Commit abea2fc9 authored by Wei Peng's avatar Wei Peng
Browse files

Add content related to PSF files

parent abbf244d
......@@ -166,6 +166,7 @@
## File: *_psf.fits
### File contents
| HDU | data | note |
| HDU0 | None | PrimaryHDU |
......@@ -175,6 +176,55 @@
#### Header
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
| SIMPLE | True | Fits standard | True | bool | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
### HDU1
#### Header
#### Header of `csst_ooc_psf_mbi`
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
| -------- |:------------ | --------------------------------------------- | -------------- | ---- | ---------------- |
| LOADED | 579 | Number of loaded sources | | I8 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| ACCEPTED | 573 | Number of accepted sources | | I8 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| CHI2 | 1.12832649 | Final reduced chi2 | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| POLNAXIS | 2 | Number of context parameters | | I8 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| POLGRP1 | 1 | Polynom group for this context parameter | | I8 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| POLNAME1 | 'XWIN_IMAGE' | Name of this context parameter | | Str | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| POLZERO1 | 4607.403434 | Offset value for this context parameter | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| POLSCAL1 | 9161.359825 | Scale value for this context parameter | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| POLGRP2 | 1 | Polynom group for this context parameter | | I8 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| POLNAME2 | 'YWIN_IMAGE' | Name of this context parameter | | Str | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| POLZERO2 | 4631.62895 | Offset value for this context parameter | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| POLSCAL2 | 9174.347872 | Scale value for this context parameter | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| POLNGRP | 1 | Number of context groups | | I8 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| POLDEG1 | 2 | Polynom degree for this context group | | I8 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| PSF_FWHM | 2.31607056 | PSF FWHM in image pixels | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| PSF_SAMP | 0.49278098 | Sampling step of the PSF data in image pixels | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| PSFNAXIS | 3 | Dimensionality of the PSF data | | I8 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| PSFAXIS1 | 71 | Number of element along this axis | | I8 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| PSFAXIS2 | 71 | Number of element along this axis | | I8 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
| PSFAXIS3 | 6 | Number of element along this axis | | I8 | csst_ooc_psf_mbi |
#### Header of `csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds`
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
| --------- | --------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------- | ---- | -------------------------- |
| USEAFTER | '2028-07-22T18:52:33' | date and time after the reference files will be used. (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) | | str | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| OBSSTART | '2028-07-22T18:52:33' | UTC date and time of start of first observation (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) | | str | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| OBSEND | '2028-07-23T17:54:27' | UTC date and time of end of last observation (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) | | str | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| EXPTYPE | 'SCI' | type of exposes used to create the reference file ('SCI'or 'OOC') | | str | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| COMBINE_N | 135 | number of exposes used to create the reference file. | | I8 | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| BREAPHAS | 'hot' | phase of breathing effect, which is the focus varies over orbital time <br> scales due to thermal changes. ('hot', 'cold'. 'none') | | str | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| TEMP_PM | 20.72563452 | average temperature surrounding the primary mirror (in K) | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| TEMP_SM | 20.72563452 | average temperature surrounding the secondary mirror (in K) | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| TEMP_TM | 20.72563452 | average temperature surrounding the tertiary mirror (in K) | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| LFOCUST | '2028-07-22T18:52:33' | last focus (AM1 or AM2) time (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) | | str | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| P1_FOCUS | 28025.63452 | parameter 1 of focal length calculated from the positions ofthe focus <br> adjustment mechanism (FAM) and the secondary mirror (in mm) | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| P2_ FOCUS | 28025.63452 | parameter 2 of focal length (in mm) | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| P3_ FOCUS | 28025.63452 | parameter 3 of focal length (in mm) | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| P4_ FOCUS | 28025.63452 | parameter 4 of focal length (in mm) | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| P5_ FOCUS | 28025.63452 | parameter 5 of focal length (in mm) | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| P6_ FOCUS | 28025.63452 | parameter 6 of focal length (in mm) | | f32 | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
| FSM_STAT | T | working state of fast-steering mirror (FSM) | | bool | csst_ooc_psf_strategy_crds |
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