Commit f751d1a2 authored by Fang Yuedong's avatar Fang Yuedong
Browse files

first commit

parent 51c4b6a8
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class BaseGrid(object):
_valid_grid_types = ['RectGrid', 'HexGrid']
_valid_mixed_types = ['MixedGrid']
class Grid(BaseGrid):
def __init__(self, grid_spacing, wcs, Npix_x=10000, Npix_y=10000, pixelscale=0.074, rot_angle=None, pos_offset=None, angle_unit='rad'):
self.grid_spacing = grid_spacing
self.im_gs = grid_spacing * (1.0 / pixelscale) # pixels
self.pixelscale = pixelscale
self.Npix_x, self.Npix_y = Npix_x, Npix_y
self.wcs = wcs
self.rot_angle = rot_angle # rotation angle, in rad
self.angle_unit = angle_unit
if pos_offset:
self.pos_offset = np.array(pos_offset)
self.pos_offset = np.array([0., 0.])
# May have to modify grid corners if there is a rotation
if rot_angle:
dx = Npix_x / 2.
dy = Npix_y / 2.
if angle_unit == 'deg':
theta = np.deg2rad(rot_angle)
theta = rot_angle
self.startx = (0.-dx) * np.cos(theta) - (Npix_y-dy) * np.sin(theta) + dx
self.endx = (Npix_x-dx) * np.cos(theta) - (0.-dy) * np.sin(theta) + dx
self.starty = (0.-dx) * np.cos(theta) + (0.-dy) * np.sin(theta) + dx
self.endy = (Npix_x-dx) * np.cos(theta) + (Npix_y-dy) * np.sin(theta) + dx
self.startx, self.endx= 0., Npix_x
self.starty, self.endy= 0., Npix_y
def rotate_grid(self, theta, offset=None, angle_unit='rad'):
if angle_unit == 'deg':
theta = np.deg2rad(theta)
elif angle_unit != 'rad':
raise ValueError('`angle_unit` can only be `deg` or `rad`! ' +
'Passed unit of {}'.format(angle_unit))
if not offset: offset = [0., 0.]
c, s = np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)
R = np.array(((c,-s), (s, c)))
offset_grid = np.array([self.im_ra - offset[0], self.im_dec - offset[1]])
translate = np.empty_like(offset_grid)
translate[0,:] = offset[0]
translate[1,:] = offset[1]
rotated_grid =, offset_grid) + translate
self.im_pos = rotated_grid.T
self.im_ra, self.im_dec = self.im_pos[0,:], self.im_pos[1,:]
def cut2buffer(self):
Remove objects outside of tile (and buffer).
We must sample points in the buffer zone in the beginning due to
possible rotations.
b = self.im_gs
in_region = np.where( (self.im_pos[:,0]>b) & (self.im_pos[:,0]<self.Npix_x-b) &
(self.im_pos[:,1]>b) & (self.im_pos[:,1]<self.Npix_y-b) )
self.im_pos = self.im_pos[in_region]
self.im_ra = self.im_pos[:,0]
self.im_dec = self.im_pos[:,1]
# Get all image coordinate pairs
self.pos = self.wcs.wcs_pix2world(self.im_pos, 1)
self.ra = self.pos[:,0]
self.dec = self.pos[:,1]
class RectGrid(Grid):
def __init__(self, grid_spacing, wcs, Npix_x=10000, Npix_y=10000, pixelscale=0.074,
rot_angle=None, pos_offset=None, angle_unit='rad'):
super(RectGrid, self).__init__(grid_spacing, wcs, Npix_x=Npix_x, Npix_y=Npix_y,
pixelscale=pixelscale, rot_angle=rot_angle,
pos_offset=pos_offset, angle_unit=angle_unit)
def _create_grid(self):
im_gs = self.im_gs
po = self.pos_offset
im_po = po / self.pixelscale
self.im_ra = np.arange(self.startx, self.endx, im_gs)
self.im_dec = np.arange(self.starty, self.endy, im_gs)
# Get all image coordinate pairs
self.im_pos = np.array(np.meshgrid(self.im_ra, self.im_dec)).T.reshape(
-1, 2)
self.im_ra = self.im_pos[:,0]
self.im_dec = self.im_pos[:,1]
if self.rot_angle:
self.rotate_grid(self.rot_angle, angle_unit=self.angle_unit,
offset=[(self.Npix_x+im_po[0])/2., (self.Npix_y+im_po[1])/2.])
class HexGrid(Grid):
def __init__(self, grid_spacing, wcs, Npix_x=10000, Npix_y=10000, pixelscale=0.074,
rot_angle=None, pos_offset=None, angle_unit='rad'):
super(HexGrid, self).__init__(grid_spacing, wcs, Npix_x=Npix_x, Npix_y=Npix_y,
pixelscale=pixelscale, rot_angle=rot_angle,
pos_offset=pos_offset, angle_unit=angle_unit)
def _create_grid(self):
im_gs = self.im_gs
po = self.pos_offset
im_po = [p / self.pixelscale for p in po]
self.im_pos = HexGrid.calc_hex_coords(self.startx, self.starty, self.endx, self.endy, im_gs)
self.im_ra = self.im_pos[:, 0]
self.im_dec = self.im_pos[:, 1]
if self.rot_angle:
self.rotate_grid(self.rot_angle, angle_unit=self.angle_unit,
offset=[(self.Npix_x+im_po[0])/2., (self.Npix_y+im_po[1])/2.])
def calc_hex_coords(cls, startx, starty, endx, endy, radius):
# Geoemtric factors of given hexagon
r = radius
p = r * np.tan(np.pi / 6.) # side length / 2
h = 4. * p
dx = 2. * r
dy = 2. * p
row = 1
xs = []
ys = []
while startx < endx:
x = [startx, startx, startx + r, startx + dx, startx + dx, startx + r, startx + r]
startx += dx
while starty < endy:
y = [starty + p, starty + 3*p, starty + h, starty + 3*p, starty + p, starty, starty + dy]
starty += 2*p
row += 1
polygons = [zip(x, y) for x in xs for y in ys]
polygons = [np.column_stack((x, y)) for x in xs for y in ys]
# polygons = np.array(polygons)
hexgrid = cls.polygons2coords(polygons)
# Some hexagonal elements go beyond boundary; cut these out
indx = np.where( (hexgrid[:,0]<endx) & (hexgrid[:,1]<endy) )
return hexgrid[indx]
def polygons2coords(HexGrid, p):
s = np.shape(p)
L = s[0]*s[1]
pp = np.array(p).reshape(L,2)
c = np.vstack({tuple(row) for row in pp})
# Some of the redundant coordinates are offset by ~1e-10 pixels
return np.unique(c.round(decimals=6), axis=0)
def _build_grid(grid_type, **kwargs):
if grid_type in GRID_TYPES:
return GRID_TYPES[grid_type](**kwargs)
raise ValueError('There is not yet an implemnted default Grid of type {}'.format(grid_type))
'RectGrid': RectGrid,
'HexGrid': HexGrid
\ No newline at end of file
import numpy as np
import galsim
import Grid
import mathutil as util
class InjectionCatalog(object):
def __init__(self, image):
self.rmin, self.rmax = image.ramin, image.ramax
self.decmin, self.decmax = image.decmin, image.decmax
self.ra_boundary_cross = image.ra_boundary_cross
self.Npix_x, self.Npix_y = image.Npix_x, image.Npix_y
self.pixel_scale = image.pixel_scale
self.wcs = image.wcs
# This is also set for a given image, as it may depend on its area
self.objs_per_real = image.objs_per_real
# TODO: output truth catalog after injection
self.truth_outfile = {}
def generate_positions(self, config):
bg = Grid.BaseGrid()
self.nobjects = self.objs_per_real
ps = config['pos_sampling']
pstype = ps['type']
if pstype == 'uniform' and (self.objs_per_real is not None):
ra = util.sample_uniform_ra(self.ramin, self.ramax, self.objs_per_real,
dec = util.sample_uniform_dec(self.decmin, self.decmax, self.objs_per_real, unit='deg')
self.pos = np.column_stack((ra, dec))
elif pstype in bg._valid_grid_types:
grid_kwargs = self._build_grid_kwargs(pstype, ps)
gtype = pstype
img_grid = Grid._build_grid(gtype, **grid_kwargs)
self.pos = img_grid.pos
self.nobjects = np.shape(img_grid.pos)[0]
elif pstype in bg._valid_mixed_types:
raise ValueError('Position sampling type {} is not valid!'.format(gtype))
# Generate object indices (in input catalog)
# self.index = np.random.choice(xrange(input_nobjects), size=self.nobjects)
# Generate object rotation angles, if desired
if config['rotate_objs'] is True:
rot = util.sample_uniform(0., 360., self.nobjects)
self.rotate = np.array([str(r) + ' deg' for r in rot])
self.rotate = None
def _build_grid_kwargs(self, pstype, ps):
if pstype == 'MixedGrid':
gtype = ps['grid_type']
gtype = pstype
gs = ps['grid_spacing']
r = ps['rotate']
if (isinstance(r, str) and (r.lower() == 'random')):
if gtype == 'RectGrid':
self.grid_rot_angle = np.random.uniform(0., np.pi/2.)
elif gtype == 'HexGrid':
self.grid_rot_angle = np.random.uniform(0., np.pi/3.)
unit = ps['angle_unit']
if unit == 'deg':
if (r >= 0.) and (r < 360.):
self.grid_rot_angle = float(r)
raise ValueError('Grid rotation of {} '.format(r) + 'deg is not valid!')
if (r >= 0.) and (r < 2*np.pi):
self.grid_rot_angle = float(r)
raise ValueError('Grid rotation of {} '.format(r) + 'rad is not valid!')
except KeyError:
self.grid_rot_angle = 0.0
# Offset grid if desired
offset = ps['offset']
if (isinstance(offset, str)) and (offset.lower() == 'random'):
self.grid_offset = [np.random.uniform(-gs/2., gs/2.),
np.random.uniform(-gs/2., gs/2.)]
if isinstance(offset, list):
self.grid_offset = list(offset)
raise ValueError('Grid offset of {} '.format(offset) + 'is not valid!')
except KeyError:
self.grid_offset = [0., 0.]
self.angle_unit = ps['angle_unit']
except KeyError:
self.angle_unit = 'rad'
grid_kwargs = dict(grid_spacing=gs,
return grid_kwargs
def get_truth_outfile(self):
import galsim
import galsim.config.stamp as stamp
import logging
import os
import numpy as np
import grid
class AddOnImageBuilder(galsim.config.image_scattered.ScatteredImageBuilder):
def setup(self, config, base, image_num, obj_num, ignore, logger):
ignore = ignore + ['initial_image']
return super(AddOnImageBuilder, self).setup(config, base, image_num, obj_num, ignore, logger)
def addNoise(self, image, config, base, image_num, obj_num, current_var, logger):
super(AddOnImageBuilder, self).addNoise(image, config, base, image_num, obj_num, current_var, logger)
initial_image_name = galsim.config.ParseValue(config, 'initial_image', base, str)[0]
initial_image =
image += initial_image
galsim.config.RegisterImageType('AddOnImage', AddOnImageBuilder())
class InjectImageBuilder(AddOnImageBuilder):
def setup(self, config, base, image_num, obj_num, ignore, logger):
extra_ignore = ignore + ['tile_list', 'geom_file', 'tile_dir', 'config_dir', 'psf_dir',
'version', 'run_name', 'bands', 'n_objects', 'n_realizations',
'object_density', 'inj_objs_only', 'pos_sampling', 'realizations',
'extinct_objs', 'rotate_objs']
for key in config:
if 'N_' in key:
full_xsize, full_ysize = super(InjectImageBuilder, self).setup(config, base, image_num, obj_num, extra_ignore, logger)
# config = parse_inject_image_inputs(config, base)
return full_xsize, full_ysize
def addNoise(self, image, config, base, image_num, obj_num, current_var, logger):
ioo = config['inj_objs_only']
if (type(ioo) is bool) and (ioo is True):
return super(AddOnImageBuilder, self).addNoise(image,
elif (isinstance(ioo, dict)) and (ioo['value'] is True):
# Still want to use existing image if changed to be BKG
if (ioo['noise']) and ('BKG' in ioo['noise']):
return super(InjectImageBuilder, self).addNoise(image,
return super(AddOnImageBuilder, self).addNoise(image,
# Default is to add on top of initial images
return super(InjectImageBuilder, self).addNoise(image,
except KeyError:
# Default is to add on top of initial images
return super(InjectImageBuilder, self).addNoise(image,
galsim.config.RegisterImageType('InjectImage', InjectImageBuilder())
import os
import numpy as np
import h5py as h5
import random
import galsim
import astropy.constants as cons
from astropy.table import Table
from scipy import interpolate
from ObservationSim.MockObject import CatalogBase, Star, Galaxy, Quasar
from ObservationSim.MockObject._util import seds, sed_assign, extAv, tag_sed, getObservedSED
import importlib.resources as pkg_resources
except ImportError:
# Try backported to PY<37 'importlib_resources'
import importlib_resources as pkg_resources
class SimCat(CatalogBase):
def __init__(self, config, chip, nobjects=None):
self.cat_dir = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], config["input_path"]["cat_dir"])
self.config = config
self.chip = chip
self.seed_Av = config["random_seeds"]["seed_Av"]
with pkg_resources.path('', 'SLOAN_SDSS.g.fits') as filter_path:
self.normF_star =
with pkg_resources.path('', 'lsst_throuput_g.fits') as filter_path:
self.normF_galaxy =
if "star_cat" in config["input_path"] and config["input_path"]["star_cat"]:
star_file = config["input_path"]["star_cat"]
star_SED_file = config["SED_templates_path"]["star_SED"]
self.star_path = os.path.join(self.cat_dir, star_file)
self.star_SED_path = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], star_SED_file)
if "galaxy_cat" in config["input_path"] and config["input_path"]["galaxy_cat"]:
galaxy_file = config["input_path"]["galaxy_cat"]
self.galaxy_path = os.path.join(self.cat_dir, galaxy_file)
self.galaxy_SED_path = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], config["SED_templates_path"]["galaxy_SED"])
def _load_SED_lib_star(self):
self.tempSED_star = h5.File(self.star_SED_path,'r')
def _load_SED_lib_gals(self):
self.tempSed_gal, self.tempRed_gal = seds("galaxy.list", seddir=self.galaxy_SED_path)
def load_norm_filt(self, obj):
if obj.type == "star":
return self.normF_star
elif obj.type == "galaxy" or obj.type == "quasar":
return self.normF_galaxy
return None
def _load_gals(self, gals, pix_id=None, nobjects=None):
# Load how mnay objects?
if nobjects is None:
ngals = 5000
ngals = nobjects
self.rng_sedGal = random.Random()
self.rng_sedGal.seed(pix_id) # Use healpix index as the random seed
self.ud = galsim.UniformDeviate(pix_id)
for igals in range(ngals):
param = self.initialize_param()
param['ra'] = gals['ra_true'][igals]
param['dec'] = gals['dec_true'][igals]
# param['mag_use_normal'] = gals['mag_true_g_lsst'][igals]
# (TEST) use same magnitude
# (there will be slight difference due to randomness in SED)
param['mag_use_normal'] = 18
param['z'] = gals['redshift_true'][igals]
param['model_tag'] = 'None'
param['gamma1'] = 0
param['gamma2'] = 0
param['kappa'] = 0
param['delta_ra'] = 0
param['delta_dec'] = 0
hlrMajB = gals['size_bulge_true'][igals]
hlrMinB = gals['size_minor_bulge_true'][igals]
hlrMajD = gals['size_disk_true'][igals]
hlrMinD = gals['size_minor_disk_true'][igals]
aGal = gals['size_true'][igals]
bGal = gals['size_minor_true'][igals]
param['bfrac'] = gals['bulge_to_total_ratio_i'][igals]
param['theta'] = gals['position_angle_true'][igals]
param['hlr_bulge'] = np.sqrt(hlrMajB * hlrMinB)
param['hlr_disk'] = np.sqrt(hlrMajD * hlrMinD)
param['ell_bulge'] = (hlrMajB - hlrMinB)/(hlrMajB + hlrMinB)
param['ell_disk'] = (hlrMajD - hlrMinD)/(hlrMajD + hlrMinD)
param['ell_tot'] = (aGal - bGal) / (aGal + bGal)
# Assign each galaxy a template SED
param['sed_type'] = sed_assign(phz=param['z'], btt=param['bfrac'], rng=self.rng_sedGal)
param['redden'] = self.tempRed_gal[param['sed_type']]
param['av'] = self.avGal[int(self.ud()*self.nav)]
if param['sed_type'] <= 5:
param['av'] = 0.0
param['redden'] = 0
param['star'] = 0 # Galaxy
if param['sed_type'] >= 29:
param['av'] = 0.6 * param['av'] / 3.0 # for quasar, av=[0, 0.2],
param['star'] = 2 # Quasar
param['id'] = gals['galaxyID'][igals]
if param['star'] == 0:
obj = Galaxy(param)
if param['star'] == 2:
obj = Quasar(param)
def _load(self, nobjects=None):
# (TEST) use objects in healpix:
pix = 48656
self.nav = 15005
self.avGal = extAv(self.nav, seed=self.seed_Av)
self.objs = []
gals_cat = h5.File(self.galaxy_path, 'r')['galaxies']
gals = gals_cat[str(pix)]
self._load_gals(gals, pix_id=pix, nobjects=nobjects)
del gals
def load_sed(self, obj, **kwargs):
if obj.type == 'star':
_, wave, flux = tag_sed(
elif obj.type == 'galaxy' or obj.type == 'quasar':
sed_data = getObservedSED(
wave, flux = sed_data[0], sed_data[1]
raise ValueError("Object type not known")
speci = interpolate.interp1d(wave, flux)
lamb = np.arange(2000, 18001 + 0.5, 0.5)
y = speci(lamb)
# erg/s/cm2/A --> photo/s/m2/A
all_sed = y * lamb / (cons.h.value * cons.c.value) * 1e-13
sed = Table(np.array([lamb, all_sed]).T, names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'))
del wave
del flux
return sed
\ No newline at end of file
# injection_pipeline
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Pipeline for source injection
\ No newline at end of file
import numpy as np
import copy
from astropy import wcs
from import fits
import galsim
from ObservationSim.Instrument import Chip, Filter, FilterParam, FocalPlane, Telescope
from ObservationSim.PSF import PSFGauss, PSFInterp
class SingleEpochImage(object):
def __init__(self, config, filepath):
self.header0, self.header_img, self.img = self.read_initial_image(filepath)
self.output_img_fname = config['output_img_name']
if config['n_objects'] is not None:
# Fixed number of objects per image
self.objs_per_real = config['n_objects']
elif config['object_density'] is not None:
# Fixed number density of objects
self.objs_per_real = round(self.u_area * config['object_density'])
# Grid types: calculate nobjects later
self.objs_per_real = None = Telescope()
# Determine which CCD
self.chip_ID = int(self.header0['DETECTOR'][-2:])
# Determine epxosure time
self.exp_time = float(self.header0['EXPTIME'])
config["obs_setting"]["exp_time"] = self.exp_time
# Construnct Chip object
self.chip = Chip(chipID=self.chip_ID, config=config)
# Load PSF model
if config["psf_setting"]["psf_model"] == "Gauss":
self.psf_model = PSFGauss(chip=self.chip)
elif config["psf_setting"]["psf_model"] == "Interp":
self.psf_model = PSFInterp(chip=self.chip, PSF_data_file=config["psf_setting"]["psf_dir"])
filter_id, filter_type = self.chip.getChipFilter()
filter_param = FilterParam()
self.filt = Filter(filter_id=filter_id,
self.focal_plane = FocalPlane()
def setup_image_for_injection(self):
ra_cen = self.wcs.wcs.crval[0]
dec_cen = self.wcs.wcs.crval[1]
self.wcs_fp = self.focal_plane.getTanWCS(ra_cen, dec_cen, self.pos_ang*galsim.degrees, self.pixel_scale)
# self.inj_img = galsim.ImageF(self.chip.npix_x, self.chip.npix_y)
self.chip.img = galsim.Image(self.img, copy=True)
self.chip.img.setOrigin(self.chip.bound.xmin, self.chip.bound.ymin)
self.chip.img.wcs = self.wcs_fp
def read_initial_image(self, filepath):
data =
header0 = data[0].header
header1 = data[1].header
image = fits.getdata(filepath)
# (TEMP)
image = np.float64(image)
image *= 1.1
image -= 500.
temp_img = galsim.Image(image, copy=True)
temp_img.array[temp_img.array > 65535] = 65535
temp_img = galsim.Image(temp_img.array, dtype=np.uint16)
# self.chip.img = galsim.Image(self.chip.img.array, dtype=np.int32)
hdu1 = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=header0)
hdu2 = fits.ImageHDU(temp_img.array, header=header1)
hdu1 = fits.HDUList([hdu1, hdu2])
fname = "nullwt_image_for_injection.fits"
hdu1.writeto(fname, output_verify='ignore', overwrite=True)
return header0, header1, image
def _get_wcs(self, header):
crpix1 = float(header['CRPIX1'])
crpix2 = float(header['CRPIX2'])
crval1 = float(header['CRVAL1'])
crval2 = float(header['CRVAL2'])
ctype1 = str(header['CTYPE1'])
ctype2 = str(header['CTYPE2'])
cd1_1 = float(header['CD1_1'])
cd1_2 = float(header['CD1_2'])
cd2_1 = float(header['CD2_1'])
cd2_2 = float(header['CD2_2'])
self.pos_ang = float(header['POS_ANG'])
# Create WCS object
self.wcs = wcs.WCS()
self.wcs.wcs.crpix = [crpix1, crpix2]
self.wcs.wcs.crval = [crval1, crval2]
self.wcs.wcs.ctype = [ctype1, ctype2] = [[cd1_1, cd1_2], [cd2_1, cd2_2]]
self.pixel_scale = 0.074
self.Npix_x = int(header['NAXIS1'])
self.Npix_y = int(header['NAXIS2'])
def _determine_unique_area(self, config):
coners = np.array([(1, 1), (1, self.Npix_y), (self.Npix_x, 1), (self.Npix_x, self.Npix_y)])
coners = self.wcs.wcs_pix2world(coners, 1)
ra_coners = coners[:, 0]
dec_coners = coners[:, 1]
self.ramin, self.ramax = min(ra_coners), max(ra_coners)
self.decmin, self.decmax = min(dec_coners), max(dec_coners)
if self.ramax - self.ramin > 1.:
self.ra_boundary_cross = True
self.ra_boundary_cross = False
d1, d2 = np.deg2rad([self.decmin, self.decmax])
r1, r2 = self.ramin, self.ramax
if self.ra_boundary_cross:
r2 = r2 + 360.
# In deg^2
a = (180. / np.pi) * (r2 - r1) * (np.sin(d2) - np.sin(d1))
# Save in arcmin^2
self.u_area = 3600. * a
def inject_objects(self, pos, cat):
nobj = len(pos)
# Make sure we have enough objects to inject
assert nobj <= len(cat.objs)
for i in range(nobj):
obj = cat.objs[i]
sed_data = cat.load_sed(obj)
norm_filt = cat.load_norm_filt(obj)
obj.sed, obj.param["mag_%s"%self.filt.filter_type], obj.param["flux_%s"%self.filt.filter_type] = cat.convert_sed(
except Exception as e:
# Update object position to a point on grid
obj.param['ra'], obj.param['dec'] = pos[i][0], pos[i][1]
pos_img, offset, local_wcs = obj.getPosImg_Offset_WCS(img=self.chip.img)
print(pos_img.x, pos_img.y)
isUpdated, pos_shear = obj.drawObj_multiband(,
if isUpdated:
# TODO: add up stats
# print("updating output catalog...")
# print("object omitted", flush=True)
except Exception as e:
# Unload SED:
del obj
def save_injected_img(self):
self.chip.img.array[self.chip.img.array > 65535] = 65535
self.chip.img = galsim.Image(self.chip.img.array, dtype=np.uint16)
# self.chip.img = galsim.Image(self.chip.img.array, dtype=np.int32)
hdu1 = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=self.header0)
hdu2 = fits.ImageHDU(self.chip.img.array, header=self.header_img)
hdu1 = fits.HDUList([hdu1, hdu2])
# fname = 'test_inject.fits'
# fname = '20220621_test_injection.fits'
fname = self.output_img_fname
hdu1.writeto(fname, output_verify='ignore', overwrite=True)
import argparse
def parse_args():
Parse command line arguments. Many of the following
can be set in the .yaml config file as well.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('config_file', help='.yaml config file for injection settings.')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--config_dir', help='Directory that houses the .yaml config file.')
# parser.add_argument('-d', '--data_dir', help='Directory that houses the input data.')
# parser.add_argument('-w', '--work_dir', help='The path for output.')
return parser.parse_args()
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# Configuration file for CSST object injection
# Last modified: 2022/06/19
n_objects: 20
rotate_objs: False
# type: "HexGrid"
type: "RectGrid"
grid_spacing: 74 # arcsec (~1000 pixels)
# output_img_name: "test_HexGrid_20220628.fits"
output_img_name: "test_RectGrid_20220628.fits"
# PSF setting
# Which PSF model to use:
# "Gauss": simple gaussian profile
# "Interp": Interpolated PSF from sampled ray-tracing data
psf_model: "Interp"
# PSF size [arcseconds]
# radius of 80% energy encircled
# NOTE: only valid for "Gauss" PSF
psf_rcont: 0.15
# path to PSF data
# NOTE: only valid for "Interp" PSF
psf_dir: "/data/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/csstPSFdata/psfCube"
# Input path setting
# (NOTE) Used NGP Catalog for testing
# Default path settings for NGP footprint simulation
data_dir: "/data/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/"
cat_dir: "OnOrbitCalibration/CTargets20211231"
star_cat: "CT-NGP_r1.8_G28.hdf5"
galaxy_cat: "galaxyCats_r_3.0_healpix_shift_192.859500_27.128300.hdf5"
star_SED: "Catalog_20210126/SpecLib.hdf5"
galaxy_SED: "Templates/Galaxy/"
# Instrumental effects setting
# (NOTE) Here only used to construct
# ObservationSim.Instrument.Chip object
# (TODO) Should readout from header
# switches
bright_fatter: ON # Whether to simulate Brighter-Fatter (also diffusion) effect
# values
dark_exptime: 300 # Exposure time for dark current frames [seconds]
flat_exptime: 150 # Exposure time for flat-fielding frames [seconds]
readout_time: 40 # The read-out time for each channel [seconds]
df_strength: 2.3 # Sillicon sensor diffusion strength
bias_level: 500 # bias level [e-/pixel]
gain: 1.1 # Gain
full_well: 90000 # Full well depth [e-]
# Random seeds
seed_Av: 121212 # Seed for generating random intrinsic extinction
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from import fits
from astropy import wcs
import galsim
import os
import yaml
from SingleEpochImage import SingleEpochImage
from InjectionCatalog import InjectionCatalog
from InputCatalogs import SimCat
from Grid import RectGrid
from config import parse_args
# img_file = 'CSST_MSC_MS_SCI_20240617065639_20240617065909_100000000_24_L0_1.fits'
img_file = 'CSST_MSC_MS_SCI_20240617065639_20240617065909_100000000_23_L0_1.fits' # null-weight test image
args = parse_args()
if args.config_dir is None:
args.config_dir = ''
args.config_dir = os.path.abspath(args.config_dir)
args.config_file = os.path.join(args.config_dir, args.config_file)
with open(args.config_file, "r") as stream:
config = yaml.safe_load(stream)
for key, value in config.items():
print (key + " : " + str(value))
except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
image = SingleEpochImage(config=config, filepath=img_file)
# print(image.ramin, image.ramax, image.u_area, image.ra_boundary_cross)
inject_cat = InjectionCatalog(image=image)
input_cat = SimCat(config=config, chip=image.chip, nobjects=inject_cat.nobjects)
print(inject_cat.pos, inject_cat.nobjects)
image.inject_objects(pos=inject_cat.pos, cat=input_cat)
\ No newline at end of file
import numpy as np
# Unit conversions and misc functions
def deg2arcmin(val):
return 60.0 * val
def arcmin2deg(val):
return val / 60.0
def sample_uniform_ra(r1, r2, N=None, boundary_cross=False):
Sample N random RA values from r1 to r2, where r1<r2. If boundary_cross
is set to True, will adjust inputs to allow sampling over 360/0 boundary.
# Adjust r1, r2 if they cross the 360/0 ra boundary
if boundary_cross is True:
# NOTE: ramin/ramax are saved the same way as the geometry file catalog,
# which is to say ramin/ramax are always 'left'/'right' boundary, even if
# ramax < ramin across boundary.
# This means that r1, while 'min', is larger and needs to be adjusted down.
r1_shift = r1 - 360.0
shifted_dist = sample_uniform(r1_shift, r2, N)
shifted_dist[shifted_dist < 0.0] += 360.0
return shifted_dist
# NOTE: Equivalent to below DEC procedure for ra = P(r2-r1)+r1 for P in (0,1)
return sample_uniform(r1, r2, N)
def sample_uniform_dec(d1, d2, N=None, unit='deg'):
Sample N random DEC values from d1 to d2, accounting for curvature of sky.
if N is None: N=1
# Convert dec to radians if not already
if unit == 'deg' or unit == 'degree':
d1, d2 = np.deg2rad(d1), np.deg2rad(d2)
# Uniform sampling from 0 to 1
P = np.random.rand(N)
# Can't use `sample_uniform()` as dec needs angular weighting
delta = np.arcsin(P * (np.sin(d2) - np.sin(d1)) +np.sin(d1))
# Return correct unit
if unit is 'deg' or unit is 'degree':
return np.rad2deg(delta)
elif unit is 'rad' or unit is 'radian':
return delta
raise TypeError('Only deg/degree or rad/radian are allowed as inputs!')
def sample_uniform_indx(n1, n2, N=None):
'Samples N random indices from n1 to n2'
return np.random.randint(n1, high=n2, size=N)
def sample_uniform(v1, v2, N=None):
'Samples N random values from v1 to v2'
if N is None: N=1
return np.random.uniform(low=v1, high=v2, size=N)
python /public/home/fangyuedong/test/injection_pipeline/ config_injection.yaml -c /public/home/fangyuedong/test/injection_pipeline/
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