Commit 115bb37d authored by Yi Hu's avatar Yi Hu
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parent c9ab289f
# CSST-COMMOM-CRMASK - Introduction
detect cosmic rays and mask them
**CRMask** is a module for detecting cosmic rays on the CSST images using state-of-art models. It should be also applied for images from other telescopes, as long as the images have the same data structure as that of CSST.
# 软件依赖
# Python package dependencies
依赖的python包numpy, scipy, matplotlib, astropy, ccdproc, pytorch, deepCR
The following python packages are needed to **CRMask**:
Ubuntu 20.04系统下安装方法
* astropy == 4.x (>= 5.0 will be tested in the future)
* ccdproc >= 2.1.0
* deepCR >= 0.1.5
* matplotlib >= 3.1.2
* numpy >= 1.19.5
* pytorch >= 1.8.1
* scipy >= 1.3.3
sudo apt install python3-numpy python3-scipy python3-matplotlib python3-astropy python3-ccdproc
Install these package under Ubuntu 20.04 LTS:
python3 -m pip install pytorch deepCR
sudo apt install python3-numpy python3-scipy python3-matplotlib python3-astropy python3-ccdproc
python3 -m pip install pytorch deepCR
# 使用方法
# Use guide
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