Commit 673333a2 authored by Wang Rui's avatar Wang Rui
Browse files

Update sls_position

parent 11c29b39
# L1-MBI Data model
## File: *_{img/wht/flg}_L1_1.fits
## File: \*\_img_L1_1.fits
### File contents
| HDU | data | note |
| ---- | ----------------------- | ---------- |
| HDU0 | None | PrimaryHDU |
| HDU1 | reduced image (9k x 9k) | ImageHDU |
| HDU2 | reduced error (9k x 9k) | ImageHDU |
| HDU3 | reduced DQ (9k x 9k) | ImageHDU |
### HDU0
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
| SIMPLE | True | Fits standard | True | bool | csst_sims |
| ------- | :---- | ------------- | -------------- | ---- | --------- |
| SIMPLE | True | Fits standard | True | bool | csst_sims |
### HDU1
#### Header of `csst_ms_sls_instrument`
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
| -------- | :-------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | -------------- | ---- | ---------------------- |
#### Header of `csst_ms_sls_position`
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
| ---------- | :------------------- | ---------------------------- | -------------- | ---- | -------------------- |
| CTYPE1 | 'RV---TPV' | | 'RV---TPV' | str | csst_ms_sls_position |
| CTYPE2 | 'DEC--TPV' | | 'DEC--TPV' | str | csst_ms_sls_position |
| CUNIT1 | 'deg ' | | 'deg' | str | csst_ms_sls_position |
| CUNIT2 | 'deg ' | | 'deg' | str | csst_ms_sls_position |
| RADESYS | 'ICRS ' | | 'ICRS' | str | csst_ms_sls_position |
| PV1_0 | 0.003205383944913964 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| PV1_1 | 0.8673020820536499 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| PV1_2 | -0.2011989871377834 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| PV1_3 | -0.2597214229472611 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| PV1_4 | 0.4353828741811097 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| PV1_5 | -0.5054216569802673 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| PV1_6 | 0.1951474426617432 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| PV2_0 | 0.00109803885992697 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| PV2_1 | 0.9171065857705857 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| PV2_2 | -0.04908256792722099 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| PV2_3 | -0.09860562038448289 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| PV2_4 | 0.07961855240788976 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| PV2_5 | -0.2009224365497067 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| PV2_6 | 0.1741954691884874 | | 0 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| FIT_STAR | 10 | | 0 | i8 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| RA_OFF | -0.0 | mas in unit | -99 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| DEC_OFF | 0.0 | mas in unit | -99 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| RA_STD | 127.1 | mas in unit | -99 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| DEC_STD | 60.4 | mas in unit | -99 | f32 | csst_ms_sls_position |
| FIT_STATUS | 0 | 0 for success, 1 for failure | 1 | i8 | csst_ms_sls_position |
#### Header of `csst_ms_sls_qc1`
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
| ------- | :------ | ----------------------- | -------------- | ---- | -------------------- |
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