Commit ff118a41 authored by Fang Yuedong's avatar Fang Yuedong
Browse files

add L1 msc instrument pipeline modules

parent de19281e
import os
from .csst_msc_mbi_instrument import core_msc_l1_mbi_instrument
__all__ = ["core_msc_l1_mbi_instrument"]
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This diff is collapsed.
Identifier: csst-l1/msc/csst_msc_instrument/csst_msc_instrument/
Description: Data format conversion.
Author: Li Shao (
Created: 2023-11-16
2023-11-16, Li Shao, created
2023-11-22, Li Shao, split from common_detector
2023-11-23, Li Shao, change the way to get CCDArrayConfig
2023-12-21, Li Shao, add function convert_format_one_cube
2024-02-06, Li Shao, move to csst_msc_instrument
2024-03-05, Li Shao, merge all three functions into one
import numpy as np
from .config import get_array_config
__all__ = ["convert_format", ]
def convert_format(image: np.ndarray,
output_format: str,
array_config_name: str = 'CCDArrayConfig',
) -> np.ndarray:
Convert image format.
The function will automatically detect input format and convert to the output format.
The output format includes: "raw", "cube", "sky".
image : numpy.ndarray
Input 2-D image.
output_format : str
The output format name: "raw", "cube" or "sky".
array_config_name : str, optional
The name of the pixel array configuration class. Default is "CCDArrayConfig".
Converted image. If convert from "sky" to other format, non-active region will be filled with 0.
config = get_array_config(array_config_name)
conf_raw = config('raw')
conf_cube = config('cube')
conf_sky = config('sky')
shape_input = image.shape
if np.array_equal(shape_input, conf_raw.get_shape(full=True)):
iconf = conf_raw
elif np.array_equal(shape_input, conf_cube.get_shape(full=True)):
iconf = conf_cube
elif np.array_equal(shape_input, conf_sky.get_shape(full=True)):
iconf = conf_sky
raise ValueError('Input data shape is inconsistent with array configuration.')
if output_format == 'raw':
oconf = conf_raw
elif output_format == 'cube':
oconf = conf_cube
elif output_format == 'sky':
oconf = conf_sky
raise ValueError('Invalid output type: "{}". Must be "raw", "cube" or "sky".'.format(output_format))
if iconf == oconf:
print('Warning: input and output is the same. No format conversion is performed.')
return image
if iconf.image_format == 'sky' or output_format == 'sky':
rtype = 'active'
rtype = 'channel'
oshape = oconf.get_shape(full=True)
output = np.zeros(oshape, dtype=image.dtype)
for i in range(iconf.nchan):
cutout = iconf.get_cutout(i+1, image, rtype=rtype)
oconf.set_cutout(i+1, output, cutout, rtype=rtype)
return output
Identifier: csst-l1/msc/csst_msc_instrument/csst_msc_instrument/image/
Description: Instrument effect module (basic operations).
Author: Li Shao (
Created: 2023-11-27
2023-11-27, Li Shao, created
2024-02-06, Li Shao, move to csst_msc_instrument
from .basic import subtract_bias, subtract_dark
from .crosstalk import remove_crosstalk
from .gain import apply_gain
from .overscan import correct_overscan
__all__ = ['correct_overscan', 'apply_gain', 'subtract_bias', 'remove_crosstalk', 'subtract_dark', ]
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Identifier: csst-l1/msc/csst_msc_instrument/csst_msc_instrument/image/
Description: Basic instrument effect correction.
Author: Li Shao (
Created: 2023-11-16
2023-11-16, Li Shao, created
2023-11-22, Li Shao, split from common_detector
2024-02-06, Li Shao, move to csst_msc_instrument
import numpy as np
__all__ = ["subtract_bias", "subtract_dark", ]
def subtract_bias(image: np.ndarray,
image_err: np.ndarray,
bias: np.ndarray,
bias_err: np.ndarray,
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Subtract bias.
Subtract bias.
image : numpy.ndarray
The input image to be corrected.
image_err : numpy.ndarray
The uncertainty of input image.
bias : numpy.ndarray
The input bias to be subtracted.
bias_err : numpy.ndarray
The uncertainty of input bias.
output : np.ndarray
Output corrected image.
output_err : np.ndarray
Output uncertainty map.
output = image - bias
output_err = np.sqrt(image_err ** 2 + bias_err ** 2)
return output, output_err
def subtract_dark(image: np.ndarray,
image_err: np.ndarray,
dark: np.ndarray,
dark_err: np.ndarray,
tdark_image: float | int = 1.0,
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Subtract dark current.
Subtract dark current.
image : numpy.ndarray
The input image to be corrected.
image_err : numpy.ndarray
The uncertainty of input image.
dark : numpy.ndarray
The input dark current image to be subtracted.
dark_err : numpy.ndarray
The uncertainty of input dark current.
tdark_image : float or int, optional
The effective dark current cumulation time of input image. Default value is 1.0.
output : np.ndarray
Output corrected image.
output_err : np.ndarray
Output uncertainty map.
output = image - dark * tdark_image
output_err = np.sqrt(image_err ** 2 + (dark_err * tdark_image) ** 2)
return output, output_err
Identifier: csst-l1/msc/csst_msc_instrument/csst_msc_instrument/image/
Description: Crosstalk correction.
Author: Tianmeng Zhang (
Created: 2023-11-16
2023-11-16, Tianmeng Zhang, created
2023-11-22, Li Shao, split from common_detector
2024-02-06, Li Shao, move to csst_msc_instrument
import numpy as np
__all__ = ["remove_crosstalk", ]
def remove_crosstalk(data: np.ndarray,
crosstalk_coe: np.ndarray,
hdu_num: int = 16,
switch: bool = False,
) -> np.ndarray:
Function to remove the crosstalk between different channel.
Function to remove the crosstalk between different channel.
data : numpy.ndarray
The input data array which is needed to remove the crosstalk from each hdu, 3D-array.
crosstalk_coe : numpy.ndarray
The coefficients of crosstalk, in size [hdu_num, hdu_num].
hdu_num : int, optional
The number of extension for each detector.
switch : bool, optional
If True, do the crosstalk correction. If False, return original data. Default is False.
The data array after crosstalk correction, 3D-array.
data_cor = np.copy(data) # backup original data array
if switch:
for i in range(hdu_num):
for j in range(hdu_num):
data_cor[i, :, :] = data[i, :, :] + data[j, :, :] * crosstalk_coe[i, j]
data_cor = data
print('No crosstalk correction, return the original array')
return data_cor
Identifier: csst-l1/msc/csst_msc_instrument/csst_msc_instrument/image/
Description: Gain map related function.
Author: Li Shao (
Created: 2023-12-22
2023-12-22, Li Shao, created
2024-02-06, Li Shao, move to csst_msc_instrument
import numpy as np
from ..config import get_array_config
__all__ = ['apply_gain', 'make_gainmap_from_channel_value', ]
def apply_gain(image: np.ndarray,
gainmap: np.ndarray,
) -> np.ndarray:
Apply gain map.
The gain map is in unit of electrons/ADU. The output image will be in unit of electrons or electrons/s.
image : numpy.ndarray
Input image, in unit of ADU or ADU/s.
gainmap : numpy.ndarray
Gain map, in unit of electrons/ADU.
Output image, in unit of electrons or electrons/s.
return image * gainmap
def make_gainmap_from_channel_value(gain_values: list[float] | tuple[float] | np.ndarray,
array_config_name: str = 'CCDArrayConfig',
image_format: str = 'raw',
) -> np.ndarray:
Make gain map from channel gain values.
gain_values : list[float] or tuple[float] or numpy.ndarray
Gain value of each channel.
array_config_name : str, optional
The name of the pixel array configuration class. Default is "CCDArrayConfig".
image_format : str, optional
The output image format: "raw", "cube" or "sky". See config.CCDArrayConfig().
Output gain map.
aconf = get_array_config(array_config_name)(image_format)
if len(gain_values) != aconf.nchan:
raise ValueError('The length of input gain values does not match with number of channels.')
full_shape = aconf.get_shape(full=True)
output = np.zeros(full_shape, dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(aconf.nchan):
cutout = aconf.get_cutout(i+1, output, rtype='channel') + gain_values[i]
aconf.set_cutout(i+1, output, cutout, rtype='channel')
return output
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Identifier: csst-l1/msc/csst_msc_instrument/csst_msc_instrument/image/
Description: Overscan correction and data format conversion.
Author: Li Shao (
Created: 2023-11-16
2023-11-16, Li Shao, created
2023-11-22, Li Shao, split from common_detector
2024-02-06, Li Shao, move to csst_msc_instrument
from typing import Callable
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import median_filter
from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
from scipy.special import erf
from scipy.stats import trim_mean, t, sigmaclip
from astropy.stats import mad_std, sigma_clip
from ..config import get_array_config
__all__ = ["average_overscan", "smooth_overscan", "correct_overscan", ]
def average_overscan(image: np.ndarray,
axis: int | None = None,
cen_method: str | Callable = 'trim_mean',
std_method: str | Callable = 'mad_std',
clip_flag: bool = False,
clip_sigma: float = 3.5,
clip_cenfunc: str | Callable = 'median',
clip_stdfunc: str | Callable = 'std',
) -> tuple[float | np.ndarray, float | np.ndarray]:
Average overscan data along one direction or overall.
Average overscan data along one direction or overall.
image : numpy.ndarray
Input image: overscan region cutout.
axis : int, optional
Axis along which the operation is performed. If None (default), use the full array.
cen_method : str or Callable, optional
Algorithm to calculate average value: "trim_mean" (default), "median", "mean" or Callable function.
std_method : str or Callable, optional
Algorithm to calculate standard deviation: "mad_std" (default), "std" or Callable function.
clip_flag : bool, optional
If True, use sigma-clipping.
clip_sigma : float, optional
Clipping threshold for sigma-clipping. Default is 3.5.
clip_cenfunc : str or Callable, optional
Center value function for sigma-clipping: "median" (default), "mean" or Callable function.
clip_stdfunc : str or Callable, optional
Standard deviation function for sigma-clipping: "std" (default), "mad_std" or Callable function.
avg : numpy.ndarray
Averaged overscan data (one value or 1D array).
err : numpy.ndarray
The uncertainty.
# sigma-clipping
if clip_flag and cen_method != 'trim_mean':
data = sigma_clip(image, sigma=clip_sigma, axis=axis, masked=True,
cenfunc=clip_cenfunc, stdfunc=clip_stdfunc)
if cen_method == 'median':
avg =
elif cen_method == 'mean':
avg =
avg = cen_method(data)
if std_method == 'mad_std':
err = mad_std(data, axis=axis)
elif std_method == 'std':
err =, axis=axis)
err = std_method(data, axis=axis)
# without clipping
if cen_method == 'trim_mean':
avg = trim_mean(image, 0.1, axis=axis)
elif cen_method == 'median':
avg = np.median(image, axis=axis).astype(float)
elif cen_method == 'mean':
avg = np.mean(image, axis=axis)
avg = cen_method(image, axis=axis)
if std_method == 'mad_std':
err = mad_std(image, axis=axis)
elif std_method == 'std':
err = np.std(image, axis=axis)
err = std_method(image, axis=axis)
# uncertainty of the average
ny, nx = image.shape
if axis is None:
n = ny * nx
elif axis == 0:
n = ny
n = nx
if cen_method == 'trim_mean':
n = n * 0.8
err = err / np.sqrt(n) * t.ppf(erf(1), df=n - 1) # uncertainty of the mean
if cen_method == 'median' or cen_method is np.median or cen_method is
err *= 1.2533
return avg, err
def smooth_overscan(data: np.ndarray,
filter_width: int,
filter_method: str = 'savgol',
filter_polyorder: int = 2,
) -> np.ndarray:
Smooth 1D averaged overscan data.
Smooth 1D averaged overscan data.
data : numpy.ndarray
Input 1-D overscan data.
filter_width : int
The width of filter. Must be positive.
filter_method : str, optional
Process algorithm: "savgol" (default) or "median".
filter_polyorder : int, optional
The order of polynomial used for Savitzky-Golay filter.
Smoothed 1-D overscan data.
if filter_method == 'savgol':
dd = savgol_filter(data, filter_width * 2, filter_polyorder)
diff = data - dd
index = np.abs(diff) < sigmaclip(diff, 5, 5)[0].std() * 5 # clip outliers
x = np.arange(len(data))
dd = np.interp(x, x[index], data[index])
output = savgol_filter(dd, filter_width, filter_polyorder)
output = median_filter(data, size=filter_width)
return output
def correct_overscan(image: np.ndarray,
array_config_name: str = 'CCDArrayConfig',
region_type: str = 'x',
correct_type: str = 'line',
gap: int = 10,
cen_method: str | Callable = 'trim_mean',
std_method: str | Callable = 'mad_std',
clip_flag: bool = False,
clip_sigma: float = 3.5,
clip_cenfunc: str | Callable = 'median',
clip_stdfunc: str | Callable = 'std',
filter_width: int = 0,
filter_method: str = 'savgol',
filter_polyorder: int = 2,
clean_inactive: bool = True,
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Overscan correction.
Overscan correction. All parameters are optional inputs.
image : numpy.ndarray
Input 2-D image.
array_config_name : str, optional
The name of the pixel array configuration class. Default is "CCDArrayConfig".
region_type : str, optional
The type of overscan region. "x" (default) is serial overscan, "y" is parallel overscan.
correct_type : str, optional
Correction type. "line" (default) is correct by row or column. "all" is correct with all pixels.
gap : int, optional
Number of pixels after active pixels not to use for overscan correction.
cen_method : str or Callable, optional
Algorithm to calculate average value: "trim_mean" (default), "median", "mean" or Callable function.
std_method : str or Callable, optional
Algorithm to calculate standard deviation: "mad_std" (default), "std" or Callable function.
clip_flag : bool, optional
If True, use sigma-clipping.
clip_sigma : float, optional
Clipping threshold for sigma-clipping. Default is 3.5.
clip_cenfunc : str or Callable, optional
Center value function for sigma-clipping: "median" (default), "mean" or Callable function.
clip_stdfunc : str or Callable, optional
Standard deviation function for sigma-clipping: "std" (default), "mad_std" or Callable function.
filter_width : int, optional
The width of filter. If smaller than 2, then smoothing will be skipped.
filter_method : str, optional
Filtering algorithm: "savgol" (default) or "median".
filter_polyorder : int, optional
The order of polynomial used for Savitzky-Golay filter.
clean_inactive : bool, optional
If True, all pixels out of active region are set to zero. Default is True.
output : numpy.ndarray
Overscan corrected image.
output_err : numpy.ndarray
Uncertainty image.
image_corr, err_corr = correct_overscan(image, region_type='x', correct_type='line')
image_corr, err_corr = correct_overscan(image, region_type='y', correct_type='all', clean_inactive=True)
aconf = get_array_config(array_config_name)('raw')
if correct_type == 'line':
if region_type == 'x':
axis = 1
axis = 0
axis = None
if clean_inactive:
output = np.zeros(image.shape)
output = image.astype(float)
output_err = np.zeros(image.shape)
for i in range(aconf.nchan):
overscan = aconf.get_cutout(i+1, image, rtype='{}_overscan'.format(region_type))
# remove the first pixels (to avoid potential CTI contamination)
if gap > 0:
if region_type == 'x':
overscan = overscan[:, gap:]
overscan = overscan[gap:, :]
# calculate average and uncertainty
avg_value, err_value = average_overscan(overscan, axis=axis,
cen_method=cen_method, std_method=std_method,
clip_flag=clip_flag, clip_sigma=clip_sigma,
clip_cenfunc=clip_cenfunc, clip_stdfunc=clip_stdfunc)
# smooth if required
if filter_width > 1 and axis is not None:
avg_value = smooth_overscan(avg_value, filter_width,
filter_method=filter_method, filter_polyorder=filter_polyorder)
err_value = err_value / np.sqrt(filter_width) * 1.2533
# correct the active region
x1, x2, y1, y2 = aconf.get_boundary(i+1, rtype='active')
nx, ny = x2 - x1, y2 - y1
if axis is None:
output[y1:y2, x1:x2] = image[y1:y2, x1:x2] - avg_value
output_err[y1:y2, x1:x2] = err_value
elif axis == 0:
output[y1:y2, x1:x2] = image[y1:y2, x1:x2] - np.tile(avg_value, ny).reshape((ny, nx))
output_err[y1:y2, x1:x2] = np.tile(err_value, ny).reshape((ny, nx))
output[y1:y2, x1:x2] = image[y1:y2, x1:x2] - np.repeat(avg_value, nx).reshape((ny, nx))
output_err[y1:y2, x1:x2] = np.repeat(err_value, nx).reshape((ny, nx))
return output, output_err
V_INST = '0.0.2 ' / version of instrument correction T_INST = '2023-12-29T04:50:46.710' / timestamp of instrument correction S_INST = 0 / status of instrument correction S_OVSCAN= 0 / status of overscan correction S_GAIN = 0 / status of gain correction R_GAIN = 'file ' / reference gain S_BIAS = 0 / status of bias frame correction R_BIAS = 'file ' / reference bias S_CROSST= 0 / status of crosstalk correction R_CROSST= 'file ' / reference crosstalk S_CTI = 1 / status of CTI correction R_CTI = 'file ' / reference CTI S_DARK = 0 / status of dark frame correction R_DARK = 'file ' / reference dark S_NLIN = 1 / status of non-linear correction R_NLIN = 'file ' / reference non-linear S_SHUT = 1 / status of shutter effect correction R_SHUT = 'file ' / reference shutter effect S_FLAT = 0 / status of flat frame correction R_FLAT = 'file ' / reference flat S_CRS = 1 / status of cosmic rays mask R_CRS = 'deepCR_model' / method and config of cosmic rays mask CRCOUNT = 240466 / cosmic rays pixel counts S_SAT = 1 / status of satellite correction R_SAT = 'file ' / reference satellite correction S_FRINGE= 1 / status of fringe correction R_FRINGE= 'file ' / reference fringe SKY_BKG = 0.0323 / estimated sky background (e-/s per pixel) SKY_RMS = 0.0374 / standard dev of frame background (e-/s) SATURATE= 365.9759 / flux limit of saturated pixel (e-/s) END
import numpy as np
from import fits
def array_combine(ndarray, mode="mean") -> np.ndarray:
""" Function to combine 3-D data array
ndarray: array, input data cube (3D)
mode: mean, median, sum, mean_clip, median_clip, default is mean
if mode == "median":
array = np.median(ndarray, axis=0)
elif mode == "median_clip":
ndarray = np.sort(ndarray, axis=0)[1:-1]
array = np.median(ndarray, axis=0)
elif mode == "sum":
array = np.sum(ndarray, axis=0)
elif mode == "mean":
array = np.mean(ndarray, axis=0)
elif mode == "mean_clip":
ndarray = np.sort(ndarray, axis=0)[1:-1]
array = np.mean(ndarray, axis=0)
return array
def load_bias(path: str) -> np.ndarray:
with as hdul:
du = hdul[1].data
du = du.astype(int)
return du
def load_dark(path: str, bias) -> np.ndarray:
with as hdul:
du = hdul[1].data
hu = hdul[0].header
du = du.astype(int)
du = du - bias
du = du / hu["EXPTIME"]
return du
def load_flat(path: str, bias, dark) -> np.ndarray:
with as hdul:
du = hdul[1].data
hu = hdul[0].header
du = du.astype(int)
du = du - bias - dark * hu["EXPTIME"]
du = du / hu["EXPTIME"]
du = du / np.median(du)
return du
def combine(func, mode: str, path_list, *args) -> np.ndarray:
du_list = [func(path, *args) for path in path_list]
du = array_combine(du_list, mode)
return du
def combine_images(b_p_lst, d_p_lst, f_p_lst, mode_list=["median", "median", "median", ]):
List of currently ccd number bias file path
List of currently ccd number dark file path
List of currently ccd number flat file path
[0] bias combine mode
[1] dark combine mode
[2] flat combine mode
mean, median, sum, mean_clip, median_clip
bias = combine(load_bias, mode_list[0], b_p_lst)
dark = combine(load_dark, mode_list[1], d_p_lst, bias)
flat = combine(load_flat, mode_list[2], f_p_lst, bias, dark)
return bias.copy(), dark.copy(), flat.copy()
import os
from glob import glob
from import fits
from L1_pipeline.ref_combine import combine_images
ref_path = "/public/share/yangxuliu/CSSOSDataProductsSims/outputs_cali/"
output_path = "/public/home/fangyuedong/project/calib_data"
def combine_ref_func(ref_path, output_path, num="01"):
bias_path_list = glob(ref_path + '*/CSST_MSC_MS_BIAS_*_' + num + '_*')
dark_path_list = glob(ref_path + '*/CSST_MSC_MS_DARK_*_' + num + '_*')
flat_path_list = glob(ref_path + '*/CSST_MSC_MS_FLAT_*_' + num + '_*')
bias, dark, flat = combine_images(b_p_lst=bias_path_list,
f_p_lst=flat_path_list, )
bias_out_path = os.path.join(output_path, "bias_" + str(num) + ".fits")
dark_out_path = os.path.join(output_path, "dark_" + str(num) + ".fits")
flat_out_path = os.path.join(output_path, "flat_" + str(num) + ".fits")
hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(bias)
hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(dark)
hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(flat)
if __name__ == "__main__":
ref_path = "/public/share/yangxuliu/CSSOSDataProductsSims/outputs_cali/"
output_path = "/public/home/fangyuedong/project/calib_data"
num = '08'
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