =[0].data
# self.lamb_AGN = np.load(self.AGN_SED_wave_path)
def _load_stars(self, stars, pix_id=None):
nstars = len(stars['sourceID'])
# Apply astrometric modeling
ra_arr = stars["RA"][:]
dec_arr = stars["Dec"][:]
pmra_arr = stars['pmra'][:]
pmdec_arr = stars['pmdec'][:]
rv_arr = stars['RV'][:]
parallax_arr = stars['parallax'][:]
if self.config["obs_setting"]["enable_astrometric_model"]:
ra_list = ra_arr.tolist()
dec_list = dec_arr.tolist()
pmra_list = pmra_arr.tolist()
pmdec_list = pmdec_arr.tolist()
rv_list = rv_arr.tolist()
parallax_list = parallax_arr.tolist()
dt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self.pointing.timestamp)
date_str =
time_str = dt.time().isoformat()
ra_arr, dec_arr = on_orbit_obs_position(
for istars in range(nstars):
# # (TEST)
# if istars > 100:
# break
param = self.initialize_param()
param['ra'] = ra_arr[istars]
param['dec'] = dec_arr[istars]
param['ra_orig'] = stars["RA"][istars]
param['dec_orig'] = stars["Dec"][istars]
param['pmra'] = pmra_arr[istars]
param['pmdec'] = pmdec_arr[istars]
param['rv'] = rv_arr[istars]
param['parallax'] = parallax_arr[istars]
if not self.chip.isContainObj(ra_obj=param['ra'], dec_obj=param['dec'], margin=200):
param['mag_use_normal'] = stars['app_sdss_g'][istars]
# if param['mag_use_normal'] >= 26.5:
# continue
self.ids += 1
param['id'] = stars['sourceID'][istars]
param['sed_type'] = stars['sourceID'][istars]
param['model_tag'] = stars['model_tag'][istars]
param['teff'] = stars['teff'][istars]
param['logg'] = stars['grav'][istars]
param['feh'] = stars['feh'][istars]
param['z'] = 0.0
param['star'] = 1 # Star
obj = Star(param, logger=self.logger)
# Append additional output columns to the .cat file
obj.additional_output_str = self.add_fmt%(param["model_tag"], param['teff'], param['logg'], param['feh'],
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., -1, 0.)
def _load_calibObj(self):
data =
ra_arr = data['RA']
dec_arr = data['DEC']
pSource_flag = data['POINTSOURCE_FLAG']
ngals = len(data)
for igals in range(ngals):
# # (TEST)
# if igals > 100:
# break
param = self.initialize_param()
param['ra'] = ra_arr[igals]
param['dec'] = dec_arr[igals]
param['ra_orig'] = data['RA'][igals]
param['dec_orig'] = data['DEC'][igals]
param['mag_use_normal'] = data['MAG_g'][igals]
# if self.filt.is_too_dim(mag=param['mag_use_normal'], margin=self.config["obs_setting"]["mag_lim_margin"]):
# continue
param['z'] = -99
param['model_tag'] = 'None'
param['g1'] = 0
param['g2'] = 0
param['kappa'] = 0
param['e1'] = 0
param['e2'] = 0
param['id'] = data['ID'][igals]
param['SPEC_FN'] = data['SPEC_FN'][igals]
# NOTE: this cut cannot be put before the SED type has been assigned
if not self.chip.isContainObj(ra_obj=param['ra'], dec_obj=param['dec'], margin=200):
# For shape calculation
if pSource_flag[igals]:
param['star'] = 4
obj = Star(param, logger=self.logger)
param['ell_total'] = np.sqrt(param['e1'] ** 2 + param['e2'] ** 2)
if param['ell_total'] > 0.9:
param['e1_disk'] = 0
param['e2_disk'] = 0
param['e1_bulge'] = 0
param['e2_bulge'] = 0
param['delta_ra'] = 0
param['delta_dec'] = 0
# Masses
# param['bulgemass'] = gals['bulgemass'][igals]
# param['diskmass'] = gals['diskmass'][igals]
# param['size'] = gals['size'][igals]
# if param['size'] > self.max_size:
# self.max_size = param['size']
# Sersic index
param['disk_sersic_idx'] = data['SERSIC_N'][igals]
param['bulge_sersic_idx'] = 1.
param['hlr_bulge'] = data['RE'][igals]
param['hlr_disk'] = data['RE'][igals]
param['bfrac'] = 0
# TEST no redening and no extinction
param['av'] = 0.0
param['redden'] = 0
param['star'] = 4
obj = Galaxy(param, logger=self.logger)
self.ids += 1
# param['id'] = self.ids
def _load(self, **kwargs):
self.objs = []
self.ids = 0
if "CALIB_cat" in self.config["catalog_options"]["input_path"] and \
"CALIB_cat"] and not self.config["catalog_options"]["star_only"]:
except Exception as e:
if self.logger is not None:"maximum galaxy size: %.4f"%(self.max_size))"number of objects in catalog: %d"%(len(self.objs)))
print("number of objects in catalog: ", len(self.objs))
def load_sed(self, obj, **kwargs):
if obj.type == 'calib':
data =,obj.SPEC_FN))
obj_w = data['WAVELENGTH']
obj_f = data['FLUX']
input_delt_w = np.min(obj_w[1:]-obj_w[0:-1])
if input_delt_w > 0.5:
lamb = np.arange(2000, 11000 + 0.5, 0.5)
speci = interpolate.interp1d(obj_w, obj_f)
y1 = speci(lamb)
lamb = obj_w
y1 = obj_f
# erg/s/cm2/A --> photon/s/m2/A
y1_phot = y1 * lamb / (cons.h.value * cons.c.value) * 1e-13
sed = Table(np.array([lamb, y1_phot]).T,
names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'))
sed_photon = np.array([sed['WAVELENGTH'], sed['FLUX']]).T
sed_photon = galsim.LookupTable(x=np.array(sed_photon[:, 0]), f=np.array(sed_photon[:, 1]),
sed_photon = galsim.SED(sed_photon, wave_type='A', flux_type='1', fast=False)
interFlux = integrate_sed_bandpass(sed=sed_photon, bandpass=self.filt.bandpass_full)
obj.param['mag_use_normal'] = getABMAG(interFlux, self.filt.bandpass_full)
return sed
raise ValueError("Object type not known")
# Configuration file for CSST simulation
# Overall settings
# CSST-Sim Group, 2024/01/08
# Base diretories and naming setup
# can add some of the command-line arguments here as well;
# ok to pass either way or both, as long as they are consistent
work_dir: "/home/zhangxin/CSST_SIM/CSST_sim_develop"
# run_name: "shutter_test"
run_name: "calib_test"
# Project cycle and run counter are used to name the outputs
project_cycle: 9
run_counter: 1
# Run options
use_mpi: YES
# Output catalog only?
# If yes, no imaging simulation will be run. Only the catalogs
# of corresponding footprints will be generated.
out_cat_only: NO
# Catalog setting
# Configure the input catalog: options should be implemented
# in the corresponding (user defined) 'Catalog' class
CALIB_cat: "/nfsdata/share/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/calibration_data/PNE/calibrationPNESPEC_CHIP_ALL_SLS.fits"
# CALIB_cat: "/home/zhangxin/CSST_SIM/CSST_sim_develop/test_config/calibrationPNESPEC_CHIP2_GV_test.fits"
CALIB_SED: "/nfsdata/share/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/calibration_data/PNE/spec/"
# Only simulate stars?
star_only: NO
# Only simulate galaxies?
galaxy_only: NO
# Observation setting
# (Optional) a file of point list
# if you just want to run default pointing:
# - pointing_dir: null
# - pointing_file: null
# pointing_file: "/nfsdata/share/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/pointing_denseFiled.dat"
# pointing_file: "/nfsdata/share/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/pointing_50_1_n.dat"
pointing_file: "/home/zhangxin/CSST_SIM/CSST_sim_develop/test_config/pointing_calib.dat"
# obs_config_file: "/home/zhangxin/CSST_SIM/CSST_sim_develop/test_config/obs_config_SCI_WIDE_phot.yaml"
# obs_config_file: "/home/zhangxin/CSST_SIM/CSST_sim_develop/test_config/obs_config_LEDFLAT_LED01_SHT-YES.yaml"
# Run specific pointing(s):
# - give a list of indexes of pointings: [ip_1, ip_2...]
# - run all pointings: null
# Note: only valid when a pointing list is specified
run_pointings: null
# Whether to enable astrometric modeling
enable_astrometric_model: YES
# Cut by saturation magnitude in which band?
cut_in_band: "z"
# saturation magnitude margin
mag_sat_margin: -2.5
# mag_sat_margin: -15.
# limiting magnitude margin
mag_lim_margin: +1.0
# PSF setting
# Which PSF model to use:
# "Gauss": simple gaussian profile
# "Interp": Interpolated PSF from sampled ray-tracing data
psf_model: "Interp"
# PSF size [arcseconds]
# radius of 80% energy encircled
# NOTE: only valid for "Gauss" PSF
psf_rcont: 0.3
# path to PSF data
# NOTE: only valid for "Interp" PSF
# PSF models for photometry survey simulation
psf_pho_dir: "/nfsdata/share/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/psfcube/set1_dynamic/"
# PSF models for slitless spectrum survey simulation
# psf_sls_dir: "/nfsdata/share/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/SLS_PSF_PCA_fp_orders/"
psf_sls_dir: "/nfsdata/share/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/SLS_PSF_PCA_fp/"
# Shear setting
# Options to generate mock shear field:
# "constant": all galaxies are assigned a constant reduced shear
# "catalog": get shear values from catalog
shear_type: "constant"
# For constant shear field
reduced_g1: 0.
reduced_g2: 0.
# Output options
output_format: "channels" # Whether to export as 16 channels (subimages) with pre- and over-scan ("image"/"channels")
shutter_output: NO # Whether to export shutter effect 16-bit image
prnu_output: NO # Whether to export the PRNU (pixel-to-pixel flat-fielding) files
# Random seeds
seed_poisson: 20210601 # Seed for Poisson noise
seed_CR: 20210317 # Seed for generating random cosmic ray maps
seed_flat: 20210101 # Seed for generating random flat fields
seed_prnu: 20210102 # Seed for photo-response non-uniformity
seed_gainNonUniform: 20210202 # Seed for gain nonuniformity
seed_biasNonUniform: 20210203 # Seed for bias nonuniformity
seed_rnNonUniform: 20210204 # Seed for readout-noise nonuniformity
seed_badcolumns: 20240309 # Seed for bad columns
seed_defective: 20210304 # Seed for defective (bad) pixels
seed_readout: 20210601 # Seed for read-out gaussian noise
\ No newline at end of file
# Configuration file for CSST simulation
# For single exposure type:
# CSST-Sim Group, 2024/01/08
# Observation type
obs_type: "SCI"
obs_type_code: "101"
obs_id: "00000001" # this setting will only be used if pointing list file is not given
# Define list of chips
# run_chips: [6,7,8,9,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,22,23,24,25] # Photometric chips
#run_chips: [1,2,3,4,5,10,21,26,27,28,29,30] # Spectroscopic chips
run_chips: [1]
# Define observation sequence
# Accumulate fluxes from objects
# [Optional]: exposure time of the pointing will be used as default.
# Set it here is you want to override the default
# exptime: 150. # [s]
shutter_effect: YES
flat_fielding: YES
field_dist: NO
# Accumulate fluxes from sky background
# sky_background:
# # [Optional]: exposure time of the pointing will be used as default.
# # Set it here is you want to override the default
# # exptime: 150. # [s]
# shutter_effect: YES
# flat_fielding: YES
# enable_straylight_model: NO
# # flat_level: set the total skybackground value (e-) in the exptime,if none,set null, or delete the key
# # flat_level_filt: the vale of "flat_level" is in the filter "flat_level_filt", can set NUV, u, g, r, i, z, y, if
# # none,set null,or delete the key
# flat_level: 0.1
# flat_level_filt: g
# Apply PRNU to accumulated photons
PRNU_effect: {}
# Accumulate photons caused by cosmic rays
# cosmic_rays:
# # [Optional]: exposure time of the pointing will be used as default.
# # Set it here is you want to override the default
# # exptime: 150. # [s]
# save_cosmic_img: YES # # Whether to export cosmic ray image
# # Add Poission noise and dark current
# [Optional]: exposure time of the pointing will be used as default.
# Set it here is you want to override the default
# exptime: 150. # [s]
add_dark: YES
# Simulate brighter fatter effects
bright_fatter: {}
# Add detector defects: hot/warm pixels, bad columns
# detector_defects:
# hot_pixels: YES
# dead_pixels: YES
# bad_columns: YES
# Apply response nonlinearity
nonlinearity: {}
# Apply CCD Saturation & Blooming
blooming: {}
# Run CTE simulation
# CTE_effect: {}
# Add prescan and overscan
# prescan_overscan:
# add_dark: YES
# Add bias
bias_16channel: NO
# Add readout noise
readout_noise: {}
# Apply gain
gain_16channel: NO
# Output the final image
format_output: NO
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