Commit c0455ffe authored by niejuzi's avatar niejuzi
Browse files

update code

parent 14fd146e
......@@ -69,10 +69,10 @@ def do_one_exposure(ver_sim="C5.1", dir_l0="", dir_l1="", dir_pcref="", path_aux
# Step 1. Correct instrumental effect
#img_list = []
#wht_list = []
#flg_list = []
#fn_list = []
img_list = []
wht_list = []
flg_list = []
fn_list = []
#for this_ccd_id in ccd_ids:
# print("processing CCD {}".format(this_ccd_id))
# fp_raw = dm.l0_sci(ccd_id=this_ccd_id)
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