Commit 29bc93c8 authored by littlebubbles's avatar littlebubbles
Browse files

update flux calibration model

parent fdf62be7
......@@ -101,20 +101,20 @@
| keyword | value | comment | fallback_value | type | module |
| CALI_REF | 'GAIA ' | the reference database for calibration | | str | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| ZP | 23.8435 | photometric zero point in magnitude | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| ZPRMS | 0.0101 | zpt rms of the matched objects | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| APER_R | 10 | (pixels) photo-aperture radius | | i8 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| FWHM | 2.147 | FWHM in pixel | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| RAOFF | -0.188 | median positional offset from GAIA, in arcsec | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| DECOFF | -0.1061 | median positional offset from GAIA, in arcsec | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| NSTAR | 49 | total number of stars detected | | i8 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| NMATCH | 25 | total number of matched stars in 2 arcsec | | i8 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| MDNCOL | 0.0 | median (BP-RP)_GAIA of matched stars | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| SKY | 0.0359 | (e-/s per pixel) | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| SKYRMS | 0.1766 | rms/pixel of the sky in unit of e-/s | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| MLIM | 21.83 | magnitude limiting of 5-sigma galaxy detection| | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| FLUX_S | 0 | flux calibration status | | i8 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| CALI_REF | 'GAIA ' | the reference database for calibration |'GAIA' | str | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| ZP | 23.8435 | photometric zero point in magnitude | -1 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| ZPRMS | 0.0101 | zpt rms of the matched objects | -1 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| APER_R | 10 | (pixels) photo-aperture radius | 10 | i8 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| FWHM | 2.147 | FWHM in pixel | -1 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| RAOFF | -0.188 | median positional offset from GAIA, in arcsec | -1 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| DECOFF | -0.1061 | median positional offset from GAIA, in arcsec | -1 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| NSTAR | 49 | total number of stars detected | | i8 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| NMATCH | 25 | total number of matched stars in 2 arcsec | -1 | i8 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| MDNCOL | 0.0 | median (BP-RP)_GAIA of matched stars | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| SKY | 0.0359 | (e-/s per pixel) | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| SKYRMS | 0.1766 | rms/pixel of the sky in unit of e-/s | | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| MLIM | 21.83 | magnitude limiting of 5-sigma galaxy detection| -1 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| FLUX_S | 0 | flux calibration status | 1 | i8 | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| FLUX_V | '1.3 ' | version of calibration code | | str | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
| FLUX_TOL= | '2022-12-30 18:36:05' | flux calibration operation time | | str | csst_ms_mbi_flux |
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