Commit 9c4d1c13 authored by BO ZHANG's avatar BO ZHANG 🏀
Browse files


parent c302ba04
# Data model: *_img_L1_1.fits
# L1-MBI Data model
## File contents
## File: *_{img/wht/flg}_L1_1.fits
### File contents
| HDU | data | note |
| HDU0 | None | PrimaryHDU |
| HDU1 | reduced image (9k x 9k) | ImageHDU |
## HDU0
### HDU0
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
| SIMPLE | True | Fits standard | True | bool | csst_sims |
## HDU1
### Header of instrument
### HDU1
#### Header of `csst_ms_mbi_instrument`
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
|SATURATE | 1833.333333333333 | | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_instrument |
......@@ -22,7 +25,7 @@
|INST-TOL | '2022-12-30T10:18:53' | Time of last modification | | str | csst_ms_mbi_instrument |
|DATASUM | '1352015684' | data unit checksum updated 2022-10-28T19:29:10 | | str | csst_ms_mbi_instrument |
### Header of distortion
#### Header of `csst_ms_mbi_distortion`
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
......@@ -51,7 +54,7 @@
| DIST_V | '1.0 ' | version of distortion | '0.0' | str | csst_ms_mbi_distortion |
| DIST_TOL | '2022-12-29T16:36:47' | distortion operation time | '2022-12-29T16:36:47' | str | csst_ms_mbi_distortion |
### Header of position calibration
#### Header of `csst_ms_mbi_position`
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
......@@ -84,7 +87,7 @@
| WCS_P | 'default.scamp' | Configure file name of WCS | | str | csst_ms_mbi_position |
| WCS_TOL | '2022-12-30 18:32:46 PM' | Time of last wcs calibration | | str | csst_ms_mbi_position |
### Header of flux calibration
#### Header of `csst_ms_mbi_flux`
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
......@@ -106,3 +109,34 @@
| FLUX_TOL= | '2022-12-30 18:36:05' | flux calibration operation time | | str | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
## File: *_cat.fits
### File contents
| HDU | data | note |
| HDU0 | None | PrimaryHDU |
| HDU1 | reduced image (9k x 9k) | ImageHDU |
### HDU0
#### Header
### HDU1
#### Header
## File: *_psf.fits
### File contents
| HDU | data | note |
| HDU0 | None | PrimaryHDU |
| HDU1 | reduced image (9k x 9k) | ImageHDU |
### HDU0
#### Header
### HDU1
#### Header
# L1-MBI Data model
## File: *_{img/wht/flg}_L1_1.fits
### File contents
| HDU | data | note |
| HDU0 | None | PrimaryHDU |
| HDU1 | reduced image (9k x 9k) | ImageHDU |
### HDU0
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
| SIMPLE | True | Fits standard | True | bool | csst_sims |
### HDU1
#### Header of `csst_ms_sls_instrument`
#### Header of `csst_ms_sls_position`
#### Header of `csst_ms_sls_qc1`
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