Commit 93a4abf7 authored by xin's avatar xin
Browse files

optimize skylight disperse;fig bug gauss psf error for seg lib

parent ff96963f
......@@ -64,34 +64,79 @@ def calculateSkyMap_split_g(skyMap=None, blueLimit=4200, redLimit=6500, skyfn='s
# conf=conf1)
# sdp.compute_spec_orders()
sdp = SpecDisperser(orig_img=skyImg1,,, origin=origin1,
band_start=tbstart, band_end=tbend,
spec_orders = sdp.compute_spec_orders()
for k, v in spec_orders.items():
img_s = v[0]
origin_order_x = v[1]
origin_order_y = v[2]
ssImg = galsim.ImageF(img_s)
ssImg.setOrigin(origin_order_x, origin_order_y)
bounds = ssImg.bounds & fImg.bounds
if bounds.area() == 0:
fImg[bounds] = fImg[bounds] + ssImg[bounds]
y_len = skyMap.shape[0]
x_len = skyMap.shape[1]
delt_x = 100
delt_y = 100
sub_y_start_arr = np.arange(0, y_len, delt_y)
sub_y_end_arr = sub_y_start_arr + delt_y
sub_y_end_arr[-1] = min(sub_y_end_arr[-1], y_len)
sub_x_start_arr = np.arange(0, x_len, delt_x)
sub_x_end_arr = sub_x_start_arr + delt_x
sub_x_end_arr[-1] = min(sub_x_end_arr[-1], x_len)
for i,k1 in enumerate(sub_y_start_arr):
sub_y_s = k1
sub_y_e = sub_y_end_arr[i]
sub_y_center = (sub_y_s+sub_y_e)/2.
for j,k2 in enumerate(sub_x_start_arr):
sub_x_s = k2
sub_x_e = sub_x_end_arr[j]
skyImg_sub = galsim.Image(skyImg.array[sub_y_s:sub_y_e, sub_x_s:sub_x_e])
origin_sub = [sub_y_s, sub_x_s]
sub_x_center = (sub_x_s + sub_x_e) / 2.
sdp = SpecDisperser(orig_img=skyImg_sub, xcenter=sub_x_center, ycenter=sub_y_center, origin=origin_sub,
band_start=tbstart, band_end=tbend,
flat_cube=flat_cube, ignoreBeam=['D','E'])
spec_orders = sdp.compute_spec_orders()
for k, v in spec_orders.items():
img_s = v[0]
origin_order_x = v[1]
origin_order_y = v[2]
ssImg = galsim.ImageF(img_s)
ssImg.setOrigin(origin_order_x, origin_order_y)
bounds = ssImg.bounds & fImg.bounds
if bounds.area() == 0:
fImg[bounds] = fImg[bounds] + ssImg[bounds]
# sdp = SpecDisperser(orig_img=skyImg1,,, origin=origin1,
# tar_spec=spec,
# band_start=tbstart, band_end=tbend,
# conf=conf2,
# flat_cube=flat_cube, ignoreBeam=['D','E'])
# spec_orders = sdp.compute_spec_orders()
# for k, v in spec_orders.items():
# img_s = v[0]
# origin_order_x = v[1]
# origin_order_y = v[2]
# ssImg = galsim.ImageF(img_s)
# ssImg.setOrigin(origin_order_x, origin_order_y)
# bounds = ssImg.bounds & fImg.bounds
# if bounds.area() == 0:
# continue
# fImg[bounds] = fImg[bounds] + ssImg[bounds]
skyImg1 = galsim.Image(skyImg.array[:, 0:split_pos])
origin1 = [0, 0]
skyImg2 = galsim.Image(skyImg.array[:, split_pos:-1])
origin2 = [0, split_pos]
# skyImg1 = galsim.Image(skyImg.array[:, 0:split_pos])
# origin1 = [0, 0]
# skyImg2 = galsim.Image(skyImg.array[:, split_pos:])
# origin2 = [0, split_pos]
# sdp = specDisperser.specDisperser(orig_img=skyImg1,,,
# full_img=fimg, tar_spec=spec, band_start=tbstart, band_end=tbend,
......@@ -99,42 +144,88 @@ def calculateSkyMap_split_g(skyMap=None, blueLimit=4200, redLimit=6500, skyfn='s
# conf=conf1)
# sdp.compute_spec_orders()
sdp = SpecDisperser(orig_img=skyImg1,,, origin=origin1,
band_start=tbstart, band_end=tbend,
spec_orders = sdp.compute_spec_orders()
for k, v in spec_orders.items():
img_s = v[0]
origin_order_x = v[1]
origin_order_y = v[2]
ssImg = galsim.ImageF(img_s)
ssImg.setOrigin(origin_order_x, origin_order_y)
bounds = ssImg.bounds & fImg.bounds
if bounds.area() == 0:
fImg[bounds] = fImg[bounds] + ssImg[bounds]
sdp = SpecDisperser(orig_img=skyImg2,,, origin=origin2,
band_start=tbstart, band_end=tbend,
spec_orders = sdp.compute_spec_orders()
for k, v in spec_orders.items():
img_s = v[0]
origin_order_x = v[1]
origin_order_y = v[2]
ssImg = galsim.ImageF(img_s)
ssImg.setOrigin(origin_order_x, origin_order_y)
bounds = ssImg.bounds & fImg.bounds
fImg[bounds] = fImg[bounds] + ssImg[bounds]
y_len = skyMap.shape[0]
x_len = skyMap.shape[1]
delt_x = 500
delt_y = 500
sub_y_start_arr = np.arange(0, y_len, delt_y)
sub_y_end_arr = sub_y_start_arr + delt_y
sub_y_end_arr[-1] = min(sub_y_end_arr[-1], y_len)
sub_x_start_arr = np.arange(0, split_pos, delt_x)
sub_x_end_arr = sub_x_start_arr + delt_x
sub_x_end_arr[-1] = min(sub_x_end_arr[-1], split_pos)
for i,k1 in enumerate(sub_y_start_arr):
sub_y_s = k1
sub_y_e = sub_y_end_arr[i]
sub_y_center = (sub_y_s+sub_y_e)/2.
for j,k2 in enumerate(sub_x_start_arr):
sub_x_s = k2
sub_x_e = sub_x_end_arr[j]
skyImg_sub = galsim.Image(skyImg.array[sub_y_s:sub_y_e, sub_x_s:sub_x_e])
origin_sub = [sub_y_s, sub_x_s]
sub_x_center = (sub_x_s + sub_x_e) / 2.
sdp = SpecDisperser(orig_img=skyImg_sub, xcenter=sub_x_center, ycenter=sub_y_center, origin=origin_sub,
band_start=tbstart, band_end=tbend,
flat_cube=flat_cube, ignoreBeam=['D','E'])
spec_orders = sdp.compute_spec_orders()
for k, v in spec_orders.items():
img_s = v[0]
origin_order_x = v[1]
origin_order_y = v[2]
ssImg = galsim.ImageF(img_s)
ssImg.setOrigin(origin_order_x, origin_order_y)
bounds = ssImg.bounds & fImg.bounds
if bounds.area() == 0:
fImg[bounds] = fImg[bounds] + ssImg[bounds]
sub_x_start_arr = np.arange(split_pos, x_len, delt_x)
sub_x_end_arr = sub_x_start_arr + delt_x
sub_x_end_arr[-1] = min(sub_x_end_arr[-1], x_len)
for i, k1 in enumerate(sub_y_start_arr):
sub_y_s = k1
sub_y_e = sub_y_end_arr[i]
sub_y_center = (sub_y_s + sub_y_e) / 2.
for j, k2 in enumerate(sub_x_start_arr):
sub_x_s = k2
sub_x_e = sub_x_end_arr[j]
skyImg_sub = galsim.Image(skyImg.array[sub_y_s:sub_y_e, sub_x_s:sub_x_e])
origin_sub = [sub_y_s, sub_x_s]
sub_x_center = (sub_x_s + sub_x_e) / 2.
sdp = SpecDisperser(orig_img=skyImg_sub, xcenter=sub_x_center, ycenter=sub_y_center, origin=origin_sub,
band_start=tbstart, band_end=tbend,
flat_cube=flat_cube, ignoreBeam=['D','E'])
spec_orders = sdp.compute_spec_orders()
for k, v in spec_orders.items():
img_s = v[0]
origin_order_x = v[1]
origin_order_y = v[2]
ssImg = galsim.ImageF(img_s)
ssImg.setOrigin(origin_order_x, origin_order_y)
bounds = ssImg.bounds & fImg.bounds
if bounds.area() == 0:
fImg[bounds] = fImg[bounds] + ssImg[bounds]
if isAlongY == 1:
fimg, tmx, tmy = rotate90(array_orig=fImg.array, xc=0, yc=0, isClockwise=0)
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ def rotate90(array_orig=None, xc=0, yc=0, isClockwise=0):
class SpecDisperser(object):
def __init__(self, orig_img=None, xcenter=0, ycenter=0, origin=[100, 100], tar_spec=None, band_start=6200,
band_end=10000, isAlongY=0, conf='../param/CONF/csst.conf', gid=0, flat_cube=None):
band_end=10000, isAlongY=0, conf='../param/CONF/csst.conf', gid=0, flat_cube=None, ignoreBeam=[]):
orig_img: normal image,galsim image
xcenter, ycenter: the center of galaxy in orig_img
......@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ class SpecDisperser(object):
self.grating_conf = aXeConf(conf)
self.grating_conf_file = conf
self.ignoreBeam = ignoreBeam
def compute_spec_orders(self):
......@@ -103,7 +104,8 @@ class SpecDisperser(object):
beam_names = self.grating_conf.beams
for beam in beam_names:
# for beam in ['A','B']:
if beam in self.ignoreBeam:
all_orders[beam] = self.compute_spec(beam)
return all_orders
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ def disperse_grism_object(np.ndarray[FTYPE_t, ndim=2] flam,
flam : direct image matrix, 2 dim [y,x]
idxl: grating disperse light to pixel, pixel index, 1 dim, length = ysens, yfrac
ysense: sensitivity use pixel describe
ysens: sensitivity use pixel describe
full: output result ,1 dim, y_beam * x_beam
x0: the center of gal in image thumbnail (y, x)
shd: shape of direct image
......@@ -53,16 +53,20 @@ def disperse_grism_object(np.ndarray[FTYPE_t, ndim=2] flam,
nk = len(idxl)
nl = len(full)
doflat = 0
nlamb = len(wlambda)
flat_eff_all = np.ones([nl, nlamb])*ysens
if (flat is not None):
nflat = len(flat)
print('DEBUG: nflat', nflat,nl,len(flat[0]))
if(nflat == nl):
lambd_2 = wlambda*wlambda
lambd_3 = wlambda*wlambda*wlambda
lambda_co = np.zeros([4,nlamb])
lambda_co[0] = lambda_co[0] + 1
lambda_co[1] = wlambda*1
lambda_co[2] = wlambda*lambda_co[1]
lambda_co[3] = wlambda*lambda_co[2]
flat_eff_all =, lambda_co)*ysens
for i in range(0-x0[1], x0[1]):
if (x0[1]+i < 0) | (x0[1]+i >= shd[1]):
......@@ -79,19 +83,13 @@ def disperse_grism_object(np.ndarray[FTYPE_t, ndim=2] flam,
for k in range(nk):
k1 = idxl[k]+j*shg[1]+i
if (k1 >= 0) & (k1 < nl):
flux_factor = 1.
if (doflat==1):
a = flat[k1]
flux_factor = a[0] + a[1]*wlambda[k] + a[2]*lambd_2[k] + a[3]*lambd_3[k]
full[k1] += ysens[k]*fl_ij*yfrac[k]*flux_factor
flux_factor = flat_eff_all[k1,k]
full[k1] += fl_ij*yfrac[k]*flux_factor
k2 = idxl[k]+(j-1)*shg[1]+i
if (k2 >= 0) & (k2 < nl):
flux_factor = 1.
if (doflat==1):
a = flat[k2]
flux_factor = a[0] + a[1]*wlambda[k] + a[2]*lambd_2[k] + a[3]*lambd_3[k]
full[k2] += ysens[k]*fl_ij*(1-yfrac[k])*flux_factor
flux_factor = flat_eff_all[k2,k]
full[k2] += fl_ij*(1-yfrac[k])*flux_factor
return True
......@@ -55,9 +55,8 @@ class PSFGauss(PSFModel):
gaussImg = gaussImg.array
size = np.size(gaussImg,axis=0)
cxy = 0.5*(size-1)
flux, ferr, flag = sep.sum_circle(gaussImg,cxy,cxy,r/pscale,subpix=0)
frac = flux.tolist()
return frac
flux, ferr, flag = sep.sum_circle(gaussImg,[cxy],[cxy],[r/pscale],subpix=0)
return flux
def fwhmGauss(self, r=0.15,fr=0.8,pscale=None):
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