Commit 8df06b27 authored by Fang Yuedong's avatar Fang Yuedong
Browse files

Merge branch 'sim_scheduler' into develop

parents 81e2570f 93270bbf
\ No newline at end of file
import os
import galsim
import random
import copy
import numpy as np
import h5py as h5
import healpy as hp
......@@ -69,8 +70,7 @@ def get_star_cat(ra_pointing, dec_pointing):
class Catalog(CatalogBase):
def __init__(self, config, chip, pointing, chip_output, filt, **kwargs):
self.cat_dir = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["cat_dir"])
self.seed_Av = config["catalog_options"]["seed_Av"]
self.cat_dir = config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["cat_dir"]
self.cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=67.66, Om0=0.3111)
......@@ -91,20 +91,19 @@ class Catalog(CatalogBase):
# Get the cloest star catalog file
star_file_name = get_star_cat(ra_pointing=self.pointing.ra, dec_pointing=self.pointing.dec)
star_path = os.path.join(config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["star_cat"], star_file_name)
star_SED_file = config["catalog_options"]["SED_templates_path"]["star_SED"]
self.star_path = os.path.join(self.cat_dir, star_path)
self.star_SED_path = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], star_SED_file)
self.star_SED_path = config["catalog_options"]["SED_templates_path"]["star_SED"]
if "galaxy_cat" in config["catalog_options"]["input_path"] and config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["galaxy_cat"] and not config["catalog_options"]["star_only"]:
galaxy_dir = config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["galaxy_cat"]
self.galaxy_path = os.path.join(self.cat_dir, galaxy_dir)
self.galaxy_SED_path = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], config["catalog_options"]["SED_templates_path"]["galaxy_SED"])
self.galaxy_SED_path = config["catalog_options"]["SED_templates_path"]["galaxy_SED"]
self.agn_seds = {}
if "AGN_SED" in config["catalog_options"]["SED_templates_path"] and not config["catalog_options"]["star_only"]:
self.AGN_SED_path = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], config["catalog_options"]["SED_templates_path"]["AGN_SED"])
self.AGN_SED_path = config["catalog_options"]["SED_templates_path"]["AGN_SED"]
if "rotateEll" in config["catalog_options"]:
self.rotation = np.radians(float(config["catalog_options"]["rotateEll"]))
......@@ -123,7 +122,7 @@ class Catalog(CatalogBase):
self.add_fmt = " %10s %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f"
self.add_fmt += " %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %4d %8.4f "
def _get_healpix_list(self):
self.sky_coverage = self.chip.getSkyCoverageEnlarged(self.chip.img.wcs, margin=0.2)
......@@ -204,6 +203,10 @@ class Catalog(CatalogBase):
param['dec'] = dec_arr[igals]
param['ra_orig'] = gals['ra'][igals]
param['dec_orig'] = gals['dec'][igals]
if not self.chip.isContainObj(ra_obj=param['ra'], dec_obj=param['dec'], margin=200):
# param['mag_use_normal'] = gals['mag_csst_%s'%(self.filt.filter_type)][igals]
if self.filt.filter_type == 'NUV':
param['mag_use_normal'] = gals['mag_csst_nuv'][igals]
......@@ -275,29 +278,32 @@ class Catalog(CatalogBase):
param['av'] = 0.0
param['redden'] = 0
self.ids += 1
param['id'] = '%06d'%(int(pix_id)) + '%06d'%(cat_id) + '%08d'%(igals)
# Is this an Quasar?
param['qsoindex'] = gals['qsoindex'][igals]
if param['qsoindex'] == -1:
param['star'] = 0 # Galaxy
param['agnsed_file'] = ""
obj = Galaxy(param, logger=self.logger)
param['star'] = 2 # Quasar
param['agnsed_file'] = agnsed_file
# NOTE: this cut cannot be put before the SED type has been assigned
if not self.chip.isContainObj(ra_obj=param['ra'], dec_obj=param['dec'], margin=200):
self.ids += 1
param['id'] = '%06d'%(int(pix_id)) + '%06d'%(cat_id) + '%08d'%(igals)
if param['star'] == 0:
param_qso = copy.deepcopy(param)
param_qso['star'] = 2 # Quasar
param_qso['agnsed_file'] = agnsed_file
# First add QSO model
obj = Quasar(param_qso, logger=self.logger)
# Need to deal with additional output columns
obj.additional_output_str = self.add_fmt%("n", 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0, 0.)
# Then add host galaxy model
param['star'] = 0 # Galaxy
param['agnsed_file'] = ""
obj = Galaxy(param, logger=self.logger)
elif param['star'] == 2:
obj = Quasar(param, logger=self.logger)
# Need to deal with additional output columns
# Need to deal with additional output columns for (host) galaxy
obj.additional_output_str = self.add_fmt%("n", 0., 0., 0.,
param['bulgemass'], param['diskmass'], param['detA'],
param['e1'], param['e2'], param['kappa'], param['g1'], param['g2'], param['size'],
......@@ -343,7 +349,7 @@ class Catalog(CatalogBase):
for istars in range(nstars):
# # (TEST)
# (TEST)
# if istars > 100:
# break
......@@ -446,7 +452,7 @@ class Catalog(CatalogBase):
elif obj.type == 'quasar':
flux = self.agn_seds[obj.agnsed_file][int(obj.qsoindex)] * 1e-17
flux[flux < 0] = 0.
wave = self.lamb_gal
wave = self.lamb_gal * (1.0 + obj.z)
raise ValueError("Object type not known")
speci = interpolate.interp1d(wave, flux)
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ class Catalog(CatalogBase):
self.add_fmt = " %10s %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f"
self.add_fmt += " %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %4d %8.4f "
def _get_healpix_list(self):
self.sky_coverage = self.chip.getSkyCoverageEnlarged(self.chip.img.wcs, margin=0.2)
......@@ -60,6 +60,9 @@ class Catalog(CatalogBase):
with pkg_resources.path('', 'SLOAN_SDSS.g.fits') as filter_path:
self.normF_star =
with pkg_resources.path('', 'lsst_throuput_g.fits') as filter_path:
self.normF_galaxy =
self.config = config
self.chip = chip
......@@ -110,7 +113,7 @@ class Catalog(CatalogBase):
self.add_fmt = " %10s %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f"
self.add_fmt += " %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %4d %8.4f "
def _get_healpix_list(self):
self.sky_coverage = self.chip.getSkyCoverageEnlarged(self.chip.img.wcs, margin=0.2)
......@@ -138,8 +141,8 @@ class Catalog(CatalogBase):
return None
elif obj.type == "stamp":
#return self.normF_galaxy ###normalize_filter for stamp
return None
return self.normF_galaxy ###normalize_filter for stamp
#return None
return None
......@@ -197,8 +200,8 @@ class Catalog(CatalogBase):
for igals in range(ngals):
# # (TEST)
# if igals > 100:
# break
if igals > 2000:
param = self.initialize_param()
param['ra'] = ra_arr[igals]
......@@ -321,8 +324,8 @@ class Catalog(CatalogBase):
for istars in range(nstars):
# # (TEST)
# if istars > 100:
# break
if istars > 100:
param = self.initialize_param()
param['ra'] = ra_arr[istars]
......@@ -389,6 +392,9 @@ class Catalog(CatalogBase):
for iAGNs in range(nAGNs):
if iAGNs > 100:
param = self.initialize_param()
param['ra'] = ra_arr[iAGNs]
param['dec'] = dec_arr[iAGNs]
......@@ -425,13 +431,15 @@ class Catalog(CatalogBase):
self.ud = galsim.UniformDeviate(pix_id)
for istamp in range(nstamps):
print('DEBUG:::istamp=', istamp)
fitsfile = os.path.join(self.cat_dir, "stampCats/"+stamps['filename'][istamp].decode('utf-8'))
param = self.initialize_param()
param['id'] = hdu[0].header['index'] #istamp
param['star'] = 3 # Stamp type in .cat file
param['lensGalaxyID'] = hdu[0].header['lensGID']
###param['lensGalaxyID'] = hdu[0].header['lensGID']
param['ra'] = hdu[0].header['ra']
param['dec']= hdu[0].header['dec']
param['pixScale']= hdu[0].header['pixScale']
......@@ -440,9 +448,9 @@ class Catalog(CatalogBase):
#param['PA']= hdu[0].header['PA']
#param['bfrac']= hdu[0].header['bfrac']
#param['z']= hdu[0].header['z']
param['mag_use_normal'] = 22 #hdu[0].header['m_normal'] #gals['mag_true_g_lsst']
param['mag_use_normal'] = 20 #hdu[0].header['m_normal'] #gals['mag_true_g_lsst']
assert(stamps['lensGID'][istamp] == param['lensGalaxyID'])
###assert(stamps['lensGID'][istamp] == param['lensGalaxyID'])
# Apply astrometric modeling
# in C3 case only aberration
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class Catalog(CatalogBase):
self.add_fmt = " %10s %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f"
self.add_fmt += " %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %4d %8.4f "
def _get_healpix_list(self):
self.sky_coverage = self.chip.getSkyCoverageEnlarged(self.chip.img.wcs, margin=0.2)
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class Catalog(CatalogBase):
def _add_output_columns_header(self):
self.add_hdr = " model_tag teff logg feh"
self.add_fmt = " %10s %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f"
def _get_healpix_list(self):
self.sky_coverage = self.chip.getSkyCoverageEnlarged(self.chip.img.wcs, margin=0.2)
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ class Catalog(CatalogBase):
self.add_fmt = " %10s %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f"
self.add_fmt += " %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %4d %8.4f "
def _get_healpix_list(self):
self.sky_coverage = self.chip.getSkyCoverageEnlarged(self.chip.img.wcs, margin=0.2)
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class Catalog(CatalogBase):
self.add_fmt = " %10s %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f"
self.add_fmt += " %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %4d %8.4f "
def _get_healpix_list(self):
self.sky_coverage = self.chip.getSkyCoverageEnlarged(self.chip.img.wcs, margin=0.2)
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class Catalog(CatalogBase):
self.add_fmt = " %10s %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f"
self.add_fmt += " %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %4d %8.4f "
def _get_healpix_list(self):
self.sky_coverage = self.chip.getSkyCoverageEnlarged(self.chip.img.wcs, margin=0.2)
......@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ class Catalog(CatalogBase):
self.add_fmt = " %10s %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f"
self.add_fmt += " %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %4d %8.4f "
def _get_healpix_list(self):
self.sky_coverage = self.chip.getSkyCoverageEnlarged(self.chip.img.wcs, margin=0.2)
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ class Catalog(CatalogBase):
self.add_fmt = " %10s %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f"
self.add_fmt += " %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %4d %8.4f "
def _get_healpix_list(self):
self.sky_coverage = self.chip.getSkyCoverageEnlarged(self.chip.img.wcs, margin=0.2)
import os
import logging
import ObservationSim.Config._util as _util
from ObservationSim.Config.Header import generatePrimaryHeader
class ChipOutput(object):
def __init__(self, config, focal_plane, chip, filt, imgKey0="", imgKey1="", imgKey2="", exptime=150., mjdTime="", ra_cen=None, dec_cen=None, pointing_type='MS', pointing_ID='0', subdir="./", prefix=""):
self.focal_plane = focal_plane
def __init__(self, config, chip, filt, pointing):
self.config = config
self.chip = chip
self.filt = filt
self.imgKey0 = imgKey0
self.imgKey1 = imgKey1
self.imgKey2 = imgKey2
self.exptime = exptime
self.mjdTime = mjdTime
self.pointing_type = pointing_type
if (ra_cen is not None) and (dec_cen is not None):
self.ra_cen = ra_cen
self.dec_cen = dec_cen
self.ra_cen = config["obs_setting"]["ra_center"]
self.dec_cen = config["obs_setting"]["dec_center"]
self.pointing_type = pointing.pointing_type
self.chip_label = str(chip.chipID).rjust(2, '0')
self.chipLabel = focal_plane.getChipLabel(chip.chipID)
self.cat_name = "MSC_1%s_chip_%s_filt_%s"%(str(pointing_ID).rjust(8, '0'), self.chipLabel, filt.filter_type) + ".cat"
# Get primary header based on chip and pointing
self.h_prim = generatePrimaryHeader(
pointing_id = pointing.obs_id,
pointing_type_code = pointing.pointing_type_code,
time_pt = pointing.timestamp,
sat_pos=[pointing.sat_x, pointing.sat_y, pointing.sat_z],
sat_vel=[pointing.sat_vx, pointing.sat_vy, pointing.sat_vz],
self.subdir = subdir
obs_id = _util.get_obs_id(img_type=self.pointing_type, project_cycle=config["project_cycle"], run_counter=config["run_counter"], pointing_id=pointing.obs_id, pointing_type_code = pointing.pointing_type_code)
self.subdir = pointing.output_dir
self.cat_name = self.h_prim['FILENAME'] + '.cat'
logger_filename = self.h_prim['FILENAME'] + '.log'
# Setup logger for each chip
logger_filename = "MSC_1%s_chip_%s_filt_%s"%(str(pointing_ID).rjust(8, '0'), self.chipLabel, filt.filter_type) + ".log"
self.logger = logging.getLogger()
fh = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(self.subdir, logger_filename), mode='w+', encoding='utf-8')
......@@ -42,7 +51,7 @@ class ChipOutput(object):
self.hdr = hdr1 + hdr2
self.fmt = fmt1 + fmt2"pointing_type = %s\n"%(pointing_type))"pointing_type = %s\n"%(self.pointing_type))
def Log_info(self, message):
......@@ -52,11 +61,11 @@ class ChipOutput(object):
def update_ouptut_header(self, additional_column_names=""):
def update_output_header(self, additional_column_names=""):
self.hdr += additional_column_names
def create_output_file(self):
if self.pointing_type == 'MS':
if self.pointing_type == 'SCI': = open(os.path.join(self.subdir, self.cat_name), "w")"Creating catalog file %s ...\n"%(os.path.join(self.subdir, self.cat_name)))
if not self.hdr.endswith("\n"):
......@@ -64,16 +73,11 @@ class ChipOutput(object):
def cat_add_obj(self, obj, pos_img, pos_shear):
# ximg = pos_img.x - self.chip.bound.xmin + 1.0
# yimg = pos_img.y - self.chip.bound.ymin + 1.0
#'from global',ximg, yimg)
ximg = obj.real_pos.x + 1.0
yimg = obj.real_pos.y + 1.0
#'from loacl',ximg, yimg)
line = self.fmt%(, int(self.chipLabel), self.filt.filter_type, ximg, yimg, obj.ra, obj.dec, obj.ra_orig, obj.dec_orig, obj.z, obj.getMagFilter(self.filt), obj.type,, int(self.chip_label), self.filt.filter_type, ximg, yimg, obj.ra, obj.dec, obj.ra_orig, obj.dec_orig, obj.z, obj.getMagFilter(self.filt), obj.type,
obj.pmra, obj.pmdec, obj.rv, obj.parallax)
line += obj.additional_output_str
if not line.endswith("\n"):
import galsim
import os
from astropy.time import Time as asTime
def config_dir(config, work_dir=None, data_dir=None):
path_dict = {}
# Working directory
if work_dir == None:
dirname, _ = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))
path_dict["work_dir"] = "/".join(dirname.split("/")[:-1]) + "/"
path_dict["work_dir"] = work_dir
# Data directory
if data_dir == None:
# Assume all input datasets are in the work directory
path_dict["data_dir"] =os.path.join(path_dict["work_dir"], "data/")
path_dict["data_dir"] = data_dir
# PSF data directory
if config["psf_setting"]["psf_model"] == "Interp":
path_dict["psf_dir"] = os.path.join(path_dict["data_dir"], config["psf_setting"]["psf_dir"])
return path_dict
def read_config(config_filename):
"""Read in a configuration file and return the corresponding dict(s).
config_filename: The name of the configuration file to read.
(list) of config dicts
config = {}
config_file = open(config_filename).readlines()
nlines = len(config_file)
for i in range(nlines):
row = config_file[i].split()
if len(row) <= 1: continue # blank row
if not "#" in row:
if len(row) == 2:
key, val = row[0:2]
print("!! Something is wrong with parameter '%s'."%row[0])
elif row.index("#") == 2:
key, val = row[0:2]
elif row.index("#") == 0:
continue # annotation
print("!! Something is wrong with parameter '%s'."%row[0])
config = parse_config(config)
return config
def parse_config(config):
"""Parse the config values to the right type
config: raw config dict
Parsed config dict
config["ra_center"] = float(config["ra_center"])
config["dec_center"] = float(config["dec_center"])
config["psf_rcont"] = config["psf_rcont"].split(",")
config["psfRa"] = float(config["psf_rcont"][0])
config["psfCont"] = float(config["psf_rcont"][1])
config["image_rot"] = float(config["image_rot"])*galsim.degrees
config["sigma_spin"] = float(config["sigma_spin"])
config["reduced_g1"] = float(config["reduced_g1"])
config["reduced_g2"] = float(config["reduced_g2"])
config["rotateEll"] = float(config["rotateEll"])
config["reEll"] = int(config["rotateEll"]/45.0)
if config["reEll"]==0: config["reIndex"] = "P"
if config["reEll"]==1: config["reIndex"] = "X"
if config["reEll"]==2: config["reIndex"] = "N"
if config["reEll"]==3: config["reIndex"] = "Y"
config["seed_flat"] = int(config["seed_flat"])
config["seed_prnu"] = int(config["seed_prnu"])
config["seed_star"] = int(config["seed_star"])
config["seed_gal"] = int(config["seed_gal"])
config["seed_Av"] = int(config["seed_Av"])
config["bias_level"] = int(config["bias_level"])
config["df_strength"] = float(config["df_strength"])
return config
......@@ -17,10 +17,12 @@ from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.wcs.utils import fit_wcs_from_points
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy import wcs
from ObservationSim.Config._util import get_obs_id, get_file_type
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import datetime, timezone
# import socket
import platform
import toml
def chara2digit(char):
""" Function to judge and convert characters to digitals
......@@ -341,7 +343,7 @@ def WCS_def(xlen = 9216, ylen = 9232, gapy = 898.0, gapx1 = 534, gapx2 = 1309, r
#TODO project_cycle is temporary, is not in header defined, delete in future
def generatePrimaryHeader(xlen = 9216, ylen = 9232, pointNum = '1', ra = 60, dec = -40, pixel_scale = 0.074, date='200930', time_obs='120000', im_type = 'MS', exptime=150., sat_pos = [0.,0.,0.], sat_vel = [0., 0., 0.], project_cycle=6, chip_name="01"):
def generatePrimaryHeader(xlen = 9216, ylen = 9232, pointing_id = '00000001', pointing_type_code='101', ra = 60, dec = -40, pixel_scale = 0.074, time_pt = None, im_type = 'SCI', exptime=150., sat_pos = [0.,0.,0.], sat_vel = [0., 0., 0.], project_cycle=6, run_counter=0, chip_name="01"):
# array_size1, array_size2, flux, sigma = int(argv[1]), int(argv[2]), 1000.0, 5.0
......@@ -349,7 +351,15 @@ def generatePrimaryHeader(xlen = 9216, ylen = 9232, pointNum = '1', ra = 60, dec
# k = (row_num-1)*6+col_num
# ccdnum = str(k)
g_header_fn = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] + '/global_header.header'
datetime_obs = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time_pt)
datetime_obs = datetime_obs.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
# print(datetime_obs.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-5])
datetime_obs = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(np.round(datetime_obs.timestamp(), 1))
# print(datetime_obs.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-5])
# date_obs = datetime_obs.strftime("%y%m%d")
# time_obs = datetime_obs.strftime("%H%M%S%f")[:-5]
g_header_fn = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] + '/csst_msc_l0_ms.fits'
f = open(os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] + '/filter.lst')
s = f.readline()
s = s.strip("\n")
......@@ -362,38 +372,60 @@ def generatePrimaryHeader(xlen = 9216, ylen = 9232, pointNum = '1', ra = 60, dec
s = s.strip("\n")
CCDID = s.split()
h_prim = fits.Header()
h_prim = fits.Header.fromfile(g_header_fn)
# h_prim = fits.Header()
# h_prim = fits.Header.fromfile(g_header_fn)
header_fits =
h_prim = header_fits[0].header
# h_prim = fits.Header()
# with open(g_header_fn, 'r') as file:
# header_toml = toml.load(file)
# h_key='HDU0'
# for key, value in header_toml[h_key].items():
# h_card = fits.card.Card(header_toml[h_key][key]['key'],header_toml[h_key][key]['example'],header_toml[h_key][key]['comment'])
# h_prim.append(h_card)
# h_prim['PIXSIZE1'] = xlen
# h_prim['PIXSIZE2'] = ylen
h_prim['DATE'] = '20'+date[0:2]+'-' + date[2:4]+'-'+date[4:6] + 'T' + time_obs[0:2]+':'+time_obs[2:4]+':'+time_obs[4:6]
h_prim['DATE'] = datetime_obs.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-5]
h_prim['DATE-OBS'] = datetime_obs.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-5]
# h_prim['DATE'] = '20'+date[0:2]+'-' + date[2:4]+'-'+date[4:6] + 'T' + time_obs[0:2]+':'+time_obs[2:4]+':'+time_obs[4:6]
# h_prim['TIME'] = time_obs[0:2]+':'+time_obs[2:4]+':'+time_obs[4:6]
h_prim['DATE-OBS'] = '20'+date[0:2]+'-' + date[2:4]+'-'+date[4:6] + 'T' + time_obs[0:2]+':'+time_obs[2:4]+':'+time_obs[4:6]
# h_prim['DATE-OBS'] = '20'+date[0:2]+'-' + date[2:4]+'-'+date[4:6] + 'T' + time_obs[0:2]+':'+time_obs[2:4]+':'+time_obs[4:6]
# h_prim['TIME-OBS'] = time_obs[0:2]+':'+time_obs[2:4]+':'+time_obs[4:6]
# h_prim['DETECTOR'] = 'CHIP'+CCDID[k-1].rjust(2,'0')
h_prim['OBJ_RA'] = ra
h_prim['OBJ_DEC'] = dec
h_prim['RA_OBJ'] = ra
h_prim['DEC_OBJ'] = dec
obs_type = {'SCI': '01', 'BIAS': '03', 'DARK': '07', 'FLAT': '11', 'CRS': '98', 'CRD': '99'}
# obs_type = {'SCI': '01', 'BIAS': '03', 'DARK': '07', 'FLAT': '11', 'CRS': '98', 'CRD': '99'}
OBS_id = '1'+ obs_type[im_type] + str(int(project_cycle)) + pointNum.rjust(7,'0')
# # OBS_id = '1'+ obs_type[im_type] + str(int(project_cycle)) + pointNum.rjust(7,'0')
# OBS_id = '1'+ obs_type[im_type] + str(int(project_cycle)) + str(int(run_counter)).rjust(2, '0') + pointNum.rjust(5,'0')
OBS_id = get_obs_id(img_type=im_type, project_cycle=project_cycle, run_counter=run_counter, pointing_id=pointing_id, pointing_type_code = pointing_type_code)
h_prim['OBJECT'] = str(int(project_cycle)) + pointNum.rjust(7,'0')
# h_prim['OBJECT'] = str(int(project_cycle)) + pointNum.rjust(7, '0')
h_prim['OBJECT'] = pointing_id
h_prim['OBSID'] = OBS_id
# h_prim['TELFOCUS'] = 'f/14'
h_prim['EXPTIME'] = exptime
# Define file types
file_type = {'SCI':'SCIE', 'BIAS':'BIAS', 'DARK':'DARK', 'FLAT':'FLAT', 'CRS':'CRS', 'CRD':'CRD','CALS':'CALS','CALF':'CALF'}
h_prim['FILETYPE'] = file_type[im_type]
# # Define file types
# file_type = {'SCI':'SCIE', 'BIAS':'BIAS', 'DARK':'DARK', 'FLAT':'FLAT', 'CRS':'CRS', 'CRD':'CRD','CALS':'CALS','CALF':'CALF'}
# h_prim['FILETYPE'] = file_type[im_type]
# h_prim['FILETYPE'] = get_file_type(img_type=im_type)
h_prim['FILETYPE'] = im_type
co = coord.SkyCoord(ra, dec, unit='deg')
ra_hms = format(co.ra.hms.h, '02.0f') + format(co.ra.hms.m, '02.0f') + format(co.ra.hms.s, '02.0f')
ra_hms = format(co.ra.hms.h, '02.0f') + format(co.ra.hms.m, '02.0f') + format(co.ra.hms.s, '02.1f')
dec_hms = format(co.dec.dms.d, '02.0f') + format(abs(co.dec.dms.m), '02.0f') + format(abs(co.dec.dms.s), '02.0f')
h_prim['TARGET'] = ra_hms + '+' + dec_hms
if dec >= 0:
h_prim['TARGET'] = ra_hms + '+' + dec_hms
h_prim['TARGET'] = ra_hms + dec_hms
# h_prim['RA_NOM'] = ra_hms
# h_prim['DEC_NOM'] = dec_hms
......@@ -417,12 +449,13 @@ def generatePrimaryHeader(xlen = 9216, ylen = 9232, pointNum = '1', ra = 60, dec
h_prim['EXPEND'] = round(tend.mjd, 5)
h_prim['CABEND'] = h_prim['EXPEND']
file_start_time = '20' + date[0:6] + time_obs[0:6]
# file_start_time = '20' + date[0:6] + time_obs[0:6]
file_start_time = datetime_obs.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
end_time_str = str(tend.datetime)
file_end_time = end_time_str[0:4] + end_time_str[5:7]+end_time_str[8:10] + end_time_str[11:13] + end_time_str[14:16] + end_time_str[17:19]
# h_prim['FILENAME'] = 'CSST_MSC_MS_' + im_type + '_' + file_start_time + '_' + file_end_time + '_' + OBS_id + '_' + CCDID[
# k - 1].rjust(2, '0') + '_L0_V01'
h_prim['FILENAME'] = 'CSST_MSC_MS_' + file_type[im_type] + '_' + file_start_time + '_' + file_end_time + '_' + OBS_id + '_' + chip_name + '_L0_V01'
h_prim['FILENAME'] = 'CSST_MSC_MS_' + h_prim['FILETYPE'] + '_' + file_start_time + '_' + file_end_time + '_' + OBS_id + '_' + chip_name + '_L0_V01'
h_prim['POSI0_X'] = sat_pos[0]
......@@ -440,15 +473,15 @@ def generatePrimaryHeader(xlen = 9216, ylen = 9232, pointNum = '1', ra = 60, dec
# h_prim['SIM_VER'] = (get_distribution("CSSTSim").version, "Version of CSST MSC simulation software")
currentDateAndTime =
compute_name = platform.node()
h_prim['FITSCREA'] = get_distribution("CSSTSim").version +'_' + currentDateAndTime.strftime("%Y%m%d") + '_' +compute_name
h_prim['FITSSWV'] = get_distribution("CSSTSim").version +'_' + currentDateAndTime.strftime("%Y%m%d") + '_' +compute_name
h_prim['EPOCH'] = round((Time(h_prim['EXPSTART'], format='mjd', scale='tcb')).jyear, 1)
return h_prim
def generateExtensionHeader(chip, xlen = 9216, ylen = 9232,ra = 60, dec = -40, pa = -23.433, gain = 1.0, readout = 5.0, dark = 0.02, saturation=90000, pixel_scale = 0.074, pixel_size=1e-2,
extName='SCI', row_num = None, col_num = None, xcen=None, ycen=None, timestamp = 1621915200,exptime = 150., readoutTime = 40.):
extName='SCIE', row_num = None, col_num = None, xcen=None, ycen=None, timestamp = 1621915200,exptime = 150., readoutTime = 40., t_shutter_open = 1.3, t_shutter_close = 1.3):
e_header_fn = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] + '/extension_header.header'
e_header_fn = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] + '/csst_msc_l0_ms.fits'
f = open(os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] + '/filter.lst')
s = f.readline()
s = s.strip("\n")
......@@ -463,13 +496,24 @@ def generateExtensionHeader(chip, xlen = 9216, ylen = 9232,ra = 60, dec = -40, p
# k = (row_num - 1) * 6 + col_num
h_ext = fits.Header.fromfile(e_header_fn)
# h_ext = fits.Header.fromfile(e_header_fn)
header_fits =
h_ext = header_fits[1].header
# h_ext = fits.Header()
# with open(e_header_fn, 'r') as file:
# header_toml = toml.load(file)
# h_key='HDU1'
# for key, value in header_toml[h_key].items():
# h_card = fits.card.Card(header_toml[h_key][key]['key'],header_toml[h_key][key]['example'],header_toml[h_key][key]['comment'])
# h_ext.append(h_card)
# h_ext['CCDCHIP'] = CCDID[k - 1].rjust(2, '0')
# h_ext['CCDLABEL'] = filters[k-1] + '-' + filterID[k-1]
# h_ext['FILTER'] = filters[k-1]
h_ext['CHIPID'] = str(chip.chipID).rjust(2, '0')
h_ext['CHIPLAB'] = chip.chip_name
h_ext['CHIPLABL'] = chip.chip_name
h_ext['FILTER'] = chip.filter_type
h_ext['NAXIS1'] = xlen
h_ext['NAXIS2'] = ylen
......@@ -510,19 +554,33 @@ def generateExtensionHeader(chip, xlen = 9216, ylen = 9232,ra = 60, dec = -40, p
h_ext['PIXSCAL1'] = pixel_scale
h_ext['PIXSCAL2'] = pixel_scale
h_ext['EXPTIME'] = exptime
h_ext['DARKTIME'] = exptime + 2
h_ext['DARKTIME'] = exptime
datetime_obs = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp)
datetime_obs = datetime_obs.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
tstart = Time(datetime_obs)
t_shutter_os = tstart
t_shutter_oe = Time(tstart.mjd + t_shutter_open / 86400., format="mjd")
t_shutter_co = Time(tstart.mjd + exptime / 86400., format="mjd")
t_shutter_ce = Time(tstart.mjd + (exptime + t_shutter_close) / 86400., format="mjd")
t_shutter_os1 = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(np.round(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t_shutter_os.unix).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp(), 1))
h_ext['SHTOPEN0'] = t_shutter_os1.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-5]
t_shutter_oe1 = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(np.round(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t_shutter_oe.unix).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp(), 1))
h_ext['SHTOPEN1'] = t_shutter_oe1.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-5]
t_shutter_co1 = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(np.round(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t_shutter_co.unix).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp(), 1))
h_ext['SHTCLOS0'] = t_shutter_co1.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-5]
t_shutter_ce1 = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(np.round(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t_shutter_ce.unix).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp(), 1))
h_ext['SHTCLOS1'] = t_shutter_ce1.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-5]
tstart_read = Time(tstart.mjd + exptime / 86400., format="mjd")
tend_read = Time(tstart.mjd + (exptime + readoutTime) / 86400., format="mjd")
t_s1 = str(tstart_read.datetime).split()
h_ext['READT0'] = t_s1[0]+'T'+t_s1[1]
t_s2 = str(tend_read.datetime).split()
h_ext['READT1'] = t_s2[0] + 'T' + t_s2[1]
# tstart1=tstart.datetime.replace(microsecond=round(tstart.datetime.microsecond, -5))
tstart1 = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(np.round(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(tstart_read.unix).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp(), 1))
h_ext['ROTIME0'] = tstart1.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-5]
# tend_read1 = tend_read.datetime.replace(microsecond=round(tend_read.datetime.microsecond, -5))
tend_read1 = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(np.round(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(tend_read.unix).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp(), 1))
h_ext['ROTIME1'] = tend_read1.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-5]
# h_ext['POS_ANG'] = pa
header_wcs = WCS_def(xlen=xlen, ylen=ylen, gapy=898.0, gapx1=534, gapx2=1309, ra_ref=ra, dec_ref=dec, pa=pa, pixel_scale=pixel_scale, pixel_size=pixel_size,
rotate_chip=chip.rotate_angle, filter = h_ext['FILTER'], row_num=row_num, col_num=col_num, xcen = xcen, ycen = ycen)
......@@ -540,6 +598,9 @@ def generateExtensionHeader(chip, xlen = 9216, ylen = 9232,ra = 60, dec = -40, p
h_ext['CTYPE1'] = header_wcs['CTYPE1']
h_ext['CTYPE2'] = header_wcs['CTYPE2']
h_ext['EXTNAME'] = 'IMAGE'
h_ext.comments["XTENSION"] = "image extension"
return h_ext
This diff is collapsed.
SIMPLE = T / conforms to FITS standard BITPIX = 8 / array data type NAXIS = 0 / number of array dimensions EXTEND = T NEXTEND = 1 / number of array dimensions GROUPS = F / ' ' DATE = '2021-03-04T09:30:00'/ the date on which this file was written FILENAME= 'MSC_MS_210304093000_100000000_06_raw' / file name FILETYPE= 'SCIE ' / observation type TELESCOP= 'CSST ' / telescope used to acquire data INSTRUME= 'MSC ' / instrument used to acquire data RADECSYS= 'ICRS ' / reference coordinates system EQUINOX = 2000.0 / FITSCREA= 'C6' / FITS create software version COMMENT ================================================================== COMMENT Object information COMMENT ================================================================== OBJECT = '00000000' / object name TARGET = '+000000000000' / target name (hhmmss+ddmmss) OBSID = '00000000' / observation ID OBJ_RA = 62.228226 / R.A. of the object (degrees) OBJ_DEC = -42.316932 / declination of the object (degrees) COMMENT ================================================================== COMMENT Telescope information COMMENT ================================================================== REFFRAME= 'CSSTGSC-1.0' / guide star catalog version DATE-OBS= '2021-03-04T09:30:00'/ date of the observation (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) SATESWV = '0001' / software version in the satellite EXPSTART= 59130.5 / exposure start time (MJD) CABSTART= 59130.5 / (MJD) SUNANGL0= 50.0 / angle between sun and opt axis at CABSTART MOONANG0= 30.0 / angle between moon and opt axis at CABSTART TEL_ALT0= 20.0 / angle between opt axis and Elimb at CABSTART POS_ANG0= 20.0 / angle between y axis and NP at CABSTART POSI0_X = 0.0 / the orbital position in X at CABSTART POSI0_Y = 0.0 / the orbital position in Y at CABSTART POSI0_Z = 0.0 / the orbital position in Z at CABSTART VELO0_X = 0.0 / the orbital velocity in X at CABSTART VELO0_Y = 0.0 / the orbital velocity in Y at CABSTART VELO0_Z = 0.0 / the orbital velocity in Z at CABSTART EULER0_1= 0.0 / euler angle 1 at CABSTART EULER0_2= 0.0 / euler angle 2 at CABSTART EULER0_3= 0.0 / euler angle 3 at CABSTART RA_PNT0 = 0.0 / RA of the pointing (degrees) at CABSTART DEC_PNT0= 0.0 / DEC of the pointing (degrees) at CABSTART EXPEND = 0.0 / exposure end time (MJD) CABEND = 0.0 / (MJD) SUNANGL1= 50.0 / angle between sun and opt axis at CABEND MOONANG1= 30.0 / angle between moon and opt axis at CABEND TEL_ALT1= 20.0 / angle between opt axis and Elimb at CABEND POS_ANG1= 20.0 / angle between y axis and NP at CABEND POSI1_X = 0.0 / the orbital position in X at CABEND POSI1_Y = 0.0 / the orbital position in Y at CABEND POSI1_Z = 0.0 / the orbital position in Z at CABEND VELO1_X = 0.0 / the orbital velocity in X at CABEND VELO1_Y = 0.0 / the orbital velocity in Y at CABEND VELO1_Z = 0.0 / the orbital velocity in Z at CABEND EULER1_1= 0.0 / euler angle 1 at CABEND EULER1_2= 0.0 / euler angle 2 at CABEND EULER1_3= 0.0 / euler angle 3 at CABEND RA_PNT1 = 0.0 / RA of the pointing (degrees) at CABEND DEC_PNT1= 0.0 / DEC of the pointing (degrees) at CABEND EXPTIME = 150.0 / exposure duration EPOCH = 2000.0 / coordinate epoch COMMENT Other information COMMENT ================================================================== CHECKSUM= 'abcdefg ' / HDU checksum updated yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS DATASUM = 'abcdefg ' / data unit checksum updated yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS END
SIMPLE = T / conforms to FITS standard BITPIX = 8 / array data type NAXIS = 0 / number of array dimensions EXTEND = T NEXTEND = 1 / number of array dimensions GROUPS = F / ' ' DATE = '2021-03-04T09:30:00'/ the date on which this file was written FILENAME= 'MSC_MS_210304093000_100000000_06_raw' / file name FILETYPE= 'SCIE ' / observation type TELESCOP= 'CSST ' / telescope used to acquire data INSTRUME= 'MSC ' / instrument used to acquire data RADECSYS= 'ICRS ' / reference coordinates system EQUINOX = 2000.0 / FITSCREA= 'C6' / FITS create software version COMMENT ========================================================================COMMENT Object information COMMENT ========================================================================OBJECT = '00000000' / object name TARGET = '+000000000000' / target name (hhmmss+ddmmss) OBSID = '00000000' / observation ID OBJ_RA = 62.228226 / R.A. of the object (degrees) OBJ_DEC = -42.316932 / declination of the object (degrees) COMMENT ========================================================================COMMENT Telescope information COMMENT ========================================================================REFFRAME= 'CSSTGSC-1.0' / guide star catalog version DATE-OBS= '2021-03-04T09:30:00'/ date of the observation (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) SATESWV = '0001' / software version in the satellite EXPSTART= 59130.5 / exposure start time (MJD) CABSTART= 59130.5 / (MJD) SUNANGL0= 50.0 / angle between sun and opt axis at CABSTART MOONANG0= 30.0 / angle between moon and opt axis at CABSTART TEL_ALT0= 20.0 / angle between opt axis and Elimb at CABSTART POS_ANG0= 20.0 / angle between y axis and NP at CABSTART POSI0_X = 0.0 / the orbital position in X at CABSTART POSI0_Y = 0.0 / the orbital position in Y at CABSTART POSI0_Z = 0.0 / the orbital position in Z at CABSTART VELO0_X = 0.0 / the orbital velocity in X at CABSTART VELO0_Y = 0.0 / the orbital velocity in Y at CABSTART VELO0_Z = 0.0 / the orbital velocity in Z at CABSTART EULER0_1= 0.0 / euler angle 1 at CABSTART EULER0_2= 0.0 / euler angle 2 at CABSTART EULER0_3= 0.0 / euler angle 3 at CABSTART RA_PNT0 = 0.0 / RA of the pointing (degrees) at CABSTART DEC_PNT0= 0.0 / DEC of the pointing (degrees) at CABSTART EXPEND = 0.0 / exposure end time (MJD) CABEND = 0.0 / (MJD) SUNANGL1= 50.0 / angle between sun and opt axis at CABEND MOONANG1= 30.0 / angle between moon and opt axis at CABEND TEL_ALT1= 20.0 / angle between opt axis and Elimb at CABEND POS_ANG1= 20.0 / angle between y axis and NP at CABEND POSI1_X = 0.0 / the orbital position in X at CABEND POSI1_Y = 0.0 / the orbital position in Y at CABEND POSI1_Z = 0.0 / the orbital position in Z at CABEND VELO1_X = 0.0 / the orbital velocity in X at CABEND VELO1_Y = 0.0 / the orbital velocity in Y at CABEND VELO1_Z = 0.0 / the orbital velocity in Z at CABEND EULER1_1= 0.0 / euler angle 1 at CABEND EULER1_2= 0.0 / euler angle 2 at CABEND EULER1_3= 0.0 / euler angle 3 at CABEND RA_PNT1 = 0.0 / RA of the pointing (degrees) at CABEND DEC_PNT1= 0.0 / DEC of the pointing (degrees) at CABEND EXPTIME = 150.0 / exposure duration EPOCH = 2000.0 / coordinate epoch COMMENT Other information COMMENT ========================================================================CHECKSUM= 'abcdefg ' / HDU checksum updated yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS DATASUM = 'abcdefg ' / data unit checksum updated yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS END
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