Commit 9e2d1408 authored by Wang Xia's avatar Wang Xia
Browse files


parent 0cf38777
# L1-MBI Data model
## File: \*\_img_L1_1.fits
## File: \*\_*_L1_1.fits
### File contents
......@@ -15,27 +15,48 @@
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
| ------- | :---- | ------------- | -------------- | ---- | --------- |
| SIMPLE | True | Fits standard | True | bool | csst_sims |
| SIMPLE | True | Fits standard | | bool | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| BITPIX | 8 | array data value | | i8 | csst_ms_sls_instrument|
| NAXIS | 0 | Number of axes | | i8 |csst_ms_sls_instrument|
| EXTEND | T | file may contain standard extensions | | bool | csst_ms_sls_instrument|
| NEXTEND | 3 | Number of file extensions | | i8 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| CRDS_VER | '0.0.1 ' | Version of CRDS file selection software used| | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| R_GAIN | '*.gain.fits' | Gain reference file name | | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| R_READN | '*.rn.fits' | Read noise reference file name | | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| R_SATURA | '*.sat.fits' | Saturation reference file name | | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| R_MASK | '*.msk.fits' | Mask reference file name | | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| R_BIAS | '*bias.fits' | SuperBias reference file name | | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| R_DARK | '*dark.fits' | Dark reference file name | | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| R_DFLAT | '*flat.fits' | Detector Flat reference file name | | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| R_SFLAT | '*flat.fits' | Spectrograph Flat reference file name | | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| S_DQINI | True | Data Quality Initialization | | bool | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| S_SATURA | True | Saturation Checking | | bool | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| S_ERR | True | Error Initialization | | bool | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| S_BIAS | True | Bias correction | | bool | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| S_DARK | True | Dark correction | | bool | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| S_FLAT | True | Flat field correction | | bool | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| DCP_VER | '0.0.1 ' | detector-level calibration pipeline version | | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| DCP_TIME | '2022-12-30T10:18:53' | pipeline processing time | | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| HISTORY |'**step complete.' | record processing message | | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
### HDU1
#### Header of `csst_ms_sls_instrument`
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
| -------- | :-------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | -------------- | ---- | ---------------------- |
| INST_V | '0.0.1 ' | instrument correction pipeline version | | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| INST_TOL | '2022-12-30T10:18:53' | Time of last modification | | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| DATASUM | '1352015684' | Integrity check of data records | | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| NGOODPIX | 84794368 | number of good pixels | | f32 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| SDQFLAGS | 31743 | serious data quality flags | | i16 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| GOODMAX | 260.0 | maxmum value of good pixels | | f32 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| GOODMIN | -0.001 | minmum value of good pixels | | f32 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| GOODMEAN | 0.3 | mean value of good pixels | | f32 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| SNRMIN | 187.4 | minmum signal to noise of good pixels | | f32 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| SNRMAX | 1.2 | maxmum signal to noise of good pixels | | f32 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| SNRMEAN | 3.38 | average of the dark values subtracted | | f32 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| BUNIT | electrons/s | brightness units | | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| EXTNAEM | SCI | extension name | | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
| -------- | :-------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | -------------- | ---- | ---------------------- |
| EXTNAEM | SCI | extension name | | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| EXTVER | 1 | extension version number | | i8 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| BUNIT | electrons/s | brightness units | | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| NGOODPIX | 84794368 | number of good pixels | | f32 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| SDQFLAGS | 31743 | serious data quality flags | | i16 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| GOODMAX | 260.0 | maxmum value of good pixels | | f32 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| GOODMIN | -0.001 | minmum value of good pixels | | f32 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| GOODMEAN | 0.3 | mean value of good pixels | | f32 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| SNRMIN | 187.4 | minmum signal to noise of good pixels | | f32 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| SNRMAX | 1.2 | maxmum signal to noise of good pixels | | f32 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| SNRMEAN | 3.38 | average of the dark values subtracted | | f32 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
#### Header of `csst_ms_sls_position`
......@@ -78,3 +99,37 @@
| VER_QC1 | '0.0.1' | QC1 pipeline version | '0.0.1' | str | csst_ms_sls_qc1 |
| QC1_FLAG | 0 | quality flags | -99 | i16 | csst_ms_sls_qc1 |
### HDU2
#### Header of `csst_ms_sls_instrument`
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
| -------- | ----------- | --------------------------- | -------------- | ----- | ---------------------- |
| XTENSION | IMAGE | Image extension | | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| BITPIX | -32 | bits per data value | | i8 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| NAXIS | 2 | Number of array dimensions | | i8 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| NAXIS1 | 9216 | Size of the axis | | i8 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| NAXIS2 | 9232 | Size of the axis | | i8 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| PCOUNT | 0 | number of parameters | | i8 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| GCOUNT | 1 | number of groups | | i8 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| EXTNAME | ERR | extension name | | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| EXTVER | 1 | extension version number | | i8 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| BUNIT | electrons/s | brightness units | | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
### HDU3
#### Header of `csst_ms_sls_instrument`
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
| -------- | ----------- | --------------------------- | -------------- | ---- | ---------------------- |
| XTENSION | IMAGE | Image extension | | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| BITPIX | 16 | bits per data value | | i8 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| NAXIS | 2 | Number of array dimensions | | i8 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| NAXIS1 | 9216 | Size of the axis | | i8 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| NAXIS2 | 9232 | Size of the axis | | i8 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| PCOUNT | 0 | number of parameters | | i8 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| GCOUNT | 1 | number of groups | | i8 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| EXTNAME | DQ | extension name | | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| EXTVER | 1 | extension version number | | i8 | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
| BUNIT | unitless | brightness units | | str | csst_ms_sls_instrument |
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