Commit 3a55d5d8 authored by Yi Hu's avatar Yi Hu
Browse files


parent d908b877
......@@ -38,9 +38,15 @@ where **your\_file.fits** is the filename of the image which you want to do cosm
# 注意
# Warning
* The default training model of deepCR are obtained from HST/ACS data by Zhang and Bloom (2020). If you would like to use the native model rather than the model **CSST\_2021-12-30\_CCD23\_epoch20.pth** obtained from CSST simulated data by **Hu Yi**, you must also change the **hidden** parameters in the configuration file **crmask.ini** to 32.
* The input images must be **bias-substracted** (either by bias reference fram or overscan region) no matter which algorithm selected, otherwise you will get very inefficient detection rate thus wrong results. Flat-field corrected images are preferable, but not necessary.
If you would like use the native training model of deepCR, which are obtained from HST/ACS
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