Commit 74617df4 authored by BO ZHANG's avatar BO ZHANG 🏀
Browse files

Merge branch 'lujiafeng-main-patch-38291' into 'main'


See merge request csst-l1/csst-l1doc!3
parents 2e5336fb 5397aa00
# Data model
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# L1-IFS Data model
## File: CSST_IFS_CUBE_{OBJ_id}_{VER_cube}_{LIN/LOG}_{STM_cube}.fits
### File contents
| HDU | data | note |
| HDU0 | None | PrimaryHDU |
| HDU1 | FLUX | ImageHDU |
| HDU2 | IVAR | ImageHDU |
| HDU3 | MASK | ImageHDU |
| HDU4 | EXP_NUM | ImageHDU |
| HDU5 | LSF | ImageHDU |
| HDU7 | rRSS_FILE_LIST | BinTableHDU|
### HDU0
#### Header of `csst_ifs_cube`
| keyword | value | comment | fill value | type | module |
| RSS_VER | R6100 | version of RSS code | RXXXX |str | csst_ifs_cube |
| CUB_VER | C6100 | version of CUBE code | CXXXX |str | csst_ifs_cube |
| COV_VER | C6100 | version of CUBE code | CXXXX |str | csst_ifs_cube |
| LSF_VER | C6100 | version of CUBE code | CXXXX |str | csst_ifs_cube |
| FLUXUNIT | '1E-17 erg/s/cm2/A/arcsec2' | unit of flux | '1E-17 erg/s/cm2/A/arcsec2'|str | csst_ifs_cube |
| FLUXSCALE | 1 | Intensity unit scaling | 1 |I8 | csst_ifs_cube |
| FLUXZERO | 0 | Intensity zeropoint | 0 |I8 | csst_ifs_cube |
|TELESCOP | CSST | Telescope used to acquire data | CSST |str | csst_ifs_cube |
|INSTRUMENT | IFS | Identifier for instrument used to acquire data | IFS |str | csst_ifs_cube |
|OBJID | 174053.8-534326' | ID of Object(in the form of HHMMSS.S+DDMMSS) | hhmmss.sddmmss|str | csst_ifs_cube |
|NEXP | 50 | number of science exposures combined | 0 |I8 | csst_ifs_cube |
|EXPTIME | 60000 | Total exposure time | 0 |f32 | csst_ifs_cube |
|MJDMIN | 2459955.2275463 | Minimum OBS MJD across all exposures | -9999 |f32 | csst_ifs_cube |
|MJDMAX | 2459955.39282407 | Maximum OBS MJD across all exposures | -9999 |f32 | csst_ifs_cube |
|MJDMED | 2459955.34074074 | Median OBS MJD across all exposures | -9999 |f32 | csst_ifs_cube |
|WCSCAL_VER | A6101 | Version of WCS calibration | AXXX |str | csst_ifs_cube |
|WCSCAL_P | | file for WCS calibration | "?" |str | csst_ifs_cube |
|RADECSYS | FK5 | Frame of reference of coordinates | FK5 |str | csst_ifs_cube |
|EQUINOX | 2000.0 | | 2000.0 |str | csst_ifs_cube |
|OBJRA | 265.22407917 | Object R.A. (J2000 deg.) | -9999 |f32 | csst_ifs_cube |
|OBJDEC | -53.72406389 | Object Dec. (J2000 deg.) | -9999 |f32 | csst_ifs_cube |
|CENRA | 265.2240087483441 | Plate center R.A. (J2000 deg.) R4 | -9999 |f32 | csst_ifs_cube |
|CENDEC | -53.72410555664603 | Plate center Dec. (J2000 deg.) R4 | -9999 |f32 | csst_ifs_cube |
|CTYPE3 | 'LIN' | The type of wavelength array | 'LIN' |str | csst_ifs_cube |
|CRPIX3 | 1.0 | Starting pixel | -9999 |f32 | csst_ifs_cube |
|CRVAL3 | 3500.0 | The central wavelength wv0 of first pixel | -9999 |f32 | csst_ifs_cube |
|CD3_3 | 1.75 | wavelength dispersion per pixel | -9999 |f32 | csst_ifs_cube |
|CUNIT3 | 'Angstrom' | unit of wavelength | 'Angstrom' |str | csst_ifs_cube |
|CRPIX1 | 49.0 | Reference pixel | -9999 |f32 | csst_ifs_cube |
|CRPIX2 | 52.0 | Reference pixel | -9999 |f32 | csst_ifs_cube |
|CRVAL1 | 265.22407917 | RA of reference point | -9999 |f32 | csst_ifs_cube |
|CRVAL2 | -53.72406389 | Dec of reference point | -9999 |f32 | csst_ifs_cube |
|CD1_1 | -2.7777777777777E-05 | Coordinate transformation matrix element | -9999 |f32 | csst_ifs_cube |
|CD1_2 | 0.0 | Coordinate transformation matrix element | -9999 |f32 | csst_ifs_cube |
|CD2_1 | 0.0 | Coordinate transformation matrix element | -9999 |f32 | csst_ifs_cube |
|CD2_2 | 2.7777777777778E-05 | Coordinate transformation matrix element | -9999 |f32 | csst_ifs_cube |
|CTYPE1 | 'RA---TAN' | Declination, gnomonic projection | 'RA---TAN' |str | csst_ifs_cube |
|CTYPE2 | 'DEC--TAN' | Declination, gnomonic projection | 'DEC--TAN' |str | csst_ifs_cube |
|CUNIT1 | 'deg' | Units of coordinate increment and value | 'deg' |str | csst_ifs_cube |
|CUNIT2 | 'deg' | Units of coordinate increment and value | 'deg' |str | csst_ifs_cube |
|EBVGAL | 0 | Galactic reddening E(B-V) | -9999 |f32 | csst_ifs_cube |
|CHECKSUM | 0 |checksum | 1 |I8 | csst_ifs_cube |
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