Commit fd6c3108 authored by Fang Yuedong's avatar Fang Yuedong Committed by Zhang Xin
Browse files

Release v2.0

parent ca7fb5db
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from scipy import interpolate
from ObservationSim.MockObject import CatalogBase, Star, Galaxy, Quasar
class Catalog_example(CatalogBase):
class Catalog(CatalogBase):
"""An user customizable class for reading in catalog(s) of objects and SEDs.
NOTE: must inherit the "CatalogBase" abstract class
......@@ -32,8 +32,7 @@ class Catalog_example(CatalogBase):
load the filter throughput for the input catalog's photometric system.
def __init__(self, config, chip, pointing, **kwargs):
def __init__(self, config, chip, **kwargs):
"""Constructor method.
......@@ -41,7 +40,7 @@ class Catalog_example(CatalogBase):
config : dict
configuration dictionary which is parsed from the input YAML file
chip: ObservationSim.Instrument.Chip
a ObservationSim.Instrument.Chip instance, can be used to identify the band etc.
an ObservationSim.Instrument.Chip instance, can be used to identify the band etc.
**kwargs : dict
other needed input parameters (in key-value pairs), please modify corresponding
initialization call in "" as you need.
......@@ -52,12 +51,11 @@ class Catalog_example(CatalogBase):
self.cat_dir = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], config["input_path"]["cat_dir"])
self.cat_dir = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["cat_dir"])
self.chip = chip
self.pointing = pointing
if "star_cat" in config["input_path"] and config["input_path"]["star_cat"]:
star_file = config["input_path"]["star_cat"]
star_SED_file = config["SED_templates_path"]["star_SED"]
if "star_cat" in config["catalog_options"]["input_path"] and config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["star_cat"]
star_file = config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["star_cat"]
star_SED_file = config["catalog_options"]["SED_templates_path"]["star_SED"]
self.star_path = os.path.join(self.cat_dir, star_file)
self.star_SED_path = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], star_SED_file)
# NOTE: must call _load() method here to read in all objects
......@@ -100,20 +98,23 @@ class Catalog_example(CatalogBase):
NOTE: if that filter is not the corresponding CSST filter, the
load_norm_filt(obj) function must be implemented to load the filter
throughput of that particular photometric system
param["theta"] : float
the position angle (in degrees)
param["bfrac"] : float
the bulge fraction
param["hlr_bulge] : float
param["hlr_bulge"] : float
the half-light-radius of the bulge
param["hlr_disk] : float
param["hlr_disk"] : float
the half-light-radius of the disk
param["ell_bulge] : float
the ellipticity of the bulge
param["ell_disk] : float
the ellipticity of the disk
param["ell_tot] : float
the total ellipticity
param["e1_bulge"], param["e2_bulge"] : float
the ellipticity of the bulge components
param["e1_disk"], param["e2_disk"] : float
the ellipticity of the disk components
(Optional parameters):
param['disk_sersic_idx']: float
Sersic index for galaxy disk component
param['bulge_sersic_idx']: float
Sersic index for galaxy bulge component
param['g1'], param['g2']: float
Reduced weak lensing shear components (valid for shear type: catalog)
the model of ObservationSim.MockObject.Galaxy class requires:
Currently a Quasar is modeled as a point source, just like a Star.
......@@ -122,6 +123,9 @@ class Catalog_example(CatalogBase):
NOTE: All constructed objects should be appened to "self.objs".
NOTE: Any other parameters can also be set within "param" dict:
Used to calculate required quantities and/or SEDs etc.
**kwargs : dict
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ except ImportError:
NSIDE = 128
class NGPCatalog(CatalogBase):
class Catalog(CatalogBase):
def __init__(self, config, chip, pointing, chip_output, **kwargs):
self.cat_dir = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], config["input_path"]["cat_dir"])
self.seed_Av = config["random_seeds"]["seed_Av"]
self.cat_dir = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["cat_dir"])
self.seed_Av = config["catalog_options"]["seed_Av"]
self.chip_output = chip_output
self.logger = chip_output.logger
......@@ -40,19 +40,19 @@ class NGPCatalog(CatalogBase):
self.chip = chip
self.pointing = pointing
if "star_cat" in config["input_path"] and config["input_path"]["star_cat"] and not config["run_option"]["galaxy_only"]:
star_file = config["input_path"]["star_cat"]
star_SED_file = config["SED_templates_path"]["star_SED"]
if "star_cat" in config["catalog_options"]["input_path"] and config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["star_cat"] and not config["catalog_options"]["galaxy_only"]:
star_file = config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["star_cat"]
star_SED_file = config["catalog_options"]["SED_templates_path"]["star_SED"]
self.star_path = os.path.join(self.cat_dir, star_file)
self.star_SED_path = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], star_SED_file)
if "galaxy_cat" in config["input_path"] and config["input_path"]["galaxy_cat"] and not config["run_option"]["star_only"]:
galaxy_file = config["input_path"]["galaxy_cat"]
if "galaxy_cat" in config["catalog_options"]["input_path"] and config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["galaxy_cat"] and not config["catalog_options"]["star_only"]:
galaxy_file = config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["galaxy_cat"]
self.galaxy_path = os.path.join(self.cat_dir, galaxy_file)
self.galaxy_SED_path = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], config["SED_templates_path"]["galaxy_SED"])
self.galaxy_SED_path = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], config["catalog_options"]["SED_templates_path"]["galaxy_SED"])
if "rotateEll" in config["shear_setting"]:
self.rotation = float(int(config["shear_setting"]["rotateEll"]/45.))
if "rotateEll" in config["catalog_options"]:
self.rotation = float(int(config["catalog_options"]["rotateEll"]/45.))
self.rotation = 0.
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ class NGPCatalog(CatalogBase):
pmdec_list = np.zeros(ngals).tolist()
rv_list = np.zeros(ngals).tolist()
parallax_list = [1e-9] * ngals
dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.pointing.timestamp)
dt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self.pointing.timestamp)
date_str =
time_str = dt.time().isoformat()
ra_arr, dec_arr = on_orbit_obs_position(
......@@ -140,12 +140,12 @@ class NGPCatalog(CatalogBase):
param['ra_orig'] = gals['ra_true'][igals]
param['dec_orig'] = gals['dec_true'][igals]
param['mag_use_normal'] = gals['mag_true_g_lsst'][igals]
if param['mag_use_normal'] >= 26.5:
# if param['mag_use_normal'] >= 26.5:
# continue
param['z'] = gals['redshift_true'][igals]
param['model_tag'] = 'None'
param['gamma1'] = 0
param['gamma2'] = 0
param['g1'] = 0
param['g2'] = 0
param['kappa'] = 0
param['delta_ra'] = 0
param['delta_dec'] = 0
......@@ -167,8 +167,13 @@ class NGPCatalog(CatalogBase):
# Assign each galaxy a template SED
param['sed_type'] = sed_assign(phz=param['z'], btt=param['bfrac'], rng=self.rng_sedGal)
param['redden'] = self.tempRed_gal[param['sed_type']]
param['av'] = self.avGal[int(self.ud()*self.nav)]
# param['redden'] = self.tempRed_gal[param['sed_type']]
# param['av'] = self.avGal[int(self.ud()*self.nav)]
# TEST no redening and no extinction
param['av'] = 0.0
param['redden'] = 0
if param['sed_type'] <= 5:
param['av'] = 0.0
param['redden'] = 0
......@@ -211,7 +216,7 @@ class NGPCatalog(CatalogBase):
pmdec_list = pmdec_arr.tolist()
rv_list = rv_arr.tolist()
parallax_list = parallax_arr.tolist()
dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.pointing.timestamp)
dt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self.pointing.timestamp)
date_str =
time_str = dt.time().isoformat()
ra_arr, dec_arr = on_orbit_obs_position(
......@@ -245,8 +250,8 @@ class NGPCatalog(CatalogBase):
if not self.chip.isContainObj(ra_obj=param['ra'], dec_obj=param['dec'], margin=200):
param['mag_use_normal'] = stars['app_sdss_g'][istars]
if param['mag_use_normal'] >= 26.5:
# if param['mag_use_normal'] >= 26.5:
# continue
self.ids += 1
# param['id'] = self.ids
param['id'] = stars['sourceID'][istars]
......@@ -269,7 +274,7 @@ class NGPCatalog(CatalogBase):
self.avGal = extAv(self.nav, seed=self.seed_Av)
self.objs = []
self.ids = 0
if "star_cat" in self.config["input_path"] and self.config["input_path"]["star_cat"] and not self.config["run_option"]["galaxy_only"]:
if "star_cat" in self.config["catalog_options"]["input_path"] and self.config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["star_cat"] and not self.config["catalog_options"]["galaxy_only"]:
star_cat = h5.File(self.star_path, 'r')['catalog']
for pix in self.pix_list:
......@@ -279,7 +284,7 @@ class NGPCatalog(CatalogBase):
except Exception as e:
if "galaxy_cat" in self.config["input_path"] and self.config["input_path"]["galaxy_cat"] and not self.config["run_option"]["star_only"]:
if "galaxy_cat" in self.config["catalog_options"]["input_path"] and self.config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["galaxy_cat"] and not self.config["catalog_options"]["star_only"]:
gals_cat = h5.File(self.galaxy_path, 'r')['galaxies']
for pix in self.pix_list:
......@@ -316,8 +321,6 @@ class NGPCatalog(CatalogBase):
raise ValueError("Object type not known")
speci = interpolate.interp1d(wave, flux)
# lamb = np.arange(2500, 10001 + 0.5, 0.5)
# lamb = np.arange(2400, 11001 + 0.5, 0.5)
lamb = np.arange(2000, 18001 + 0.5, 0.5)
y = speci(lamb)
# erg/s/cm2/A --> photo/s/m2/A
import os
import galsim
import random
import numpy as np
import h5py as h5
import healpy as hp
import astropy.constants as cons
import traceback
from astropy.coordinates import spherical_to_cartesian
from astropy.table import Table
from scipy import interpolate
from datetime import datetime
from ObservationSim.MockObject import CatalogBase, Star, Galaxy, Quasar, Stamp
from ObservationSim.MockObject._util import tag_sed, getObservedSED, getABMAG, integrate_sed_bandpass, comoving_dist
from ObservationSim.Astrometry.Astrometry_util import on_orbit_obs_position
import as fitsio
from ObservationSim.MockObject._util import seds, sed_assign, extAv
# (TEST)
from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
from astropy import constants
from astropy import units as U
import importlib.resources as pkg_resources
except ImportError:
# Try backported to PY<37 'importlib_resources'
import importlib_resources as pkg_resources
NSIDE = 128
class Catalog(CatalogBase):
def __init__(self, config, chip, pointing, chip_output, filt, **kwargs):
self.cat_dir = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["cat_dir"])
self.seed_Av = config["catalog_options"]["seed_Av"]
# (TEST)
self.cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=67.66, Om0=0.3111)
self.chip_output = chip_output
self.filt = filt
self.logger = chip_output.logger
with pkg_resources.path('', 'SLOAN_SDSS.g.fits') as filter_path:
self.normF_star =
self.config = config
self.chip = chip
self.pointing = pointing
self.max_size = 0.
if "stamp_cat" in config["catalog_options"]["input_path"] and config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["stamp_cat"] and config["catalog_options"]["stamp_yes"]:
stamp_file = config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["stamp_cat"]
self.stamp_path = os.path.join(self.cat_dir, stamp_file)
#self.stamp_SED_path = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], config["SED_templates_path"]["stamp_SED"]) ###shoule be stamp-SED
#self._load_SED_lib_stamps() ###shoule be stamp-SED
self.tempSed_gal, self.tempRed_gal = seds("galaxy.list", seddir="/share/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/Templates/Galaxy/") #only for test
if "rotateEll" in config["catalog_options"]:
self.rotation = float(int(config["catalog_options"]["rotateEll"]/45.))
self.rotation = 0.
# Update output .cat header with catalog specific output columns
def _add_output_columns_header(self):
self.add_hdr = " model_tag teff logg feh"
self.add_hdr += " bulgemass diskmass detA e1 e2 kappa g1 g2 size galType veldisp "
self.add_fmt = " %10s %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f"
self.add_fmt += " %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %4d %8.4f "
def _get_healpix_list(self):
self.sky_coverage = self.chip.getSkyCoverageEnlarged(self.chip.img.wcs, margin=0.2)
ra_min, ra_max, dec_min, dec_max = self.sky_coverage.xmin, self.sky_coverage.xmax, self.sky_coverage.ymin, self.sky_coverage.ymax
ra = np.deg2rad(np.array([ra_min, ra_max, ra_max, ra_min]))
dec = np.deg2rad(np.array([dec_max, dec_max, dec_min, dec_min]))
# vertices = spherical_to_cartesian(1., dec, ra)
self.pix_list = hp.query_polygon(
hp.ang2vec(np.radians(90.) - dec, ra),
# self.pix_list = hp.query_polygon(NSIDE, np.array(vertices).T, inclusive=True)
if self.logger is not None:
msg = str(("HEALPix List: ", self.pix_list))
print("HEALPix List: ", self.pix_list)
def load_norm_filt(self, obj):
if obj.type == "stamp":
#return self.normF_galaxy ###normalize_filter for stamp
return None
return None
def _load_stamps(self, stamps, pix_id=None):
nstamps = len(stamps['filename'])
self.rng_sedGal = random.Random()
self.rng_sedGal.seed(pix_id) # Use healpix index as the random seed
self.ud = galsim.UniformDeviate(pix_id)
for istamp in range(nstamps):
fitsfile = os.path.join(self.cat_dir, "stampCats/"+stamps['filename'][istamp].decode('utf-8'))
param = self.initialize_param()
param['id'] = hdu[0].header['index'] #istamp
param['star'] = 3 # Stamp type in .cat file
param['ra'] = hdu[0].header['ra']
param['dec']= hdu[0].header['dec']
param['pixScale']= hdu[0].header['pixScale']
#param['srcGalaxyID'] = hdu[0].header['srcGID']
#param['mu']= hdu[0].header['mu']
#param['PA']= hdu[0].header['PA']
#param['bfrac']= hdu[0].header['bfrac']
#param['z']= hdu[0].header['z']
param['mag_use_normal'] = hdu[0].header['mag_g'] #gals['mag_true_g_lsst']
# Apply astrometric modeling
# in C3 case only aberration
param['ra_orig'] = param['ra']
param['dec_orig']= param['dec']
if self.config["obs_setting"]["enable_astrometric_model"]:
ra_list = [param['ra']] #ra_arr.tolist()
dec_list= [param['dec']] #dec_arr.tolist()
pmra_list = np.zeros(1).tolist()
pmdec_list = np.zeros(1).tolist()
rv_list = np.zeros(1).tolist()
parallax_list = [1e-9] * 1
dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.pointing.timestamp)
date_str =
time_str = dt.time().isoformat()
ra_arr, dec_arr = on_orbit_obs_position(
param['ra'] = ra_arr[0]
param['dec']= dec_arr[0]
# Assign each galaxy a template SED
param['sed_type'] = sed_assign(phz=param['z'], btt=param['bfrac'], rng=self.rng_sedGal)
param['redden'] = self.tempRed_gal[param['sed_type']]
param['av'] = 0.0
param['redden'] = 0
#param["CSSTmag"]= True
#param["mag_r"] = 20.
###more keywords for stamp###
param['image'] = hdu[0].data
param['image'] = param['image']/(np.sum(param['image']))
obj = Stamp(param)
def _load(self, **kwargs):
self.objs = []
self.ids = 0
if "stamp_cat" in self.config["catalog_options"]["input_path"] and self.config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["stamp_cat"] and self.config["catalog_options"]["stamp_yes"]:
stamps_cat = h5.File(self.stamp_path, 'r')['Stamps']
for pix in self.pix_list:
stamps = stamps_cat[str(pix)]
self._load_stamps(stamps, pix_id=pix)
del stamps
except Exception as e:
if self.logger is not None:"maximum galaxy size: %.4f"%(self.max_size))"number of objects in catalog: %d"%(len(self.objs)))
print("number of objects in catalog: ", len(self.objs))
def load_sed(self, obj, **kwargs):
if obj.type == 'stamp':
sed_data = getObservedSED(
wave, flux = sed_data[0], sed_data[1]
raise ValueError("Object type not known")
speci = interpolate.interp1d(wave, flux)
lamb = np.arange(2000, 11001+0.5, 0.5)
y = speci(lamb)
# erg/s/cm2/A --> photon/s/m2/A
all_sed = y * lamb / (cons.h.value * cons.c.value) * 1e-13
sed = Table(np.array([lamb, all_sed]).T, names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'))
del wave
del flux
return sed
import os
import galsim
import random
import numpy as np
import h5py as h5
import healpy as hp
import astropy.constants as cons
import traceback
from astropy.coordinates import spherical_to_cartesian
from astropy.table import Table
from scipy import interpolate
from datetime import datetime
from ObservationSim.MockObject import CatalogBase, Star, Galaxy, Quasar, Stamp
from ObservationSim.MockObject._util import tag_sed, getObservedSED, getABMAG, integrate_sed_bandpass, comoving_dist
from ObservationSim.Astrometry.Astrometry_util import on_orbit_obs_position
import as fitsio
from ObservationSim.MockObject._util import seds, sed_assign, extAv
# (TEST)
from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
from astropy import constants
from astropy import units as U
import importlib.resources as pkg_resources
except ImportError:
# Try backported to PY<37 'importlib_resources'
import importlib_resources as pkg_resources
NSIDE = 128
def get_bundleIndex(healpixID_ring, bundleOrder=4, healpixOrder=7):
assert NSIDE == 2**healpixOrder
shift = healpixOrder - bundleOrder
shift = 2*shift
nside_bundle = 2**bundleOrder
nside_healpix= 2**healpixOrder
healpixID_nest= hp.ring2nest(nside_healpix, healpixID_ring)
bundleID_nest = (healpixID_nest >> shift)
bundleID_ring = hp.nest2ring(nside_bundle, bundleID_nest)
return bundleID_ring
class Catalog(CatalogBase):
def __init__(self, config, chip, pointing, chip_output, filt, **kwargs):
self.cat_dir = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["cat_dir"])
self.seed_Av = config["catalog_options"]["seed_Av"]
# (TEST)
self.cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=67.66, Om0=0.3111)
self.chip_output = chip_output
self.filt = filt
self.logger = chip_output.logger
with pkg_resources.path('', 'SLOAN_SDSS.g.fits') as filter_path:
self.normF_star =
self.config = config
self.chip = chip
self.pointing = pointing
self.max_size = 0.
if "galaxy_cat" in config["catalog_options"]["input_path"] and config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["galaxy_cat"] and config["catalog_options"]["galaxy_yes"]:
self.galaxy_path = os.path.join(self.cat_dir, config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["galaxy_cat"])
self.galaxy_SED_path = os.path.join(self.cat_dir, config["catalog_options"]["SED_templates_path"]["galaxy_SED"])
if "AGN_cat" in config["catalog_options"]["input_path"] and config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["AGN_cat"] and config["catalog_options"]["galaxy_yes"]:
self.AGN_path = os.path.join(self.cat_dir, config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["AGN_cat"])
self.AGN_SED_path = os.path.join(self.cat_dir, config["catalog_options"]["SED_templates_path"]["AGN_SED"])
self.AGN_SED_wave_path = os.path.join(self.cat_dir, config["catalog_options"]["SED_templates_path"]["AGN_SED_WAVE"])
if "rotateEll" in config["catalog_options"]:
self.rotation = float(int(config["catalog_options"]["rotateEll"]/45.))
self.rotation = 0.
# Update output .cat header with catalog specific output columns
def _add_output_columns_header(self):
self.add_hdr = " model_tag teff logg feh"
self.add_hdr += " bulgemass diskmass detA e1 e2 kappa g1 g2 size galType veldisp "
self.add_fmt = " %10s %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f"
self.add_fmt += " %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %4d %8.4f "
def _get_healpix_list(self):
self.sky_coverage = self.chip.getSkyCoverageEnlarged(self.chip.img.wcs, margin=0.2)
ra_min, ra_max, dec_min, dec_max = self.sky_coverage.xmin, self.sky_coverage.xmax, self.sky_coverage.ymin, self.sky_coverage.ymax
ra = np.deg2rad(np.array([ra_min, ra_max, ra_max, ra_min]))
dec = np.deg2rad(np.array([dec_max, dec_max, dec_min, dec_min]))
# vertices = spherical_to_cartesian(1., dec, ra)
self.pix_list = hp.query_polygon(
hp.ang2vec(np.radians(90.) - dec, ra),
# self.pix_list = hp.query_polygon(NSIDE, np.array(vertices).T, inclusive=True)
if self.logger is not None:
msg = str(("HEALPix List: ", self.pix_list))
print("HEALPix List: ", self.pix_list)
def load_norm_filt(self, obj):
if obj.type == "galaxy" or obj.type == "quasar":
# return self.normF_galaxy
return None
return None
def _load_SED_lib_gals(self):
pcs = h5.File(os.path.join(self.galaxy_SED_path, "pcs.h5"), "r")
lamb = h5.File(os.path.join(self.galaxy_SED_path, "lamb.h5"), "r")
self.lamb_gal = lamb['lamb'][()]
self.pcs = pcs['pcs'][()]
def _load_SED_lib_AGN(self):
from import fits
self.SED_AGN =[0].data
self.lamb_AGN = np.load(self.AGN_SED_wave_path)
def _load_gals(self, gals, pix_id=None, cat_id=0):
ngals = len(gals['ra'])
# Apply astrometric modeling
# in C3 case only aberration
ra_arr = gals['ra'][:]
dec_arr = gals['dec'][:]
if self.config["obs_setting"]["enable_astrometric_model"]:
ra_list = ra_arr.tolist()
dec_list = dec_arr.tolist()
pmra_list = np.zeros(ngals).tolist()
pmdec_list = np.zeros(ngals).tolist()
rv_list = np.zeros(ngals).tolist()
parallax_list = [1e-9] * ngals
dt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self.pointing.timestamp)
date_str =
time_str = dt.time().isoformat()
ra_arr, dec_arr = on_orbit_obs_position(
for igals in range(ngals):
# # (TEST)
# if igals > 100:
# break
# if igals < 3447:
# continue
param = self.initialize_param()
param['ra'] = ra_arr[igals]
param['dec'] = dec_arr[igals]
param['ra_orig'] = gals['ra'][igals]
param['dec_orig'] = gals['dec'][igals]
param['mag_use_normal'] = gals['mag_csst_%s'%(self.filt.filter_type)][igals]
if self.filt.is_too_dim(mag=param['mag_use_normal'], margin=self.config["obs_setting"]["mag_lim_margin"]):
# if param['mag_use_normal'] >= 26.5:
# continue
param['z'] = gals['redshift'][igals]
param['model_tag'] = 'None'
param['g1'] = gals['shear'][igals][0]
param['g2'] = gals['shear'][igals][1]
param['kappa'] = gals['kappa'][igals]
param['e1'] = gals['ellipticity_true'][igals][0]
param['e2'] = gals['ellipticity_true'][igals][1]
# For shape calculation
param['ell_total'] = np.sqrt(param['e1']**2 + param['e2']**2)
if param['ell_total'] > 0.9:
param['e1_disk'] = param['e1']
param['e2_disk'] = param['e2']
param['e1_bulge'] = param['e1']
param['e2_bulge'] = param['e2']
param['delta_ra'] = 0
param['delta_dec'] = 0
# Masses
param['bulgemass'] = gals['bulgemass'][igals]
param['diskmass'] = gals['diskmass'][igals]
param['size'] = gals['size'][igals]
if param['size'] > self.max_size:
self.max_size = param['size']
# Sizes
param['bfrac'] = param['bulgemass']/(param['bulgemass'] + param['diskmass'])
if param['bfrac'] >= 0.6:
param['hlr_bulge'] = param['size']
param['hlr_disk'] = param['size'] * (1. - param['bfrac'])
param['hlr_disk'] = param['size']
param['hlr_bulge'] = param['size'] * param['bfrac']
# SED coefficients
param['coeff'] = gals['coeff'][igals]
param['detA'] = gals['detA'][igals]
# Others
param['galType'] = gals['type'][igals]
param['veldisp'] = gals['veldisp'][igals]
# TEST no redening and no extinction
param['av'] = 0.0
param['redden'] = 0
param['star'] = 0 # Galaxy
# NOTE: this cut cannot be put before the SED type has been assigned
if not self.chip.isContainObj(ra_obj=param['ra'], dec_obj=param['dec'], margin=200):
self.ids += 1
# param['id'] = self.ids
param['id'] = '%06d'%(int(pix_id)) + '%06d'%(cat_id) + '%08d'%(igals)
if param['star'] == 0:
obj = Galaxy(param, self.rotation, logger=self.logger)
# Need to deal with additional output columns
obj.additional_output_str = self.add_fmt%("n", 0., 0., 0.,
param['bulgemass'], param['diskmass'], param['detA'],
param['e1'], param['e2'], param['kappa'], param['g1'], param['g2'], param['size'],
param['galType'], param['veldisp'])
def _load_AGNs(self):
data =
ra_arr = data['ra']
dec_arr = data['dec']
nAGNs = len(data)
if self.config["obs_setting"]["enable_astrometric_model"]:
ra_list = ra_arr.tolist()
dec_list = dec_arr.tolist()
pmra_list = np.zeros(nAGNs).tolist()
pmdec_list = np.zeros(nAGNs).tolist()
rv_list = np.zeros(nAGNs).tolist()
parallax_list = [1e-9] * nAGNs
dt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self.pointing.timestamp)
date_str =
time_str = dt.time().isoformat()
ra_arr, dec_arr = on_orbit_obs_position(
for iAGNs in range(nAGNs):
param = self.initialize_param()
param['ra'] = ra_arr[iAGNs]
param['dec'] = dec_arr[iAGNs]
param['ra_orig'] = data['ra'][iAGNs]
param['dec_orig'] = data['dec'][iAGNs]
param['z'] = data['z'][iAGNs]
param['appMag'] = data['appMag'][iAGNs]
param['absMag'] = data['absMag'][iAGNs]
# NOTE: this cut cannot be put before the SED type has been assigned
if not self.chip.isContainObj(ra_obj=param['ra'], dec_obj=param['dec'], margin=200):
# TEST no redening and no extinction
param['av'] = 0.0
param['redden'] = 0
param['star'] = 2 # Quasar
param['id'] = data['igmlos'][iAGNs]
if param['star'] == 2:
obj = Quasar(param, logger=self.logger)
# Append additional output columns to the .cat file
obj.additional_output_str = self.add_fmt%("n", 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., -1, 0.)
def _load(self, **kwargs):
self.objs = []
self.ids = 0
if "galaxy_cat" in self.config["catalog_options"]["input_path"] and self.config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["galaxy_cat"] and self.config["catalog_options"]["galaxy_yes"]:
# for i in range(76):
# file_path = os.path.join(self.galaxy_path, "galaxies%04d_C6.h5"%(i))
# gals_cat = h5.File(file_path, 'r')['galaxies']
# for pix in self.pix_list:
# try:
# gals = gals_cat[str(pix)]
# self._load_gals(gals, pix_id=pix, cat_id=i)
# del gals
# except Exception as e:
# traceback.print_exc()
# self.logger.error(str(e))
# print(e)
for pix in self.pix_list:
bundleID = get_bundleIndex(pix)
# # (TEST C6):
# if pix != 35421 or bundleID != 523:
# continue
gals_cat = h5.File(self.galaxy_path, 'r')['galaxies']
gals = gals_cat[str(pix)]
self._load_gals(gals, pix_id=pix, cat_id=bundleID)
del gals
except Exception as e:
#if "AGN_cat" in self.config["input_path"] and self.config["input_path"]["AGN_cat"] and not self.config["run_option"]["star_only"]:
if "AGN_cat" in self.config["catalog_options"]["input_path"] and self.config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["AGN_cat"] and self.config["catalog_options"]["galaxy_yes"]:
except Exception as e:
if self.logger is not None:"maximum galaxy size: %.4f"%(self.max_size))"number of objects in catalog: %d"%(len(self.objs)))
print("number of objects in catalog: ", len(self.objs))
# (TEST)
# def convert_mags(self, obj):
# spec = np.matmul(obj.coeff, self.pcs.T)
# lamb = self.lamb_gal * U.angstrom
# unit_sed = ((lamb * lamb)/constants.c*U.erg/U.second/**2/U.angstrom).to(U.jansky)
# unit_sed = unit_sed.value
# lamb = lamb.value
# lamb *= (1 + obj.z)
# spec *= (1 + obj.z)
# mags = -2.5 * np.log10(unit_sed*spec) + 8.9
# mags += self.cosmo.distmod(obj.z).value
# return lamb, mags
def load_sed(self, obj, **kwargs):
if obj.type == 'galaxy' or obj.type == 'quasar':
# dist_L_pc = (1 + obj.z) * comoving_dist(z=obj.z)[0]
# factor = (10 / dist_L_pc)**2
factor = 10**(-.4 * self.cosmo.distmod(obj.z).value)
if obj.type == 'galaxy':
flux = np.matmul(self.pcs, obj.coeff) * factor
# if np.any(flux < 0):
# raise ValueError("Glaxy %s: negative SED fluxes"
flux[flux < 0] = 0.
sedcat = np.vstack((self.lamb_gal, flux)).T
sed_data = getObservedSED(
wave, flux = sed_data[0], sed_data[1]
elif obj.type == 'quasar':
# flux = self.SED_AGN[int(] * factor * 1e-17
flux = self.SED_AGN[int(] * 1e-17
# if np.any(flux < 0):
# raise ValueError("Glaxy %s: negative SED fluxes"
flux[flux < 0] = 0.
# sedcat = np.vstack((self.lamb_AGN, flux)).T
wave = self.lamb_AGN
# print("sed (erg/s/cm2/A) = ", sed_data)
# np.savetxt(os.path.join(self.config["work_dir"], "%s_sed.txt"%(, sedcat)
raise ValueError("Object type not known")
speci = interpolate.interp1d(wave, flux)
lamb = np.arange(2000, 11001+0.5, 0.5)
y = speci(lamb)
# erg/s/cm2/A --> photon/s/m2/A
all_sed = y * lamb / (cons.h.value * cons.c.value) * 1e-13
sed = Table(np.array([lamb, all_sed]).T, names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'))
if obj.type == 'quasar':
# integrate to get the magnitudes
sed_photon = np.array([sed['WAVELENGTH'], sed['FLUX']]).T
sed_photon = galsim.LookupTable(x=np.array(sed_photon[:, 0]), f=np.array(sed_photon[:, 1]), interpolant='nearest')
sed_photon = galsim.SED(sed_photon, wave_type='A', flux_type='1', fast=False)
interFlux = integrate_sed_bandpass(sed=sed_photon, bandpass=self.filt.bandpass_full)
obj.param['mag_use_normal'] = getABMAG(interFlux, self.filt.bandpass_full)
# if obj.param['mag_use_normal'] >= 30:
# print("obj ID = %d"
# print("mag_use_normal = %.3f"%obj.param['mag_use_normal'])
# print("integrated flux = %.7f"%(interFlux))
# print("app mag = %.3f"%obj.param['appMag'])
# np.savetxt('./AGN_SED_test/sed_objID_%d.txt', np.transpose([self.lamb_AGN, self.SED_AGN[int(]]))
# print("obj ID = %d"
# print("mag_use_normal = %.3f"%obj.param['mag_use_normal'])
# print("integrated flux = %.7f"%(interFlux))
# print("app mag = %.3f"%obj.param['appMag'])
# print("abs mag = %.3f"%obj.param['absMag'])
# mag = getABMAG(interFlux, self.filt.bandpass_full)
# print("mag diff = %.3f"%(mag - obj.param['mag_use_normal']))
del wave
del flux
return sed
import os
import galsim
import random
import numpy as np
import h5py as h5
import healpy as hp
import astropy.constants as cons
import traceback
from astropy.coordinates import spherical_to_cartesian
from astropy.table import Table
from scipy import interpolate
from datetime import datetime
from ObservationSim.MockObject import CatalogBase, Star, Galaxy, Quasar, Stamp
from ObservationSim.MockObject._util import tag_sed, getObservedSED, getABMAG, integrate_sed_bandpass, comoving_dist
from ObservationSim.Astrometry.Astrometry_util import on_orbit_obs_position
import as fitsio
from ObservationSim.MockObject._util import seds, sed_assign, extAv
# (TEST)
from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
from astropy import constants
from astropy import units as U
import importlib.resources as pkg_resources
except ImportError:
# Try backported to PY<37 'importlib_resources'
import importlib_resources as pkg_resources
NSIDE = 128
class Catalog(CatalogBase):
"""An user customizable class for reading in catalog(s) of objects and SEDs.
NOTE: must inherit the "CatalogBase" abstract class
cat_dir : str
a directory that contains the catalog file(s)
star_path : str
path to the star catalog file
star_SED_path : str
path to the star SED data
objs : list
a list of ObservationSim.MockObject (Star, Galaxy, or Quasar)
NOTE: must have "obj" list when implement your own Catalog
load_sed(obj, **kwargs):
load the corresponding SED data for one object
load the filter throughput for the input catalog's photometric system.
def __init__(self, config, chip, pointing, chip_output, filt, **kwargs):
"""Constructor method.
config : dict
configuration dictionary which is parsed from the input YAML file
chip: ObservationSim.Instrument.Chip
an ObservationSim.Instrument.Chip instance, can be used to identify the band etc.
pointing: ObservationSim.Config.Pointing
an ObservationSim.Config.Pointing instance, can be used to configure the astrometry module
chip_output: ObservationSim.Config.ChipOutput
an ObservationSim.Config.ChipOutput instance, can be used to setup the output format
filt: ObservationSim.Instrument.Filter
an ObservationSim.Instrument.Filter instance, can be used to identify the filter type
**kwargs : dict
other needed input parameters (in key-value pairs), please modify corresponding
initialization call in "" as you need.
self.cat_dir = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["cat_dir"])
self.seed_Av = config["catalog_options"]["seed_Av"]
#self.cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=67.66, Om0=0.3111)
self.chip_output = chip_output
self.filt = filt
self.logger = chip_output.logger
with pkg_resources.path('', 'SLOAN_SDSS.g.fits') as filter_path:
self.normF_star =
self.config = config
self.chip = chip
self.pointing = pointing
self.max_size = 0.
if "star_cat" in config["catalog_options"]["input_path"] and config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["star_cat"] and config["catalog_options"]["star_yes"]:
self.star_path = os.path.join(self.cat_dir, config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["star_cat"])
self.star_SED_path = os.path.join(self.cat_dir, config["catalog_options"]["SED_templates_path"]["star_SED"])
if "rotateEll" in config["catalog_options"]:
self.rotation = float(int(config["catalog_options"]["rotateEll"]/45.))
self.rotation = 0.
# Update output .cat header with catalog specific output columns
def _add_output_columns_header(self):
self.add_hdr = " model_tag teff logg feh"
self.add_hdr += " bulgemass diskmass detA e1 e2 kappa g1 g2 size galType veldisp "
self.add_fmt = " %10s %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f"
self.add_fmt += " %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %4d %8.4f "
def _get_healpix_list(self):
self.sky_coverage = self.chip.getSkyCoverageEnlarged(self.chip.img.wcs, margin=0.2)
ra_min, ra_max, dec_min, dec_max = self.sky_coverage.xmin, self.sky_coverage.xmax, self.sky_coverage.ymin, self.sky_coverage.ymax
ra = np.deg2rad(np.array([ra_min, ra_max, ra_max, ra_min]))
dec = np.deg2rad(np.array([dec_max, dec_max, dec_min, dec_min]))
# vertices = spherical_to_cartesian(1., dec, ra)
self.pix_list = hp.query_polygon(
hp.ang2vec(np.radians(90.) - dec, ra),
# self.pix_list = hp.query_polygon(NSIDE, np.array(vertices).T, inclusive=True)
if self.logger is not None:
msg = str(("HEALPix List: ", self.pix_list))
print("HEALPix List: ", self.pix_list)
def load_norm_filt(self, obj):
"""Load the corresponding thourghput for the input magnitude "param["mag_use_normal"]".
NOTE: if the input magnitude is already in CSST magnitude, simply return None
obj : ObservationSim.MockObject
the object to get thourghput data for
norm_filt : Astropy.Table
the throughput Table with two columns (namely, "WAVELENGTH", "SENSITIVITY"):
norm_filt["WAVELENGTH"] : wavelengthes in Angstroms
norm_filt["SENSITIVITY"] : efficiencies
if obj.type == "star":
return self.normF_star
return None
def _load_SED_lib_star(self):
self.tempSED_star = h5.File(self.star_SED_path,'r')
def _load_stars(self, stars, pix_id=None):
nstars = len(stars['sourceID'])
# Apply astrometric modeling
ra_arr = stars["RA"][:]
dec_arr = stars["Dec"][:]
pmra_arr = stars['pmra'][:]
pmdec_arr = stars['pmdec'][:]
rv_arr = stars['RV'][:]
parallax_arr = stars['parallax'][:]
if self.config["obs_setting"]["enable_astrometric_model"]:
ra_list = ra_arr.tolist()
dec_list = dec_arr.tolist()
pmra_list = pmra_arr.tolist()
pmdec_list = pmdec_arr.tolist()
rv_list = rv_arr.tolist()
parallax_list = parallax_arr.tolist()
dt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self.pointing.timestamp)
date_str =
time_str = dt.time().isoformat()
ra_arr, dec_arr = on_orbit_obs_position(
for istars in range(nstars):
# # (TEST)
# if istars > 100:
# break
param = self.initialize_param()
param['ra'] = ra_arr[istars]
param['dec'] = dec_arr[istars]
param['ra_orig'] = stars["RA"][istars]
param['dec_orig'] = stars["Dec"][istars]
param['pmra'] = pmra_arr[istars]
param['pmdec'] = pmdec_arr[istars]
param['rv'] = rv_arr[istars]
param['parallax'] = parallax_arr[istars]
if not self.chip.isContainObj(ra_obj=param['ra'], dec_obj=param['dec'], margin=200):
param['mag_use_normal'] = stars['app_sdss_g'][istars]
# if param['mag_use_normal'] >= 26.5:
# continue
self.ids += 1
param['id'] = stars['sourceID'][istars]
param['sed_type'] = stars['sourceID'][istars]
param['model_tag'] = stars['model_tag'][istars]
param['teff'] = stars['teff'][istars]
param['logg'] = stars['grav'][istars]
param['feh'] = stars['feh'][istars]
param['z'] = 0.0
param['star'] = 1 # Star
obj = Star(param, logger=self.logger)
# Append additional output columns to the .cat file
obj.additional_output_str = self.add_fmt%(param["model_tag"], param['teff'], param['logg'], param['feh'],
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., -1, 0.)
def _load(self, **kwargs):
"""Read in all objects in from the catalog file(s).
This is a must implemented method which is used to read in all objects, and
then convert them to ObservationSim.MockObject (Star, Galaxy, or Quasar).
the model of ObservationSim.MockObject.Star class requires:
param["star"] : int
specify the object type: 0: galaxy, 1: star, 2: quasar
param["id"] : int
ID number of the object
param["ra"] : float
Right ascension (in degrees)
param["dec"] : float
Declination (in degrees)
param["mag_use_normal"]: float
the absolute magnitude in a particular filter
NOTE: if that filter is not the corresponding CSST filter, the
load_norm_filt(obj) function must be implemented to load the filter
throughput of that particular photometric system
the model of ObservationSim.MockObject.Galaxy class requires:
param["star"] : int
specify the object type: 0: galaxy, 1: star, 2: quasar
param["id"] : int
ID number of the object
param["ra"] : float
Right ascension (in degrees)
param["dec"] : float
Declination (in degrees)
param["mag_use_normal"]: float
the absolute magnitude in a particular filter
NOTE: if that filter is not the corresponding CSST filter, the
load_norm_filt(obj) function must be implemented to load the filter
throughput of that particular photometric system
param["bfrac"] : float
the bulge fraction
param["hlr_bulge"] : float
the half-light-radius of the bulge
param["hlr_disk"] : float
the half-light-radius of the disk
param["e1_bulge"], param["e2_bulge"] : float
the ellipticity of the bulge components
param["e1_disk"], param["e2_disk"] : float
the ellipticity of the disk components
(Optional parameters):
param['disk_sersic_idx']: float
Sersic index for galaxy disk component
param['bulge_sersic_idx']: float
Sersic index for galaxy bulge component
param['g1'], param['g2']: float
Reduced weak lensing shear components (valid for shear type: catalog)
the model of ObservationSim.MockObject.Galaxy class requires:
Currently a Quasar is modeled as a point source, just like a Star.
NOTE: To construct an object, according to its type, just call:
Star(param), Galaxy(param), or Quasar(param)
NOTE: All constructed objects should be appened to "self.objs".
NOTE: Any other parameters can also be set within "param" dict:
Used to calculate required quantities and/or SEDs etc.
**kwargs : dict
other needed input parameters (in key-value pairs), please modify corresponding
initialization call in "" as you need.
self.objs = []
self.ids = 0
#if "star_cat" in self.config["input_path"] and self.config["input_path"]["star_cat"] and not self.config["run_option"]["galaxy_only"]:
if "star_cat" in self.config["catalog_options"]["input_path"] and self.config["catalog_options"]["input_path"]["star_cat"] and self.config["catalog_options"]["star_yes"]:
star_cat = h5.File(self.star_path, 'r')['stars']
for pix in self.pix_list:
stars = star_cat[str(pix)]
self._load_stars(stars, pix_id=pix)
del stars
except Exception as e:
if self.logger is not None:"number of objects in catalog: %d"%(len(self.objs)))
print("number of objects in catalog: ", len(self.objs))
def load_sed(self, obj, **kwargs):
"""Load the corresponding SED data for a particular obj.
obj : ObservationSim.MockObject
the object to get SED data for
**kwargs : dict
other needed input parameters (in key-value pairs), please modify corresponding
initialization call in "" as you need.
sed : Astropy.Table
the SED Table with two columns (namely, "WAVELENGTH", "FLUX"):
sed["WAVELENGTH"] : wavelength in Angstroms
sed["FLUX"] : fluxes in photons/s/m^2/A
NOTE: the range of wavelengthes must at least cover [2450 - 11000] Angstorms
if obj.type == 'star':
_, wave, flux = tag_sed(
raise ValueError("Object type not known")
speci = interpolate.interp1d(wave, flux)
lamb = np.arange(2000, 11001+0.5, 0.5)
y = speci(lamb)
# erg/s/cm2/A --> photon/s/m2/A
all_sed = y * lamb / (cons.h.value * cons.c.value) * 1e-13
sed = Table(np.array([lamb, all_sed]).T, names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'))
del wave
del flux
return sed
......@@ -18,43 +18,39 @@ class ChipOutput(object):
self.ra_cen = config["obs_setting"]["ra_center"]
self.dec_cen = config["obs_setting"]["dec_center"]
exp_name = imgKey0 + "_%s_%s.fits"
self.chipLabel = focal_plane.getChipLabel(chip.chipID)
self.img_name = prefix + exp_name%(self.chipLabel, filt.filter_type)
# self.cat_name = 'MSC_' + config["obs_setting"]["date_obs"] + config["obs_setting"]["time_obs"] + "_" + str(pointing_ID).rjust(7, '0') + "_" + self.chipLabel.rjust(2,'0') + ".cat"
self.cat_name = "MSC_1%s_chip_%s_filt_%s"%(str(pointing_ID).rjust(8, '0'), focal_plane.getChipLabel(chip.chipID), filt.filter_type) + ".cat"
self.chipLabel = focal_plane.getChipLabel(chip.chipID)
self.cat_name = "MSC_1%s_chip_%s_filt_%s"%(str(pointing_ID).rjust(8, '0'), self.chipLabel, filt.filter_type) + ".cat"
self.subdir = subdir
# Setup logger for each chip
logger_filename = "MSC_1%s_chip_%s_filt_%s"%(str(pointing_ID).rjust(8, '0'), focal_plane.getChipLabel(chip.chipID), filt.filter_type) + ".log"
logger_filename = "MSC_1%s_chip_%s_filt_%s"%(str(pointing_ID).rjust(8, '0'), self.chipLabel, filt.filter_type) + ".log"
self.logger = logging.getLogger()
fh = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(self.subdir, logger_filename), mode='w+', encoding='utf-8')
# formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(msecs)d - %(levelname)-8s - [%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] - %(message)s')
hdr1 = "# obj_ID ID_chip filter xImage yImage ra dec ra_orig dec_orig z mag obj_type "
hdr2 = "thetaR bfrac hlr_disk hlr_bulge e1_disk e2_disk e1_bulge e2_bulge g1 g2 "
hdr3 = "sed_type av redden "
hdr4 = "pm_ra pm_dec RV parallax"
fmt1 = "%10d %4d %5s %10.3f %10.3f %15.8f %15.8f %15.8f %15.8f %7.4f %8.4f %15s "
fmt2 = "%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f "
fmt3 = "%2d %8.4f %8.4f "
fmt4 = "%15.8f %15.8f %15.8f %15.8f"
self.hdr = hdr1 + hdr2 + hdr3 + hdr4
self.fmt = fmt1 + fmt2 + fmt3 + fmt4
hdr2 = "pm_ra pm_dec RV parallax"
fmt1 = "%20s %4d %5s %10.3f %10.3f %15.8f %15.8f %15.8f %15.8f %7.4f %8.4f %15s "
fmt2 = "%15.8f %15.8f %15.8f %15.8f"
self.hdr = hdr1 + hdr2
self.fmt = fmt1 + fmt2"pointing_type = %s\n"%(pointing_type))
def Log_info(self, message):
def Log_error(self, message):
def update_ouptut_header(self, additional_column_names=""):
self.hdr += additional_column_names
......@@ -70,16 +66,14 @@ class ChipOutput(object):
def cat_add_obj(self, obj, pos_img, pos_shear):
# ximg = pos_img.x - self.chip.bound.xmin + 1.0
# yimg = pos_img.y - self.chip.bound.ymin + 1.0
# print('-------------debug-----------------')
# print('from global',ximg, yimg)
#'from global',ximg, yimg)
ximg = obj.real_pos.x + 1.0
yimg = obj.real_pos.y + 1.0
# print('from loacl',ximg, yimg)
#'from loacl',ximg, yimg)
line = self.fmt%(, int(self.chipLabel), self.filt.filter_type, ximg, yimg, obj.ra, obj.dec, obj.ra_orig, obj.dec_orig, obj.z, obj.getMagFilter(self.filt), obj.type,
obj.thetaR, obj.bfrac, obj.hlr_disk, obj.hlr_bulge, obj.e1_disk, obj.e2_disk, obj.e1_bulge, obj.e2_bulge, obj.g1, obj.g2,
obj.sed_type, obj.av, obj.redden,
obj.pmra, obj.pmdec, obj.rv, obj.parallax)
line += obj.additional_output_str
if not line.endswith("\n"):
......@@ -17,14 +17,9 @@ def config_dir(config, work_dir=None, data_dir=None):
path_dict["data_dir"] =os.path.join(path_dict["work_dir"], "data/")
path_dict["data_dir"] = data_dir
# Data sub-catalogs
# Object catalog direcotry
path_dict["cat_dir"] = os.path.join(path_dict["data_dir"], config["input_path"]["cat_dir"])
# PSF data directory
if config["psf_setting"]["psf_model"] == "Interp":
path_dict["psf_dir"] = os.path.join(path_dict["data_dir"], config["psf_setting"]["psf_dir"])
if config["ins_effects"]["field_dist"] == True:
path_dict["fd_path"] = os.path.join(path_dict["data_dir"], config["psf_setting"]["fd_path"])
return path_dict
......@@ -13,7 +13,10 @@ import random
import os
import sys
import astropy.coordinates as coord
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.wcs.utils import fit_wcs_from_points
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy import wcs
def chara2digit(char):
""" Function to judge and convert characters to digitals
......@@ -164,7 +167,8 @@ def calcaluteSLSRotSkyCoor(pix_xy = None,rot_angle = 1, xlen = 9216, ylen = 9232
##9232 9216 898 534 1309 60 -40 -23.4333
def WCS_def(xlen = 9216, ylen = 9232, gapy = 898.0, gapx1 = 534, gapx2 = 1309, ra = 60, dec = -40, pa = -23.433,psize = 0.074, row_num = 1, col_num = 1, filter = 'GI'):
def WCS_def(xlen = 9216, ylen = 9232, gapy = 898.0, gapx1 = 534, gapx2 = 1309, ra_ref = 60, dec_ref = -40, pa = -23.433, pixel_scale = 0.074, pixel_size=1e-2,
rotate_chip=0., filter = 'GI', row_num = None, col_num = None, xcen = None, ycen = None):
""" Creat a wcs frame for CCST with multiple extensions
......@@ -172,26 +176,30 @@ def WCS_def(xlen = 9216, ylen = 9232, gapy = 898.0, gapx1 = 534, gapx2 = 1309, r
r_dat = OrderedDict()
r_dat['EQUINOX'] = 2000.0
r_dat['WCSDIM'] = 2.0
r_dat['CTYPE1'] = 'RA---TAN'
r_dat['CTYPE2'] = 'DEC--TAN'
r_dat['CRVAL1'] = ra_ref
r_dat['CRVAL2'] = dec_ref
flag_x = [0, 1, -1, 1, -1]
flag_y = [0, 1, 1, -1, -1]
flag_ext_x = [0,-1,1,-1,1]
flag_ext_y = [0,-1,-1,1,1]
pa_aper = pa
if (row_num is not None) and (col_num is not None):
x_num = 6
y_num = 5
detector_num = x_num*y_num
detector_size_x = xlen
detector_size_y = ylen
gap_y = gapy
gap_x = [gapx1,gapx2]
ra_ref = ra
dec_ref = dec
pa_aper = pa
pixel_size = psize
gap_x1_num = 3
gap_x2_num = 2
......@@ -202,37 +210,18 @@ def WCS_def(xlen = 9216, ylen = 9232, gapy = 898.0, gapx1 = 534, gapx2 = 1309, r
gap_x_map = np.array([[0,0,0,0,0],[gap_x[0],gap_x[1],gap_x[1],gap_x[1],gap_x[1]],[gap_x[1],gap_x[0],gap_x[0],gap_x[0],gap_x[0]],[gap_x[0],gap_x[0],gap_x[0],gap_x[0],gap_x[0]],[gap_x[0],gap_x[0],gap_x[0],gap_x[0],gap_x[1]],[gap_x[1],gap_x[1],gap_x[1],gap_x[1],gap_x[0]]])
# frame_array = np.empty((5,6),dtype=np.float64)
# print(x_center,y_center)
j = row_num
i = col_num
# ccdnum = str((j-1)*5+i)
x_ref, y_ref = detector_size_x*i + sum(gap_x_map[0:i,j-1]) - detector_size_x/2. , (detector_size_y+gap_y)*j-gap_y-detector_size_y/2
# print(i,j,x_ref,y_ref,ra_ref,dec_ref)
r_dat = OrderedDict()
# name = []
# value = []
# description = []
for k in range(1,2):
cd = np.array([[ pixel_size, 0], [0, pixel_size]])/3600.*flag_x[k]
cd = np.array([[ pixel_scale, 0], [0, pixel_scale]])/3600.*flag_x[k]
cd_rot = rotate_CD_matrix(cd, pa_aper)
# f = open("CCD"+ccdnum.rjust(2,'0')+"_extension"+str(k)+"_wcs.param","w")
r_dat['EQUINOX'] = 2000.0
r_dat['WCSDIM'] = 2.0
r_dat['CTYPE1'] = 'RA---TAN'
r_dat['CTYPE2'] = 'DEC--TAN'
r_dat['CRVAL1'] = ra_ref
r_dat['CRVAL2'] = dec_ref
r_dat['CRPIX1'] = flag_ext_x[k]*((x_ref+flag_ext_x[k]*detector_size_x/2)-x_center)
r_dat['CRPIX2'] = flag_ext_y[k]*((y_ref+flag_ext_y[k]*detector_size_y/2)-y_center)
r_dat['CD1_1'] = cd_rot[0,0]
......@@ -241,7 +230,6 @@ def WCS_def(xlen = 9216, ylen = 9232, gapy = 898.0, gapx1 = 534, gapx2 = 1309, r
r_dat['CD2_2'] = cd_rot[1,1]
if filter in ['GU', 'GV', 'GI']:
from astropy import wcs
w = wcs.WCS(naxis=2)
w.wcs.crpix = [r_dat['CRPIX1'], r_dat['CRPIX2']]
......@@ -271,13 +259,10 @@ def WCS_def(xlen = 9216, ylen = 9232, gapy = 898.0, gapx1 = 534, gapx2 = 1309, r
y_pixs[i_pix] = y
pix_coor = np.array([x, y])
sc1 = calcaluteSLSRotSkyCoor(pix_xy=pix_coor, rot_angle=sls_rot, w=w)
sc1 = calcaluteSLSRotSkyCoor(pix_xy=pix_coor, rot_angle=sls_rot, xlen=xlen, ylen=ylen, w=w)
# print(sc1[0,0],sc1[0,1])
sky_coors.append((sc1[0, 0], sc1[0, 1]))
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.wcs.utils import fit_wcs_from_points
wcs_new = fit_wcs_from_points(xy=np.array([x_pixs, y_pixs]),
world_coords=SkyCoord(sky_coors, frame="icrs", unit="deg"), projection='TAN')
......@@ -296,17 +281,67 @@ def WCS_def(xlen = 9216, ylen = 9232, gapy = 898.0, gapx1 = 534, gapx2 = 1309, r
r_dat['CRVAL1'] = wcs_new.wcs.crval[0]
r_dat['CRVAL2'] = wcs_new.wcs.crval[1]
return r_dat
elif (xcen is not None) and (ycen is not None):
xcen, ycen = xcen/pixel_size, ycen/pixel_size
x1, y1 = xcen - xlen/2., ycen - ylen/2.
r_dat['CRPIX1'] = -x1
r_dat['CRPIX2'] = -y1
cd = np.array([[ pixel_scale, 0], [0, pixel_scale]])/3600.*flag_x[1]
cd_rot = rotate_CD_matrix(cd, pa_aper)
r_dat['CD1_1'] = cd_rot[0,0]
r_dat['CD1_2'] = cd_rot[0,1]
r_dat['CD2_1'] = cd_rot[1,0]
r_dat['CD2_2'] = cd_rot[1,1]
w = wcs.WCS(naxis=2)
w.wcs.crpix = [r_dat['CRPIX1'], r_dat['CRPIX2']] = cd_rot
w.wcs.crval = [ra_ref, dec_ref]
w.wcs.ctype = [r_dat['CTYPE1'], r_dat['CTYPE2']]
sn_x = 30
sn_y = 30
x_pixs = np.zeros(sn_y * sn_x)
y_pixs = np.zeros(sn_y * sn_x)
xpixs_line = np.linspace(1, xlen, sn_x)
ypixs_line = np.linspace(1, ylen, sn_y)
sky_coors = []
for n1, y in enumerate(ypixs_line):
for n2, x in enumerate(xpixs_line):
i_pix = n1 * sn_x + n2
x_pixs[i_pix] = x
y_pixs[i_pix] = y
pix_coor = np.array([x, y])
sc1 = calcaluteSLSRotSkyCoor(pix_xy=pix_coor, rot_angle=rotate_chip, xlen=xlen, ylen=ylen, w=w)
sky_coors.append((sc1[0, 0], sc1[0, 1]))
wcs_new = fit_wcs_from_points(xy=np.array([x_pixs, y_pixs]),
world_coords=SkyCoord(sky_coors, frame="icrs", unit="deg"),
r_dat['CD1_1'] =[0, 0]
r_dat['CD1_2'] =[0, 1]
r_dat['CD2_1'] =[1, 0]
r_dat['CD2_2'] =[1, 1]
r_dat['CRPIX1'] = wcs_new.wcs.crpix[0]
r_dat['CRPIX2'] = wcs_new.wcs.crpix[1]
r_dat['CRVAL1'] = wcs_new.wcs.crval[0]
r_dat['CRVAL2'] = wcs_new.wcs.crval[1]
raise ValueError('In function WCS_def(): Either (row_num, col_num) or (xcen, ycen, pixel_size) should be given')
return r_dat
def generatePrimaryHeader(xlen = 9216, ylen = 9232, pointNum = '1', ra = 60, dec = -40, psize = 0.074, row_num = 1, col_num = 1, date='200930', time_obs='120000', im_type = 'MS', exptime=150., sat_pos = [0.,0.,0.], sat_vel = [0., 0., 0.]):
#TODO project_cycle is temporary, is not in header defined, delete in future
def generatePrimaryHeader(xlen = 9216, ylen = 9232, pointNum = '1', ra = 60, dec = -40, pixel_scale = 0.074, date='200930', time_obs='120000', im_type = 'MS', exptime=150., sat_pos = [0.,0.,0.], sat_vel = [0., 0., 0.], project_cycle=6, chip_name="01"):
# array_size1, array_size2, flux, sigma = int(argv[1]), int(argv[2]), 1000.0, 5.0
k = (row_num-1)*6+col_num
# k = (row_num-1)*6+col_num
# ccdnum = str(k)
g_header_fn = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] + '/global_header.header'
......@@ -325,48 +360,64 @@ def generatePrimaryHeader(xlen = 9216, ylen = 9232, pointNum = '1', ra = 60, dec
h_prim = fits.Header()
h_prim = fits.Header.fromfile(g_header_fn)
h_prim['PIXSIZE1'] = xlen
h_prim['PIXSIZE2'] = ylen
h_prim['DATE'] = '20'+date[0:2]+'-' + date[2:4]+'-'+date[4:6]
h_prim['TIME'] = time_obs[0:2]+':'+time_obs[2:4]+':'+time_obs[4:6]
h_prim['DATE-OBS'] = '20'+date[0:2]+'-' + date[2:4]+'-'+date[4:6]
h_prim['TIME-OBS'] = time_obs[0:2]+':'+time_obs[2:4]+':'+time_obs[4:6]
h_prim['DETECTOR'] = 'CCD'+CCDID[k-1].rjust(2,'0')
h_prim['RA_OBJ'] = ra
h_prim['DEC_OBJ'] = dec
h_prim['OBJECT'] = '1'+ pointNum.rjust(8,'0')
h_prim['OBSID'] = '1'+ pointNum.rjust(8,'0')
h_prim['TELFOCUS'] = 'f/14'
# h_prim['PIXSIZE1'] = xlen
# h_prim['PIXSIZE2'] = ylen
h_prim['DATE'] = '20'+date[0:2]+'-' + date[2:4]+'-'+date[4:6] + 'T' + time_obs[0:2]+':'+time_obs[2:4]+':'+time_obs[4:6]
# h_prim['TIME'] = time_obs[0:2]+':'+time_obs[2:4]+':'+time_obs[4:6]
h_prim['DATE-OBS'] = '20'+date[0:2]+'-' + date[2:4]+'-'+date[4:6] + 'T' + time_obs[0:2]+':'+time_obs[2:4]+':'+time_obs[4:6]
# h_prim['TIME-OBS'] = time_obs[0:2]+':'+time_obs[2:4]+':'+time_obs[4:6]
# h_prim['DETECTOR'] = 'CHIP'+CCDID[k-1].rjust(2,'0')
h_prim['OBJ_RA'] = ra
h_prim['OBJ_DEC'] = dec
obs_type = {'SCI': '01', 'BIAS': '03', 'DARK': '07', 'FLAT': '11', 'CRS': '98', 'CRD': '99'}
OBS_id = '1'+ obs_type[im_type] + str(int(project_cycle)) + pointNum.rjust(7,'0')
h_prim['OBJECT'] = str(int(project_cycle)) + pointNum.rjust(7,'0')
h_prim['OBSID'] = OBS_id
# h_prim['TELFOCUS'] = 'f/14'
h_prim['EXPTIME'] = exptime
# Define file types
file_type = {'SCI':'sci', 'BIAS':'zero', 'DARK':'dark', 'FLAT':'flat', 'CRS':'cosmic_ray', 'CRD':'cosmic_ray'}
file_type = {'SCI':'SCIE', 'BIAS':'BIAS', 'DARK':'DARK', 'FLAT':'FLAT', 'CRS':'cosmic_ray', 'CRD':'cosmic_ray','CALS':'CALS','CALF':'CALF'}
h_prim['FILETYPE'] = file_type[im_type]
co = coord.SkyCoord(ra, dec, unit='deg')
ra_hms = format(co.ra.hms.h, '02.0f') + ':' + format(co.ra.hms.m, '02.0f') + ':' + format(co.ra.hms.s, '05.2f')
dec_hms = format(co.dec.dms.d, '02.0f') + ':' + format(abs(co.dec.dms.m), '02.0f') + ':' + format(abs(co.dec.dms.s),
ra_hms = format(co.ra.hms.h, '02.0f') + format(co.ra.hms.m, '02.0f') + format(co.ra.hms.s, '02.0f')
dec_hms = format(co.dec.dms.d, '02.0f') + format(abs(co.dec.dms.m), '02.0f') + format(abs(co.dec.dms.s), '02.0f')
h_prim['TARGET'] = ra_hms + '+' + dec_hms
# h_prim['RA_NOM'] = ra_hms
# h_prim['DEC_NOM'] = dec_hms
h_prim['RA_NOM'] = ra_hms
h_prim['DEC_NOM'] = dec_hms
h_prim['PIXSCAL1'] = psize
h_prim['PIXSCAL2'] = psize
h_prim['RA_PNT0'] = ra
h_prim['DEC_PNT0'] = dec
h_prim['RA_PNT1'] = ra
h_prim['DEC_PNT1'] = dec
ttt = h_prim['DATE'] + 'T' + h_prim['TIME']
# h_prim['PIXSCAL1'] = pixel_scale
# h_prim['PIXSCAL2'] = pixel_scale
ttt = h_prim['DATE']
tstart = Time(ttt)
h_prim['EXPSTART'] = round(tstart.mjd, 5)
h_prim['CABSTART'] = h_prim['EXPSTART']
# tend = Time(tstart.cxcsec + h_prim['EXPTIME'], format="cxcsec")
tend = Time(tstart.mjd + h_prim['EXPTIME']/86400., format="mjd")
h_prim['EXPEND'] = round(tend.mjd, 5)
h_prim['CABEND'] = h_prim['EXPEND']
file_start_time = '20' + date[0:6] + time_obs[0:6]
end_time_str = str(tend.datetime)
file_end_time = end_time_str[0:4] + end_time_str[5:7]+end_time_str[8:10] + end_time_str[11:13] + end_time_str[14:16] + end_time_str[17:19]
h_prim['FILENAME'] = 'CSST_MSC_MS_' + im_type + '_' + file_start_time + '_' + file_end_time + '_1' + pointNum.rjust(8, '0') + '_' + CCDID[
k - 1].rjust(2, '0') + '_L0_1'
# h_prim['FILENAME'] = 'CSST_MSC_MS_' + im_type + '_' + file_start_time + '_' + file_end_time + '_' + OBS_id + '_' + CCDID[
# k - 1].rjust(2, '0') + '_L0_V01'
h_prim['FILENAME'] = 'CSST_MSC_MS_' + im_type + '_' + file_start_time + '_' + file_end_time + '_' + OBS_id + '_' + chip_name + '_L0_V01'
h_prim['POSI0_X'] = sat_pos[0]
......@@ -376,17 +427,18 @@ def generatePrimaryHeader(xlen = 9216, ylen = 9232, pointNum = '1', ra = 60, dec
h_prim['VELO0_X'] = sat_vel[0]
h_prim['VELO0_Y'] = sat_vel[1]
h_prim['VELO0_Z'] = sat_vel[2]
h_prim['RA_PNT0'] = ra_hms
h_prim['DEC_PNT0'] = dec_hms
# h_prim['RA_PNT0'] = ra_hms
# h_prim['DEC_PNT0'] = dec_hms
# Get version of CSSTSim Package
from pkg_resources import get_distribution
h_prim['SIM_VER'] = (get_distribution("CSSTSim").version, "Version of CSST MSC simulation software")
# h_prim['SIM_VER'] = (get_distribution("CSSTSim").version, "Version of CSST MSC simulation software")
h_prim['FITSCREA'] = get_distribution("CSSTSim").version
return h_prim
def generateExtensionHeader(xlen = 9216, ylen = 9232,ra = 60, dec = -40, pa = -23.433, gain = 1.0, readout = 5.0, dark = 0.02, saturation=90000, psize = 0.074, row_num = 1, col_num = 1, extName='SCI'):
def generateExtensionHeader(chip, xlen = 9216, ylen = 9232,ra = 60, dec = -40, pa = -23.433, gain = 1.0, readout = 5.0, dark = 0.02, saturation=90000, pixel_scale = 0.074, pixel_size=1e-2,
extName='SCI', row_num = None, col_num = None, xcen=None, ycen=None):
e_header_fn = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] + '/extension_header.header'
f = open(os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] + '/filter.lst')
......@@ -401,21 +453,58 @@ def generateExtensionHeader(xlen = 9216, ylen = 9232,ra = 60, dec = -40, pa = -2
s = s.strip("\n")
CCDID = s.split()
k = (row_num - 1) * 6 + col_num
# k = (row_num - 1) * 6 + col_num
h_ext = fits.Header.fromfile(e_header_fn)
h_ext['CCDLABEL'] = filters[k-1] + '-' + filterID[k-1]
h_ext['FILTER'] = filters[k-1]
# h_ext['CCDCHIP'] = CCDID[k - 1].rjust(2, '0')
# h_ext['CCDLABEL'] = filters[k-1] + '-' + filterID[k-1]
# h_ext['FILTER'] = filters[k-1]
h_ext['CCDCHIP'] = chip.chip_name
h_ext['CCDLABEL'] = chip.filter_type + '-' + str(chip.chipID).rjust(2, '0')
h_ext['FILTER'] = chip.filter_type
h_ext['NAXIS1'] = xlen
h_ext['NAXIS2'] = ylen
h_ext['EXTNAME'] = extName
h_ext['GAIN1'] = gain
h_ext['RDNOISE1'] = readout
h_ext['CCDCHIP'] = 'ccd' + CCDID[k-1].rjust(2,'0')
h_ext['POS_ANG'] = pa
header_wcs = WCS_def(xlen=xlen, ylen=ylen, gapy=898.0, gapx1=534, gapx2=1309, ra=ra, dec=dec, pa=pa, psize=psize,
row_num=row_num, col_num=col_num, filter = h_ext['FILTER'])
h_ext['GAIN2'] = gain
h_ext['GAIN3'] = gain
h_ext['GAIN4'] = gain
h_ext['GAIN5'] = gain
h_ext['GAIN6'] = gain
h_ext['GAIN7'] = gain
h_ext['GAIN8'] = gain
h_ext['GAIN9'] = gain
h_ext['GAIN10'] = gain
h_ext['GAIN11'] = gain
h_ext['GAIN12'] = gain
h_ext['GAIN13'] = gain
h_ext['GAIN14'] = gain
h_ext['GAIN15'] = gain
h_ext['GAIN16'] = gain
h_ext['RDNOIS1'] = readout
h_ext['RDNOIS2'] = readout
h_ext['RDNOIS3'] = readout
h_ext['RDNOIS4'] = readout
h_ext['RDNOIS5'] = readout
h_ext['RDNOIS6'] = readout
h_ext['RDNOIS7'] = readout
h_ext['RDNOIS8'] = readout
h_ext['RDNOIS9'] = readout
h_ext['RDNOIS10'] = readout
h_ext['RDNOIS11'] = readout
h_ext['RDNOIS12'] = readout
h_ext['RDNOIS13'] = readout
h_ext['RDNOIS14'] = readout
h_ext['RDNOIS15'] = readout
h_ext['RDNOIS16'] = readout
h_ext['PIXSCAL1'] = pixel_scale
h_ext['PIXSCAL2'] = pixel_scale
# h_ext['POS_ANG'] = pa
header_wcs = WCS_def(xlen=xlen, ylen=ylen, gapy=898.0, gapx1=534, gapx2=1309, ra_ref=ra, dec_ref=dec, pa=pa, pixel_scale=pixel_scale, pixel_size=pixel_size,
rotate_chip=chip.rotate_angle, filter = h_ext['FILTER'], row_num=row_num, col_num=col_num, xcen = xcen, ycen = ycen)
h_ext['CRPIX1'] = header_wcs['CRPIX1']
h_ext['CRPIX2'] = header_wcs['CRPIX2']
XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / Image extension BITPIX = 16 / array data type NAXIS = 2 / number of array dimensions NAXIS1 = 9216 / length of first array axis NAXIS2 = 9232 / length of second array axis PCOUNT = 0 GCOUNT = 1 EXTNAME = 'SCI ' EXTVER = 1 BSCALE = 1 BZERO = 32768 BUNIT = 'ADU ' COMMENT ================================================================== COMMENT CCD chip information COMMENT ================================================================== NCHAN = 16 / Number of readout channels NCHAN1 = 8 / Number of horizintal channels NCHAN2 = 2 / Number of vertical channels DETSIZE = '[1:9216:9232]' / detector size BIASSEC = '[9216:9217,9232:9234]' / bias section CCDCHIP = 6 / CCD chip ID CCDLABEL= 'y-1 ' / CCD chip label PSCAN1 = 27 / horizontal prescan width PSCAN2 = 8 / vertical prescan height OSCAN1 = 16 / horizontal overscan width OSCAN2 = 8 / vertical overscan height FILTER = 'y ' / filter name COMMENT ================================================================== COMMENT WORLD COORDINATE SYSTEM AND RELATED PARAMETERS COMMENT ================================================================== WCSDIM = 2 / Number of World Coordinate System axes EQUINOX = 2000.0 / Epoch (year) CRPIX1 = -10017.0 / Coordinate reference pixel of x CRPIX2 = 24876.0 / Coordinate reference pixel of y CRVAL1 = 62.228226 / Coordinate reference value of x CRVAL2 = -42.316932 / Coordinate reference value of y CTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN' / the coordinate type CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN' / the coordinate type CD1_1 = 1.88602083707394E-05 / partial of first axis coordinate of x CD2_1 = -8.1745583617600E-06 / partial of first axis coordinate of y CD1_2 = 8.17455836176000E-06 / partial of second axis coordinate of x CD2_2 = 1.88602083707394E-05 / partial of second axis coordinate of y POS_ANG = 30.0 / Positon angle of detector array COMMENT ================================================================== COMMENT Readout information COMMENT ================================================================== GAIN1 = 1.1 / CCD gain RDNOISE1= 5.0 / read noise READTIME= 40.0 / read time (sec) RDSPEED = 10.0 / read speed (in MHz) CHIPTEMP= -100.0 / chip temperature (in K) COMMENT ================================================================== COMMENT Other information COMMENT ================================================================== CHECKSUM= '''abcde''' / SHA256 checksum of global headers END
XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / extension type BITPIX = 16 / bits per data value NAXIS = 2 / number of data axes NAXIS1 = 9216 / length of first array axis NAXIS2 = 9232 / length of second array axis PCOUNT = 0 GCOUNT = 1 EXTNAME = 'SCI ' EXTVER = 1 BSCALE = 1 BZERO = 32768 BUNIT = 'ADU ' / physical unit of array values COMMENT ================================================================== COMMENT Detector information COMMENT ================================================================== DETECTOR= 'CCD' / detector name DETTEMP1= 173 / detector temperature at EXPSTART DETTEMP2= 173 / detector temperature at EXPEND DETTEMP3= 173 / detector temperature when readout is finished DETSIZE = '9560x9264' / detector size DATASEC = '9216x9232' / data size PIXSCAL1= 0.074 / pixel scale for axis 1 PIXSCAL2= 0.074 / pixel scale for axis 2 PIXSIZE1= 10 / pixel size for axis 1 PIXSIZE2= 10 / pixel size for axis 1 COMMENT ================================================================== COMMENT CCD chip information COMMENT ================================================================== CCDCHIP = 8 / CCD chip ID CCDLABEL= 'y-1' / CCD chip label FILTER = 'y' / filter name NCHAN = 16 / number of readout channels NCHAN1 = 8 / number of horizintal channels NCHAN2 = 2 / number of vertical channels PSCAN1 = 27 / horizontal prescan width, per readout channel PSCAN2 = 8 / horizontal prescan width, per readout channel OSCAN1 = 16 / horizontal overscan width,per readout channel OSCAN2 = 16 / horizontal overscan width,per readout channel COMMENT ================================================================== COMMENT WORLD COORDINATE SYSTEM AND RELATED PARAMETERS COMMENT ================================================================== WCSAXES = 2 / number of World Coordinate System axes CRPIX1 = -10017.0 / x-coordinate of reference pixel CRPIX2 = 24876.0 / y-coordinate of reference pixel CRVAL1 = 62.228226 / first axis value at reference pixel CRVAL2 = -42.316932 / second axis value at reference pixel CTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN' / the coordinate type for the first axis CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN' / the coordinate type for the second axis CD1_1 = 1.88602083707394E-05 / partial of first axis coordinate w.r.t. x CD2_1 = -8.1745583617600E-06 / partial of first axis coordinate w.r.t. x CD1_2 = 8.17455836176000E-06 / partial of second axis coordinate w.r.t. x CD2_2 = 1.88602083707394E-05 / partial of second axis coordinate w.r.t. x OTHERS = '' / COMMENT ================================================================== COMMENT Readout information COMMENT ================================================================== GAIN1 = 1.1 / CCD gain (channel 1) GAIN2 = 1.1 / CCD gain (channel 2) GAIN3 = 1.1 / CCD gain (channel 3) GAIN4 = 1.1 / CCD gain (channel 4) GAIN5 = 1.1 / CCD gain (channel 5) GAIN6 = 1.1 / CCD gain (channel 6) GAIN7 = 1.1 / CCD gain (channel 7) GAIN8 = 1.1 / CCD gain (channel 8) GAIN9 = 1.1 / CCD gain (channel 9) GAIN10 = 1.1 / CCD gain (channel 10) GAIN11 = 1.1 / CCD gain (channel 11) GAIN12 = 1.1 / CCD gain (channel 12) GAIN13 = 1.1 / CCD gain (channel 13) GAIN14 = 1.1 / CCD gain (channel 14) GAIN15 = 1.1 / CCD gain (channel 15) GAIN16 = 1.1 / CCD gain (channel 16) RDNOIS1 = 5.0 / read noise (channel 1) RDNOIS2 = 5.0 / read noise (channel 2) RDNOIS3 = 5.0 / read noise (channel 3) RDNOIS4 = 5.0 / read noise (channel 4) RDNOIS5 = 5.0 / read noise (channel 5) RDNOIS6 = 5.0 / read noise (channel 6) RDNOIS7 = 5.0 / read noise (channel 7) RDNOIS8 = 5.0 / read noise (channel 8) RDNOIS9 = 5.0 / read noise (channel 9) RDNOIS10= 5.0 / read noise (channel 10) RDNOIS11= 5.0 / read noise (channel 11) RDNOIS12= 5.0 / read noise (channel 12) RDNOIS13= 5.0 / read noise (channel 13) RDNOIS14= 5.0 / read noise (channel 14) RDNOIS15= 5.0 / read noise (channel 15) RDNOIS16= 5.0 / read noise (channel 16) RDSPEED = 10.0 / read speed (in MHz) COMMENT ================================================================== COMMENT Shutter information COMMENT ================================================================== SHUTSTAT= T / shutter status SHTOPEN0= 0.0 / shutter open time (begin) SHTOPEN1= 0.0 / shutter open time (end) SHTCLOS0= 0.0 / shutter close time (begin) SHTCLOS1= 0.0 / shutter close time (end) COMMENT ================================================================== COMMENT LED information COMMENT ================================================================== LEDSTAT1= '0000000000000000000000000000' / main LED status LEDEXP1 = 0.0 / main LED flash time (s) LEDSTAT2= '0000000000000000000000000000' / backup LED status LEDEXP2 = 0.0 / backup LED flash time (s) LEDTEMPA= 173.0 / LED temperature (main LED in K) LEDTEMPB= 173.0 / LED temperature (backup LED in K) COMMENT ================================================================== COMMENT Other information COMMENT ================================================================== CHECKSUM= '''abcde''' / SHA256 checksum of global headers END
SIMPLE = T / conforms to FITS standard BITPIX = 8 / array data type NAXIS = 0 / number of array dimensions EXTEND = T NEXTEND = 1 GROUPS = F DATE = '2021-03-04' / Date this file was written TIME = '09:30:00' / Time this file was written FILENAME= 'MSC_MS_210304093000_100000000_06_raw' / Name of file FILETYPE= 'sci ' / type of data found in data data file TELESCOP= 'CSST ' / telescope used to acquire data INSTRUME= 'MSC ' / identifier for instrument used to acquire data RADECSYS= 'ICRS ' / frame of reference of coordinates EQUINOX = 2000.0 / Default equinox COMMENT ================================================================== COMMENT Object information COMMENT ================================================================== OBJECT = '00000000' / name of the object observed TARGET = '+000000000000' / Name of the target (RA & Dec of the object) OBSID = '00000000' / ID of this observation RA_OBJ = 62.228226 / R.A. of the object (degrees) DEC_OBJ = -42.316932 / declination of the object (degrees) COMMENT ================================================================== COMMENT Exposure information COMMENT ================================================================== SUNANGLE= 30.0 / angle between sun and direction perpendicular MOONANGL= 30.0 / angle between moon and direction perpendicular SUN_ALT = 30.0 / Sun altitude REFFRAME= 'CSSTGSC-1.0' / guide star catalog version DATE-OBS= '2021-03-04' / UTC date of start of observation (yyyy-mm-dd) TIME-OBS= '09:30:00' / UTC time of start of observation (hh:mm:ss) EXPSTART= 58849.0 / exposure start time (MJD) EXPEND = 58849.0 / exposure end time (MJD) EXPTIME = 150.0 / exposure duration EPOCH = 2021.0 / coordinate epoch COMMENT ================================================================== COMMENT Detector information COMMENT ================================================================== DETECTOR= 'CCD06 ' / deterctor name PIXSCAL1= 0.074 / Pixel scale for axis 1 PIXSCAL2= 0.074 / Pixel scale for axis 2 PIXSIZE1= 9216.0 / Pixel size for axis 1 PIXSIZE2= 9232.0 / Pixel size for aixs 2 CCDTEMP = -100.0 / CCD chip / dewar temperature (in K) COMMENT ================================================================== COMMENT Telescope information COMMENT ================================================================== TELSTAT = T / Tracking status TELTEMP1= -100.0 / Telescope temperature (in K) POSI0_X = 0.0 / The orbital position in X (shuttr open) POSI0_Y = 0.0 / The orbital position in Y (shuttr open) POSI0_Z = 0.0 / The orbital position in Z (shuttr open) VELO0_X = 0.0 / The orbital velocity in X (shuttr open) VELO0_Y = 0.0 / The orbital velocity in Y (shuttr open) VELO0_Z = 0.0 / The orbital velocity in Z (shuttr open) RA_PNT0 = '00:00:00.00' / R.A. at shutter open time DEC_PNT0= '00:00:00.00' / declination at shutter open time POSI1_X = 0.0 / The orbital position in X (shuttr close) POSI1_Y = 0.0 / The orbital position in Y (shuttr close) POSI1_Z = 0.0 / The orbital position in Z (shuttr close) VELO1_X = 0.0 / The orbital velocity in X (shuttr close) VELO1_Y = 0.0 / The orbital velocity in Y (shuttr close) VELO1_Z = 0.0 / The orbital velocity in Z (shuttr close) RA_PNT1 = 0.0 / R.A. at shutter close time DEC_PNT1= 0.0 / declination at shutter close time RA_NOM = '00:00:00.00' / nominal proposed R.A. of the pointing DEC_NOM = '00:00:00.00' / nominal proposed DEC of the pointing TELFOCUS= 'abcdefg ' / telescope focus AOSTAT = T / Active opticas status HOODSTAT= T / Lens hood status COMMENT ================================================================== COMMENT Shutter information COMMENT ================================================================== SHUTHWV = 'shutter-h-1.0' / shutter hardware version SHUTSWV = 'shutter-s-1.0' / shutter software version SHUTSTAT= T / shutter status SHTOPEN0= 0.0 / shutter open time (begin) SHTOPEN1= 0.0 / shutter open time (end) SHTCLOS0= 0.0 / shutter close time (begin) SHTCLOS1= 0.0 / shutter close time (end) COMMENT ================================================================== COMMENT Guide information COMMENT ================================================================== STARNO1 = 1.0 / guide star number STARPOX1= 0.0 / guide star average position STARPOY1= 0.0 / guide star average position SECMOM1 = 0.0 / guide star second momentum GAFLAG1 = T / guide flag indicate whether adjust position STARNO2 = 1.0 / guide star number STARPOX2= 0.0 / guide star average position STARPOY2= 0.0 / guide star average position SECMOM2 = 0.0 / guide star second momentum GAFLAG2 = T / guide flag indicate whether adjust position STARNO3 = 1.0 / guide star number STARPOX3= 0.0 / guide star average position STARPOY3= 0.0 / guide star average position SECMOM3 = 0.0 / guide star second momentum GAFLAG3 = T / guide flag indicate whether adjust position STARNO4 = 1.0 / guide star number STARPOX4= 0.0 / guide star average position STARPOY4= 0.0 / guide star average position SECMOM4 = 0.0 / guide star second momentum GAFLAG4 = T / guide flag indicate whether adjust position COMMENT ================================================================== COMMENT LED information COMMENT ================================================================== LEDSTAT1= '0000000000000000000000000000' / LED status LEDEXP1 = 0.0 / LED flash time (second) LEDSTAT2= '0000000000000000000000000000' / LED status LEDEXP2 = 0.0 / LED flash time (second) LEDTEMPA= -100.0 / LED temperature (main LED in K) LEDTEMPB= -100.0 / LED temperature (backup LED in K) COMMENT ================================================================== COMMENT Other information COMMENT ================================================================== CHECKSUM= 'abcdefg ' / SHA256 checksum of global headers END
SIMPLE = T / conforms to FITS standard BITPIX = 8 / array data type NAXIS = 0 / number of array dimensions EXTEND = T NEXTEND = 1 GROUPS = F DATE = '2021-03-04T09:30:00'/ date this file was written FILENAME= 'MSC_MS_210304093000_100000000_06_raw' / file name FILETYPE= 'SCI ' / observation type TELESCOP= 'CSST ' / telescope used to acquire data INSTRUME= 'MSC ' / instrument used to acquire data RADECSYS= 'ICRS ' / frame of reference of coordinates EQUINOX = 2000.0 / FITSCREA= 'C6' / FITS create software version COMMENT ================================================================== COMMENT Object information COMMENT ================================================================== OBJECT = '00000000' / object name TARGET = '+000000000000' / target name (hhmmss+ddmmss) OBSID = '00000000' / observation ID OBJ_RA = 62.228226 / R.A. of the object (degrees) OBJ_DEC = -42.316932 / declination of the object (degrees) COMMENT ================================================================== COMMENT Telescope information COMMENT ================================================================== REFFRAME= 'CSSTGSC-1.0' / guide star catalog version DATE-OBS= '2021-03-04T09:30:00'/ date of the observation (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) SATESWV = '0001' / software version in the satellite EXPSTART= 59130.5 / exposure start time (MJD) CABSTART= 59130.5 / (MJD) SUNANGL0= 50.0 / angle between sun and optical axis at CABSTART MOONANG0= 30.0 / angle moon and opt axis at CABSTART at CABST TEL_ALT0= 20.0 / angle opt axis and the ground-piston at CABST POS_ANG0= 20.0 / angle bwt y axis and the North Pole at CABST POSI0_X = 0.0 / the orbital position in X at CABSTART POSI0_Y = 0.0 / the orbital position in Y at CABSTART POSI0_Z = 0.0 / the orbital position in Z at CABSTART VELO0_X = 0.0 / the orbital velocity in X at CABSTART VELO0_Y = 0.0 / the orbital velocity in Y at CABSTART VELO0_Z = 0.0 / the orbital velocity in Z at CABSTART EULER0_1= 0.0 / Euler angle 1 at CABSTART EULER0_2= 0.0 / Euler angle 2 at CABSTART EULER0_3= 0.0 / Euler angle 3 at CABSTART RA_PNT0 = 0.0 / RA of the pointing (degrees) at CABSTART DEC_PNT0= 0.0 / DEC of the pointing (degrees) at CABSTART EXPEND = 0.0 / exposure end time (MJD) CABEND = 0.0 / (MJD) SUNANGL1= 50.0 / angle between sun and optical axis at CABEND MOONANG1= 30.0 / angle btw moon and optical axis at CABEND TEL_ALT1= 20.0 / angle opt axis and the ground-piston at CAEND POS_ANG1= 20.0 / angle bwt y axis and the North Pole at CABEND POSI1_X = 0.0 / the orbital position in X at CABEND POSI1_Y = 0.0 / the orbital position in Y at CABEND POSI1_Z = 0.0 / the orbital position in Z at CABEND VELO1_X = 0.0 / The orbital velocity in X at CABEND VELO1_Y = 0.0 / The orbital velocity in Y at CABEND VELO1_Z = 0.0 / The orbital velocity in Z at CABEND EULER1_1= 0.0 / Euler angle 1 at CABEND EULER1_2= 0.0 / Euler angle 2 at CABEND EULER1_3= 0.0 / Euler angle 3 at CABEND RA_PNT1 = 0.0 / RA of the pointing (degrees) at CABEND DEC_PNT1= 0.0 / DEC of the pointing (degrees) at CABEND EXPTIME = 150.0 / exposure duration EPOCH = 2000 / coordinate epoch COMMENT Other information COMMENT ================================================================== CHECKSUM= 'abcdefg ' / SHA256 checksum of global headers END
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -17,8 +17,9 @@ class Filter(object):
self.filter_id = filter_id
self.filter_type = filter_type
self.ccd_bandpass = ccd_bandpass
# Load basic filter parameters.
# Assume t_exp = 150s for limiting/saturation magnitudes.
self._getParam(filter_param, filter_type)
# if self.filter_dir is not None:
self.bandpass_full, self.bandpass_sub_list = self._get_bandpasses()
self.survey_type = self._getSurveyType()
......@@ -37,7 +38,6 @@ class Filter(object):
self.sky_background = filter_param.param[filter_type][5]
self.mag_saturation = filter_param.param[filter_type][6]
self.mag_limiting = filter_param.param[filter_type][7]
# self.filter_dir = filter_param.filter_dir
def is_too_bright(self, mag, margin=-2.5):
return mag <= self.mag_saturation + margin
......@@ -48,9 +48,6 @@ class Filter(object):
def _get_bandpasses(self, filter_dir=None, unit='A'):
if self.filter_id < 7: # Photometric
# Get full-bandpass
# filter_file = os.path.join(filter_dir, self.filter_type+".dat")
# bandpass_full = galsim.Bandpass(filter_file, wave_type=unit)
with pkg_resources.files('').joinpath(self.filter_type.lower() + '.txt') as filter_file:
self.filter_bandpass = galsim.Bandpass(str(filter_file), wave_type=unit)
......@@ -127,3 +124,5 @@ class Filter(object):
throughput_file = self.filter_type.lower() + '_throughput.txt'
self.mag_limiting, self.mag_saturation = calculateLimitMag(psf_fwhm=psf_fwhm, pixelSize=pix_scale, throughputFn=throughput_file, readout=5.0, skyFn=skyFn, darknoise=dark_noise, exTime=exptime, fw=full_well)
print("for filter %s: mag_limiting: %.3f, mag_saturation: %.3f"%(self.filter_type, self.mag_limiting, self.mag_saturation))
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ class FilterParam(object):
"i": [7653.2, 1588.1, 6760.0, 8550.0, 0.4960, 0.212, 16.7, 25.9],
"z": [9600.6, 2490.5, 8240.0, 11000.0, 0.2000, 0.123, 15.7, 25.2],
"y": [10051.0, 1590.6, 9130.0, 11000.0, 0.0960, 0.037, 14.4, 24.4],
"FGS": [5000.0, 8000.0, 3000.0, 11000.0, 0.6500, 0.164, 0., 30.], # [TODO]
"GU": [0.0, 0.0, 2550.0, 4200.0, 1.0, 0.037, 14.0, 26.0],
"GV": [0.0, 0.0, 4000.0, 6500.0, 1.0, 0.037, 14.0, 26.0],
......@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ import numpy as np
class FocalPlane(object):
def __init__(self, config=None, survey_type='Photometric', bad_chips=None):
"""Get the focal plane layout
Note: (If applicable) make sure the config file have the most basic info, e.g.: "nchip_x"...
self.nchips = 42
if bad_chips == None:
self.bad_chips = []
......@@ -13,22 +13,24 @@ class FocalPlane(object):
self.ignore_chips = []
if survey_type == 'Photometric':
# for i in range(6):
# self.ignore_chips.append(i+1)
# self.ignore_chips.append(i+25)
for i in range(5):
for i in range(31, 43):
elif survey_type == 'Spectroscopic':
# for i in range(18):
# self.ignore_chips.append(i+7)
for i in range(6, 26):
if i == 10 or i == 21:
for i in range(31, 43):
elif survey_type == 'FGS':
for i in range(1, 31):
if config is not None:
self.nchip_x = config["nchip_x"]
......@@ -42,12 +44,6 @@ class FocalPlane(object):
if "bad_chips" in config:
self.bad_chips = config["bad_chips"]
# self.nchip_x = 5
# self.nchip_y = 6
# self.npix_tot_x = 49752
# self.npix_tot_y = 59516
# self.npix_gap_x = 898
# self.npix_gap_y = (534, 1309)
self.nchip_x = 6
self.nchip_y = 5
self.npix_tot_x = 59516
......@@ -58,8 +54,6 @@ class FocalPlane(object):
def _getCenter(self):
# self.cen_pix_x = 0.5 * (self.npix_tot_x + 1.0)
# self.cen_pix_y = 0.5 * (self.npix_tot_y + 1.0)
self.cen_pix_x = 0
self.cen_pix_y = 0
......@@ -42,6 +42,3 @@ class Telescope(object):
opticsEff[str(columns[0])] = float(columns[2])
return opticsEff
\ No newline at end of file
def _get_effCurve(self, effCurve_path):
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -14,6 +14,17 @@ VC_A = 2.99792458e+18 # speed of light: A/s
VC_M = 2.99792458e+8 # speed of light: m/s
H_PLANK = 6.626196e-27 # Plank constant: erg s
def rotate_conterclockwise(x0, y0, x, y, angle):
Rotate a point counterclockwise by a given angle around a given origin.
The angle should be given in radians.
angle = np.deg2rad(angle)
qx = x0 + np.cos(angle)*(x - x0) - np.sin(angle) * (y - y0)
qy = y0 + np.sin(angle)*(x - x0) + np.cos(angle) * (y - y0)
return qx, qy
def photonEnergy(lambd):
""" The energy of photon at a given wavelength
......@@ -26,23 +37,22 @@ def photonEnergy(lambd):
eph = H_PLANK * nu
return eph
param {*} aperture: unit m, default 2 m
param {*} psf_fwhm: psf fwhm, default 0.1969"
param {*} pixelSize: pixel size, default 0.074"
param {*} pmRation: the ratio of souce flux in the limit mag calculation
param {*} throughputFn: throuput file name
param {*} readout: unit, e-/pixel
param {*} skyFn: sky sed file name, average of hst, 'sky_emiss_hubble_50_50_A.dat'
param {*} darknoise: unit, e-/pixel/s
param {*} exTime: exposure time one time, default 150s
param {*} exNum: exposure number, defautl 1
param {*} fw, full well value( or saturation value),default 90000e-/pixel
return {*} limit mag and saturation mag
def calculateLimitMag(aperture = 2.0, psf_fwhm = 0.1969,pixelSize = 0.074, pmRation = 0.8, throughputFn = 'i_throughput.txt', readout = 5.0, skyFn= 'sky_emiss_hubble_50_50_A.dat', darknoise = 0.02,exTime = 150, exNum = 1, fw = 90000):
param {*} aperture: unit m, default 2 m
param {*} psf_fwhm: psf fwhm, default 0.1969"
param {*} pixelSize: pixel size, default 0.074"
param {*} pmRation: the ratio of souce flux in the limit mag calculation
param {*} throughputFn: throuput file name
param {*} readout: unit, e-/pixel
param {*} skyFn: sky sed file name, average of hst, 'sky_emiss_hubble_50_50_A.dat'
param {*} darknoise: unit, e-/pixel/s
param {*} exTime: exposure time one time, default 150s
param {*} exNum: exposure number, defautl 1
param {*} fw, full well value( or saturation value),default 90000e-/pixel
return {*} limit mag and saturation mag
with pkg_resources.files('').joinpath(throughputFn) as data_file:
throughput_f = np.loadtxt(data_file)
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