Commit d91777db authored by Man I Lam's avatar Man I Lam
Browse files


parent 2400e630
......@@ -118,6 +118,32 @@
| FLUX_V | '1.3 ' | version of calibration code | | str | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| FLUX_TOL= | '2022-12-30 18:36:05' | flux calibration operation time | | str | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
#### Header of `csst_ms_qc0`
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
| CRCCHECK | T | CRC validation | F | bool | csst_ms_qc0 |
| PRIPARAM | 0 | Primary parameters verification | 1 | int| csst_ms_qc0 |
| SECPARAM | 0 | Secondary parameters verification | 1 | int | csst_ms_qc0 |
| QC0_S | 0 | QC0 Status (0/non-zero) | > 0 | int | csst_ms_qc0 |
| DATAERR | F | indicating data error | T | bool | csst_ms_qc0 |
| IMGERR | F | indicating image error | T | bool | csst_ms_qc0 |
| SHUTTER | F | indicating shutter error | T | bool | csst_ms_qc0
| FAILGUID | F | missing guiding stars | T | bool | csst_ms_qc0 |
| FAILCOOL | F | indicating system cooling error | T | bool | csst_ms_qc0 |
| GUID_OFF | 0.0 | guiding stars offset (arcsec) | -9999 | f32 | csst_ms_qc0 |
| DEAD_CCD | F | indicating dead CCD | T | bool | csst_ms_qc0 |
| NOIS_CCD | F | indicating higher CCD noise level | T | bool | csst_ms_qc0 |
| FF_PETAL | F | indicating image diffraction pattern | T | bool | csst_ms_qc0 |
| GUID_ERR | F | indicating larger guiding offset | T | bool | csst_ms_qc0 |
| CROSTALK | F | indicating significant image crosstalk | T | bool | csst_ms_qc0 |
| BADPIXFR | 0.0 | CCD bad pixel fraction (unitless) | -9999 | f32 | csst_ms_qc0 |
| PSF_SIZE | 0.0 | Best-fit PSF size from guider | -9999 | f32 | csst_ms_qc0 |
| STRLIGHT | F | Significant stray light effect in this field | T | bool | csst_ms_qc0 |
| BAD_ROT | F | indicating bad rotation effect in this field | T | bool | csst_ms_qc0 |
| BRI_STAR | F | Significant bright star in this field | T | bool | csst_ms_qc0 |
| CCD_TEMP | 0.0 | Large CCD temperature variation in this field | -9999 | f32 | csst_ms_qc0 |
| VER_QC0 | '0.0.1' | Pipeline version | '0.0.1' | str | csst_ms_qc0 |
## File: *_cat.fits
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