- 08 Mar, 2016 1 commit
Emmanuel Bertin authored
Fixed issue with magnitudes when used as PSF model parameters (thanks to A.Donnarumma for reporting this issue). Added ID_PARENT catalog parameter to identify the common parent of deblended sources (thanks to R.McMahon for the suggestion). Introduced regularization of Sersic model ellipticities based on AMALGAm prescriptions for the Great3 challenge (see Mandelbaum et al. 2015). Fixed error in ecliptic coordinate computations (thanks to H.Bouy for reporting this issue). Added support for differential geometry maps, with new DGEO_TYPE and DGEO_IMAGE configuration keywords and new DGEOX/Y_IMAGE and DGEOX/YWIN_IMAGE measurement parameters. Added differential geometry map correction to model-fitting. Added VIGNET_DGEOX and VIGNET_DGEOY differential geometry map cutouts in catalogs (for use in PSFEx). Added support for PSF model dependencies in ASSOC vectors. Fixed issue with single-line background meshes. Fixed positional offsets of large galaxy models on MODELS and -MODELS check-images. Pushed version number to 2.23.1.
- 12 Sep, 2013 1 commit
Emmanuel Bertin authored
Fixed issue with model fitting measurement leftovers with masked sources (thank s to E. Rykoff). Pushed version number to 2.19.3.
- 17 Aug, 2013 1 commit
Chiara Marmo authored
- 03 Apr, 2013 1 commit
Emmanuel Bertin authored
Fixed model sub-sampling issues with large objects, including check-image resizing. Fixed initialization of DETMODEL size guess (thanks to Eli Rykoff). Fixed image extension pb in double weighting/single image mode. Improved debug info for memory allocations in FFT and FITS libraries. Fixed crashes with DETMODEL magnitudes on null measurement weight maps. Added Eli Rykoff's fix to discard sources with NaNs in the fitted positions. Improved MKL autoconfiguration. Improved vectorization in FITS data transformations and FFT-based convolutions. Pushed SExtractor version number to 3.18.8.
- 11 Jul, 2012 1 commit
Emmanuel Bertin authored
Added control of the number of threads in MKL calls. Added support for negative NTHREADS (= max number of threads). Pushed version number to 2.18.1.
- 09 Jul, 2012 2 commits
Emmanuel Bertin authored
Updated LevMar library to V2.6. Pushed version number to 2.18.0.
Emmanuel Bertin authored
Updated FITS library to the latest version, removing potential conflicts with the CFITSIO library. Added PSF/model-fitting support for MEFs. Pushed version number to 2.17.0
- 18 Apr, 2012 1 commit
Emmanuel Bertin authored
Fixed triggering of model surface brightness measurement. Added new FLUX_DETMODEL,FLUXERR_DETMODEL, MAG_DETMODEL,MAGERR_DETMODEL, FLAGS_DE TMODEL and CHI2_DETMODEL measurement parameters that apply on the measurement im age a model fitted on the detection image (two PSF models required); these new p arameters are meant for measuring faint galaxy colors. Improved displayed info for memory allocation failures. Increased default maximum number of threads set by configure to 1024. Updated Copyright display line (2012). Added support for "TPV" WCS projection. Pushed version number to 2.16.0.
- 06 Sep, 2011 1 commit
Emmanuel Bertin authored
Fixed scaling issue with surface brightness measurements on galaxy models (thanks to V. de Lapparent). Optimized the setup of astrometric polynoms. Removed confusing FITS header keywords from non-MEF check-images. Pushed version number to 2.14.7.
- 05 Aug, 2011 1 commit
Emmanuel Bertin authored
- 11 Nov, 2010 1 commit
Emmanuel Bertin authored
Removed unused variables in poly.c. Fixed issue with invalid comment in XSL stylesheet.
- 25 Oct, 2010 1 commit
Emmanuel Bertin authored
- 11 Oct, 2010 1 commit
Emmanuel Bertin authored
Added more complete headers to all files. Clarified licensing issues. Updated FITS library. Updated configuration files. Added configuration files to the list of data that get installed in ${prefix}/share/sextractor. Added background offset and point-source model components: FLUX_BACKOFFSET,FLUXERR_BACKOFFSET,FLUX_POINTSOURCE,FLUXERR_POINTSOURCE,MAG_POINTSOURCE,MAGERR_POINTSOURCE. Tweaked model-fitting convergence parameters. Fixed catalogue source ordering/number issue in dual-image mode. Pushed version number to 2.13.0.
- 08 Sep, 2009 1 commit
Emmanuel Bertin authored
Changed configure behaviour towards CFLAGS and LDFLAGS: automatic settings are now applied only if the --enable-automatic-flags configure option is set (thanks to S.Pascual). Version number pushed to 2.9.0.
- 26 Jun, 2009 1 commit
Emmanuel Bertin authored
Replaced configuration error with warning if FFTW is not multithreaded and multithreading has been activated (unused). Added autoconfig support for FFTW multithreaded versions combined in libfftw3 (unused). Added runtime warning if ATLAS is not multithreaded and multithreading is on (unused). Version number pushed to 2.8.8.
- 01 Apr, 2009 1 commit
Emmanuel Bertin authored
- 23 Mar, 2009 1 commit
Emmanuel Bertin authored
Cleaned up Makefile.am RPM options. Fixed rpm build issue on Fedora Core 10. Fixed display of max thread number in configure help. Updated icc compilation flags to 11.0 syntax. Set the license string to CeCILL in the .spec file. Pushed version number to 2.8.5.
- 28 Jan, 2009 3 commits
Emmanuel Bertin authored
Emmanuel Bertin authored
Emmanuel Bertin authored